785 research outputs found

    Two Dimensional Electrophoresis of Galactosidase Relating to the Disappearance of Bombyx Lectin Activity

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    "Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electroporesis (2 D-PAGE) analysis on the haemolymph of Bombyx mori was performed using the Mini-PROTEAN mini tube gel two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.). The result on various electrophoretical conditions using the haemolymph-protein showed the possibility that the haemolymph-protein was separated actually by means of this method. Moreover, the result of 2 D-PAGE analysis on Fraction II obtained by gel filtration from the haemolymph of the domesticated silkworm of Bombyx mori showed that the fraction seemed to be separated by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This research was partly supported by a grant from Tezukayama Gakuen.

    An Approach for Proteomic Analysis of Bombyx Humoral Lectin Related Proteins using Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis

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    "Comparative study of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2 D-PAGE) was performed on the hemolymph and the fat body of the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. The result showed that both the larval hemolymph on day 10 in the fifth instar and the pupal hemolymph on day 3 after pupation were obtained distinct 2 D-PAGE profiles. However, faint 2 D-PAGE profiles were obtained for both the larval fat body and the pupal fat body. Similar results were obtained on the Fraction II from the larval hemolymph and from the larval fat body, i.e., clearer 2-D PAGE profile of Fraction II was obtained from the larval hemolymph than the larval fat body. This research was partly supported by a grant from Tezukayama Gakuen.

    Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Bombyx mori Humoral Lectin Related Proteins

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    "Two spots of 2-D PAGE on Fraction II obtained by gel filtration from the larval hemolymph of the Bombyx mori were excised from the gels and subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion, MALDITOF MS analysis, and a SWISS-PROT protein database search. The result suggested that spot 1 obtained by 2-D PAGE was identified as probably GDP-mannose 4, 6-dehydratase (EC4.2.1.47), which is described as guanoshin 5\u27-diphosphoric acid-D-mannose dehydration enzyme. On the other hand, spot 2 obtained by 2-D PAGE was identified as β-lactamase (EC3.5.2.6) which is known as a hydrolase to lose the anti-bacillus by rending the β-lactam ring. However, the reason why these enzymes exist in the silkworm\u27s hemolymph is still unknown, and to elucidate it will be a problem for future study.

    On Flip-Flop Selection for Multi-cycle Scan Test with Partial Observation in Logic BIST

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    Multi-cycle test with partial observation for scan-based logic BIST is known as one of effective methods to improve fault coverage without increase of test time. In the method, the selection of flip-flops for partial observation is critical to achieve high fault coverage with small area overhead. This paper proposes a selection method under the limitation to a number of flip-flops. The method consists of structural analysis of CUT and logic simulation of test vectors, therefore, it provides an easy implementation and a good scalability. Experimental results on benchmark circuits show that the method obtains higher fault coverage with less area overhead than the original method. Also the relation between the number of selected flip-flops and fault coverage is investigated.27th IEEE ASIAN TEST SYMPOSIUM (ATS\u2718), 15-18 October 2018, Hefei, Chin

    A Flexible Power Control Method for Right Power Testing of Scan-Based Logic BIST

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    High power dissipation during scan-based logic BIST is a crucial problem that leads to over-testing. Although controlling test power of a circuit under test (CUT) to an appropriate level is strongly required, it is not easy to control test power in BIST. This paper proposes a novel power controlling method to control the toggle rate of the patterns to an arbitrary level by modifying pseudo random patterns generated by a TPG (Test Pattern Generator) of logic BIST. While many approaches have been proposed to control the toggle rate of the patterns, the proposed approach can provide higher fault coverage. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can control toggle rates to a predetermined target level and modified patterns can achieve high fault coverage without increasing test time.2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 21-24 Nov. 2016, Hiroshima, Japa

    Mixbiotic society measures: Assessment of community well-going as living system

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    Social isolation is caused by the impoverishment of community (atomism) and fragmentation is caused by the enlargement of in-group (mobism), both of which can be viewed as social problems related to communication. To solve these problems, the philosophical world has proposed the concept of "mixbiotic society," in which individuals with freedom and diverse values mix and mingle to recognize their respective "fundamental incapability" each other and sublimate into solidarity. Based on this concept, this study proposes new mixbiotic society measures to evaluate dynamic communication patterns with reference to classification in cellular automata and particle reaction diffusion that simulate living phenomena. Specifically, the hypothesis of measures corresponding to the four classes was formulated, and the hypothesis was validated by simulating the generation and disappearance of communication. As a result, considering communication patterns as multidimensional vectors, it found that the mean of Euclidean distance for "mobism," the variance of the relative change in distance for "atomism," the composite measure that multiplies the mean and variance of cosine similarity for "mixism," which corresponds to the well-going of mixbiotic society, and the almost zero measures for "nihilism," are suitable. Then, evaluating seven real-society datasets using these measures, we showed that the mixism measure is useful for assessing the livingness of communication, and that it is possible to typify communities based on plural measures. The measures established in this study are superior to conventional analysis in that they can evaluate dynamic patterns, they are simple to calculate, and their meanings are easy to interpret. As a future development, the mixbiotic society measures will be used in the fields of digital democracy and platform cooperativism toward a desirable society.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure