77 research outputs found


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 中原 淳, 東京大学教授 山内 祐平, 東京大学教授 武藤 香織, 東京大学講師 孫 大輔, 東京大学教授 日向野 幹也(早稲田大学)University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Development and evaluation of a jaw-tracking system for mice: reconstruction of three-dimensional movement trajectories on an arbitrary point on the mandible

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    Background: Mastication is one of the most fundamental functions for the conservation of life. The demand for devices for evaluating stomatognathic function, for instance, recording mandibular movements or masticatory muscle activities using animal models, has been increasing in recent years to elucidate neuromuscular control mechanisms of mastication and to investigate the etiology of oral motor disorders. To identify the fundamental characteristics of the jaw movements of mice, we developed a new device that reconstructs the three-dimensional (3D) movement trajectories on an arbitrary point on the mandible during mastication. Methods: First, jaw movements with six degrees of freedom were measured using a motion capture system comprising two high-speed cameras and four reflective markers. Second, a 3D model of the mandible including the markers was created from micro-computed tomography images. Then, the jaw movement trajectory on the certain anatomical point was reproduced by integrating the kinematic data of the jaw movements with the geometric data of the mandible. Results: The 3D movements at any points on the mandible, such as the condyle, molar, and incisor during mastication, could be calculated and visualized with an accuracy > 0.041 mm in 3D space. The masticatory cycle was found to be clearly divided into three phases, namely, the opening, closing, and occlusal phases in mice. Conclusions: The proposed system can reproduce and visualize the movements of internal anatomical points such as condylar points precisely by combining kinematic data with geometric data. The findings obtained from this system could facilitate our understanding of the pathogenesis of eating disorders or other oral motor disorders when we could compare the parameters of stomatognathic function of normal mice and those of genetically modified mice with oral behavioral dysfunctions

    Visualization of mandibular movement relative to the maxilla during mastication in mice: integration of kinematic analysis and reconstruction of a three-dimensional model of the maxillofacial structure

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    Background: Mastication is one of the most fundamental functions for the conservation of human life. To clarify the pathogenetic mechanism of various oral dysfunctions, the demand for devices for evaluating stomatognathic function has been increasing. The aim of the present study was to develop a system to reconstruct and visualize 3-dimensional (3D) mandibular movements relative to the maxilla, including dynamic transition of occlusal contacts between the upper and lower dentitions during mastication in mice.Methods: First, mandibular movements with six degrees of freedom were measured using a motion capture system comprising two high-speed cameras and four reflective markers. Second, 3D models of maxillofacial structure were reconstructed from micro-computed tomography images. Movement trajectories of anatomical landmark points on the mandible were then reproduced by integrating the kinematic data of mandibular movements with the anatomical data of maxillofacial structures. Lastly, 3D surface images of the upper dentition with the surrounding maxillofacial structures were transferred to each of the motion capture images to reproduce mandibular movements relative to the maxilla. We also performed electromyography (EMG) of masticatory muscles associated with mandibular movements.Results: The developed system could reproduce the 3D movement trajectories of arbitrary points on the mandible, such as incisor, molars and condylar points with high accuracy and could visualize dynamic transitions of occlusal contacts between upper and lower teeth associated with mandibular movements.Conclusions: The proposed system has potential to elucidate the mechanisms underlying motor coordination of masticatory muscles and to clarify their roles during mastication by taking advantage of the capability to record EMG data synchronously with mandibular movements. Such insights will enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis and diagnosis of oral motor disorders by allowing comparisons between normal mice and genetically modified mice with oral behavioral dysfunctions

    MiR-107 and MiR-185 Can Induce Cell Cycle Arrest in Human Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short single stranded noncoding RNAs that suppress gene expression through either translational repression or degradation of target mRNAs. The annealing between messenger RNAs and 5' seed region of miRNAs is believed to be essential for the specific suppression of target gene expression. One miRNA can have several hundred different targets in a cell. Rapidly accumulating evidence suggests that many miRNAs are involved in cell cycle regulation and consequentially play critical roles in carcinogenesis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Introduction of synthetic miR-107 or miR-185 suppressed growth of the human non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Flow cytometry analysis revealed these miRNAs induce a G1 cell cycle arrest in H1299 cells and the suppression of cell cycle progression is stronger than that by Let-7 miRNA. By the gene expression analyses with oligonucleotide microarrays, we find hundreds of genes are affected by transfection of these miRNAs. Using miRNA-target prediction analyses and the array data, we listed up a set of likely targets of miR-107 and miR-185 for G1 cell cycle arrest and validate a subset of them using real-time RT-PCR and immunoblotting for CDK6. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We identified new cell cycle regulating miRNAs, miR-107 and miR-185, localized in frequently altered chromosomal regions in human lung cancers. Especially for miR-107, a large number of down-regulated genes are annotated with the gene ontology term 'cell cycle'. Our results suggest that these miRNAs may contribute to regulate cell cycle in human malignant tumors

    Unique characteristics of new complete blood count parameters, the Immature Platelet Fraction and the Immature Platelet Fraction Count, in dengue patients

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    The advanced platelet parameters Immature Platelet Fraction and Immature Platelet Fraction Count have been implemented in clinical practice as measures of thrombopoietic activity, mainly in hematologic disorders that cause thrombocytopenia. The purpose of this observational study was to examine thrombopoiesis as reflected by these 2 new CBC parameters in patients infected with dengue. The study was conducted in infectious disease referral hospital in Metro Manila, the Philippines. We enrolled hospitalized patients at admission who were diagnosed with acute dengue or community acquired bacterial infection (CABI). Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) and Immature Platelet Fraction Count were evaluated at admission and during hospitalization. A total of 606 patients were enrolled from May 1, 2017 to June 1, 2018. The participants consisted of 152 patients with dengue infection, 180 confirmed CABI, and 274 suspected CABI patients. At admission, the percent IPF (IPF%) of the patients with dengue was significantly higher than that of the confirmed CABI patients (median 3.7% versus 1.9%; p <0.001). In a time course evaluation, there was no significant difference of IPF% between the patients with dengue infection and the confirmed CABI patients in the febrile phase (median 1.9% versus 2.4%; p = 0.488), however, the IPF% of the patients with dengue infection increased to be significantly higher than that of the confirmed CABI patients in the critical phase (median 5.2% versus 2.2%; p <0.001). Our study elucidated the unique characteristics and time-course trends of IPF percent and number (IPF#) in the patients with dengue infection. IPF% and IPF# are potentially valuable parameters in dengue and further investigation is required for the optimal use in clinical practice

    Bcl-2 protein expression is associated with p27 and p53 protein expressions and MIB-1 counts in breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Recent experimental studies have shown that Bcl-2, which has been established as a key player in the control of apoptosis, plays a role in regulating the cell cycle and proliferation. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Bcl-2 and p27 protein expression, p53 protein expression and the proliferation activity as defined by the MIB-1 counts. The prognostic implication of Bcl-2 protein expression in relation to p27 and p53 protein expressions and MIB-1 counts for breast cancer was also evaluated. METHODS: The immunohistochemical expression of Bcl-2 protein was evaluated in a series of 249 invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast, in which p27 and p53 protein expressions and MIB-1 counts had been determined previously. RESULTS: The Bcl-2 protein expression was found to be decreased in 105 (42%) cases. A decreased Bcl-2 protein expression was significantly correlated with a nuclear grade of III, a negative estrogen receptor, a decreased p27 protein expression, a positive p53 protein expression, positive MIB-1 counts and a positive HER2 protein expression. The incidence of a nuclear grade of III and positive MIB-1 counts increased as the number of abnormal findings of Bcl-2, p27 and p53 protein expressions increased. A univariate analysis indicated a decreased Bcl-2 protein expression to be significantly (p = 0.0089) associated with a worse disease free survival (DFS), while a multivariate analysis indicated the lymph node status and MIB-1 counts to be independently significant prognostic factors for the DFS. CONCLUSION: The Bcl-2 protein expression has a close correlation with p27 and p53 protein expressions and the proliferation activity determined by MIB-1 counts in invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. The prognostic value of Bcl-2 as well as p27 and p53 protein expressions was dependent on the proliferation activity in breast cancer

    Decreased expression of haemoglobin beta (HBB) gene in anaplastic thyroid cancer and recovory of its expression inhibits cell growth

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    Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is one of the most fulminant and foetal diseases in human malignancies. However, the genetic alterations and carcinogenic mechanisms of ATC are still unclear. Recently, we investigated the gene expression profile of 11 anaplastic thyroid cancer cell lines (ACL) and significant decreased expression of haemoglobin beta (HBB) gene in ACL. Haemoglobin beta is located at 11p15.5, where loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was reported in various kinds of cancers, including ATC, and it has been suggested that novel tumour suppressor genes might exist in this region. In order to clarify the meaning of decreased expression of HBB in ATC, the expression status of HBB was investigated with ACL, ATC, papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) and normal human tissues. Haemoglobin beta showed significant decreased expression in ACLs and ATCs; however, in PTC, HBB expressed equal to the normal thyroid gland. In addition, HBB expressed in normal human tissues ubiquitously. To validate the tumour-suppressor function of HBB, cell growth assay was performed. Forced expression of HBB in KTA2 cell, which is a kind of ACL, significantly suppressed KTA2 growth. The mechanism of downregulation of HBB in ATC is still unclear; however, our results suggested the possibility of HBB as a novel tumour-suppressor gene

    A prospective observational study of community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infections in Metro Manila, the Philippines

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    Community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infections are caused by diverse pathogens with changing antimicrobial-resistance patterns. In low-middle income countries in Southeast Asia, where dengue fever is endemic and a leading cause of fever, limited information is available about bacterial bloodstream infections due to challenges of implementing a blood culture service. This study describes bacterial bloodstream pathogens and antimicrobial-resistance patterns in Metro Manila, the Philippines. We aimed to identify the proportion of patients with a positive blood culture, the bacteria isolated and their antimicrobial resistance patterns, and the clinical characteristics of these patients, in this dengue endemic area. We conducted a prospective observational study in a single hospital enrolling febrile patients clinically suspected of having a community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infection between 1st July 2015 and 30th June 2019. Each patient had a blood culture and additional diagnostic tests according to their clinical presentation. We enrolled 1315 patients and a significant positive blood culture was found in 77 (5.9%) including Staphylococcus aureus (n=20), Salmonella enterica Typhi (n=18), Escherichia coli (n=16), Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=3) and Burkholderia pseudomallei (n=2). Thirty-four patients had meningococcal disease diagnosed by culture (n=8) or blood PCR (n=26). Additional confirmed diagnoses included leptospirosis (n=177), dengue virus infection (n=159) and respiratory diphtheria (n=50). There were 79 (6.0%, 95%CI 4.8%−7.4%) patients who died within 28 days of enrollment. Patients with a positive blood culture were significantly more likely to die than patients with negative culture (15.2 % vs 4.4 %, P<0.01). Among S. aureus isolates, 11/20 (55%) were methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and ST30 : USA1100 was dominant sequence type (88.9%). Antimicrobial-susceptibility was well preserved in S. enterica Typhi. Among hospitalized patients with clinically suspected community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infection in Metro Manila, the Philippines, 5.9% had a blood culture confirmed infection of whom 15.6% died. S. aureus, including a significant number of MRSA (USA1100 clones), S. enterica Typhi, E.coli and Neisseria meningitidis were frequently identified pathogens

    Spatial distribution of phytopigments and organic matter in surface sediments in Lake Saroma (Hokkaido, Japan)

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    In Lake Saroma, scallops have been adversely affected by hypoxic events, which are caused by long-term scallop culture in summer. In this study, we were conducive to the spatial distribution of ChI a, phaeopigment, total organic carbon (TO C) and total nitrogen on a grid of 54 stations in surface sediments. The temporal changes in the TOC content of the surface sediments since the initiation of scallop culture in Lake Saroma were also studied. The average ChI a j total pigments was 0.7±0.2 in the organic poor area (PA), which was higher than 0.4 ± 0.2 in the organic rich area (RA). Benthic environments were suited for growing microphytobenthos in the PA. In contrast, the RA has become increasingly eutrophic because of the average TOC was 23±5 mg g- l, which was higher than 6± 3 mg g -l in the PA. During the past 40 years, after the TOC content had decreased in surface sediment owing to the excavation work, it has increased in the RA owing to the concentrated scallop culture facilities . This study concludes that benthic environments in Lake Saroma are directly and indirectly affected by human activities, particularly in the RA