1,617 research outputs found

    Sharing Breakdown Information in Supply Chain Systems: An Agent-Based Modelling Approach

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    Sharing the different types of information among Supply Chain (SC) agents has often been cited as a way to reduce the SC risks. In this paper, an agent-based representation of the Beer Game Model (BGM) is used to demonstrate how disruptions, occurring to the factory of a SC, can negatively affect its overall performance, and how sharing the factory disruption information can effectively help blocking the evolution of risk in the SC and improve its performance. The BGM is extended in this research to include two factories. The concept of Reverse Information Sharing (RIS) is introduced as a mechanism for sharing the breakdown information. The results show a significant reduction in the cost of the SC and each of its agents due to the RIS. In addition, the analysis shows that the RIS significance is getting larger with the increase of the disruption frequency. Keywords: Reverse Information Sharing, Beer Game, Agent-Based Modeling, Supply Chain Risk

    A methodology For Modelling Microclimate:A Ladybug-tools and ENVI-met Verification Study

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    Over the last decade, outdoor thermal comfort has become of considerable significance to urban de-signers and planners. In that concern, parametric design models were acknowledged for supporting the design process with iterative performance-based solutions and for being relatively less time and resource consuming. However, validation studies for such parametric models on the outdoor urban scale are lacking. Meanwhile, stud-ies concerned with geometry optimisation are computationally expensive due to the time required per each simu-lation. This paper consequently investigates the accuracy and time efficiency of using the workflow comprising the environmental analysis Ladybug-tools, the plugins of Grasshopper3D for modelling the outdoor microclimate. The study verifies the model’s results against the microclimate CFD simulation tool, ENVI-met. The two models are compared in terms of two environmental metrics, the mean radiant temperature and the universal thermal climate index. In this paper, three hypothetical layouts representing basic urban geometry patterns, namely linear, dotted, and courtyard, are simulated in both models. Results show an acceptable range of consistency between Ladybug-tools and ENVI-met, particularly during the hours 8 am to 5 pm. Timewise, Ladybug-tools show their capabilities of not only modelling the microclimate but also their suitability for optimisation studies characterised by a vast number of design solutions

    Improvement of the Ladybug-tools microclimate workflow:A verification study

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    Over the past two decades, there has been a marked increase in the consideration of outdoor thermal comfort by urban planners. Several researchers have developed their own models for a better understanding of the human energy exchange with their surrounding environment. Among those models developed is the Ladybug-tools microclimate model, the plugins of Grasshopper3D. These parametric design tools are acknowledged for being time and resource efficient.In this paper, modifications to the Python source code, in terms of ground reflectivity, radiative heat transfer coefficient, projected area factor and reflected radiation were made to improve the accuracy of the model. The modified model’s accuracy is verified against the validated software, ENVI-met V.4.4.4. A hypothetical simple urban geometry was simulated within each model. The analyses of the thermal performance are presented for two different locations, representing hot arid and temperate climates, namely Cairo, Egypt, and London, UK, for extreme summer and winter conditions. Results are presented in terms of the Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT) and the Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). Results show a good level of conformity between the models particularly in terms of the UTCI, 푅2 = 0.98.This study aims to present a more precise modelling methodology for the outdoor microclimate. The modified model allows for a better parameterisation of the outdoor environment and can be considered as rigorous for modelling the outdoor conditions as fully integrated engines, albeit in a significantly less time, allowing parametric optimisation of urban geometries to become a viable proposition

    A parametric optimisation study of urban geometry design to assess outdoor thermal comfort.

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    Over the last two decades, urban geometry has been shown to be a key determinant of the microclimatic conditions in urban areas. This study uses the Ladybug-tools, the plugins of Grasshopper3D to optimise building heights, street widths and orientation to maximise outdoor thermal comfort, represented by the diurnal average Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). In the hot-arid climate of Cairo, Egypt, the optimised parameters of symmetrical and asymmetrical urban canyons are compared with the Egyptian Construction Act's design regulations. The results show a strong negative correlation between the height-to-width (H/W) ratios and the output UTCI, with R² = 0.71, and much stronger (R² = 0.91) if east-west orientations are excluded from the results, exceeding correlations previously reported for Cairo. Maximum UTCI reductions due to changing H/W and orientation approach ∼6°C. Considerable variation is shown in the strength of the correlation between UTCI and the asymmetrical H/W ratio of each flank, with R² = 0.81 for Southeast side compared to R² = 0.4 for Northwest side. Design recommendations are given urban planners based on using the optimised parameters that at least achieve a UTCI reduction benchmark that exceeds those resulting from using the regulations’ thresholds

    A parametric optimisation study of urban geometry design to assess outdoor thermal comfort.

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    Over the last two decades, urban geometry has been shown to be a key determinant of the microclimatic conditions in urban areas. This study uses the Ladybug-tools, the plugins of Grasshopper3D to optimise building heights, street widths and orientation to maximise outdoor thermal comfort, represented by the diurnal average Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI). In the hot-arid climate of Cairo, Egypt, the optimised parameters of symmetrical and asymmetrical urban canyons are compared with the Egyptian Construction Act's design regulations. The results show a strong negative correlation between the height-to-width (H/W) ratios and the output UTCI, with R² = 0.71, and much stronger (R² = 0.91) if east-west orientations are excluded from the results, exceeding correlations previously reported for Cairo. Maximum UTCI reductions due to changing H/W and orientation approach ∼6°C. Considerable variation is shown in the strength of the correlation between UTCI and the asymmetrical H/W ratio of each flank, with R² = 0.81 for Southeast side compared to R² = 0.4 for Northwest side. Design recommendations are given urban planners based on using the optimised parameters that at least achieve a UTCI reduction benchmark that exceeds those resulting from using the regulations’ thresholds

    Leadership and corruption

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    The world of leadership is very complicated and of enormous dimensions. Its studies contain various definitions, theories, schools of thoughts, models and different forms and styles. Furthermore, each situation requires a different type of leadership, although some styles are preferred over others by leaders and followers alike; It is hard to say which style works best. The science of leadership has to be well studied and understood in order to fight corruption. Corruption like leadership is a science by itself, it consists of different types and forms. According to studies, it is more prevalent in developing countries and some forms of corruption are already embedded to specific cultures. Corruption has left scholars wondering what causes this epidemic situation that seems to be present in every industry and country across history. There are many solutions to end corruption, however, as we intend to prove without ethics all of these solutions are worthless. Ethical Leadership and values are new concepts that scholars are still investigating. However, it is argued that it can reduce corruption immensely if implemented right. Certain guidelines have to be followed and other means of financial support have to be provided in order to make a significant and meaningful change. To end the interesting subject, practical research is conducted as followers and leaders provide their opinions on the subject of leadership, corruption, ethical leadership and ethics. The practical part consists of a survey answered by 100 participants and 5 interviews conducted with successful leaders. After extensive research, the main question is “Can the world of leadership and ethics help in the fight against corruption?”O mundo da liderança é de uma tremenda complexidade e enorme dimensão. Os estudos deste contêm diferentes definições, teorias, escolas de pensamento, modelos e diferentes formas e estilos. Cada situação requer um tipo especifico de liderança, embora alguns tipos sejam mais aceites pelos lideres e seguidores. É difícil saber que estilo resulta melhor. A ciência da liderança tem que ser bem estudado de forma a perceber e poder combater a corrupção. A corrupção, tal como a liderança, é uma ciência por sí própria, contendo diferentes tipos e formas. De acordo com diversos estudos, é mais prevalente em países em desenvolvimento e algumas formas de corrupção encontram-se inerentes a culturas especificas. A corrupção tem, ao longo dos séculos, deixados os estudiosos a interrogarem-se sobre a causa desta epidemia que parece estar presente em todas as indústrias e países do mundo ao longo da história. Existem diversas soluções para acabar com a corrupção, mas, sem o uso de Ética, nenhuma surtirá efeito. Liderança Ética e valores trata-se de um novo conceito que os estudiosos ainda se encontram a investigar. No entanto, é argumentado que poderá reduzir a corrupção, se for corretamente implementado. Certas indicações devem ser seguidas e meios financeiros devem ser dispensados para suportar uma mudança significativa Para acabar com o assunto interessante, a pesquisa prática é conduzida como seguidores e os líderes fornecem suas opiniões sobre o tema liderança, corrupção, liderança ética e ética. A parte prática consiste em uma pesquisa respondida por 100 participantes e 5 entrevistas realizadas com líderes bem-sucedidos. Após uma extensa pesquisa, a principal questão é: "O mundo da liderança e da ética pode ajudar na luta contra a corrupção?


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    This study investigates congratulation strategies used by Jordanian EFL postgraduate students. It also investigates the types of positive politeness strategies in the congratulation speech act. Data were collected using an adopted version of discourse completion test (DCT) by Dastjerdi and Nasri (2013). Data were encoded and analyzed based on the taxonomy of congratulation strategy proposed by Elwood (2004). Furthermore, data were analyzed based on a modified version of positive politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). Findings revealed that the most frequently used strategies of congratulation were illocutionary force indicating devise (IFID), offer of good wishes, and expression of happiness. Regarding the positive politeness strategies, findings revealed that the most frequently used strategies by the participants were giving gift to listener, exaggeration, and ingroup identity marker. The study concludes with a discussion of important directions for future research such as including more participants with different social background. The results are expected to be useful information in cross-cultural comparison studies and other related areas