71 research outputs found

    A comparison of non-fi nancial strategy disclosure in the annual reports of South African and Indian listed companies

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    This study focuses on non-fi nancial strategy disclosure in the annual reports of listed companies in South Africa and India. South Africa and India are both developing nations that face similar socioeconomic conditions, including the threats presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and affi rmative action policies and regulations. The fact that integrated reporting is fast becoming a necessity for emerging markets to gain entrance to developed economies validates the contribution of this research. This study, which replicated the studies of Santema and Van de Rijt (2001) and Padia and Yasseen (2011), compared the top 40 listed companies in South Africa with the top 40 listed companies in India based on market capitalisation for the year 2012. The results were statistically analysed using principal component analysis and Hotelling’s t-square tests. The fi ndings concluded that South African companies divulge more information in terms of their non-financial strategy disclosure than their Indian counterparts. In addition, the Hotelling’s t-square test found that there were no signifi cant differences in terms of four of the variables when comparing South African companies with Indian companies. Overall, however, there are vast differences in the levels of non-fi nancial strategy disclosure in both countries, which is attributed to stock exchange regulation in the respective countries.Key words: affirmative action, annual reports, HIV/AIDS, India, integrated reporting, nonfinancial disclosure, South Africa, strateg

    Influence of self-regulation within the South African accounting profession : perspectives from SME owners and professional accountants

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    Abstract: This study investigated the way professional accountants and SME owners experienced the self-regulation of professional accountants within South African SMEs. Furthermore, this study adopts an interpretivist approach, and dispels why traditional positivist accounting methods have been unable to reveal and investigate the complexities within the SME environment. The key findings of this study were that self-regulation posed significant risk to public interest and the liability of the professional accountant, and resulted in role confusion. A significant contribution of this research is the concept of ‘implied assurance’ that emerged due to the self-regulatory environment. This paper is the first to explore the views and make recommendations on accounting policy reform. It also adds to scarce literature on the structure and functioning of the accounting environment within developing economies and SMEs in South Africa

    Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide Binding to Bovine Liver Catalase

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    Catalase [CAT: EC 1.11.16] was purified from bovine liver using cellulose affinity chromatography and some enzyme characteristics were investigated. The interaction of H2O2 with catalase was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy, and the change in intrinsic fluorescence intensity at 435 nm was used to estimate the association constant of the interaction. The binding process resulted in a change in the intrinsic fluorescence. The emission spectra were analyzed according to a model described by Chipman et al., to obtain the association constant (ka ) values in the temperature range of 25-50 ?C. The results showed that the association constants were temperature dependent. The value of Ka at 25°C was 2.4 × 105 M –1. Moreover, the thermodynamic parameters for the interaction H2O2/BLC were obtained from Van't Hoff plot. The results indicated that the interaction was enthalpically driven accompanied by negative entropic contribution in the studied temperature range. The association constant values were determined from Van't Hoff plots. Key words: Bovine liver catalase, fluorescence emission, association constants, thermodynamic parameters, Chipman model

    Exposure to depleted uranium does not alter the co-expression of HER-2/neu and p53 in breast cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amongst the extensive literature on immunohistochemical profile of breast cancer, very little is found on populations exposed to a potential risk factor such as depleted uranium. This study looked at the immunohistochemical expression of HER-2/neu (c-erbB2) and p53 in different histological types of breast cancer found in the middle Euphrates region of Iraq, where the population has been exposed to high levels of depleted uranium.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The present investigation was performed over a period starting from September 2008 to April 2009. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks from 70 patients with breast cancer (62 ductal and 8 lobular carcinoma) were included in this study. A group of 25 patients with fibroadenoma was included as a comparative group, and 20 samples of normal breast tissue sections were used as controls. Labeled streptavidin-biotin (LSAB+) complex method was employed for immunohistochemical detection of HER-2/neu and p53.</p> <p>The detection rate of HER-2/neu and p53 immunohistochemical expression were 47.14% and 35.71% respectively in malignant tumors; expression was negative in the comparative and control groups (p < 0.05).</p> <p>HER-2/neu immunostaining was significantly associated with histological type, tumor size, nodal involvement, and recurrence of breast carcinoma (<it>p </it>< 0.05), p53 immunostaining was significantly associated with tumor size, nodal involvement and recurrence of breast cancer (<it>p </it>< 0.05). There was greater immunoexpression of HER-2/neu in breast cancer in this population, compared with findings in other populations.</p> <p>Both biomarkers were positively correlated with each other. Furthermore, all the cases that co-expressed both HER-2/neu and p53 showed the most unfavorable biopathological profile.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>P53 and HER-2/neu over-expression play an important role in pathogenesis of breast carcinoma. The findings indicate that in regions exposed to high levels of depleted uranium, although p53 and HER-2/neu overexpression are both high, correlation of their expression with age, grade, tumor size, recurrence and lymph node involvement is similar to studies that have been conducted on populations not exposed to depleted uranium. HER-2/neu expression in breast cancer was higher in this population, compared with results on non-exposed populations.</p

    Tissue culture of ornamental cacti

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