25 research outputs found

    Diseño y aplicación de estrategias pedagógicas para la estimulación del lenguaje oral para niños y niñas de segundo ciclo de educación parvularia

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    Tesis (Educación Parvularia, Licenciado en Educación)El lenguaje, medio de expresión humano, es signo de despertar intelectual, señal de vivacidad, imaginación, sentido de observación y maduración, índice de desarrollo de la inteligencia, equilibrio afectivo y expansión de carácter, por lo que su desarrollo normal es de suma importancia". El lenguaje es la principal herramienta que posee el ser humano para interactuar y formar vínculos con otros. Mucho antes de los planteamientos curriculares que postula la actual Reforma Educativa, asoman en el mundo de la educación un sinnúmero de estudios en esta área tendientes a demostrar la trascendencia que juega el lenguaje en el aprendizaje, por tanto es evidente que existe una estrecha relación entre el éxito escolar y un buen desarrollo del lenguaje. En este sentido, el éxito de las habilidades lingüísticas de los niños y niñas no dependerá sólo de la aplicación de las sugerencias metodológicas y material de apoyo, sino de la constancia y creatividad con que el educador y sus familias se enfrenten en esta área tan noble como es mejorar la calidad del lenguaje de las futuras generaciones. En síntesis, este informe de investigación describirá las dificultades más recurrentes en el desarrollo del lenguaje oral, se presentará una pauta para la identificación de dichas dificultades y, por último, se expondrá una breve propuesta de cómo las Educadoras de Párvulos pueden intervenir en esta área con el trabajo de aula

    COVID-19 attributed mortality and ambient temperature: a global ecological study using a two-stage regression model.

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    A negative correlation between ambient temperature and COVID-19 mortality has been observed. However, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has reinforced the importance of government interventions and warned countries against relaxing control measures due to warmer temperatures. Further understanding of this relationship is needed to help plan vaccination campaigns opportunely. Using a two-stage regression model, we conducted cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses to evaluate the association between monthly ambient temperature lagged by one month with the COVID-19 number of deaths and the probability of high-level of COVID-19 mortality in 150 countries during time t = 60, 90, and 120 days since the onset. First, we computed a log-linear regression to predict the pre-COVID-19 respiratory disease mortality to homogenize the baseline disease burden within countries. Second, we employed negative binomial and logistic regressions to analyze the linkage between the ambient temperature and our outcomes, adjusting by pre-COVID-19 respiratory disease mortality rate, among other factors. The increase of one Celsius degree in ambient temperature decreases the incidence of COVID-19 deaths (IRR = 0.93; SE: 0.026, p-value<0.001) and the probability of high-level COVID-19 mortality (OR = 0.96; SE: 0.019; p-value<0.001) over time. High-income countries from the northern hemisphere had lower temperatures and were most affected by pre-COVID respiratory disease mortality and COVID-19 mortality. This study provides a global perspective corroborating the negative association between COVID-19 mortality and ambient temperature. Our longitudinal findings support the statement made by the WMO. Effective, opportune, and sustained reaction from countries can help capitalize on higher temperatures' protective role including the timely rollout of vaccination campaigns

    Nativa restaurante de comida nacional

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    Nativa is the proposed name for the following project, which will be a restaurant of Ecuadorian national food in which an architecture of the 40s will be merged, typical of the city of Quito at that time, with a contemporary interior design in which it will be used only national materials raised in alternative ways for decoration. The development of the project is based on research in the La Mariscal sector, in its architecture and urban development as a starting point to find a concept that helps focus the restaurant towards a typical specific audience. Once the analysis and conclusion on the theoretical and empirical research have been developed, an architectural alternative is proposed that covers the requirements of the grammar flow and organization chart based on the architectural needs of both the building under study, and a restaurant.Nativa es el nombre propuesto para el siguiente proyecto, que será un restaurante de comida nacional ecuatoriana en el cual se fusionará una arquitectura de los años 40, típica de la ciudad de Quito en esa época, con un diseño interior contemporáneo en el que se utilizará únicamente materiales nacionales planteados en formas alternativas para la decoración. El desarrollo del proyecto se basa en investigaciones del sector La Mariscal, en su arquitectura y desarrollo urbanístico como punto de partida para encontrar un concepto que ayude a focalizar el restaurante hacia un típico de público específico. Una vez desarrollado el análisis y la conclusión sobre la investigación teórica y empírica, se propone una alternativa arquitectónica que cubre las exigencias del flujo grama y organigrama planteados en base a las necesidades arquitectónicas tanto del inmueble en estudio, como de un restaurante

    Impact of Maternal Obesity on the Metabolism and Bioavailability of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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    Prenatal and postnatal development are closely related to healthy maternal conditions that allow for the provision of all nutritional requirements to the offspring. In this regard, an appropriate supply of fatty acids (FA), mainly n-3 and n-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), is crucial to ensure a normal development, because they are an integral part of cell membranes and participate in the synthesis of bioactive molecules that regulate multiple signaling pathways. On the other hand, maternal obesity and excessive gestational weight gain affect FA supply to the fetus and neonate, altering placental nutrient transfer, as well as the production and composition of breast milk during lactation. In this regard, maternal obesity modifies FA profile, resulting in low n-3 and elevated n-6 PUFA levels in maternal and fetal circulation during pregnancy, as well as in breast milk during lactation. These modifications are associated with a pro-inflammatory state and oxidative stress with short and long-term consequences in different organs of the fetus and neonate, including in the liver, brain, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. Altogether, these changes confer to the offspring a higher risk of developing obesity and its complications, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders, asthma, and cancer. Considering the consequences of an abnormal FA supply to offspring induced by maternal obesity, we aimed to review the effects of obesity on the metabolism and bioavailability of FA during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with an emphasis on LCPUFA homeostasis

    Ejercita tu mente con Neurolín

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    Tesis ( Profesor de Educación General Básica, Licenciado en Educación)El objetivo de este libro es Potenciar y estimular las capacidades de la Memoria, la Creatividad, la Coordinación Motora y el Razonamiento, a través de técnicas de Neuróbica a los alumnos(as) de segundo ciclo básico NB-3, de manera más lúdica, que incentive a su realización y, por tanto, al logro de los aprendizajes que se pretenden desarrollar. Cada una de las sesiones que lo componen esta diseñada para que el lector, a partir de sus propios conocimientos, introduzca diversas modificaciones cambios que le lleven a realizar cualquier ejercicio eficazmente. Este libro también tiene en cuenta a los profesores y profesoras, que puede en cualquier momento utilizar este material dentro de su curso, tomando en cuenta el nivel en que se encuentran alumnos y alumnas del curso. Qué puedes alcanzar con este libro? Lograr que las estrategias que se aprendan y las habilidades que se adquieran sirvan para qué el niño o niña se convierta en una persona más autónoma e independiente, capaz de organizarse, de tomar decisiones, de preguntarse el porque de las cosas. Potenciar y estimular distintas capacidades que estaban dormidas, esto ayudara a aprender las cosas nuevas de manera comprensiva. Desarrollar sus capacidades de manera que no te cueste tanto realizar distintos ejercicios o actividades que se presentan a lo largo del proceso educativ

    Impact of Maternal Obesity on the Metabolism and Bioavailability of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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    Prenatal and postnatal development are closely related to healthy maternal conditions that allow for the provision of all nutritional requirements to the offspring. In this regard, an appropriate supply of fatty acids (FA), mainly n-3 and n-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), is crucial to ensure a normal development, because they are an integral part of cell membranes and participate in the synthesis of bioactive molecules that regulate multiple signaling pathways. On the other hand, maternal obesity and excessive gestational weight gain affect FA supply to the fetus and neonate, altering placental nutrient transfer, as well as the production and composition of breast milk during lactation. In this regard, maternal obesity modifies FA profile, resulting in low n-3 and elevated n-6 PUFA levels in maternal and fetal circulation during pregnancy, as well as in breast milk during lactation. These modifications are associated with a pro-inflammatory state and oxidative stress with short and long-term consequences in different organs of the fetus and neonate, including in the liver, brain, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue. Altogether, these changes confer to the offspring a higher risk of developing obesity and its complications, as well as neuropsychiatric disorders, asthma, and cancer. Considering the consequences of an abnormal FA supply to offspring induced by maternal obesity, we aimed to review the effects of obesity on the metabolism and bioavailability of FA during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with an emphasis on LCPUFA homeostasis

    Total and inorganic arsenic concentrations in different species of economically important algae harvested from coastal zones of Chile

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    Chile is one of the major producers of phytocolloids extracted from seaweed. Multicellular algae are considered to be primary accumulators of arsenic. We analyzed 14 species of algae belonging to the groups Rhodophyceae (10), Phaeophyceae (3) and Chlorophyceae (1) from different coastal zones of Chile in 2003-2004. Dry ashing mineralization (for total As) and acid digestion (for inorganic As) together with quantification by flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HG-AAS) were employed. In general, total arsenic concentrations varied between 3.0 and 68mgkg -1, whereas inorganic arsenic concentrations ranged between 0.15 and 1.06mgkg -1. The algal species Durvillaea antarctica and Porphyra columbina, used for direct human consumption, did not have inorganic arsenic levels that represent a health risk to consumers. Among species used for phytocolloids production, such as Macrocystis piryfera, Gracilaria chilensis and Gigartina skottsbergii, observed levels of inorganic arsenic were greater than 1mgkg -1, the limit value established by the regulations of some countries. Among the 14 species of algae tested, inorganic arsenic levels were between 0.8% and 13% of the total arsenic concentrations; that is, arsenic present in these algae was found primarily as organic arsenic.This work was supported by the CSIC-USACH project “Evaluation of food safety of products derived from algae: chemical monitoring of inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, and methylmercury” 2002–2004. The analyses were carried out at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), Valencia, Spain

    Niveles de endeudamiento y sobre-endeudamiento. Estudio descriptivo de los socios del Departamento de Bienestar del Poder Judicial Valparaíso

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    Tesis (Trabajo Social)La presente investigación tiene por finalidad dar a conocer la existencia, tipos y niveles de endeudamiento y sobreendeudamiento existente en el Departamento de Bienestar del Poder Judicial Zonal Valparaíso. Para dicha institución esta es una temática prioritaria y especialmente emergente en los últimos años, destacando que a nivel mundial Chile ocupa el octavo lugar por endeudamiento de consumo. Por consiguiente, es pertinente para el Trabajo Social realizar esta investigación con la finalidad de intervenir en tal situación, ya sea en; prevención, educación y tratamiento.The primary purpose of this investigation is to disclose the existence, types, and !eve!s of indebtedness and over-indebtedness in the Human Services Department of Valparaiso's Judiciary Branch. This issue has become a priority matter for this institution since its special growing in the last years has put Chile in the eighth place for consuming indebtedness. Consequently, it is pertinent for Social Work to carry out this investigation in order to intervene in this situation, be it in prevention, education, and/or treatment