52 research outputs found

    Prolonged Quadriceps Activity Following Imposed Hip Extension: A Neurophysiological Mechanism for Stiff-Knee Gait?

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    The biomechanical characteristics of stiff knee gait following neurological injury include decreased knee flexion velocity at toe-off, which may be due to exaggerated quadriceps activity. The neuromuscular mechanism underlying this abnormal activity is unclear, although hyperexcitable heteronymous reflexes may be a source of impaired coordination. The present study examines the contribution of reflex activity from hip flexors on knee extensors following stroke and its association with reduced swing-phase knee flexion during walking. Twelve individuals poststroke and six control subjects were positioned in supine on a Biodex dynamometer with the ankle and knee held in a static position. Isolated hip extension movements were imposed at 60, 90, and 120°/s through a 50° excursion to end-range hip extension. Reflexive responses of the rectus femoris (RF), vastus lateralis (VL), and vastus medialis (VM) were quantified during and after the imposed hip rotation. Gait analysis was also performed for all subjects in the stroke group. In subjects with stroke, imposed hip extension evoked a brief reflexive response in the quadriceps, followed by a heightened level of sustained activity. The initial response was velocity dependent and was larger in the stroke group than in the control group. In contrast, the prolonged response was not velocity dependent, was significantly greater in the VL and RF in subjects with stroke, and, importantly, was correlated to decreased swing-phase knee flexion. Hyperexcitable heteronymous connections from hip flexors to knee extensors appear to elicit prolonged quadriceps activity and may contribute to altered swing-phase knee kinematics following stroke

    Caracterização de materiais soldados com base na medição de perfis de condutividade eléctrica

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    Trabalhos recentes têm demonstrado que a medição de perfis de condutividade eléctrica é uma técnica eficaz, rápida e não destrutiva para a caracterização de materiais metálicos ligados por soldadura por fusão ou no estado sólido. Os resultados referentes às ligas de alumínio mostram que existe uma estreita correlação entre os perfis de condutividade eléctrica e os perfis de dureza, sendo os primeiros determinados sobretudo pelo tamanho de grão. Relativamente às ligas de aço, verifica-se que os perfis de condutividade eléctrica também permitem identificar as diferentes zonas termicamente afectadas devido aos processos de soldadura por fusão, as quais são geralmente descritas por zona fundida (ZF) e zona termicamente afectada (ZTA), sendo a sua extensão dependente sobretudo da Entrega Térmica (ET). Contudo, em algumas ligas, as características metalúrgicas que controlam as variações de condutividade eléctrica não estão devidamente descritas ou compreendidas. Nesse sentido, o objectivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os perfis de condutividade eléctrica em diferentes ligas de aço soldadas por fusão, identificando os principais aspectos metalúrgicos que lhes estão subjacentes. Foram realizados cordões de soldadura SER e TIG de aços P11, P22 e não ligado com diferentes parâmetros de soldadura. Os perfis de condutividade eléctrica foram medidos com sondas de correntes induzidas e com sondas de quatro pontos a diferentes profundidades, tendo sido comparados com os respectivos perfis de microdureza Vickers. Os resultados mostram que existe uma boa correlação entre a condutividade e a dureza, sendo que a condutividade é essencialmente determinada pelo tamanho de grão, e pela morfologia da fase ferrítica. A ferrite Witmanstatten facilita a passagem de corrente eléctrica ao contrário da ferrite poligonal que constitui um obstáculo à passagem de electrões. Pode confirmar-se que a medição dos perfis de condutividade é uma técnica com elevado potencial para complementar, ou em alguns casos substituir, a medição de durezas em ligas de aço soldadas por fusão

    Active robotic training improves locomotor function in a stroke survivor

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    Abstract Background Clinical outcomes after robotic training are often not superior to conventional therapy. One key factor responsible for this is the use of control strategies that provide substantial guidance. This strategy not only leads to a reduction in volitional physical effort, but also interferes with motor relearning. Methods We tested the feasibility of a novel training approach (active robotic training) using a powered gait orthosis (Lokomat) in mitigating post-stroke gait impairments of a 52-year-old male stroke survivor. This gait training paradigm combined patient-cooperative robot-aided walking with a target-tracking task. The training lasted for 4-weeks (12 visits, 3 × per week). The subject’s neuromotor performance and recovery were evaluated using biomechanical, neuromuscular and clinical measures recorded at various time-points (pre-training, post-training, and 6-weeks after training). Results Active robotic training resulted in considerable increase in target-tracking accuracy and reduction in the kinematic variability of ankle trajectory during robot-aided treadmill walking. These improvements also transferred to overground walking as characterized by larger propulsive forces and more symmetric ground reaction forces (GRFs). Training also resulted in improvements in muscle coordination, which resembled patterns observed in healthy controls. These changes were accompanied by a reduction in motor cortical excitability (MCE) of the vastus medialis, medial hamstrings, and gluteus medius muscles during treadmill walking. Importantly, active robotic training resulted in substantial improvements in several standard clinical and functional parameters. These improvements persisted during the follow-up evaluation at 6 weeks. Conclusions The results indicate that active robotic training appears to be a promising way of facilitating gait and physical function in moderately impaired stroke survivors.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112853/1/12984_2011_Article_375.pd

    Biomechanical impairments and gait adaptations post-stroke: Multi-factorial associations

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    Understanding the potential causes of both reduced gait speed and compensatory frontal plane kinematics during walking in individuals post-stroke may be useful in developing effective rehabilitation strategies. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to select the combination of paretic limb impairments (frontal and sagittal plane hip strength, sagittal plane knee and ankle strength, and multi-joint knee/hip torque coupling) which best estimate gait speed and compensatory pelvic obliquity velocities at toeoff. Compensatory behaviors were defined as deviations from control subjects’ values. The gait speed model (n = 18; p = 0.003) revealed that greater hip abduction strength and multi-joint coupling of sagittal plane knee and frontal plane hip torques were associated with decreased velocity; however, gait speed was positively associated with paretic hip extension strength. Multi-joint coupling was the most influential predictor of gait speed. The second model (n = 15; p < 0.001) revealed that multi-joint coupling was associated with increased compensatory pelvic movement at toeoff; while hip extension and flexion and knee flexion strength were associated with reduced frontal plane pelvic compensations. In this case, hip extension strength had the greatest influence on pelvic behavior. The analyses revealed that different yet overlapping sets of single joint strength and multi-joint coupling measures were associated with gait speed and compensatory pelvic behavior during walking post-stroke. These findings provide insight regarding the potential impact of targeted rehabilitation paradigms on improving speed and compensatory kinematics following stroke

    The basic mechanics of bipedal walking lead to asymmetric behavior

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    Abstract-This paper computationally investigates whether gait asymmetries can be attributed in part to basic bipedal mechanics independent of motor control. Using a symmetrical rigid-body model known as the compass-gait biped, we show that changes in environmental or physiological parameters can facilitate asymmetry in gait kinetics at fast walking speeds. In the environmental case, the asymmetric family of high-speed gaits is in fact more stable than the symmetric family of lowspeed gaits. These simulations suggest that lower extremity mechanics might play a direct role in functional and pathological asymmetries reported in human walking, where velocity may be a common variable in the emergence and growth of asymmetry

    Pairing virtual reality with dynamic posturography serves to differentiate between patients experiencing visual vertigo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine if increased visual dependence can be quantified through its impact on automatic postural responses, we have measured the combined effect on the latencies and magnitudes of postural response kinematics of transient optic flow in the pitch plane with platform rotations and translations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six healthy (29–31 yrs) and 4 visually sensitive (27–57 yrs) subjects stood on a platform rotated (6 deg of dorsiflexion at 30 deg/sec) or translated (5 cm at 5 deg/sec) for 200 msec. Subjects either had eyes closed or viewed an immersive, stereo, wide field of view virtual environment (scene) moved in upward pitch for a 200 msec period for three 30 sec trials at 5 velocities. RMS values and peak velocities of head, trunk, and head with respect to trunk were calculated. EMG responses of 6 trunk and lower limb muscles were collected and latencies and magnitudes of responses determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No effect of visual velocity was observed in EMG response latencies and magnitudes. Healthy subjects exhibited significant effects (<it>p </it>< 0.05) of visual field velocity on peak angular velocities of the head. Head and trunk velocities and RMS values of visually sensitive subjects were significantly larger than healthy subjects (<it>p </it>< 0.05), but their responses were not modulated by visual field velocity. When examined individually, patients with no history of vestibular disorder demonstrated exceedingly large head velocities; patients with a history of vestibular disorder exhibited head velocities that fell within the bandwidth of healthy subjects.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Differentiation of postural kinematics in visually sensitive subjects when exposed to the combined perturbations suggests that virtual reality technology could be useful for differential diagnosis and specifically designed interventions for individuals whose chief complaint is sensitivity to visual motion.</p

    Downregulating Aberrant Motor Evoked Potential Synergies of the Lower Extremity Post Stroke during TMS of the Contralesional Hemisphere

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    Background Growing evidence demonstrates unique synergistic signatures in the lower limb (LL) post-stroke, with specific across-plane and across-joint representations. While the inhibitory role of the ipsilateral hemisphere in the upper limb (UL) has been widely reported, examination of the contralesional hemisphere (CON-H) in modulating LL expressions of synergies following stroke is lacking. Objective We hypothesize that stimulation of lesioned and contralesional motor cortices will differentially regulate paretic LL motor outflow. We propose a novel TMS paradigm to identify synergistic motor evoked potential (MEP) patterns across multiple muscles. Methods Amplitude and background activation matched adductor MEPs were elicited using single pulse TMS of L-H and CON-H (control ipsilateral) during an adductor torque matching task from 11 stroke and 10 control participants. Associated MEPs of key synergistic muscles were simultaneously observed. Results By quantifying CON-H/L-H MEP ratios, we characterized a significant targeted inhibition of aberrant MEP coupling between ADD and VM (p = 0.0078) and VL (p = 0.047) exclusive to the stroke group (p = 0.028) that was muscle dependent (p = 0.039). We find TA inhibition in both groups following ipsilateral hemisphere stimulation (p = 0.0014; p = 0.015). Conclusion We argue that ipsilaterally mediated attenuation of abnormal synergistic activations post stroke may reflect an adaptive intracortical inhibition. The predominance of sub 3ms interhemispheric MEP latency differences implicates LL ipsilateral corticomotor projections. These findings provide insight into the association between CON-H reorganization and post-stroke LL recovery. While a prevailing view of driving L-H disinhibition for UL recovery seems expedient, presuming analogous LL neuromodulation may require further examination for rehabilitation. This study provides a step toward this goal
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