16 research outputs found

    An experimental evaluation of an anti-corruption intervention among Ukrainian university students

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    In this paper, we investigate experimentally the effect of an anti-corruption intervention -an info folder based on materials developed by Transparency International- on Ukrainian university students’ willingness to participate in an anti-corruption campaign and their general attitude toward corruption. In a survey of 600 students in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, individuals were randomly exposed to either the anti-corruption folder (treatment group) or a folder with information about Lviv (control group). The results suggest that students who have previous experience with bribing are more open to the campaign, while the effect on the total sample is not statistically significant. Furthermore, the intervention increases the overall perception that corruption is a (long-term) part of society rather than a temporary phenomenon. Finally, students with experience in corrupt practices tend to adopt a more negative view of corruption. For those without such experiences, however, we find some indication that the treatment could bolster the acceptance of corruption by instructing the students about its dissemination. The effects of this intervention are therefore ambivalent and appear to depend on the students’ previous exposure to corruption

    The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes towards corruption in a Ukrainian online survey

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    This paper presents the outcomes of an anti-corruption educational intervention among Ukrainian students based on an online experiment. More than 3,000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of three different videos on corruption and its consequences (treatment groups) or a video on higher education (control group). The data suggest a high level of academic dishonesty and misconduct among young people, but also a negative attitude towards corruption in general, highlighting the ambivalence of corruption in the country. We find that one video, which presented a thrilling story about a victim of corruption related to common bribery in an accessible way, was effective in promoting awareness of the negative consequences of corruption. In contrast, the other two treatment videos, which more closely followed the style of TV news or documentaries on corruption, did not generally promote negative attitudes towards corruption. Presenting corruption issues in a catchy way therefore appears to matter for the effectiveness of such interventions

    Планування оптимальних режимів роботи підземних сховищ газу у складі газотранспортної системи

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    The object of this study is underground gas storage facilities (UGSF) as part of the gas transmission system (GTS), in the process of joint operation of which a significant synergistic effect is achieved. The problem under consideration is to ensure the joint effective operation of the integrated UGSF and GTS complex as a single thermal-hydraulic one. A method of daily calculation of the maximum productivity of underground gas storage facilities has been devised. The optimization potential of UGSF operating modes has been studied. It is shown to range within 11‒20 %. The problems of planning the operation of UGSF have been stated and solved both under gas pumping modes and gas withdrawal modes. An algorithm for planning gas withdrawal modes at intervals of peak-free UGSF operation been developed. The achieved computational complexity of problem-solving algorithms is in the range of 2‒10 seconds. The problem of combining simultaneous operation of UGSF under an optimal mode for fuel gas and ensuring the necessary peak operation of UGSF at projected time intervals has also been considered. The joint UGSF performance was calculated at the projected time intervals according to the established criteria. At the same time, thermal-hydraulic coordination of UGSF operating modes with the operation of the GTS main gas pipeline system with which they are integrated was ensured. The problem was solved as a result of the implementation of a universal approach to the construction of functional models of complex systems – a single information support, the representation of the structure of the system in terms of graphs, the statement of proper mathematical problems, the development of methods for guaranteed convergence of systems with different mathematical representations of equations, the development of computational algorithms for combinatorial optimization of minimum complexity processes with discrete and irregular influences on  their behaviorОб’єктом дослідження є підземні сховища газу (ПСГ) у складі газотранспортної системи (ГТС), в процесі сумісної експлуатації яких проявляється значний синергетичний ефект. Досліджувана проблема – забезпечити сумісну ефективну експлуатацію інтегрованого комплексу ПСГ та ГТС як єдиного термо-гідравлічного. Розроблений метод щодобового розрахунку максимальної продуктивності підземних сховищ газу. Проведені дослідження потенціалу оптимізації режимів роботи ПСГ. Показано, що він коливається в межах 11–20 %. Сформульовані та розв’язані задачі планування роботи ПСГ як у режимах закачування газу, так і у режимах відбирання газу. Розроблений алгоритм планування режимів відбирання газу на інтервалах часу безпікової експлуатації ПСГ. Досягнута обчислювальна складність алгоритмів розв’язування задач знаходиться в межах 2–10 секунд. Розглянута також задача поєднання одночасної експлуатацію ПСГ у оптимальному режимі за паливним газом та забезпеченням необхідної піковості роботи ПСГ на прогнозованих інтервалах часу. Розраховано сумісну продуктивність роботи ПСГ на прогнозованих інтервалах часу за встановленими критеріями. Водночас забезпечене термо-гідравлічне узгодження режимів роботи ПСГ із роботою системи магістральних газопроводів ГТС, із якими вони інтегровані. Розв’язування проблеми досягнуто у результаті реалізації універсального підходу щодо побудови функціональних моделей складних систем – єдине інформаційне забезпечення, представлення структури системи у термінах графів, формулювання коректних математичних задач, розроблення методів гарантованої збіжності систем із різним математичним представленням рівнянь, розроблення обчислювальних алгоритмів комбінаторної оптимізації процесів мінімальної складності із дискретними та нерегулярними впливами на їх поведінк

    Практичні поради як публікуватись у міжнародних журналах

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    Презентація для тренінгу «Як публікуватися в міжнародних рецензованих виданнях», Міністерство освіти і науки України, Програма імені Фулбрайта в Україні, Український католицький університет, Львів, 24 березня 2016 р

    Socio-Economic Determinants of International Migration

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    Since economic factors cannot fully explain the determinants of bilateral migration, this study explores the social and cultural determinants that influence an individual’s decision to migrate. Values, norms and interests in a given culture, may determine whether an individual’s intention to move translates into actual migration. Work values inherent in different cultures could explain why people move or do not move under the condition of perceived economic advantages of migration. A gravity type migration model is used to incorporate variables related both to economic indicators and work values. It is perhaps the first migration study to use the World Value Survey (WVS) and the European Value Survey (EVS). We use 2000 stock bilateral migration dataset collected by the World Bank. Our findings indicate that if more aspects of work are valued in a country, this country sends more migrants. Also we show that countries with higher extrinsic work value orientation tend to send more migrants, while countries with higher intrinsic work value orientation tend to send fewer migrants. Our finding shows that the value of work and the level of job security in a country may significantly change migration decision

    Ukraine: Endemic Higher Education Corruption

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    Based on a survey conducted among 600 students at selected public universities in Lviv, one of the largest Ukrainian cities, this contribution explores the determinants of several forms of student academic dishonesty and provides insights as to which groups of students are more likely to engage in either monetary or nonmonetary corruption

    Modeling of Gas Flows in Underground Gas Storage Facilities

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    The object of this study is the underground gas storage facilities of Ukraine, with the aim of developing a systematic mathematical model to describe the flow of gas in complex underground gas storage systems. This model will enable to development of effective methods and algorithms for calculating the modes of operation of such systems. The proposed systematic mathematical model connects the model of the structure of underground gas storage in terms of graph theory with variable topology and various mathematical models of gas flows in facilities with concentrated and distributed parameters. We set the models of gas flows in UGS facilities in the form of analytical relations, differential equations and algorithmically described systems. In order to automate the process of model construction (for given boundary conditions), we developed a system of formation, analysis and synthesis of graphs for underground gas storage facilities, as well as a set of information and mathematical models of facilities