30 research outputs found

    Humanitarian Crisis of Civilization in the Context of Russian Aggression: Discursive-Cultural and Mental-Worldview Aspects

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    There are various angles one can view the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the entire civilized world from: political, historical, economic and other, yet it can also be considered in a much larger framework – mental and cultural. This aspect is the least discussed in the scientific circles; however, it is impossible to understand the essence of geopolitical processes disregarding the given segment of the modern world picture. This paper deals with an analysis of the worldview model of an average citizen of the Russian Federation, and they account for about 80 percent of the ethno-demographic array; it also extrapolates intellectual reflections to the European socio-cultural space. The research revolves around such basic impact factors as language, communication, media space, and society. The whole century of constant information interventions, methodically carried out by the political and propaganda industry from the territory of Russia, resulted in the appearance of a specific mental and worldview space. Its common representative’s mentality and reality perception characteristically is invariably clouded by the following elements: the lack of trust to any other nation (we talk about cultural phenomena here), groundless self-admiration, understanding of personal helplessness, irresponsibility, following a totalitarian leader and his utopian ideas. In this realm, one can find an explanation for the low ethical level and lack conscience of the common citizen of the Russian Federation, his petty worldview, cruelty and antagonism towards the Ukrainian people. All the social-mental characteristics of the Russian nation serve to prove the deep crisis of the spiritual sphere and the agony of the "Russian world" as such. Its desperate lunges towards independent Ukraine, other post-Soviet republics, and the civilized world in general are in fact a manifestation of collective mental disorders, they contain metastases aimed at fairly marginalized segments of the Eurasian reality and make up a recurring phenomenon. In his research, the author relies on the interfield material in social sciences and humanities, on the analysis of communicative behavior of political leaders and representatives of the cultural and scientific elite of modern Russia, on media products of propaganda channels, on the content of social networks, etc. The article introduces the typology of the main characterological features of the modern Russia mental space

    Inverse scattering for reflectionless Schr\"odinger operators with integrable potentials and generalized soliton solutions for the KdV equation

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    We give a complete characterisation of the reflectionless Schr\"odinger operators on the line with integrable potentials, solve the inverse scattering problem of reconstructing such potentials from the eigenvalues and norming constants, and derive the corresponding generalized soliton solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries equationComment: 35 page

    Human Rights and Current Discriminatory Manifestations (on the Example of Age Discrimination in the Social and Communicative Sphere)

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    The article provides a comprehensive analysis of counteracting human rights violations due to age discrimination in the social and communicative sphere to identify problematic aspects of this discrimination; to study current changes in connection with the pandemic threat and generalize a set of legal guarantees to prevent and counteract inappropriate legal policy in this area. The research is based on a humanistic approach, which determines the individual value criterion of the research methodology and is manifested through the ideology of anthropocentrism; a complementary approach to scientific research and a balanced combination of national and international state-building and law-making principles. A comparative legal method was used, which made it possible to summarize the legal requirements of various states, including the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Colombia, on measures to counteract the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Statistical and information reports of the European Union countries, monitoring of the Equality Representatives of individual countries (Serbia, Lithuania), analytical data, government decisions and practical cases were used

    Обчислення надійності системи критичної інфраструктури шляхом декомпозиції її як складної системи

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    Мета роботи: визначення методу обчислення надійності системи критичної інфраструктури, якій забезпечує повноту та реалістичність обстановки що склалася в умовах збройної агресії. Дизайн/Метод: основними методами досліджень є методи статистичного аналізу, декомпозиції, метод резервування та методи прогнозування. Результати дослідження: методика обчислення надійності системи критичної інфраструктури Теоретична цінність дослідження: основними  результатами  досліджень за тематикою статті є методика обчислення надійності системи критичної інфраструктури


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    This article considers the possibility of spirit fusel oil being used as an addition to agile fuels. Results of experimental research on diesel engines working on mixtures of diesel fuel and fusel oils are given. The fuel economy and ecological indexes of engines working on mixtures of diesel fuel and fusel oils were improved


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    The sustainability of pension systems directly depends on the quality of life of the population of retirement age, due to the fact that they form a social security system. The high level of life expectancy and the decrease in the number of births contribute to an increase in the elderly population, which thus provokes an increase in the cost of retirement provision of citizens. The COVID-19 pandemic has also left its mark on the stable functioning of the pension system. The purpose of this research is to study the effectiveness and relevance of the implementation of a multilevel pension system in European countries. The introduction of a multilevel pension system will create a more sustainable pension system, which will allow to balance the costs of social security for individuals in some way and reduce the level of social inequality between generations. To reduce the pressure on the working population and the state budget, we have proposed the transition to a 2-level pension system. The functioning of such a system is more promising and effective compared to the use of the system of state payments or the accumulation system

    Доктрина режиму цивільної процесуальної безпеки в умовах рецепції римського права

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    Мельник Я. Я. Доктрина режиму цивільної процесуальної безпеки в умовах рецепції римського права / Я. Я. Мельник // Від римського приватного права до права Європи : матер. 15-ої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 15 трав., 2017 р.) / за заг. ред. д.ю.н., проф. Є. О. Харитонова. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2017. – С. 20-24

    Economics and Business Innovation

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    Матеріал, представлений у підручнику відображає сучасні проблеми впливу інновацій на підприємницьку діяльність бізнес-структур. У підручнику розглядаються питання впровадження інновацій в економічних системах, а також наводяться матеріали, що висвітлюють специфіку управління інноваційними процесами. Зокрема, в них розглядаються питання: генерування інновацій на підприємствах, реалізації цифрових трансформацій, інтенсифікації бізнес-процесів в умовах сучасних промислових революцій, формування інноваційних моделей ведення бізнесу, а також інші актуальні в сьогоднішніх умовах питання. Підручник призначений для викладачів і студентів, а також може бути використаний керівниками підприємств, фахівцями та бізнесменами в їх практичній діяльності.The material presented in the textbook reflects modern problems of the influence of innovations on the entrepreneurial activity of business structures. The textbook examines the issues of introducing innovations in economic systems, as well as provides materials highlighting the specifics of managing innovation processes. In particular, they consider the following issues: generation of innovations at enterprises, implementation of digital transformations, intensification of business processes in the conditions of modern industrial revolutions, formation of innovative business models, as well as other issues relevant in today's conditions. The textbook is intended for teachers and students, and can also be used by enterprise managers, specialists and businessmen in their practical activities

    Portfolio Optimization and Stochastic Control under Transaction Costs

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    This thesis is concerned with stochastic control problems under transaction costs. In particular, we consider a generalized menu cost problem with partially controlled regime switching, general multidimensional running cost problems and the maximization of long-term growth rates in incomplete markets. The first two problems are considered under a general cost structure that includes a fixed cost component, whereas the latter is analyzed under proportional and Morton-Pliska transaction costs. For the menu cost problem and the running cost problem we provide an equivalent characterization of the value function by means of a generalized version of the Ito-Dynkin formula instead of the more restrictive, traditional approach via the use of quasi-variational inequalities (QVIs). Based on the finite element method and weak solutions of QVIs in suitable Sobolev spaces, the value function is constructed iteratively. In addition to the analytical results, we study a novel application of the menu cost problem in management science. We consider a company that aims to implement an optimal investment and marketing strategy and must decide when to issue a new version of a product and when and how much to invest into marketing. For the long-term growth rate problem we provide a rigorous asymptotic analysis under both proportional and Morton-Pliska transaction costs in a general incomplete market that includes, for instance, the Heston stochastic volatility model and the Kim-Omberg stochastic excess return model as special cases. By means of a dynamic programming approach leading-order optimal strategies are constructed and the leading-order coefficients in the expansions of the long-term growth rates are determined. Moreover, we analyze the asymptotic performance of Morton-Pliska strategies in settings with proportional transaction costs. Finally, pathwise optimality of the constructed strategies is established