672 research outputs found

    Bayesian Inference For Exponential Distribution Based On Upper Record Range

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    This paper deals with Bayesian estimations of scale parameter of the exponential distribution based on upper record range (Rn). This has been done in two steps; point and interval. In the first step the quadratic, squared error and absolute error, loss functions have been considered to obtain Bayesian-point estimations. Also in the next step the shortest Bayes interval (Hight Posterior Density interval) and Bayes interval with equal tails based on upper record range have been found. Therefore, the Homotopy Perturbation Method(HPM) has been applied to obtain the limits of Hight Posterior Density intervals. Moreover, efforts have been made to meet the admissibility conditions for linear estimators based on upper record range of the form mRn+d by obtained Bayesian point estimations. So regarding the consideration of loss functions, the prior distribution between the conjunction family has been chosen to be able to produce the linear estimations from upper record range statistics. Finally, some numerical examples and simulations have been presented

    Study of Effect of Household Parental Smoking on Development of Acute Otitis Media in Children Under 12 Years.

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    BACKGROUND & AIM High prevalence of acute otitis media (AOM) in children represents a combination of the factors developing eustachian tube dysfunction and higher susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections in children. This disease is relatively prevalent in Iran and much cost is spent annually to treat it. This study investigated the effect of household parental smoking on development of AOM in children under 12 years. METHODS In this case-control study all patients under the age of 12 years with AOM referring an ENT clinic in Shahrekord, southwest Iran between April 2014 and August 2014 were enrolled by convenience sampling. This study included two groups. Group 1 (G1) was exposed to parental smoking at home and group 2 (G2) was not. For the patients, a questionnaire of demographic data such as age and gender, the disease symptoms, parents' education level, history of respiratory diseases, allergy, surgery (adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, and tympanostomy), and household smoking was filled out by a specialist through interview. RESULTS In this study, 250 children 1-12 years with AOM, 145 in G1 and 105 in G2, were investigated. Clinical symptoms including fever (p=0.001) and hearing loss (p=0.014) were significantly more frequent in the children of G1 than G2, and otalgia, discharge, and tinnitus were similarly frequent in the two groups (p>0.05). Also, eardrum inflammation was more frequent in G1 than G2, with no significant difference (p>0.05). AOM was reported 70.3% in G1, which was higher than 26.7% reported in G2 (p=0.001). Also, asthma, recurrent ear pain, enlargement of the tonsils, and respiratory problems were more frequent in G1 than G2 (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS Parental smoking was a risk factor for AOM and respiratory problems and therefore the parents are recommended to avoid smoking near children to reduce the likelihood of AOM development and exacerbation in children

    Productification and its benefits in student-run consulting businesses

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    This thesis deals with the concept of “productification”; what it is, what are its goals, what tools it uses and how to apply it. The study looked especially at the uses of productification in the field of consulting. How it is applied at the moment and is there a need to productify more? We gained answers to these questions using questionnaire. The target group for this was entrepreneurs of Finland. In the questionnaire we asked their preferences between productified consulting services and unproductified ones, and what their image is concerning student-run consulting companies. Results pointed out that most of the respondents would prefer productified services over unproductified ones. Approximately 7 out of 10 prefer productified services more than unproductified ones. After the answers we studied literature concerning productification and consulting. Based on information gathered we decided to use productification for the student-run case company Konsultointi J. Nieminen. We did this by using six-step’ model meant to productify company’s internal and external processes. In this we learned that productification is more than improving a product. It is standardizing and concreting actions within the company so they can be repeated without having to start over again and again. Also we created a test product for Konsultointi J. Nieminen based on the preferences of the respondents in the questionnaire. This service package: Market analysis consisted of competitors analysis, customers’ analysis and product analysis modules.Tämän opinnäytetyön käsittelee ”tuotteistamista”; Mikä se on, mitkä ovat sen tarkoitukset ja miten soveltaa sitä. Tutkimus keskittyi erityisesti tuotteistamisen käyttöön konsultoinnissa. Kuinka sitä käytetään tällä hetkellä ja onko tarvetta tuotteistaa enemmän? Me saimme vastauksia näihin kysymyksiin käyttämällä kyselykaavaketta. Kohderyhmä kyselylle oli Suomen yrittäjät. Kyselykaavakkeessa selvitimme heidän mieltymyksiään tuotteistettujen ja tuotteistamattomien konsultointipalvelujen välillä, ja tämän lisäksi heidän mielikuvaansa opiskelijoiden johtamasta konsultointiyrityksestä. Tulokset osoittivat että suurin osa vastaajista suosii tuotteistettuja palveluja tuotteistamattomien ylitse. Näiden vastausten jälkeen tutkimme tuotteistamiseen ja konsultointiin liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Näiden tietojen pohjalta päätimme tuotteistaa opiskelijayritys Konsultointi J. Niemisen. Käytimme tähän kuuden-askeleen mallia, joka on tarkoitettu tuotteistamaan yrityksen sisäiset ja ulkoiset prosessit. Tässä opimme että tuotteistaminen on paljon enemmän kuin tuotteen parantamista. Se on yrityksen sisäisten toimintojen vakiointia ja konkretisointia niin että ne voidaan toistaa ilman prosessien uudelleen aloittamista. Lisäksi me teimme kyselykaavakkeen vastaajien mieltymystä vastaavan kokeilutuotteen Konsultointi J. Niemiselle. Tämä palvelutuote: Markkina-analyysi pitää sisällään kilpailija-analyysin, asiakasanalyysin ja tuoteanalyysin

    Study of drug wastage rate and knowledge of operating room employees toward drug wastage in Ayatollah Kashani Hospital in Shahrekord, 2012-2013

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    زمینه و هدف: امروزه به علت افزایش هزینه اثر بخشی مراقبت های بهداشتی توجه قابل ملاحظه ای به هزینه های داروها شده است. این پژوهش با هدف تعیین میزان دور ریز برخی داروهای رایج مصرفی در اتاق عمل چشم، گوش و حلق و بینی (ENT) و همچنین بررسی آگاهی کارکنان اتاق عمل بیمارستان آیت اله کاشانی شهرکرد در خصوص دور ریز داروها انجام گردید. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه مقطعی، میزان دور ریز برخی داروهای رایج اتاق عمل بیمارستان آیت اله کاشانی شهرکرد طی یک دوره سه ماهه بصورت روزانه بررسی و هزینه مالی آن ها برآورد گردید. همچنین آگاهی 100 نفر از کارکنان شاغل در اتاق عمل این بیمارستان در خصوص دور ریز دارو با استفاده از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بررسی گردید. یافته ها: در این مطالعه در دسته آمپول ها، قطره ها و سرم ها به ترتیب آمپول پروپوفول با 4/22، قطره پیلوکاربین با 9/94 و سرم مانیتول با 3/59 بالاترین درصد دور ریز را به خود اختصاص دادند. کمترین درصد دور ریز متعلق به آمپول آتروپین (9) بود. از نظر مالی بیشترین بار مالی به ازای هر بیمار متعلق به پروپوفول (21000 ریال) و کمترین متعلق به آتروپین (1066 ریال) بود. نمره آگاهی آزمودنی ها در خصوص دور ریز دارو 82 برآورد گردید. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به وجود دوزهای متفاوت داروئی و روش های مختلف مصرف، این میزان دور ریز گزارش شده در این مطالعه قابل توجیه نمی باشد، لذا مسئولین علاوه بر توجه به مقوله تولید و تهیه دارو می بایست به مقوله مصرف نیز توجه بیشتری نمایند

    Correlation of A G to A nucleotide substitution in upstream region of leptin with breast cancer susceptibility

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms in leptin gene may increase the risk of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of leptin G-2548A gene polymorphism with breast cancer risk in an Iranian population. In a case-control study, 98 subjects including 45 women with breast cancer and 53 healthy women were recruited. The genotypes of G-2548A polymorphism were detected by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Our data revealed that there is a significant association between AG homozygote genotype and breast cancer risk (OR= 2.41, 95CI= 1.05-5.52, p= 0.037). Also, we observed that G allele marginally increases the breast cancer risk (OR= 1.92, 95CI= 1.00-3.70, p= 0.049). Based on our preliminary study, leptin G-2548A gene polymorphism may be a genetic risk factor for breast cancer and further studies with larger sample size are required to obtain more accurate results. © 2019, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. All rights reserved

    Cytogenetic study on Artemia from Urmiyah Lake

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    To determine the chromosome numbers of artemia brine-shrimp in Urmiyah Lake (Azarbaijan-e- Gharhi province), cytogenetic studies were carried out on artemia cysts. In order to identify the collected samples, each sample of cysts, first incubated in sea water (35 ppt salinity) and then to determine the reproduction mode, the cyst samples were feed with Dunaliella tertiolecta, for three generations (F3) up to adult. The results showed that there were two types of anemia in terms of reproduction mode, namely bisexual and parthenogenesis. Chromosome spreads were prepared from freshly hatched nauplius squashing method. The results of counting 100 metaphases plates from bisexual artemia and 35 metaphases plates of parthenogenetic specimen, it was found that the number of chromosomes in these 2 types of artemia were the same, 2n=42. In these population, very small chromosomes with metacentric, submetacentric, telocentric and acrocentric types were observed. Karyotype formulas of bisexual and parthenogenetic artemia were determined as 2n=30 M / SM+12 A/T and 2n=32 M / SM+10 A/T, respectively. All studied samples in Interphase stage lacked and chromocenter. Due to very small size of chromosomes, it was difficult to do precise determination of the type of chromosomes and in this regard various C.banding experiments were performed. Also, since chromosomes in artemia lacked any chromocenter, the differentiation of chromosomes based on the types of C.banding was impossible

    Measuring Linear and Nonlinear Associations

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    Abstract: In this study, we propose a new approach based on two nonparametric techniques to capture the linear and nonlinear associations. The singular spectrum analysis technique, which is a powerful method for filtering noisy series, is used as a noise reduction method and mutual information is considered for measuring the level of association. The performance of the proposed approach is assessed using the simulated and real time series

    Microshear Bond Strength of OptiBond All-In-One Self-adhesive Agent to Er:YAG Laser Treated Enamel After Thermocycling and Water Storage

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    Introduction: This study aimed to compare the microshear bond strength of composite to enamel treated with Erbium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (Er:YAG) laser using a self-etch one step bonding agent.Methods: Seventy-six enamel surfaces were prepared from 38 sound human third molar teeth. Specimens were randomly divided into four groups of 18. The enamel surface in half the specimens was irradiated with Er:YAG laser. One extra specimen from each group was evaluated under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Composite micro-cylinders were bonded to the specimen surfaces using OptiBond All-In-One (OB) adhesive agent and stored in distilled water for 24 hours. Half the specimens were thermocycled (2000 cycles) and stored in distilled water at 37°C for three months (TW). The microshear bond strength of composite to enamel was measured using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. The fractured surfaces were evaluated under a stereomicroscope at ×40 magnification to determine the mode of failure. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t test.Results: The mean values (±standard deviation) were 17.96 ± 2.92 MPa in OB group, 22.29 ± 4.25 MPa in laser + OB group, 18.11 ± 3.52 MPa in laser + OB + TW group and 9.42 ± 2.47 MPa in OB + TW group. Repeated measures ANOVA showed that laser irradiation increased the microshear bond strength (P &lt; 0.001). Bond strength decreased when the samples were thermocycled and stored for three months (P &lt; 0.001). The interaction effect of water storage and laser treatment on bond strength was significant (P &lt; 0.05).Conclusion: Enamel surface preparation with Er:YAG laser is recommended to enhance the durability of the bond of self-etch bonding systems to enamel

    An uncommon manifestation of renal cell carcinoma: contralateral spermatic cord metastasis

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: کارسینوم سلول کلیوی (RCC) با تظاهرات متفاوتی مشخص می شود که شامل متاستازهای غیر معمول و سندرم های پارانئوپلاستیک است. معرفی بیمار: بیمار آقای 60 ساله ای است که 7 سال پیش به دلیل تشخیص کارسینوم سلول کلیوی چپ تحت عمل جراحی نفروکتومی قرار گرفته بود. پس از 7 سال به دلیل لمس توده ای در همی اسکروتوم راست خود مراجعه نمود. در پاتولوژی بیمار متاستاز کارسینوم سلول کلیوی چپ به اسپرماتیک کورد سمت مقابل گزارش گردید و برای بیمار تصمیم به ارکیکتومی گرفته شد. نتیجه گیری: متاستاز RCC به وریدهای اسپرماتیک می تواند از طریق جریان رتروگراد از ورید کلیه انجام گیرد، لذا در بیماران باRCC در طی فالواپ ،معاینه دقیق ژنیتال خارجی برای رد متاستازهای مخفی باید انجام شود

    Nonequilibrium phononic first-order phase transition in a driven fermion chain

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    We study the direct laser drive of infrared-active phonons that are quadratically coupled to a spinless fermion chain. Feedback is incorporated by phonon dressing of the electronic dispersion, which enables effective non-linearities in the phonon dynamics. We uncover a first-order phase transition in the phononic steady state in which hysteretic effects allow either large or small phonon occupation depending on the drive protocol. We discuss the implications of these findings for probing phase transitions in real driven materials.Comment: 7+7 pages, 4+6 figure