20 research outputs found


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    This research is expected to solve the lack of preschool teachers’ drawing skill.  It is conducted by giving creation early childhood books story training. This helps preschool teachers to master basic drawing techniques. The research uses qualitative approach. There are 3 (three) stages in this research namely Pre, On Going and Post Training. The used instruments are observation and questionnaire. With this training, it is expected that early childhood teachers can create a story for Early Childhood, illustrate the story to draw, demonstrate and animate the fairy tale, so that learning in early childhood will be more effective, especially the character learning with story or fairy tales

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pelatihan Membuat Kerupuk Gendar di Sekelimus Utara Kota Bandung

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    Community empowerment is a development process where community initiate to start the process of social activities to improve the situation and condition their self. Community empowerment can happen only if citizens participate. Based on that, the training was held community empowerment through training in the manufacture of “kerupuk gendar” Sekelimus Utara Bandung. This training is expected to bring a positive influence for the citizens of Sekelimus Utara Bandung, especially for mothers. The training process was conducted on the learning theory and practice. Selection of “kerupuk gendar” as the main object of this training as “kerupuk gendar” is one of the traditional food preparation easy and not costly. Traditional foods are foods and beverages commonly consumed by a particular community, with a distinctive flavor that is accepted by the community. As we know that food is not only serves to satisfying their hunger alone but the food has a social function, culture, politics, and economics. Various types of food produced a nation can be used as one measure of the high culture of the people concerned. The food not only as a means to satisfy hunger, maintain relationships, but can also be sold, promoted resulting in a slight advantage. After this training is expected that residents can obtain various benefits include improving knowledge and skills, increase opportunities for entrepreneurship, increase revenue, improve public participation and to partner

    The Implementation of Andragogy Approach in Learning Interaction

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    In learning activity there must be an interaction between learning resources and target learner. The term interaction in this paper is a reciprocal relationship and it is influence each others. Andragogy is the science which deals with the approach in the learning interaction between the source of learning and adults target learner. Initially, andragogy used in systematic non-formal education units, but now this approach is often applied in formal education units, especially in secondary and higher education. Andragogy is the science and art of helping adults learner. While pedagogy is the science and art of teaching children. In the early eighties, learning continuum approach or known as cycle and sustainable approach of learning were developed. This approach can be started from pedagogy continued to andragogy or vice versa. The discussion focus on the interaction of learning activities, the role of a source of learning and objectives in learning. While the focus of andragogy discussion is on the principles, strategies, methods, techniques and learning media in accordance with the learning needs and its potential for self-learners and the environment in systemic education units


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    Latar belakang kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kurangnya minat baca masyarakat di Kampung Cibisoro Desa Bojongsari Kecamatan Bojongsoang Kabupaten Bandung. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, sosialisasi kepada tokoh masyarakat dan warga serta memberikan pelatihan pengelolaan taman bacaan masyarakat (TBM). Hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini membawa dampak positif yaitu meningkatnya minat baca masyarakat dan kunjungan ke taman bacaan karena pengelolaan taman bacaan sudah semakin membaik. Dengan meningkatnya minat baca warga maka wawasan warga bisa berkembang dengan pesat sehingga membawa dampak bagi peningkatan produktivitas dan kualitas sumber daya manusia. 


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    Education stimulation for children can be given from cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The stimulus must be given by considering appropriate strategies and learning methods which is in accordance with early childhood development and learning principles. Early childhood’s teacher should be able to teach their students appropriately based on children’s development. One way to optimize the teachers’ skills is by equipping them with many skills through trainings, one of which is storytelling training. Early childhood teacher need to have the ability to deliver and create story that contain moral value. Through storytelling, early childhood teachers can impart knowledge and inculcate noble character and develop creativity in effective and enjoyable ways. Based on researchers’ observation in Bandung regency many early childhood teachers do not have varied skills in conveying story to the children. To solve the problem, the researchers conduct story telling workshop for early childhood’s teachers in Bandung regency. The workshop consists of three stages those are pre, ongoing, and post training. The result shows that the workshop increases the participants’ ability in delivering stories to the children. After the workshop participant feel more confident because they could implement many techniques and use some media in delivering the story

    Parenting Bagi Anggota Persit Kartika Chandra Kirana dalam Mendukung Program Pendidikan Keluarga

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    Children are a budding nation that will continue the ideals of the Indonesian nation, so the education of children in the family is important, in order to create quality for future generations. Parenting in the home can affect the development and growth of children, so the family to be the beginning of character education for children. Housing Complex Environmental Transport Department of Military Region (Hubdam) III Regional Military Command (KODAM) Siliwangi potentially give birth to children of noble character and intelligent. But so far there are still many children who fail to thrive well, especially in the social aspects of emotional. This is the impact of the lack of family-based education. Therefore parenting program aims to improve the quality of family communication at home, is also able to provide knowledge for all members of the Union of Soldiers Wife Kartika Chandra Kirana (PERSIT) in HUBDAM III / Siliwangi to further improve the education of the best character of the house

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Terhadap Perempuan Melalui Keterampilan Menyulam di PKBM Kenanga Desa Margahurip Kecamatan Banjaran Kabupaten Bandung

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    Community empowerment is a process of development in which the community initiates to initiate the process of social activities to improve the situation and conditions themselves. Community empowerment can only occur when the citizens participate. Development and empowerment of society today, has strengthened awareness in the midst of society even can be said as alternative development that enable able to cultivate society passion to lift degree especially in economic independence. Economic empowerment of women through embroidering skills in PKBM Kenanga Margahurip Village, Banjaran District, Bandung Regency has become a tangible manifestation in improving the family economy, so that independence can be felt by most of the trainees. Community empowerment, implemented in PKBM KENANGA, run effectively and efficiently so as to produce a positive outcome, that is able to make women especially in improving the family economy


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    The increase of public awareness on the importance of Early Childhood Education (EDC) signed by numbers of establishment on non-formal early childhood institutions organized by society. However, this situation is not in accordance with the existance of sufficient qualified teachers. The aim of this study is to describe and inform early childhood education teachers’ performance. The method used in this study is descriptive analytic method. The data collection techniques are interviews, observations, and documentation study. The participant were chosen purposively, they were two managers and three early childhood teachers. From the findings, it was found that most of early childhood teachers performance were still not optimum. It was happened due to misperceptions of early childhood teachers in developing curriculum. The finding shows that: 1) lesson plan, method and instructional media development were arranged inappropriately 2) the syllabus was only made in form of daily and weekly planning, 3) the ratio between teachers and children were imbalance, 4) teachers were pay more attention on the final result, and 5) teachers emphasize on the development of basic skills. From those findings, it can be concluded that mostly the barriers faced by early childhood teachers largely influenced by external factors

    Upaya Kepala Sekolah Dalam Mensosialisasikan Pentingnya Menabung Sejak Usia Dini Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kepodang Kota Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the efforts of the principal in socializing the importance of saving from an early age and to determine the factors that become barriers for children to save. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, while the data collection techniques that researchers use are interviews, observation, and documentation. To obtain valid data results, researchers used several triangulation techniques including source triangulation, method triangulation, investigator triangulation, and theory triangulation. From the results of observations and data collection that the researchers have done, it can be concluded that the factors that inhibit children from saving tend to arise from the parents, where some parents feeltheir income is less stable. But this has been anticipated by the existence of the principal’s policy that does not specify the amount of money that must be saved. Furthermore, the principal’s efforts in socializing the importance of saving in several ways, including socializing at parent meetings and providing direction to students through storytelling before the teaching and learning process begins. The efforts that have been made by the principal, can have a positive impact, in which students begin to show excellent progress in appreciating money with their behavior that is not wasteful using pocket money