19 research outputs found

    Determinasi Arsen (AS) dan Merkuri (Hg) dalam Air dan Sedimen di Kolam Bekas Tambang Timah (Air Kolong) di Propinsi Bangka-belitung, Indonesia

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    Indonesia dikenal sebagai produsen timah terbesar kedua di dunia, di mana produksi timah sebagian besar berlokasi di Propinsi Bangka Belitung (Babel), yang termasuk dalam Sabuk Timah Asia Tenggara. Penambangan timah diperkirakan telah berdampak negatif pada lima belas sungai di Babel, sepuluh di antaranya berada di Pulau Bangka. Sebagian besar penduduk di Babel mengandalkan ketersediaan air bersih dari air sungai atau air kolong. Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) menggunakan beberapa kolam bekas penambangan (kolong) sebagai sumber air bakunya untuk diolah dan didistribusikan untuk kepentingan penduduk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan konsentrasi logam berat arsen (As) dan merkuri (Hg) di dalam air dan sedimen dari beberapa kolong yang digunakan sebagai air baku PDAM. Pengambilan contoh uji dilakukan pada bulan kering dan bulan basah di 5(lima) lokasi dengan 15 titik sampling. Analisis meliputi parameter lapangan dan laboratorium, pengukuran logam Hg menggunakan cold vapor fumeless AAS Varian Spectro, AA 20plusVGA,1996; sedangkan logam As menggunakan AAS-VarianSpectro, AA-20 plus hydride, 1996 (SM 21st.,2005,APHA-AWWA-WEF, Part.No.3114). Hasil penentuan logam berat As dalam sedimen menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi di atas baku mutu sedimen WAC 173-204-320, terutama di Site I, yaitu di musim penghujan pada PDAM Pemali sebesar 84,84 +0,36 mg/L serta di musim kemarau pada air baku PLN Merawang sebesar 99,686+0,084 mg/L dan air baku PDAM Merawang sebesar 76,797+3,685 mg/L. Hasil penentuan logam berat Hg dalam sedimen menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi di atas baku mutu sedimen WAC 173-204-320, di Site I, yaitu di musim kemarau pada air baku PLN Merawang sebesar 0,679+0,001 mg/L, air baku PDAM Pemali sebesar 0,513+0,153 mg/L, Open Pit Pemali TB Timah 0,431+0,160 mg/L, Kolong Kenanga 0,658+0,070 mg/L, Site III Kolong Bikang 0,611+0,031 mg/L, Kolong Acam Rindik 0,444+0,077mg/L. Konsentrasi As dalam air memenuhi baku mutu air baku air minum Peraturan Pemerintah no.82 tahun 2001, sedangkan Hg melebihi bakumut

    Construction of Strand-seq libraries in open nanoliter arrays

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    Single-cell Strand-seq generates directional genomic information to study DNA repair, assemble genomes, and map structural variation onto chromosome-length haplotypes. We report a nanoliter-volume, one-pot (OP) Strand-seq library preparation protocol in which reagents are added cumulatively, DNA purification steps are avoided, and enzymes are inactivated with a thermolabile protease. OP-Strand-seq libraries capture 10%-25% of the genome from a single-cell with reduced costs and increased throughput

    Association of Maternal Perinatal SARS-CoV-2 Infection With Neonatal Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Massachusetts

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    Importance: The incidence of mother-to-newborn SARS-CoV-2 transmission appears low and may be associated with biological and social factors. However, data are limited on the factors associated with neonatal clinical or viral testing outcomes. Objective: To ascertain the percentage of neonates who were born to mothers with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results during the birth hospitalization, the clinical and sociodemographic factors associated with neonatal test result positivity, and the clinical and virological outcomes for newborns during hospitalization and 30 days after discharge. Design, Setting, and Participants: This multicenter cohort study included 11 academic or community hospitals in Massachusetts and mother-neonate dyads whose delivery and discharge occurred between March 1, 2020, and July 31, 2020. Eligible dyads were identified at each participating hospital through local COVID-19 surveillance and infection control systems. Neonates were born to mothers with positive SARS-CoV-2 test results within 14 days before to 72 hours after delivery, and neonates were followed up for 30 days after birth hospital discharge. Exposures: Hypothesized maternal risk factors in neonatal test result positivity included maternal COVID-19 symptoms, vaginal delivery, rooming-in practice, Black race or Hispanic ethnicity, and zip code-derived social vulnerability index. Delivery indicated by worsening maternal COVID-19 symptoms was hypothesized to increase the risk of adverse neonatal health outcomes. Main Outcomes and Measures: Primary outcomes for neonates were (1) positive SARS-CoV-2 test results, (2) indicators of adverse health, and (3) clinical signs and viral testing. Test result positivity was defined as at least 1 positive result on a specimen obtained by nasopharyngeal swab using a polymerase chain reaction-based method. Clinical and testing data were obtained from electronic medical records of nonroutine health care visits within 30 days after hospital discharge. Results: The cohort included 255 neonates (mean [SD] gestational age at birth, 37.9 [2.6] weeks; 62 [24.3%] with low birth weight or preterm delivery) with 250 mothers (mean [SD] age, 30.4 [6.3] years; 121 [48.4%] were of Hispanic ethnicity). Of the 255 neonates who were born to mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infection, 225 (88.2%) were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and 5 (2.2%) had positive results during the birth hospitalization. High maternal social vulnerability was associated with higher likelihood of neonatal test result positivity (adjusted odds ratio, 4.95; 95% CI, 1.53-16.01; P = .008), adjusted for maternal COVID-19 symptoms, delivery mode, and rooming-in practice. Adverse outcomes during hospitalization were associated with preterm delivery indicated by worsening maternal COVID-19 symptoms. Of the 151 newborns with follow-up data, 28 had nonroutine clinical visits, 7 underwent SARS-CoV-2 testing, and 1 had a positive result. Conclusions and Relevance: The findings emphasize the importance of both biological and social factors in perinatal SARS-CoV-2 infection outcomes. Newborns exposed to SARS-CoV-2 were at risk for both direct and indirect adverse health outcomes, supporting efforts of ongoing surveillance of the virus and long-term follow-up

    Incidence of respiratory syncytial virus-associated lower respiratory tract illness in infants in low- and middle-income regions during the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Study data and documents can be requested for further research from www.clinicalstudydatarequest.com.BACKGROUND : Incidence data of respiratory syncytial virus–associated lower respiratory tract illness (RSV-LRTI) are sparse in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We estimated RSV-LRTI incidence rates (IRs) in infants in LMICs using World Health Organization case definitions. METHODS : This prospective cohort study, conducted in 10 LMICs from May 2019 to October 2021 (largely overlapping with the coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19] pandemic), followed infants born to women with low-risk pregnancies for 1 year from birth using active and passive surveillance to detect potential LRTIs, and quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction on nasal swabs to detect RSV. RESULTS : Among 2094 infants, 32 (1.5%) experienced an RSV-LRTI (8 during their first 6 months of life, 24 thereafter). Seventeen (0.8%) infants had severe RSV-LRTI and 168 (8.0%) had all-cause LRTI. IRs (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) of first RSV-LRTI episode were 1.0 (.3–2.3), 0.8 (.3–1.5), and 1.6 (1.1–2.2) per 100 person-years for infants aged 0–2, 0–5, and 0–11 months, respectively. IRs (95% CIs) of the first all-cause LRTI episode were 10.7 (8.1–14.0), 11.7 (9.6–14.0), and 8.7 (7.5–10.2) per 100 person-years, respectively. IRs varied by country (RSV-LRTI: 0.0–8.3, all-cause LRTI: 0.0–49.6 per 100 person-years for 0- to 11-month-olds). CONCLUSIONS : RSV-LRTI IRs in infants in this study were relatively low, likely due to reduced viral circulation caused by COVID-19–related nonpharmaceutical interventions. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION : NCT03614676.https://academic.oup.com/ofidhj2024Medical MicrobiologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi ACO dan AG dalam menemukan jarak dan waktu terpendek. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lokasi tambang Marmer-Tunua dan Mangan-Tubunaus. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa peta dan titik lokasi (latitude dan longitude) sebanyak lima titik. Pada pengujian pertama di lokasi tambang Marmer-Tunua menggunakan ACO ditemukan jarak 213,70 Km dan 5,25 Jam. Selanjutnya untuk AG adalah 370,45 Km dan waktu tempuh 10,29 Jam. Pengujian kedua pada lokasi tambang Mangan- Tubunaus menggunakan ACO ditemukan jarak 154,78 Km dengan waktu 3,26 Jam sedangkan untuk AG adalah 239,45 Km dengan waktu 6,65 Jam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ACO lebih baik dalam menemukan rute terpendek dan hasilnya lebih optimal dengan satu solusi dibanding AG yang cenderung banyak solusi dan berubah-berubah

    Determinasi Arsen (AS) dan Merkuri (Hg) dalam Air dan Sedimen di Kolam Bekas Tambang Timah (Air Kolong) di Propinsi Bangka-belitung, Indonesia

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    Indonesia dikenal sebagai produsen timah terbesar kedua di dunia, di mana produksi timah sebagian besar berlokasi di Propinsi Bangka Belitung (Babel), yang termasuk dalam Sabuk Timah Asia Tenggara. Penambangan timah diperkirakan telah berdampak negatif pada lima belas sungai di Babel, sepuluh di antaranya berada di Pulau Bangka. Sebagian besar penduduk di Babel mengandalkan ketersediaan air bersih dari air sungai atau air kolong. Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) menggunakan beberapa kolam bekas penambangan (kolong) sebagai sumber air bakunya untuk diolah dan didistribusikan untuk kepentingan penduduk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan konsentrasi logam berat arsen (As) dan merkuri (Hg) di dalam air dan sedimen dari beberapa kolong yang digunakan sebagai air baku PDAM. Pengambilan contoh uji dilakukan pada bulan kering dan bulan basah di 5(lima) lokasi dengan 15 titik sampling. Analisis meliputi parameter lapangan dan laboratorium, pengukuran logam Hg menggunakan cold vapor fumeless AAS Varian Spectro, AA 20plusVGA,1996; sedangkan logam As menggunakan AAS-VarianSpectro, AA-20 plus hydride, 1996 (SM 21st.,2005,APHA-AWWA-WEF, Part.No.3114). Hasil penentuan logam berat As dalam sedimen menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi di atas baku mutu sedimen WAC 173-204-320, terutama di Site I, yaitu di musim penghujan pada PDAM Pemali sebesar 84,84 +0,36 mg/L serta di musim kemarau pada air baku PLN Merawang sebesar 99,686+0,084 mg/L dan air baku PDAM Merawang sebesar 76,797+3,685 mg/L. Hasil penentuan logam berat Hg dalam sedimen menunjukkan nilai konsentrasi di atas baku mutu sedimen WAC 173-204-320, di Site I, yaitu di musim kemarau pada air baku PLN Merawang sebesar 0,679+0,001 mg/L, air baku PDAM Pemali sebesar 0,513+0,153 mg/L, Open Pit Pemali TB Timah 0,431+0,160 mg/L, Kolong Kenanga 0,658+0,070 mg/L, Site III Kolong Bikang 0,611+0,031 mg/L, Kolong Acam Rindik 0,444+0,077mg/L. Konsentrasi As dalam air memenuhi baku mutu air baku air minum Peraturan Pemerintah no.82 tahun 2001, sedangkan Hg melebihi bakumut

    The role of leptin, soluble leptin receptor, adiponectin and visfatin in insulin sensitivity in preterm born children in prepubertal ages.

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    Background: There are still controversies whether insulin resistance (IR) develops in preterm born children during early childhood

    Immune thrombocytopenic purpura associated with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Over the past decade, tuberculosis has been recognized worldwide as a public health problem of increasing proportions. We report a patient who presented with epistaxis and generalized petechiae. The diagnosis was immune thrombocytopenia and the patient was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin and pulse steroid. The bleeding continued and thrombocyte level was low despite therapy. Chest X-ray and a computed tomography scan of the thorax showed right upper lobe opacities and bilateral interstitial infiltrates. The patient also had a history of close contact with an individual with active tuberculosis. The thrombocytopenia was resistant to standard therapy, but resolved after antituberculosis treatment. This report is the first case of a child with immune thrombocytopenia secondary to pulmonary tuberculosis