21 research outputs found

    E4F1-mediated control of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is essential for skin homeostasis.

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    The multifunctional protein E4 transcription factor 1 (E4F1) is an essential regulator of epidermal stem cell (ESC) maintenance. Here, we found that E4F1 transcriptionally regulates a metabolic program involved in pyruvate metabolism that is required to maintain skin homeostasis. E4F1 deficiency in basal keratinocytes resulted in deregulated expression of dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase (Dlat), a gene encoding the E2 subunit of the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex. Accordingly, E4f1 knock-out (KO) keratinocytes exhibited impaired PDH activity and a redirection of the glycolytic flux toward lactate production. The metabolic reprogramming of E4f1 KO keratinocytes associated with remodeling of their microenvironment and alterations of the basement membrane, led to ESC mislocalization and exhaustion of the ESC pool. ShRNA-mediated depletion of Dlat in primary keratinocytes recapitulated defects observed upon E4f1 inactivation, including increased lactate secretion, enhanced activity of extracellular matrix remodeling enzymes, and impaired clonogenic potential. Altogether, our data reveal a central role for Dlat in the metabolic program regulated by E4F1 in basal keratinocytes and illustrate the importance of PDH activity in skin homeostasis

    Les modĂšles TVA

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    The Vat Model, by Antoine CoutiĂšre, Josette Delpech and Yann Burfin. The first section, which is methodological, shows how National Accounts enable analysis of the formation and incidence of Value Added Tax (Vat). In particular, input-output statistics make it possible to show that Vat is not perfectly neutral, i.e. that it is borne not only by final consumers, but sometimes also by producers. The second section examines data obtained using Vat models. The burden of Vat on National Accounting categories is analysed. Various simulations are carried out to examine the effects of changes in applicable rates or the scope of goods subject to the tax ; in this connection, some of the consequences of a total alignment with European legislation and of the July 1982 reform are presented. Finally, one possible approach to analysing the macro-economic effects of Vat is outlined.Les modĂšles Tva, par Antoine CoutiĂšre, Josette Delpech et Yann Burfin. Dans une premiĂšre partie mĂ©thodologique, on montre comment les cadres de la ComptabilitĂ© nationale permettent d'analyser les mĂ©canismes de formation et de diffusion de la Fva taxe sur la valeur ajoutĂ©e). En particulier l'utilisation du tableau EntrĂ©es-Sorties permet de rĂ©vĂ©ler l'imparfaite neutralitĂ© de la Tva qui n'est pas uniquement Ă  la charge des consommateurs finals mais parfois aussi Ă  celle des producteurs. Dans une deuxiĂšme partie, sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s certains rĂ©sultats obtenus avec les modĂšles Tva. Outre l'analyse de sa rĂ©partition entre les diffĂ©rents agents de la ComptabilitĂ© Nationale, diverses simulations sont effectuĂ©es modifiant les taux applicables ou le champ des biens passibles de la taxe ; Ă  cette occasion certaines consĂ©quences d'un alignement intĂ©gral sur la lĂ©gislation europĂ©enne et de la rĂ©forme de juillet 1982 sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. On esquisse enfin une premiĂšre approche possible des effets macroĂ©conomiques de la Tva.CoutiĂšre Antoine, Delpech Josette, Burfin Yann. Les modĂšles TVA. In: Économie & prĂ©vision, n°57, 1983-1. pp. 25-53

    Risk analysis of a biomass combustion process using MOSAR and FMEA methods

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    International audienceThermal and chemical conversion processes that convert in energy the sewage sludge, pasty waste and other pre-processed waste are increasingly common, for economic and ecological reasons. Fluidized bed combustion is currently one of the most promising methods of energy conversion, since it burns biomass very efficiently, and produces only very small quantities of sulphur and nitrogen oxides. The hazards associated with biomass combustion processes are fire, explosion and poisoning from the combustion gases (CO, etc.). The risk analysis presented in this paper uses the MADSMOSAR methodology, applied to a semi-industrial pilot scheme comprising a fluidization column, a conventional cyclone, two natural gas burners and a continuous supply of biomass. The methodology uses a generic approach, with an initial macroscopic stage where hazard sources are identified, scenarios for undesired events are recognized and ranked using a grid of Severity × Probability and safety barriers suggested. A microscopic stage then analyzes in detail the major risks identified during the first stage. This analysis may use various different tools, such as HAZOP, FMEA, etc.: our analysis is based on FMEA. Using MOSAR, we were able to identify five subsystems: the reactor (fluidized bed and centrifuge), the fuel and biomass supply lines, the operator and the environment. When we drew up scenarios based on these subsystems, we found that malfunction of the gas supply burners was a common trigger in many scenarios. Our subsequent microscopic analysis, therefore, focused on the burners, looking at the ways they failed, and at the effects and criticality of those failures (FMEA). We were, thus, able to identify a number of critical factors such as the incoming gas lines and the ignition electrode

    Diagnostic sécurité d'un procédé de traitement des gaz par photocatalyse : application de la méthode MOSAR

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    International audienceThe increasing ecological awareness of anthropic activities on environment induces numerous development in the field of gaseous emissions treatment processes. On the one hand, gaseous effluent depollution by photocatalysis with TiO2 as photocatalyst is particularly and widely studied and new application technologies are regularly designed. On the other hand, regulations become more and more restrictives and due to a growing societal consciousness, public administration and private societies have to realise the safety study of their plants.This article proposes a hazard and risk analysis associated to the gaseous effluents photocatalysis processes based on the use of MOSAR method (Method Organised Systematic Analysis of Risk). This leads first to a macroscopic study of the plant to identify sub-systems describing the experimental set-up, then to the risks analysis and their evaluation for each one. In a complementary step, the description of undesired events scenarios and their evaluation with a Gravity vs Probability grid. The final step corresponds to the search of technological and organizational prevention and protection barriers to improve users safety.La prise de conscience gĂ©nĂ©rale des impacts des activitĂ©s anthropiques sur l'environnement entraine un dĂ©veloppement des procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement des effluents, notamment gazeux. Dans ce contexte, les procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement des effluents gazeux par photocatalyse sur TiO2 ont connu un essor considĂ©rable, et de nouvelles technologies voient rĂ©guliĂšrement le jour. ParallĂšlement, pousses par une rĂšglementation de plus en plus contraignante et par une sensibilisation sociĂ©tale accrue, les entreprises publiques et privĂ©es rĂ©alisent le diagnostic sĂ©curitĂ© de leurs installations. Cette Ă©tude propose une analyse des dangers et des risques associes a la mise en Ɠuvre d'un procĂ©dĂ© de photocatalyse d'effluents gazeux sur TiO2 Ă  l'aide de la mĂ©thode MOSAR (mĂ©thode organisĂ©e systĂ©mique d'analyse des risques). Cette mĂ©thode est basĂ©e sur une Ă©tude macroscopique du systĂšme permettant l'identification de diffĂ©rents sous-systĂšmes, puis l'analyse des sources de dangers de chacun d'entre eux, l'Ă©laboration et la hiĂ©rarchisation de scenarios de dangers Ă  l'aide de grille gravitĂ© x probabilitĂ©. La derniĂšre Ă©tape correspond Ă  la recherche et l'Ă©tude de barriĂšres de sĂ©curitĂ© technologiques ou organisationnelles afin de rendre les risques acceptables

    Unraveling the Role of Zinc Complexes on Indium Phosphide Nanocrystal Chemistry

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    International audienceThe addition of zinc complexes to the syntheses of indium phosphide nanocrystals (InP NCs) has become commonplace, due to their ability to alter and significantly improve observed optical properties. In this paper, the role of zinc complexes on the synthesis and observed properties of InP is carefully examined. Produced InP and InP:Zn2+ NCs are thoroughly characterized from both structural (core and surface) and optical perspectives over a wide range of Zn2+ compositions (0%-43% atomic content). We find no differences in the physical (NC size and polydispersity) and structural properties (crystallographic phase) of InP and InP:Zn2+ NCs. Optically, significant changes are observed when zinc is added to InP syntheses, including blueshifted absorption edges and maxima, increased quantum yields, and the near elimination of surface state emission. These improved optical properties result from surface passivation by zinc carboxylate moieties. Changes to the optical properties begin at zinc concentrations as low as 5%, demonstrating the high sensitivity of InP optical properties to exogenous species

    Sustainable quantum dot chemistry: effects of precursor, solvent, and surface chemistry on the synthesis of Zn 3 P 2 nanocrystals

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    International audienceThe quest of exploring alternative materials for the replacement of toxic cadmium- and lead-based quantum dots (QDs) is necessary for envisaging a sustainable future but remains highly challenging. Tackling this issue, we present the synthesis of Zn3P2 nanocrystals (NCs) of unprecedented quality. New, reactive zinc precursors yield highly crystalline, colloidally stable particles, exhibiting oxide-free surfaces, size tunability and outstanding optical properties relative to previous reports of zinc phosphide QDs

    Cd3P2/Zn3P2 Core-Shell Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Optical Properties

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    International audienceII–V semiconductor nanocrystals such as Cd3P2 and Zn3P2 have enormous potential as materials in next-generation optoelectronic devices requiring active optical properties across the visible and infrared range. To date, this potential has been unfulfilled due to their inherent instability with respect to air and moisture. Core-shell system Cd3P2/Zn3P2 is synthesized and studied from structural (morphology, crystallinity, shell diameter), chemical (composition of core, shell, and ligand sphere), and optical perspectives (absorbance, emission-steady state and time resolved, quantum yield, and air stability). The improvements achieved by coating with Zn3P2 are likely due to its identical crystal structure to Cd3P2 (tetragonal), highlighting the key role crystallographic concerns play in creating cutting edge core-shell NC

    Recommandations pour la pratique clinique du CNGOF. Place de l’auto-examen des seins dans les stratĂ©gies de dĂ©pistage

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    ObjectifsLe cancer du sein est le cancer le plus frĂ©quent de la femme dans la plupart des pays du monde. En France, plus de 60 000 nouveaux cas sont actuellement diagnostiquĂ©s et environ 12 000 dĂ©cĂšs lui sont attribuĂ©s annuellement. De nombreux travaux ont montrĂ© que le risque mĂ©tastatique croĂźt avec l’augmentation du volume de la tumeur. Dans ce contexte, il est utile d’évaluer si la pratique rĂ©guliĂšre de l’auto-examen des seins (AES) a un impact sur le nombre de cancers diagnostiquĂ©s, leur stade, les traitements utilisĂ©s et la mortalitĂ©.ConceptionL’élaboration de ces recommandations par la Commission de sĂ©nologie (CS) du CNGOF n’a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’aucun financement extĂ©rieur. La mĂ©thode GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© des donnĂ©es factuelles sur lesquelles ont Ă©tĂ© fondĂ©es ces recommandations.MĂ©thodesLa CS a Ă©tudiĂ© 16 questions concernant l’AES, en individualisant quatre groupes de femmes (population gĂ©nĂ©rale, femmes de plus de 75 ans, femmes Ă  haut risque, femmes antĂ©rieurement traitĂ©es pour un cancer du sein). Pour chaque situation, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© si la pratique d’un AES comparĂ©e Ă  l’abstention de cet examen permettait de dĂ©tecter plus de cancers du sein, de rĂ©cidives, de diminuer les traitements ou d’augmenter la survie.RĂ©sultatsL’AES n’est pas recommandĂ© pour les femmes de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, qui bĂ©nĂ©ficient par ailleurs d’un examen clinique des seins (par le mĂ©decin traitant ou le gynĂ©cologue) Ă  partir de l’ñge de 25 ans et d’un dĂ©pistage organisĂ© de 50 Ă  74 ans (recommandation forte). En l’absence de donnĂ©es sur la place de l’AES chez les patientes ĂągĂ©es de plus de 75 ans, celles Ă  haut risque de cancer du sein, et celles antĂ©rieurement traitĂ©es pour cancer du sein, la CS n’a pas pu Ă©mettre de recommandation. Si des femmes appartenant Ă  ces derniĂšres catĂ©gories souhaitent pratiquer l’AES, il faut qu’elles bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’un apprentissage rigoureux de sa technique et d’une information sur les bĂ©nĂ©fices et risques de cette pratique observĂ©s chez les femmes de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. La CS invite toutes les femmes qui dĂ©tectent un changement ou une anomalie dans leurs seins Ă  consulter sans retard un professionnel de santĂ©.ConclusionL’AES n’est pas recommandĂ© pour les femmes de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. Aucune recommandation ne peut ĂȘtre Ă©mise chez les femmes ĂągĂ©es de plus de 75 ans, celles Ă  haut risque de cancer du sein et celles antĂ©rieurement traitĂ©es pour un cancer du sein