229 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Anak Penderita Autis Dalam Memahami Tindak Tutur Direktif: Tinjauan Pragmatik Klinis

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    . The Ability Of Children With Autism In Comprehending The Directive Speech Acts: Pragmatik Review Of Clinical. The aim of the study were to (1) describe the ability of autistic children to komprehend directive speech, and (2) describe the ability of autistic children to produce directive speech. This research was a case study with qualitative descriptive anlysis. Located at Bunda Autistic School at Makassar. The data resource were three children and supervisory teacher as a key informer. The research was conducted for two months from February to April 2014. The result of reseach indicated that (1) almost all forms of nonverbal responses performed, especially by children with autism, were characterized by moderate and severe (AAS and AAB)autistics. Verbal response can only be performed by autistics with mild characreristic, AAS. (2) the AAR autistic children had good ability to explain half of the existing category in performing direct speech, AAS had good enough ability and was able to explain some of existing category, but not more then AAR, the ability of AAB in explaining TTD was low and limited. From the existing category, the AAB was only able to produce of TTD in one case only

    An Analysis of the Ability of the First Year Students of Sman 1 Banuhampu in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    The aim of this study is to find out the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts. The population of this research were all of the first year students of SMAN 1 Banuhampu which consist of 238 students. There were 33 students who participated in this study. The instrument was a test adapted from authentic material and consists of 35 questions. The frame of the test covers 7 components: main idea, factual information, contextual meaning, reference, restatement, generic structure and language feature and had 5 questions for each component. Before the test was administered, the test was tried out to find out the difficulty level and the reliability of the test. To analyze the data, the raw scores and the level of ability of the students was calculated and identified by using the classification of ability level by Harris (1974). The result showed that the ability of the first year students of SMAN 1Banuhampu in comprehending narrative texts was at average to good level with mean score 72.12. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the students were able to comprehend narrative text. However, the students are suggested to learn the seven components in comprehending narrative text that will help them in comprehending others reading texts

    Pemilihan Paket Internet Android Pada Operator Telepon Gsm Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

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    Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used to help people to make choice android internet package. Data analysis method used AHP method is the approach used is based on the analysis of policies that aim to get the right and optimal decisions for people. Decision Support System designed to support all stages of decision making form identifying the problem, select relevan data and determine the approach used in decision making process, evaluate the selection of alternatives is supported by software Expert Choice 2000. Attributes of criteria among the other requirements, price and signals. Sample taken three(3) poeple and then fill out the questionnaire and the processed data into the software Expert Choice 2000. The result of data processing using software Expert Choice 2000 that the first rank is Telkomsel 23,9 %, second rank is XL 23,7%, third rank is Indosat 20,6%, fourth rank is Axis 16,2% and last rank is Three 15,7%.

    Investigation of Electron Contamination on Flattened and Unflattened Varian Clinac iX 6X and 15X Photon Beam Based on Monte Carlo Simulation

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    The aim of this study was to characterize electron contamination of a flattened (FF) and an unflattened (FFF) Varian Clinac iX 6X and 15X photon beams using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. EGSnrc MC technique was used to model the flattened and unflattened head and simulate dose distribution of 6X and 15X of FF and FFF photon beam in water phantom. The materials and geometrical data of FF linac were provided by Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) Singapore. The FFF linac was modeled by removing the flattening filter component in the FF linac. Phase space files were scored after flattening filter and in the phantom surface. The phsp files were analyzed to characterize the particles produced by the linac head using BEAMDP. The contaminants contribute around 1 % and 2 % in the phsp1 for flattened and unflattened beams, respectively. The photons are scattered in small-angle in the range of 0 – 4o. The contaminant electron contributes up to one hundredth compared to the photons. The increase of field area affects the increase in contaminants and penumbra width due to the increasing number of particle scattered out of the field area. The unflattened beam affects the increase in the number of electron contamination and surface dose. The penumbra width of the flattened beams was smaller than the unflattened beams for the same field size and energy

    Seleksi Calon Karyawan pada Perusahaan Menggunakan Metode AHP di STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang

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    - Proses seleksi merupakan proses pencairan dan penarikan tenaga kerja yang memiliki potensi untuk mengisi lowongan pekerjaan, tenaga kerja yang berkualitas sangat berpengaruh pada kemajuan Perusahaan. Kesalahan dalam memilih seorang karyawan tentunya akan membawa pengaruh negatif bagi kinerja Perusahaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah AHP (Analytical Hierarki Process) yaitu pendekatan yang digunakan berdasarkan analisis kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang tepat dan optimal bagi Perusahaan. Sistem pendukung keputusan dirancang untuk mendukung seluruh tahap pengambilan keputusan mulai dari mengidentifikasikan masalah, memilih data yang relevan, dan menentukan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, sampai mengevaluasi pemilihan alternative-alternatif yang ada didukung oleh software Expert Choice 2000

    A cans waste classification system based on RGB images using different distances of k-means clustering

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    Abstract. This study aims to build a classify the cans waste based on the pixel of captured Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) image by implement different metric 3 distances of k-means clustering; Manhattan, Euclidean, and Minkowski metric distance. The image capturing is designed using combinations of two the conveyor belt speeds of 0.181 m/sec and 0.086 m/sec, two the lightings of halogen and incandescent lamps, and four lighting angles of 300, 450, 600, and 900. The classification results note that the implementation of Manhattan distance on the k-means clustering method for classifying the cans waste into three can types has the highest level of accuracy in the majority of data. The highest accuracy level of classification is obtained from data of captured image on the conveyor belt speeds of 0.181 m/sec, the lightings of halogen lamp, and the lighting angles of 450 by implementing the Euclidean distance, while the lowest accuracy level of classification is obtained from data of captured image on the lighting angles of 300 with the same speeds and the lamp by implementing the Manhattan distance. The highest average accuracy is obtained by implementing the Euclidean distance, that derived from the average accuracy at lighting angle of 450

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Pemecahan Masalah (Problem Solving) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 117 Pekanbaru

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    Based on preliminary data obtained by researchers showed that the achievement of learning outcomes largely Elementary School fifth grade students 117 Pekanbaru is still relatively low, the number of students 36 people composed of 19 men and 17 women. KKM specified is 75. The number of students who reach KKM only 15 and who have not reached KKM completeness 21 people with a percentage of 41,66% and an average grade 68.47. This is due to more students are positioned as an object, the student is considered not to know and not know anything, while positioning himself as a teacher who has knowledge. So that the learning has focused on teacher (teacher center) while students more silent and hear the teacher explained. Only a few students who are active in the learning process. Therefore, the goal of researchers to improve the results of students' mathematics learning through problem-solving learning model in the Elementary School fifth grade students in the academic year 2014/2015 117 Pekanbaru. This research method is Action Research (PTK) carried out by 2 cycles with 4 meetings and 2 replications. Research subjects fifth grade students of SD Negeri 117 Pekanbaru the number of students 36 people. From the research results mean learning outcomes 75.27 mathematics in the first cycle, the second cycle 82.77. Mastery learning students in the first cycle and cycle II 61.11% 83.33%. The activities of teachers in the first cycle of 80% with the good category and the second cycle of 92.5% with very good category. Activity of students in the first cycle of 67.5% with the good category and the second cycle of 87.5% with very good category. It can be concluded that the application of learning models problem solving (problem solving) can improve the results of learning mathematics Elementary School fifth grade students 117 Pekanbaru

    Implementasi Pendekatan Investigasi Dengan Strategi Pembelajara Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematik Siswa SMA

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    This research was motivated by the poor ability of solving problems of high school students, so it is necessary to find an alternative learning can improve students' mathematical problem-solving abilities, one of which is the implementation of Investigation Approach By Type STAD Cooperative Learning Strategies. This study aimed to determine (1) whether the mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than students who received conventional learning, (2) whether the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach to learning strategies STAD cooperative better than the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students receiving conventional learning, (3) whether there are differences in the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students in groups of high, medium and low who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies. This research was conducted at SMAN 2 Serang. The method used is the method of quasi- experimental control groups are not equivalent. The results showed: (1) mathematical problem solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than students using the conventional model, (2) an increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies better than the increase in mathematical problem-solving ability of students receiving conventional learning, (3) there are differences in the increase in mathematical problem solving ability in a group of high school students high, medium and low who obtain investigative approach with STAD cooperative learning strategies.Keywords : Investigative Approach , Type STAD Cooperative Learning , Math Problem Solvin
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