118 research outputs found

    Analisis Hukum Pengalihan Piutang (Cessie) Kepada Pihak Ketiga Menurut Pasal 613 Kuh Perdata

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengalihan piutang (cessie) kepada pihak ketiga menurut KUH Perdata dan bagaimana akibat hukum Pembeli Piutang (cessor) terhadap benda yang disebabkan Pengalihan Piutang (cessie). Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif disimpulkan: 1. Proses Pengalihan Piutang (cessie) sebagaimana yang diatur dalam KUH Perdata tidak secara nyata disebutkan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka adanya suatu perjanjian tertulis, baik itu berupa akta otentik maupun akta di bawah tangan, adalah merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak untuk dipenuhi di dalam melakukan pengalihan piutang atas nama. Hal ini berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 613 KUHPerdata. Namun, keberadaan perjanjian cessie yang dibuat baik secara otentik atau dibawah tangan itu belum akan mengikat dan atau memberikan akibat hukum apapun juga kepada debitur bilamana hal tersebut, telah dilakukannya pengalihan piutang secara cessie ini tidak diberitahukan kepada debitur atau secara tertulis tidak diakui atau disetujui debitur. Dengan demikian, kepada kreditur KUHPerdata menganut sistem pengalihan pertama (first assignment), sedangkan kepada debitur, KUH Perdata menganut sistem pemberitahuan pertama (first notification). Artinya kepada cessie tersebutlah lebih dahulu diberitahukan kepada debitur. 2. Akibat Hukum Pengalihan Piutang (cessie) dinyatakan sah karena Cessie dapat dilakukan melalui akta otentik atau akta bawah tangan, dengan syarat utama keabsahan cessie adalah pemberitahuan cessie tersebut kepada pihak terhutang untuk disetujui dan diakuinya. Pihak terhutang di sini adalah pihak terhadap mana si berpiutang memiliki tagihan, sehingga cessie merupakan penggantian orang yang berpiutang lama dengan seseorang berpiutang baru. Pengalihan hak dari kontrak atau piutang dengan cara cessie diatur dan dibenarkan KUH Perdata, khususnya pada Pasal 613 KUH Perdata. Akan tetapi, terhadap hak yang terbit dari suatu perbuatan melawan hukum oleh orang lain, tidak mungkin dapat dialihkan karena hal tersebut bertentangan dengan ketertiban umum. Cessie yang tidak dibenarkan oleh hukum yaitu cessie yang bertentangan dengan undang-undang, ketertiban umum, cessie yang secara signifikan dapat mengubah kewajiban dari pihak debitur. Kata kunci: Pengalihan, piutang, pihak ketig

    Exploring the Use of Narratives to Understand Pre-service Teachers\u27 Practicum Experiences from a Sociocultural Perspective

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    This paper reports on an exploratory study designed to investigate what aspects of practicum pre-service teachers narrate as meaningful experiences and how these narratives help them promote teacher awareness and professional development. The study is conducted with 21 fourth-year pre-service teachers attending the practicum at the time of the study. The data consist of 84 narratives written in 2015-16 academic year and oral interviews with pre-service teachers conducted in seminar courses. A two-person review panel analysed the data through inductive data analysis from a sociocultural perspective. The analysis points to the nature of narratives, the practicum school context these narratives emerge, and the link between narratives and their contributions to pre-service teachers’ awareness and professional learning. The article concludes by considering implications for developing the content of practicum and pre-service teachers’ reflective practices

    Political Leadership in Papua New Guinea: Three Women Parliamentarians Defeated in the 2017 Election: Part Two

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    This is the second In Brief in a two-part series. Part 1 detailed the circumstances surrounding the unsuccessful re-election of three women members of parliament (MPs) in Papua New Guinea (PNG). In this second part I analyse the case studies and reach three findings: the women’s attempts to consolidate power in their province during their first term were unsuccessful; the importance of provincial assemblies in national politics should not be underestimated; and the rules of big-man1 politics seem likely to apply to women MPs.Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trad

    Political Leadership in Papua New Guinea: Three Women Parliamentarians Defeated in the 2017 Election: Part One

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    The three women parliamentarians who were elected in the 2012 Papua New Guinea (PNG) election failed to win re-election in the 2017 general election. Their electoral defeats only deepen the concern for gender representation in parliament. However, an analysis of their short-lived political careers reveals that their conduct in the 9th parliament is consistent with the demands and expectations made of the Papua New Guinean politician. In PNG there are two arenas in politics a member of parliament (MP) must contend with to ensure survival: the first, naturally, is electoral victory; the second is the politics of electoral development — when elected, an MP is expected to successfully deliver development to their electorate.Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trad

    The Relationship between Premenstrual Syndrome and Healthy Lifestyle Among University Students

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    This study was conducted descriptively and correlationally to examine the relationship between premenstrual syndrome and healthy lifestyle behaviors among university students. Premenstrual syndrome is one of the problems seen in women of reproductive age. A descriptive correlation study. The study was carried out with 677 female students at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. The data were collected using personal information form, Premenstrual Syndrome Scale, Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II. In the analysis of the data; percentage distribution, Chi-square test, Independent Samples t-test, and Logistic regression analysis were used. Average age of students included in the study is 20:27±1.60. 73.3 percent of the students were menarche age 13-15 years, mean menstrual period 27.65±3.68 years, 76.4 percent menstruation period between 5-7 days, 87.6 percent stated regular menstruation, 81.4 percent had experienced dysmenorrhea. Premenstrual syndrome was found in 62% of the participating students. Students' scores of Premenstrual Syndrome were 121.30 ± 34.02, scores of Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II were 123.50±18.63. In this study, the presence of dysmenorrhea, using salt before tasting the dish, the mother’s premenstrual syndrome were determined as factors affecting the premenstrual syndrome prevalence of female students. Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II showed that spiritual development, feeding behavior lower sizes affected the premenstrual syndrome prevalence. As a result, it is seen that prevalence premenstrual syndrome prevalence is high and healthy lifestyle behaviors are at the medium level among university students. Women need to be addressed from ages of adolescence to cope with premenstrual syndrome, to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors

    Self-Efficacy for Science Teaching Scale Development: Construct Validation with Elementary School Teachers

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    The measurement of teacher self-efficacy has a history of more than 30 years. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the development and validation of a new scale to measure the science teaching self-efficacy of elementary school teachers. Therefore, a scale has been created to measure elementary teachers’ science teaching self-efficacy and the evidence for validity of the scale is presented in this study. Data collection for this study occurred during 2014-2015 academic year. Measurement tool applied to 135 science teachers in elementary school. All of these participants completed the Self-Efficacy for Science Teaching Scale (SSTS) in January 2015 and again in June 2015. “The Self-Efficacy for Science Teaching Scale (SSTS)” was developed and has undergone revisions to the original version through processes defined in this study. The SSTS is comprised of three parts: “Science Teaching Self-Efficacy (STSE), Efficacy for Understanding Science Content (EUSC) and Efficacy for Teaching Science Content (ETSC)”. Reliability for each part of the SSTS was found to be acceptable for both versions of the scale. Evidence of reliability and validity were collected to determine if the SSTS is an adequate scale to measure science teaching self-efficacy of teachers. Findings indicate that reliability and validity of the scale is adequate. Finally, theoretical implications for elementary school teachers’ science teaching self-efficacy are discussed

    Anaerobic treatment of low strength wastewaters at temperate regions

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    Etkili hacimleri 6.45 litre olan iki adet Yukarı Akışlı Çamur Yataklı (YAÇY) reaktör, evsel atıksu karakterindeki sentetik su beslenerek, sürekli sistemler olarak çalıştırılmıştır. Mezofilik YAÇY reaktör 35±2.0°C’de çalıştırılırken psikrofilik (soğuk seven) reaktör başlangıçta oda sıcaklığında çalıştırılmış, daha sonra sıcaklık adım adım 10±2.0°C’e düşürülmüştür. 10±1.0°C ve 35±2.0°C’de, 12 saat hidrolik bekleme süresinde sırasıyla %82 ve %92 civarında KOİ giderimleri gözlenmiştir. Biyogaz üretimleri, ³ 16°C’de her iki reaktörde hemen aynı gözlenmiş, sıcaklık 10±1.0°C’e düşürüldükten sonra belirgin bir azalma göstermiştir. Psikrofilik reaktör verimi daha düşük ölçülse bile, düşük kirlilik yükündeki atıksuların havasız arıtımı başarılı şekilde gerçekleştirilmiş, ilave ısıtma ihtiyacı göstermeyerek daha ekonomik arıtım sağlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Düşük maliyetli arıtım, düşük kirlilikte atıksular, psikrofilik, YAÇY reaktör.In this study, two identical lab-scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactors with an effective volume of 6.45 l were used and operated as continuous systems for about 12 months. The mesophilic UASB reactor was operated at 35±2.0°C whereas the psychrophilic UASB reactor was operated at room temperature at the start-up and reduced to around 10±2.0°C step by step. In the study, synthetic wastewater characterizing domestic sewage was fed to both reactors. Results indicated around 82% COD removal at 10±1.0°C at a hydraulic retention time of around 12 h while at the same hydraulic retention time total COD removal could be observed around 92% at 35±2.0°C. The total biogas productions were observed about the same amount at temperatures above 16°C in both reactors. However, when the temperature in the psychrophilicUASB reactor was reduced to 10±1.0°C, total biogas production decreased significantly. pH values in the effluent of the mesophilic UASB reactor were measured slightly higher than the pH values in the effleunt of the psychrophilic UASB reactor. Although average COD removals at the psychrophilic UASB reactor was observed lower than the mesophilic UASB reactor, anaerobic treatment of low strength wastewaters could be well established and more feasible system due to no heating requirement could be achieved successfully. Keywords: Low-cost treatment, low strength wastewater, psychrophilic, UASB reactor

    Biomethane Production as an Alternative Bioenergy Source from Codigesters Treating Municipal Sludge and Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes

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    Energy recovery potential of a mesophilic co-digester treating OFMSW and primary sludge at an integrated biomethanization plant was investigated based on feasibility study results. Since landfilling is still the main solid waste disposal method in Turkey, land scarcity will become one of the most important obstacles. Restrictions for biodegradable waste disposal to sanitary landfills in EU Landfill Directive and uncontrolled long-term contamination with gas emissions and leachate necessitate alternative management strategies due to rapid increase in MSW production. Moreover, since energy contribution from renewable resources will be required more in the future with increasing oil prices and dwindling supplies of conventional energy sources, the significance of biogas as a renewable fuel has been increased in the last decade. Results indicated that almost 93% of annual total cost can be recovered if 100% renewable energy subsidy is implemented. Besides, considering the potential revenue when replacing transport fuels, about 26 heavy good vehicles or 549 cars may be powered per year by the biogas produced from the proposed biomethanization plant (PE = 100,000; XPS = 61 g TS/PE·day; XSS-OFMSW = 50 g TS/PE·day)