268 research outputs found

    Abundant off-axis hydrothermal activity in the 29–30 ridge segment of the Southwest Indian Ridge: evidence from ferromanganese crusts

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    In the ultra-slow spreading mid-ocean ridge, seafloor hydrothermal ventings mostly occur in the off-axis region. The plume of hydrothermal venting provides Fe, Mn and other metal materials for the growth of ferromanganese crust in the surrounding seamounts, showing unique geochemical characteristics that are different from that of hydrogenetic crust. Based on five samples of ferromanganese crusts, major, trace and rare earth element analysis was carried out to identify their material sources. Combined with the investigation data of water column and seafloor camera photos by deep towed hydrothermal detection system, the potential of hydrothermal activity in the 29–30 ridge segment of the Southwest Indian ridge was evaluated. The results showed that the ferromanganese crust in the study area had significantly higher Fe/Mn value (average 1.9), relatively higher Si and Al contents, and significantly higher Ca/P value (average 9.3),without significant phosphorylation. ferromanganese crust in the study area have significantly lower Co and Ni contents (about 1600 mg/kg on average), and relatively lower Sr, Ba, Pb, Cu, Zr and Mo contents (between 100-1000 mg/kg on average). The contents of W, Th and Te are also relatively low (average content between 10–50 mg/kg); The total rare earth element content of the crust in the study area is relatively low (about 928 mg/kg on average), and the light rare earth is relatively enriched. The standardized rare earth curve of the shale shows a left-leaning pattern as a whole, showing the enrichment of heavy rare earth relative to the shale. The Co content and rare earth element content of the ferromanganese crusts in this area are significantly lower than those of hydrogenetic crusts. The discrimination diagrams of ternary and bivariate material sources reveal that they have mixed hydrothermal and hydrogenetic origins. The three crust samples of S1, S2, and S5 are located within 2 km of the known hydrothermal fields, indicating a correlation between ferromanganese crust and the location of hydrothermal activity. There is no known hydrothermal field near the S3 and S4 stations. Altered rocks and water column turbidity anomalies were found near S3 station, and large areas of altered rocks and suspected hydrothermal biological remains were also found near S4 station, indicating that hydrothermal activity may exist in both areas. In addition to the two new hydrothermal fields identified in this article, the spatial frequency of hydrothermal activity in the study area reaches 15 sites/100 km, which is significantly higher than other well investigated oceanic ridges. Out of the eight hydrothermal fields in the study area, seven are located in the off axis region, mainly because the hydrothermal activity in this area is controlled by high angle and large offset normal faults and one-way detachment faults. This also indicates that the off-axis region of the Southwest Indian Ridge has high potential for hydrothermal activity

    Edge-Mediated Skyrmion Chain and Its Collective Dynamics in a Confined Geometry

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    The emergence of a topologically nontrivial vortex-like magnetic structure, the magnetic skyrmion, has launched new concepts for memory devices. There, extensive studies have theoretically demonstrated the ability to encode information bits by using a chain of skyrmions in one-dimensional nanostripes. Here, we report the first experimental observation of the skyrmion chain in FeGe nanostripes by using high resolution Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. Under an applied field normal to the nanostripes plane, we observe that the helical ground states with distorted edge spins would evolves into individual skyrmions, which assemble in the form of chain at low field and move collectively into the center of nanostripes at elevated field. Such skyrmion chain survives even as the width of nanostripe is much larger than the single skyrmion size. These discovery demonstrates new way of skyrmion formation through the edge effect, and might, in the long term, shed light on the applications.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Totally acyclic complexes

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    For a given class of modules \A, we denote by \widetilde{\A} the class of exact complexes XX having all cycles in \A, and by dw(\A) the class of complexes YY with all components YjY_j in \A. We consider a two sided noetherian ring RR and we use the notations GI\mathcal{GI} (GF,GP)(\mathcal{GF}, \mathcal{GP}) for the class of Gorenstein injective (flat, projective respectively) RR-modules. We prove (Theorem 1) that the following are equivalent: 1. Every exact complex of injective modules is totally acyclic. 2. Every exact complex of Gorenstein injective modules is in GI~\widetilde{\mathcal{GI}}. 3. Every complex in dw(GI)dw(\mathcal{GI}) is dg-Gorenstein injective. Theorem 2 shows that the analogue result for complexes of flat and Gorenstein flat modules also holds. We prove (Corollary 1) that, over a commutative noetherian ring RR, the equivalent statements in Theorem 1 (as well as their counterparts from Theorem 2) hold if and only if the ring is Gorenstein. Thus we improve on a result of Iyengar's and Krause's; in [18] they proved that for a commutative noetherian ring RR with a dualizing complex, the class of exact complexes of injectives coincides with that of totally acyclic complexes of injectives if and only if RR is Gorenstein. We are able to remove the dualizing complex hypothesis. In the second part of the paper we focus on two sided noetherian rings that satisfy the Auslander condition. We prove (Theorem 6) that for such a ring RR that also has finite finitistic flat dimension, every complex of injective (left and respectively right) RR-modules is totally acyclic if and only if RR is a Gorenstein ring

    Cicatricial Alopecia

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    Cicatricial alopecia represents a group of disorders sharing a final pathway of destruction followed by replacement with fibrous tissue of the hair follicle unit. Cicatricial alopecia is classified into two categories, namely primary cicatricial alopecia, in which the hair follicle is the sole target of a progressive inflammatory process in a group of diverse skin or systemic diseases, and secondary cicatricial alopecia, referring to the hair follicle destruction as a result of a nonspecific disruption of the dermis. Permanent hair loss may also occur in the late phases of some nonscarring alopecias that are called “biphasic alopecias.” Based on the pathological characteristics, the lesions of primary cicatricial alopecia are divided into lymphocyte-predominant subgroup, neutrophil-predominant subgroup, or mixed subgroup. In principle, the primary goal of the treatment aims to attenuate the progression of the inflammatory and the scarring processes at the earliest phase of the disease. In clinical practice, the lymphocyte-predominant lesions are treated with immunosuppressive agents, whereas the neutrophil-predominant lesions are treated with antimicrobials or dapsone. As the efficacy of medication treatment against the cicatricial alopecia varies significantly, autologous hair transplantation is recommended to patients who have a relatively stable primary or a secondary cicatricial alopecia
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