46 research outputs found

    The oligopeptide ABC transporter OppA4 negatively regulates the virulence factor OspC production of the Lyme disease pathogen

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    Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the agent of Lyme disease, exists in nature through a complex enzootic life cycle that involves both ticks and mammals. The B. burgdorferi genome encodes five Oligopeptide ABC transporters (Opp) that are predicted to be involve in transport of various nutrients. Previously, it was reported that OppA5 is important for the optimal production of OspC, a major virulence factor of B. burgdorferi. In this study, possible role of another Oligopeptide ABC transporter, OppA4 in ospC expression was investigated by construction of an oppA4 deletion mutant and the complemented strain. Inactivation of oppA4 resulted an increased production of OspC, suggesting that OppA4 has a negative impact on ospC expression. Expression of ospC is controlled by Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS, the central pathway essential for mammal infection. We showed that increased ospC expression in the oppA4 mutant was due to an increased rpoS expression. We then further investigated how OppA4 negatively regulates this pathway. Two regulators, BosR and BadR, are known to positively and negatively, respectively, regulate the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway. We found that deletion of oppA4 resulted in an increased level of BosR. Previous reports showed that bosR is mainly regulated at the post-transcriptional level by other factors. However, OppA4 appears to negatively regulate bosR expression at the transcriptional level. The finding of OppA4 involved in regulation of the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS pathway further reinforces the importance of nutritional virulence to the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi

    Comparative vector competence of North American Lyme disease vectors

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    Background Understanding the drivers of Lyme disease incidence at broad spatial scales is critical for predicting and mitigating human disease risk. Previous studies have identified vector phenology and behavior, host community composition, and landscape features as drivers of variable Lyme disease risk. However, while the Lyme disease transmission cycles in the eastern and western USA involve different vector species (Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus, respectively), the role of vector-specific differences in transmission efficiency has not been directly examined. By comparing the performance of traits involved in vector competence between these two species, this study aims to identify how vector competence contributes to variable Lyme disease risk. Methods We used a suite of laboratory experiments to compare the performance of traits related to vector competence for the two USA Lyme disease vectors. For each species, we measured the rate of attachment to a common rodent host, the engorgement weight, and the efficiency of pathogen acquisition (host to tick) and pathogen transmission (tick to host) from laboratory mice. In measuring pathogen acquisition and transmission, we used two different pathogen strains, one sympatric with I. scapularis and one sympatric with I. pacificus, to assess the importance of vector-pathogen coevolutionary history in transmission dynamics. Results We found I. pacificus had significantly higher host attachment success and engorgement weights, but significantly lower pathogen transmission efficiency relative to I. scapularis. Molting success and pathogen acquisition did not differ between these two species. However, pathogen acquisition efficiency was significantly higher for both sympatric vector and pathogen strains than the allopatric pairings. Conclusions This study identified species-specific vector traits as a potential driver of broad scale variation in Lyme disease risk in the USA. In particular, the exceedingly low rates of pathogen transmission from tick to host observed for I. pacificus may limit Lyme disease transmission efficiency in the western USA. Further, observed variation in pathogen acquisition between sympatric and allopatric vector-pathogen strains indicate that vector-pathogen coevolutionary history may play a key role in transmission dynamics. These findings underscore the need to consider vector traits and vector-pathogen coevolution as important factors governing regional Lyme disease risk

    Borrelia burgdorferi elongation factor EF-Tu is an immunogenic protein during Lyme borreliosis

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    Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiological agent of Lyme disease, does not produce lipopolysaccharide but expresses a large number of lipoproteins on its cell surface. These outer membrane lipoproteins are highly immunogenic and have been used for serodiagnosis of Lyme disease. Recent studies have shown that highly conserved cytosolic proteins such as enolase and elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) unexpectedly localized on the surface of bacteria including B. burgdorferi, and surface-localized enolase has shown to contribute to the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi. In this study, we studied the immunogenicity, surface localization, and function of B. burgdorferi EF-Tu. We found that EF-Tu is highly immunogenic in mice, and EF-Tu antibodies were readily detected in Lyme disease patients. On the other hand, active immunization studies showed that EF-Tu antibodies did not protect mice from infection when challenged with B. burgdorferi via either needle inoculation or tick bites. Borrelial mouse-tick cycle studies showed that EF-Tu antibodies also did not block B. burgdorferi migration and survival in ticks. Consistent with these findings, we found that EF-Tu primarily localizes in the protoplasmic cylinder of spirochetes and is not on the surface of B. burgdorferi. Taken together, our studies suggest that B. burgdorferi EF-Tu is not surfaced exposed, but it is highly immunogenic and is a potential serodiagnostic marker for Lyme borreliosis

    Investigation of ospC Expression Variation among Borrelia burgdorferi Strains

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    Outer surface protein C (OspC) is the most studied major virulence factor of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease. The level of OspC varies dramatically among B. burgdorferi strains when cultured in vitro, but little is known about what causes such variation. It has been proposed that the difference in endogenous plasmid contents among strains contribute to variation in OspC phenotype, as B. burgdorferi contains more than 21 endogenous linear (lp) and circular plasmids (cp), and some of which are prone to be lost. In this study, we analyzed several clones isolated from B. burgdorferi strain 297, one of the most commonly used strains for studying ospC expression. By taking advantage of recently published plasmid sequence of strain 297, we developed a multiplex PCR method specifically for rapid plasmid profiling of B. burgdorferi strain 297. We found that some commonly used 297 clones that were thought having a complete plasmid profile, actually lacked some endogenous plasmids. Importantly, the result showed that the difference in plasmid profiles did not contribute to the ospC expression variation among the clones. Furthermore, we found that B. burgdorferi clones expressed different levels of BosR, which in turn led to different levels of RpoS and subsequently, resulted in OspC level variation among B. burgdorferi strains

    The sigma factor Οƒ54 is required for the long-term survival of Leptospira biflexa in water

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    Leptospira spp. comprise both pathogenic and free-living saprophytic species. Little is known about the environmental adaptation and survival mechanisms of Leptospira. Alternative sigma factor, Οƒ54 (RpoN) is known to play an important role in environmental and host adaptation in many bacteria. In this study, we constructed an rpoN mutant by allele exchange, and the complemented strain in saprophytic L. biflexa. Transcriptome analysis revealed that expression of several genes involved in nitrogen uptake and metabolism, including amtB1, glnB-amtB2, ntrX and narK, were controlled by Οƒ54 . While wild-type L. biflexa could not grow under nitrogen-limiting conditions but was able to survive under such conditions and recover rapidly, the rpoN mutant was not. The rpoN mutant also had dramatically reduced ability to survive long-term in water. Οƒ54 appears to regulate expression of amtB1, glnK-amtB2, ntrX and narK in an indirect manner. However, we identified a novel nitrogen-related gene, LEPBI_I1011, whose expression was directly under the control of Οƒ54 (herein renamed as rcfA for RpoN-controlled factor A). Taken together, our data reveal that the Οƒ54 regulatory network plays an important role in the long-term environmental survival of Leptospira spp

    A Novel Two Mode-Acting Inhibitor of ABCG2-Mediated Multidrug Transport and Resistance in Cancer Chemotherapy

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major problem in successful treatment of cancers. Human ABCG2, a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporter superfamily, plays a key role in MDR and an important role in protecting cancer stem cells. Knockout of ABCG2 had no apparent adverse effect on the mice. Thus, ABCG2 is an ideal target for development of chemo-sensitizing agents for better treatment of drug resistant cancers and helping eradicate cancer stem cells.Using rational screening of representatives from a chemical compound library, we found a novel inhibitor of ABCG2, PZ-39 (N-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-[(6-{[4,6-di(4-morpholinyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino}-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)sulfanyl]acetamide), that has two modes of actions by inhibiting ABCG2 activity and by accelerating its lysosome-dependent degradation. PZ-39 has no effect on ABCB1 and ABCC1-mediated drug efflux, resistance, and their expression, indicating that it may be specific to ABCG2. Analyses of its analogue compounds showed that the pharmacophore of PZ-39 is benzothiazole linked to a triazine ring backbone.Unlike any previously known ABCG2 transporter inhibitors, PZ-39 has a novel two-mode action by inhibiting ABCG2 activity, an acute effect, and by accelerating lysosome-dependent degradation, a chronic effect. PZ-39 is potentially a valuable probe for structure-function studies of ABCG2 and a lead compound for developing therapeutics targeting ABCG2-mediated MDR in combinational cancer chemotherapy

    LtpA, a CdnL-type CarD regulator, is important for the enzootic cycle of the Lyme disease pathogen

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    Little is known about how Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease pathogen, adapts and survives in the tick vector. We previously identified a bacterial CarD N-terminal-like (CdnL) protein, LtpA (BB0355), in B. burgdorferi that is preferably expressed at lower temperatures, which is a surrogate condition mimicking the tick portion of the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi. CdnL-family proteins, an emerging class of bacterial RNAP-interacting transcription factors, are essential for the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Myxococcus xanthus. Previous attempts to inactivate ltpA in B. burgdorferi have not been successful. In this study, we report the construction of a ltpA mutant in the infectious strain of B. burgdorferi, strain B31-5A4NP1. Unlike CdnL in M. tuberculosis and M. xanthus, LtpA is dispensable for the viability of B. burgdorferi. However, the ltpA mutant exhibits a reduced growth rate and a cold-sensitive phenotype. We demonstrate that LtpA positively regulates 16S rRNA expression, which contributes to the growth defects in the ltpA mutant. The ltpA mutant remains capable of infecting mice, albeit with delayed infection. Additionally, the ltpA mutant produces markedly reduced spirochetal loads in ticks and was not able to infect mice via tick infection. Overall, LtpA represents a novel regulator in the CdnL family that has an important role in the enzootic cycle of B. burgdorferi

    Acetyl-Phosphate Is Not a Global Regulatory Bridge between Virulence and Central Metabolism in Borrelia burgdorferi

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    In B. burgdorferi, the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS signaling cascade is a distinctive system that coordinates the expression of virulence factors required for successful transition between its arthropod vector and mammalian hosts. Rrp2 (BB0763), an RpoN specific response regulator, is essential to activate this regulatory pathway. Previous investigations have attempted to identify the phosphate donor of Rrp2, including the cognate histidine kinase, Hk2 (BB0764), non-cognate histidine kinases such as Hk1, CheA1, and CheA2, and small molecular weight P-donors such as carbamoyl-phosphate and acetyl-phosphate (AcP). In a report by Xu et al., exogenous sodium acetate led to increased expression of RpoS and OspC and it was hypothesized this effect was due to increased levels of AcP via the enzyme AckA (BB0622). Genome analyses identified only one pathway that could generate AcP in B. burgdorferi: the acetate/mevalonate pathway that synthesizes the lipid, undecaprenyl phosphate (C55-P, lipid I), which is essential for cell wall biogenesis. To assess the role of AcP in Rrp2-dependent regulation of RpoS and OspC, we used a unique selection strategy to generate mutants that lacked ackA (bb0622: acetate to AcP) or pta (bb0589: AcP to acetyl-CoA). These mutants have an absolute requirement for mevalonate and demonstrate that ackA and pta are required for cell viability. When the Ξ”ackA or Ξ”pta mutant was exposed to conditions (i.e., increased temperature or cell density) that up-regulate the expression of RpoS and OspC, normal induction of those proteins was observed. In addition, adding 20mM acetate or 20mM benzoate to the growth media of B. burgdorferi strain B31 Ξ”ackA induced the expression of RpoS and OspC. These data suggest that AcP (generated by AckA) is not directly involved in modulating the Rrp2-RpoN-RpoS regulatory pathway and that exogenous acetate or benzoate are triggering an acid stress response in B. burgdorferi

    Regulation of expression by promoters versus internal ribosome entry site in the 5β€²-untranslated sequence of the human cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27

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    p27 kip1 regulates cell proliferation by binding to and inhibiting the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases and its expression oscillates with cell cycle. Recently, it has been suggested from studies using the traditional dicistronic DNA assay that the expression of p27 kip1 is regulated by internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation initiation, and several RNA-binding protein factors were thought to play some role in this regulation. Considering the inevitable drawbacks of the dicistronic DNA assay, which could mislead a promoter activity or alternative splicing to IRES as previously demonstrated, we decided to reanalyze the 5β€²-untranslated region (5β€²-UTR) sequence of p27 kip1 and test whether it contains an IRES element or a promoter using more stringent methods, such as dicistronic RNA and promoterless dicistronic and monocistronic DNA assays. We found that the 5β€²-UTR sequence of human p27 kip1 does not have any significant IRES activity. The previously observed IRES activities are likely generated from the promoter activities present in the 5β€²-UTR sequences of p27 kip1 . The findings in this study indicate that transcriptional regulation likely plays an important role in p27 kip1 expression, and the mechanism of regulation of p27 expression by RNA-binding factors needs to be re-examined. The findings in this study also further enforce the importance that more stringent studies, such as promoterless dicistronic and monocistronic DNA and dicistronic RNA tests, are required to safeguard any future claims of cellular IRES

    Human ABCC1 Interacts and Colocalizes with ATP Synthase Ξ±, Revealed by Interactive Proteomics Analysis

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    Human ABCC1 is a member of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily, and its overexpression has been shown to cause multidrug resistance by active efflux of a wide variety of anticancer drugs. ABCC1 has been shown to exist and possibly function as a homodimer. However, a possible heterocomplex involving ABCC1 has been indicated. In this study, we performed an interactive proteomics study to examine proteins that bind to and form heterocomplexes with ABCC1 using coimmunoprecipitation and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analyses. We found that ATP synthase Ξ± binds to ABCC1 in plasma membranes with a ratio of 2:1. The ATP synthase Ξ± binding site in ABCC1 is located in the linker domain at the carboxyl core of ABCC1, and phosphorylation of the linker domain at the protein kinase A site enhances ATP synthase Ξ± binding. The interaction between ABCC1 and ATP synthase Ξ± in a heterocomplex may indicate a novel function of ABCC1 in regulating extracellular ATP level and purinergic signaling cascade