47 research outputs found

    Probing the Tavis-Cummings level splitting with intermediate-scale superconducting circuits

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    We demonstrate the local control of up to eight two-level systems interacting strongly with a microwave cavity. Following calibration, the frequency of each individual two-level system (qubit) is tunable without influencing the others. Bringing the qubits one by one on resonance with the cavity, we observe the collective coupling strength of the qubit ensemble. The splitting scales up with the square root of the number of the qubits, which is the hallmark of the Tavis-Cummings model. The local control circuitry causes a bypass shunting the resonator, and a Fano interference in the microwave readout, whose contribution can be calibrated away to recover the pure cavity spectrum. The simulator's attainable size of dressed states with up to five qubits is limited by reduced signal visibility, and -- if uncalibrated -- by off-resonance shifts of sub-components. Our work demonstrates control and readout of quantum coherent mesoscopic multi-qubit system of intermediate scale under conditions of noise

    Optical sensors using chaotic correlation fiber loop ring down

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    We have proposed a novel optical sensor scheme based on chaotic correlation fiber loop ring down (CCFLRD). In contrast to the well-known FLRD spectroscopy, where pulsed laser is injected to fiber loop and ring down time is measured, the proposed CCFLRD uses a chaotic laser to drive a fiber loop and measures autocorrelation coefficient ring down time of chaotic laser. The fundamental difference enables us to avoid using long fiber loop as required in pulsed FLRD, and thus generates higher sensitivity. A strain sensor has been developed to validate the CCFLRD concept. Theoretical and experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to enhance sensitivity by more than two orders of magnitude comparing to the existing FLRD method. We believe the proposed method could find great potential applications for chemical, medical, and physical sensing

    Context-dependent pro- and anti-resection roles of ZKSCAN3 in the regulation of fork processing during replication stress

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    Uncontrolled resection of replication forks under stress can cause genomic instability and influence cancer formation. Extensive fork resection has also been implicated in the chemosensitivity of BReast CAncer gene BRCA-deficient cancers. However, how fork resection is controlled in different genetic contexts and how it affects chromosomal stability and cell survival remains incompletely understood. Here, we report a novel function of the transcription repressor ZKSCAN3 in fork protection and chromosomal stability maintenance under replication stress. We show disruption of ZKSCAN3 function causes excessive resection of replication forks by the exonuclease Exo1 and homologous DNA recombination/repair protein Mre11 following fork reversal. Interestingly, in BRCA1-deficient cells, we found ZKSCAN3 actually promotes fork resection upon replication stress. We demonstrate these anti- and pro-resection roles of ZKSCAN3, consisting of a SCAN box, Kruppel-associated box, and zinc finger domain, are mediated by its SCAN box domain and do not require the Kruppel-associated box or zinc finger domains, suggesting that the transcriptional function of ZKSCAN3 is not involved. Furthermore, despite the severe impact on fork structure and chromosomal stability, depletion of ZKSCAN3 did not affect the short-term survival of BRCA1-proficient or BRCA1-deficient cells after treatment with cancer drugs hydroxyurea, PARPi, or cisplatin. Our findings reveal a unique relationship between ZKSCAN3 and BRCA1 in fork protection and add to our understanding of the relationships between replication fork protection, chromosomal instability, and chemosensitivity

    Multi-photon dressing of an anharmonic superconducting many-level quantum circuit

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    We report on the investigation of a superconducting anharmonic multi-level circuit that is coupled to a harmonic readout resonator. We observe multi-photon transitions via virtual energy levels of our system up to the fifth excited state. The back-action of these higher-order excitations on our readout device is analyzed quantitatively and demonstrated to be in accordance with theoretical expectation. By applying a strong microwave drive we achieve multi-photon dressing within our anharmonic circuit which is dynamically coupled by a weak probe tone. The emerging higher-order Rabi sidebands and associated Autler-Townes splittings involving up to five levels of the investigated anharmonic circuit are observed. Experimental results are in good agreement with master equation simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Receiver development for BICEP Array, a next-generation CMB polarimeter at the South Pole

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    A detection of curl-type (B-mode) polarization of the primary CMB would be direct evidence for the inflationary paradigm of the origin of the Universe. The Bicep/Keck Array (BK) program targets the degree angular scales, where the power from primordial B-mode polarization is expected to peak, with ever-increasing sensitivity and has published the most stringent constraints on inflation to date. Bicep Array (BA) is the Stage-3 instrument of the BK program and will comprise four Bicep3-class receivers observing at 30/40, 95, 150 and 220/270 GHz with a combined 32,000+ detectors; such wide frequency coverage is necessary for control of the Galactic foregrounds, which also produce degree-scale B-mode signal. The 30/40 GHz receiver is designed to constrain the synchrotron foreground and has begun observing at the South Pole in early 2020. By the end of a 3-year observing campaign, the full Bicep Array instrument is projected to reach σr between 0.002 and 0.004, depending on foreground complexity and degree of removal of B-modes due to gravitational lensing (delensing). This paper presents an overview of the design, measured on-sky performance and calibration of the first BA receiver. We also give a preview of the added complexity in the time-domain multiplexed readout of the 7,776-detector 150 GHz receiver

    Microwave multiplexing on the Keck Array

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    We describe an on-sky demonstration of a microwave-multiplexing readout system in one of the receivers of the Keck Array, a polarimetry experiment observing the cosmic microwave background at the South Pole. During the austral summer of 2018-2019, we replaced the time-division multiplexing readout system with microwave-multiplexing components including superconducting microwave resonators coupled to radio-frequency superconducting quantum interference devices at the sub-Kelvin focal plane, coaxial-cable plumbing and amplification between room temperature and the cold stages, and a SLAC Microresonator Radio Frequency system for the warm electronics. In the range 5-6 GHz, a single coaxial cable reads out 528 channels. The readout system is coupled to transition-edge sensors, which are in turn coupled to 150-GHz slot-dipole phased-array antennas. Observations began in April 2019, and we report here on an initial characterization of the system performance.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by the Journal of Low Temperature Physics (Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors

    Polarization calibration of the BICEP3 CMB polarimeter at the South Pole

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    The BICEP3 CMB Polarimeter is a small-aperture refracting telescope located at the South Pole and is specifically designed to search for the possible signature of inflationary gravitational waves in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The experiment measures polarization on the sky by differencing the signal of co-located, orthogonally polarized antennas coupled to Transition Edge Sensor (TES) detectors. We present precise measurements of the absolute polarization response angles and polarization efficiencies for nearly all of BICEP3's ~800 functioning polarization-sensitive detector pairs from calibration data taken in January 2018. Using a Rotating Polarized Source (RPS), we mapped polarization response for each detector over a full 360 degrees of source rotation and at multiple telescope boresight rotations from which per-pair polarization properties were estimated. In future work, these results will be used to constrain signals predicted by exotic physical models such as Cosmic Birefringence