46 research outputs found

    Gas-Filled Phospholipid Nanoparticles Conjugated with Gadolinium Play a Role as a Potential Theragnostics for MR-Guided HIFU Ablation

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    To develop a long-circulating theragnostics, meaning therapeutics and diagnostics for MR-guided HIFU ablation, we designed and prepared Gd-C5F12-phospholipid nanobubbles (PLNs) 30–100 nm in diameter. The biochemical and physical characterization of Gd-C5F12-PLNs were performed. Since Gd-C5F12-PLN-50 (Φ = 50 nm) and Gd-C5F12-PLN-100 (Φ = 100 nm) enhanced the hyperthermal effect of HIFU size- and concentration-dependently in a tissue-mimicking phantom, its circulation, distribution, tumor accumulation and tumor ablation were examined in tumor-bearing mice. The plasma-half life of Gd-C5F12-PLNs was longer than 1.5 hrs. Gd-C5F12-PLNs mainly accumulated in the liver and the spleen, suggesting that they are slowly secreted through the hepatobiliary pathway. Monitored by the T1 signal intensity of MR, Gd-C5F12-PLNs accumulated in tumor tissues for 8 hours in mice. HIFU with Gd-C5F12-PLN-100 showed the increased tumor ablation area as compared with HIFU alone. The results suggest that Gd-C5F12-PLNs exhibit a potential theragnostics for MR-guided HIFU ablation

    Active contour configuration model for estimating the posterior ablative margin in image fusion of real-time ultrasound and 3D ultrasound or magnetic resonance images for radiofrequency ablation: an experimental study

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of an active contour model for estimating the posterior ablative margin in images obtained by the fusion of real-time ultrasonography (US) and 3-dimensional (3D) US or magnetic resonance (MR) images of an experimental tumor model for radiofrequency ablation. Methods Chickpeas (n=12) and bovine rump meat (n=12) were used as an experimental tumor model. Grayscale 3D US and T1-weighted MR images were pre-acquired for use as reference datasets. US and MR/3D US fusion was performed for one group (n=4), and US and 3D US fusion only (n=8) was performed for the other group. Half of the models in each group were completely ablated, while the other half were incompletely ablated. Hyperechoic ablation areas were extracted using an active contour model from real-time US images, and the posterior margin of the ablation zone was estimated from the anterior margin. After the experiments, the ablated pieces of bovine rump meat were cut along the electrode path and the cut planes were photographed. The US images with the estimated posterior margin were compared with the photographs and post-ablation MR images. The extracted contours of the ablation zones from 12 US fusion videos and post-ablation MR images were also matched. Results In the four models fused under real-time US with MR/3D US, compression from the transducer and the insertion of an electrode resulted in misregistration between the real-time US and MR images, making the estimation of the ablation zones less accurate than was achieved through fusion between real-time US and 3D US. Eight of the 12 post-ablation 3D US images were graded as good when compared with the sectioned specimens, and 10 of the 12 were graded as good in a comparison with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide staining and histopathologic results. Conclusion Estimating the posterior ablative margin using an active contour model is a feasible way of predicting the ablation area, and US/3D US fusion was more accurate than US/MR fusion

    The first whole genome and transcriptome of the cinereous vulture reveals adaptation in the gastric and immune defense systems and possible convergent evolution between the Old and New World vultures

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    Background: The cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus, is the largest bird of prey and plays a key role in the ecosystem by removing carcasses, thus preventing the spread of diseases. Its feeding habits force it to cope with constant exposure to pathogens, making this species an interesting target for discovering functionally selected genetic variants. Furthermore, the presence of two independently evolved vulture groups, Old World and New World vultures, provides a natural experiment in which to investigate convergent evolution due to obligate scavenging. Results: We sequenced the genome of a cinereous vulture, and mapped it to the bald eagle reference genome, a close relative with a divergence time of 18 million years. By comparing the cinereous vulture to other avian genomes, we find positively selected genetic variations in this species associated with respiration, likely linked to their ability of immune defense responses and gastric acid secretion, consistent with their ability to digest carcasses. Comparisons between the Old World and New World vulture groups suggest convergent gene evolution. We assemble the cinereous vulture blood transcriptome from a second individual, and annotate genes. Finally, we infer the demographic history of the cinereous vulture which shows marked fluctuations in effective population size during the late Pleistocene. Conclusions: We present the first genome and transcriptome analyses of the cinereous vulture compared to other avian genomes and transcriptomes, revealing genetic signatures of dietary and environmental adaptations accompanied by possible convergent evolution between the Old World and New World vulturesopen

    Measuring N-acetylaspartate synthesis in vivo using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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     Analisis survival adalah sekumpulan aturan atau prosedur dalam ilmu statistika untuk menganalisis data dengan memperhatikan variabel waktu dimulai dari berlangsungnya suatu kejadian sampai akhir kejadian. Dalam penelitian ini analisis survival digunakan untuk menganalisis fungsi survival eksponensial dengan parameter yang telah diestimasi menggunakan Pendekatan Bayesian SELF dengan prior gamma. Selanjutnya, model survival yang telah diestimasi digunakan dalam model Actuarial Present Value (APV)  asuransi dwiguna. Pada penelitian ini digunakan premi tunggal bersih yaitu jenis premi asuransi yang tidak memperhatikan faktor biaya (anuitas). Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah  menentukan premi tunggal bersih dwiguna k-tahun untuk seseorang yang berusia dari 1 sampai 55 tahun dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 55 orang, dalam jangka 10 tahun, 15 tahun dan 20 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa harga premi untuk seseorang yang berusia 1 sampai 55 tahun, berjangka 10 tahun  sebesar Rp. 61.551.502,7 , berjangka 15 tahun adalah Rp.51.490.493,06 dan berjangka 20 tahun adalah Rp. 45.394.374,22. Sehingga disimpulkan semakin lama jangka pembayaran semakin murah harga premi yang dibayarkan. Kata Kunci :Prior, Actuarial Present Value, estimasi model.  Kata Kunci :Prior, Actuarial Present Value, estimasi model.

    Heterogeneous Disease Progression in a Mouse Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment

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    Recently, an asymmetric vascular compromise approach that replicates many aspects of human vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) has been reported. The present study aimed to first investigate on the reproducibility in the disease progression of this newly reported VCI model using wild-type C57BL6/J mice. The second aim was to assess how this approach will affect the disease progression of transgenic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 5XFAD mice subjected to VCI. C57BL6/J and 5XFAD mice were subjected to VCI by placing an ameroid constrictor on the right CCA and a microcoil on the left CCA. Infarcts and hippocampal neuronal loss did not appear predominantly in the right (ameroid side) as expected but randomly in both hemispheres. The mortality rate of C57BL6/J mice was unexpectedly high. Inducing VCI reduced amyloid burden in the hippocampi of 5XFAD mice. Since VCI is known to be complex and complicated, the heterogeneous disease progression observed from this current study shares close resemblance to the clinical manifestation of VCI. This heterogeneity, however, makes it challenging to test novel treatment options using this model. Further study is warranted to tackle the heterogeneous nature of VCI