3,407 research outputs found

    Finite element analysis of anchor plates using non-coaxial models

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    AbstractThe non-coaxial model simulating the non-coincidence between the principal stresses and the principal plastic strain rates is employed within the framework of finite element method (FEM) to predict the behaviors of anchors embedded in granular material. The non-coaxial model is developed based on the non-coaxial yield vertex theory, and the elastic and conventional coaxial plastic deformations are simulated by using elasto-perfectly plastic Drucker-Prager yield function according to the original yield vertex theory. Both the horizontal and vertical anchors with various embedment depths are considered. Different anchor shapes and soil friction and dilation angles are also taken into account. The predictions indicate that the use of non-coaxial models leads to softer responses, compared with those using conventional coaxial models. Besides, the predicted ultimate pulling capacities are the same for both coaxial and non-coaxial models. The non-coaxial influences increase with the increasing embedment depths, and circular anchors lead to larger non-coaxial influences than strip anchors. In view of the fact that the design of anchors is mainly determined by their displacements, ignoring the non-coaxiality in finite element numerical analysis can lead to unsafe results

    Covariant Field Equations, Gauge Fields and Conservation Laws from Yang-Mills Matrix Models

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    The effective geometry and the gravitational coupling of nonabelian gauge and scalar fields on generic NC branes in Yang-Mills matrix models is determined. Covariant field equations are derived from the basic matrix equations of motions, known as Yang-Mills algebra. Remarkably, the equations of motion for the Poisson structure and for the nonabelian gauge fields follow from a matrix Noether theorem, and are therefore protected from quantum corrections. This provides a transparent derivation and generalization of the effective action governing the SU(n) gauge fields obtained in [1], including the would-be topological term. In particular, the IKKT matrix model is capable of describing 4-dimensional NC space-times with a general effective metric. Metric deformations of flat Moyal-Weyl space are briefly discussed.Comment: 31 pages. V2: minor corrections, references adde

    Emergent Gravity, Matrix Models and UV/IR Mixing

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    We verify explicitly that UV/IR mixing for noncommutative gauge theory can be understood in terms of an induced gravity action, as predicted by the identification [1] of gravity within matrix models of NC gauge theory. More precisely, we obtain the Einstein-Hilbert action by integrating out a scalar field in the adjoint. It arises from the well-known UV/IR mixing of NC gauge theory, which is carefully re-analyzed and interpreted in terms of gravity. The matrix model therefore contains gravity as an IR effect, due to UV/IR mixing.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures. V2: references adde

    Modelling organic matter mineralization and exploring options for organic matter management in arable farming in Northern China

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    The primary objectives of this thesis were to (i) to identify key factors in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics in arable land of northern China, (ii) to predict long-term SOM dynamics under various scenarios, and (iii) to give suggestions for the most efficient use of the available organic resources. Modelling was chosen as a tool. Experimental data were collected from relevant sources, and used to test some C mineralization models, to develop and test a new model, to study various factors affecting mineralization, to compare efficiencies of various organic materials in SOM accumulation and to predict long-term SOM dynamics in northern China.It was found that the average relative mineralization rate has a linear relationship with time in double logarithmic scales under constant environmental conditions. Based on this, several functions were derived for the description of the dynamics of SOM built from added substrate. This new model proved valid under diverse conditions for all types of substrates encountered in practice.The model showed that differences in mineralization rates between different substrates fade away over time irrespective whether they are caused by different substrate properties or by different environmental conditions. Substrates mineralizing more quickly than others in the beginning may become more stable in the long run, and a positive effect of a raised temperature on C mineralization may disappear over time, or even become negative.The model predicts that under the conditions of northern China, the efficiency of organic substrates in SOM accumulation decreases in the order: roots>straw>farmyard manure>green manure. Roots were identified as the key input of SOM in this region. SOM accumulated from different materials showed differences in quality. Roots and stubble can maintain SOM content at 10 g kg -1at the current level of grain yield. SOM content will rise with return of e.g. straw or farmyard manure (FYM). With increase in SOM content, the quality of SOM will improve, and the release of nutrients from SOM will rise. Increase in crop yield by e.g. use of chemical fertilizers, will bring about improvement of both content and quality of SOM in this region. For a sustainable soil fertility and grain production at high levels, the application of either straw or FYM to the soil should be increased. Long-term efforts are needed.<br/

    Degravitation, Inflation and the Cosmological Constant as an Afterglow

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    In this report, we adopt the phenomenological approach of taking the degravitation paradigm seriously as a consistent modification of gravity in the IR, and investigate its consequences for various cosmological situations. We motivate degravitation-- where Netwon's constant is promoted to a scale dependent filter function-- as arising from either a small (resonant) mass for the graviton, or as an effect in semi-classical gravity. After addressing how the Bianchi identities are to be satisfied in such a set up, we turn our attention towards the cosmological consequences of degravitation. By considering the example filter function corresponding to a resonantly massive graviton (with a filter scale larger than the present horizon scale), we show that slow roll inflation, hybrid inflation and old inflation remain quantitatively unchanged. We also find that the degravitation mechanism inherits a memory of past energy densities in the present epoch in such a way that is likely significant for present cosmological evolution. For example, if the universe underwent inflation in the past due to it having tunneled out of some false vacuum, we find that degravitation implies a remnant `afterglow' cosmological constant, whose scale immediately afterwards is parametrically suppressed by the filter scale (LL) in Planck units Λlpl2/L2\Lambda \sim l^2_{pl}/L^2. We discuss circumstances through which this scenario reasonably yields the presently observed value for ΛO(10120)\Lambda \sim O(10^{-120}). We also find that in a universe still currently trapped in some false vacuum state, resonance graviton models of degravitation only degravitate initially Planck or GUT scale energy densities down to the presently observed value over timescales comparable to the filter scale.Comment: To appear in JCAP; sections discussing degravitation as a semi-classical effect and the modified Bianchi identities adde

    Electron-Phonon Dynamics in an Ensemble of Nearly Isolated Nanoparticles

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    We investigate the electron population dynamics in an ensemble of nearly isolated insulating nanoparticles, each nanoparticle modeled as an electronic two-level system coupled to a single vibrational mode. We find that at short times the ensemble-averaged excited-state population oscillates but has a decaying envelope. At long times, the oscillations become purely sinusoidal about a ``plateau'' population, with a frequency determined by the electron-phonon interaction strength, and with an envelope that decays algebraically as t^-{1/2} We use this theory to predict electron-phonon dynamics in an ensemble of Y_2 O_3 nanoparticles.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Preroughening, Diffusion, and Growth of An FCC(111) Surface

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    Preroughening of close-packed fcc(111) surfaces, found in rare gas solids, is an interesting, but poorly characterized phase transition. We introduce a restricted solid-on-solid model, named FCSOS, which describes it. Using mostly Monte Carlo, we study both statics, including critical behavior and scattering properties, and dynamics, including surface diffusion and growth. In antiphase scattering, it is shown that preroughening will generally show up at most as a dip. Surface growth is predicted to be continuous at preroughening, where surface self-diffusion should also drop. The physical mechanism leading to preroughening on rare gas surfaces is analysed, and identified in the step-step elastic repulsion.Comment: Revtex + uuencoded figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Premelting of Thin Wires

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    Recent work has raised considerable interest on the nature of thin metallic wires. We have investigated the melting behavior of thin cylindrical Pb wires with the axis along a (110) direction, using molecular dynamics and a well-tested many-body potential. We find that---in analogy with cluster melting---the melting temperature Tm(R)T_m (R) of a wire with radius RR is lower than that of a bulk solid, TmbT_m^b, by Tm(R)=Tmbc/RT_m (R) = T_m^b -c/R. Surface melting effects, with formation of a thin skin of highly diffusive atoms at the wire surface, is observed. The diffusivity is lower where the wire surface has a flat, local (111) orientation, and higher at (110) and (100) rounded areas. The possible relevance to recent results on non-rupturing thin necks between an STM tip and a warm surface is addressed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures are appended, RevTeX, SISSA Ref. 131/94/CM/S