3,430,614 research outputs found

    Instantons and Yang-Mills Flows on Coset Spaces

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    We consider the Yang-Mills flow equations on a reductive coset space G/H and the Yang-Mills equations on the manifold R x G/H. On nonsymmetric coset spaces G/H one can introduce geometric fluxes identified with the torsion of the spin connection. The condition of G-equivariance imposed on the gauge fields reduces the Yang-Mills equations to phi^4-kink equations on R. Depending on the boundary conditions and torsion, we obtain solutions to the Yang-Mills equations describing instantons, chains of instanton-anti-instanton pairs or modifications of gauge bundles. For Lorentzian signature on R x G/H, dyon-type configurations are constructed as well. We also present explicit solutions to the Yang-Mills flow equations and compare them with the Yang-Mills solutions on R x G/H.Comment: 1+12 page

    Some Applications of the Lee-Yang Theorem

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    For lattice systems of statistical mechanics satisfying a Lee-Yang property (i.e., for which the Lee-Yang circle theorem holds), we present a simple proof of analyticity of (connected) correlations as functions of an external magnetic field h, for Re h > 0 or Re h < 0. A survey of models known to have the Lee-Yang property is given. We conclude by describing various applications of the aforementioned analyticity in h.Comment: 16 page

    String theories as the adiabatic limit of Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider Yang-Mills theory with a matrix gauge group GG on a direct product manifold M=Σ2×H2M=\Sigma_2\times H^2, where Σ2\Sigma_2 is a two-dimensional Lorentzian manifold and H2H^2 is a two-dimensional open disc with the boundary S1=H2S^1=\partial H^2. The Euler-Lagrange equations for the metric on Σ2\Sigma_2 yield constraint equations for the Yang-Mills energy-momentum tensor. We show that in the adiabatic limit, when the metric on H2H^2 is scaled down, the Yang-Mills equations plus constraints on the energy-momentum tensor become the equations describing strings with a worldsheet Σ2\Sigma_2 moving in the based loop group ΩG=C(S1,G)/G\Omega G=C^\infty (S^1, G)/G, where S1S^1 is the boundary of H2H^2. By choosing G=Rd1,1G=R^{d-1, 1} and putting to zero all parameters in ΩRd1,1\Omega R^{d-1, 1} besides Rd1,1R^{d-1, 1}, we get a string moving in Rd1,1R^{d-1, 1}. In arXiv:1506.02175 it was described how one can obtain the Green-Schwarz superstring action from Yang-Mills theory on Σ2×H2\Sigma_2\times H^2 while H2H^2 shrinks to a point. Here we also consider Yang-Mills theory on a three-dimensional manifold Σ2×S1\Sigma_2\times S^1 and show that in the limit when the radius of S1S^1 tends to zero, the Yang-Mills action functional supplemented by a Wess-Zumino-type term becomes the Green-Schwarz superstring action.Comment: 11 pages, v3: clarifying remarks added, new section on embedding of the Green-Schwarz superstring into d=3 Yang-Mills theory include

    FRT Construction for Dynamical Yang-Baxter Maps

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    Notions of an (H, X)-bialgebroid and of its dynamical representation are proposed. The dynamical representations of each (H, X)-bialgebroid form a tensor category. Every dynamical Yang-Baxter map R(lambda) satisfying suitable conditions, a generalization of the set-theoretical solution to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, gives birth to an (H, X)-bialgebroid A_R. The categories of L-operators for R(lambda) and of dynamical representations of A_R are isomorphic as tensor categories

    Loop groups in Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider the Yang-Mills equations with a matrix gauge group GG on the de Sitter dS4_4, anti-de Sitter AdS4_4 and Minkowski R3,1R^{3,1} spaces. On all these spaces one can introduce a doubly warped metric in the form ds2=du2+f2dv2+h2dsH22d s^2 =-d u^2 + f^2 d v^2 +h^2 d s^2_{H^2}, where ff and hh are the functions of uu and dsH22d s^2_{H^2} is the metric on the two-dimensional hyperbolic space H2H^2. We show that in the adiabatic limit, when the metric on H2H^2 is scaled down, the Yang-Mills equations become the sigma-model equations describing harmonic maps from a two-dimensional manifold (dS2_2, AdS2_2 or R1,1R^{1,1}, respectively) into the based loop group ΩG=C(S1,G)/G\Omega G=C^\infty (S^1, G)/G of smooth maps from the boundary circle S1=H2S^1=\partial H^2 of H2H^2 into the gauge group GG. From this correspondence and the implicit function theorem it follows that the moduli space of Yang-Mills theory with a gauge group GG in four dimensions is bijective to the moduli space of two-dimensional sigma model with ΩG\Omega G as the target space. The sigma-model field equations can be reduced to equations of geodesics on ΩG\Omega G, solutions of which yield magnetic-type configurations of Yang-Mills fields. The group ΩG\Omega G naturally acts on their moduli space.Comment: 8 pages; v3: clarifying remarks and references adde

    Noncommutative QCD, first-order-in-theta-deformed instantons and 't Hooft vertices

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    For commutative Euclidean time, we study the existence of field configurations that {\it a)} are formal power series expansions in h\theta^{\m\n}, {\it b)} go to ordinary (anti-)instantons as h\theta^{\m\n}\to 0, and {\it c)} render stationary the classical action of Euclidean noncommutative SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. We show that the noncommutative (anti-)self-duality equations have no solutions of this type at any order in h\theta^{\m\n}. However, we obtain all the deformations --called first-order-in-θ\theta-deformed instantons-- of the ordinary instanton that, at first order in h\theta^{\m\n}, satisfy the equations of motion of Euclidean noncommutative SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. We analyze the quantum effects that these field configurations give rise to in noncommutative SU(3) with one, two and three nearly massless flavours and compute the corresponding 't Hooft vertices, also, at first order in h\theta^{\m\n}. Other issues analyzed in this paper are the existence at higher orders in h\theta^{\m\n} of topologically nontrivial solutions of the type mentioned above and the classification of the classical vacua of noncommutative SU(N) Yang-Mills theory that are power series in h\theta^{\m\n}.Comment: Latex. Some macros. No figures. 42 pages. Typos correcte

    Penggunaan modul pembelajaran elektronik (MPE) pengenalan pelancongan H 111 : tinjauan terhadap pensyarah dan pelajar Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan, Politeknik Johor Bahru

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    Era Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) telah melihat perkembangan penggunaan komputer sebagai alat berpotensi untuk meningkatkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Oleh itu, kajian ini meninjau Penggunaan Modul Pembelajaran Elektronik (MPE) dalam mata pelajaran Pengenalan Pelancongan H 111 di kalangan pensyarah dan pelajar semester satu Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan, Politeknik Johor Bahru. Seramai 40 responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar dan tiga orang pensyarah telah dipilih bagi menjawab tiga persoalan kajian yang dinyatakan. Maklum balas melalui soal selidik pelajar telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Sran'sf/caV Package /or <Sbc;'a/ Aaence (SPSS) versi 11.0, manakala maklum balas soalan terbuka pensyarah pula dipersembahkan dalam bentuk jadual serta penerangan. Dalam persoalan kajian pertama, skor min keseluruhan yang diperolehi terhadap penerimaan pelajar ke atas MPE Pengenalan Pelancongan H i l l yang dihasilkan adalah di tahap baik iaitu 3.74. Manakala persoaian kajian kedua, pelajar turut bersetuju bahawa isi kandungan MPE Pengenalan Pelancongan H i l l dapat meningkatkan tahap pemahaman mereka (skor min keseluruhan 3.654). Seterusnya dalam persoalan kajian ketiga, skor min keseluruhan yang diperolehi adalah 3.634 menunjukkan satu dapatan keputusan yang baik terhadap penggunaan MPE dalam membantu proses pembelajaran yang berkesan. Begitu juga dengan hasil dapatan yang diterima dari pensyarah, mendapati keputusan ketiga-tiga persoalan kajian berada di tahap setuju atau baik. Di akhir bab kajian ini, beberapa pandangan telah dikemukakan untuk mempertingkatkan lagi kecekapan MPE melalui pembangunan perisian yang lebih mantap di masa hadapan