761 research outputs found

    Accounting for the Heterogeneity in Retirement Wealth

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    This paper studies a quantitative dynamic general equilibrium life-cycle model where parents and their children are linked by bequests, both voluntary and accidental, and by the transmission of earnings ability. This model is able to match very well the empirical observation that households with similar lifetime earnings hold very different amounts of wealth at retirement. Earnings heterogeneity and borrowing constraints are essential in generating the variation in wealth at retirement among low lifetime earnings households, while inheritance heterogeneity helps to generate the heterogeneity in wealth at retirement among high lifetime earnings households.

    Skill-Biased Technical Change and the Cost of Higher Education: An Exploratory Model

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    We document trends in higher education costs and tuition over the past 50 years. To explain these trends, we develop and simulate a general equilibrium model with skill- and sector-biased technical change. We assume that higher education suffers from Baumol's (1967) service sector disease, in that the quantity of labor and capital needed to educate a student is constant over time. Calibrating the model, we show that it can explain the rise in college costs between 1959 and 2000. We then use the model to perform a number of numerical experiments. We find, consistent with a number of studies, that changes in the tuition discount rate have little long-run effect on college attainment.

    Association of p63 with Proliferative Potential in Normal and Neoplastic Human Keratinocytes

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    p63, a recently identified member of the p53 gene family, encodes multiple products with transactivating, death-inducing, and dominant-negative activities. We show that in normal human epidermis, in hair follicles, and in stratified epidermal cultures, p63 protein is principally restricted to cells with high proliferative potential and is absent from the cells that are undergoing terminal differentiation. In normal human epidermis and in hair follicles, basal cells with abundant p63 are interspersed with cells with little or no p63. Whenever p63 mRNA is present, it encodes mainly truncated, potentially dominant-negative isotypes. In squamous cell carcinomas, the number of cells containing p63 and their distribution depends on the degree of anaplasia. In highly differentiated tumors, p63 is confined to a ring of basal-like cells surrounding, but at a distance from, centers of terminal differentiation. In less differentiated tumors, most cells contain p63 and their distribution is chaotic with respect to centers of terminal differentiation. p63 appears to be a valuable diagnostic marker for anaplastic keratinocytes

    Language maintenance through primary school education: the case of Daighi

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    Ongoing language shift to Taiwanese Mandarin is a pressing concern in Taiwan. With the concerns of losing the rich linguistic and cultural assets of Taiwan’s multilingual society, this study sets out to explore the language maintenance endeavours in primary schools, focusing on Daighi. Exploration of language attitudes is the angle this study adopts to approach language shift, looking specifically at whether language attitudes are promoted through the mandatory local languages class at primary school level. However, a large piece of the picture would be missed without the evaluation of the context, which is crucial to understand Daighi’s position. Sociocultural theory is then adopted as an analytical lens to view teachers’ practices as mediated actions, and to make visible the impact of context in Daighi maintenance. Interviews are used to explore the insights of the frontline Daighi teachers, and Daighi classes of these teachers are observed to investigate their practices, and to match these with their perceptions. In spite of the good teaching practices found at schools and attitudes to support language maintenance, there is still a gap in terms of actual language maintenance, which is defined as developing students to become functional bilinguals (Li Wei, 2006). It is possible that language maintenance is not best achieved by focusing on classroom practice alone. The Discussion Chapter then presents the mediators from global level, national level to classroom, students and teacher agency. Language policy, educational system, and perceived language attitudes of the government, local authority, school, colleagues, family and students emerge as influential mediators that contribute to the ongoing language shift to Taiwanese Mandarin. This study provides an analytical insight into Taiwanese local language education and language attitudes. Through engaging with the teachers, it also inspired critical reflections of their own practices. The findings of this study demonstrate an in-depth understanding of Daighi maintenance and shift, and provide a starting point for further research in Daighi, and in the area of language maintenance in multilingual settings

    The Sequelae of Psychological Symptoms Exhibited by Children Exposed to Trauma: A Developmental Perspective

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    Children who experience developmental trauma often exhibit a constellation of symptoms across several psycho-social-bio domains. This study explored the symptom clusters that school-age children and adolescents who have experienced maltreatment exhibit and whether these children/adolescents can be differentiated from those without trauma histories. Using data from the Child and Youth Mental Health instrument, exploratory factor analyses of clinical items were completed for children/adolescents who have experienced maltreatment. Six factors for children (i.e., dysregulation in cognitive processes, dysregulation in self-concept, externalizing behaviours, violent or high-risk behaviours, indicators of withdrawal and depression, and hyperarousal and anxiety behaviours) and 5 factors for adolescents (i.e., externalizing behaviours, affect dysregulation, substance use, withdrawal and indicators of depression, and hyperarousal and dysregulation in cognitive processes) emerged. Discriminant function analyses using factors scores accurately differentiated children and adolescents who have experienced maltreatment from those who have not, 61.5% and 63.7% of the time respectively

    The brain's kryptonite : overview of punctate white matter lesions in neonates

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    With increasing advances in the field of medical brain imaging, the known spectrum of white matter lesions hasexpanded, and we can now assess the presence of punctate white matter lesions (PWML). These focal smalllesions are quite frequently detected in the preterm infant and in full-term infants with congenital heart mal-formations with, some studies reporting a link between these lesions and adverse long-term outcomes. Theetiology of PWML has sparked a lot of questions over the years, some of which still remain unanswered. Thisnarrative review will bring an overview of current knowledge and their significant clinical importance in thenewborn brain