25 research outputs found

    Tenun Songket Pandai Sikek Dalam Budaya Masyarakat Minangkabau

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    The art of songket woven handicraft Pandai Sikek is a cultural product of collective creation and traditional heritage Pandai Sikek. Songket first created to meet human needs for traditional ceremonies such as wedding ceremony of Minangkabau. The symbolic meanings in the art of songket are constantly evolving in accordance with the change of time. The art of songket weave Pandai Sikek is one of the traditional handicrafts, which is used for wedding ceremony. In traditional wedding, the groom wears songket for ‘saluak\u27, ‘sisampiang\u27, and ‘cawek\u27, all of them accessories for the traditional costume, while the bride wears gloves, scarves, and tingkuluak, accessories for female constume. The use of songket is customary responsibility and each of the songket patterns contains symbolic meanings. Various decorative patterns of Minangkabau songket are inspired from the concept of "alam takambang jadi guru" (learning from nature). The beauty of songket can be seen visually from the decorative patterns as well as the functions, styles, and structures. Songket handicrafts are able to survive and compete with factory-made textile products. The succes can not ignore the socio-cultural factors that the existence of this woven fabric remained in the middle of the supporting community

    Tinjauan Yuridis Atas Penanganan Kasus – Kasus Tipikor oleh Pengadilan Tipikor Menurut Hukum Positif Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kewenangan lembaga penegak hukum di Indonesia dalam pemberantasan korupsi menurut hukum positif Indonesia dan bagaimana penanganan kasus-kasus tipikor oleh pengadilan tipikor di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Negara Indonesia bertekad penuh untuk memberantas semua tindak korupsi di Indonesia. Untuk itu digunakanlah semua aparatur Negara yang terkait untuk memberantas tindak korupsi dari semua pejabat yang menggunakan jabatannya untuk mengambil uang Negara di tiap-tiap provinsi dan kabupaten kota yang ada di Indonesia. 2. Dalam penegakan hukum dengan melibatkan semua unit penegak hukum mulai dari Kepolisian, KPK, sampai penuntutan oleh Jaksa. Dari hasil penegakan hukum terkuak fakta mengejutkan, semua lembaga pemerintahan tercemar korupsi dengan kasus yang berbeda-beda modus operandinya, mulai dari lembaga legislatif hingga Bank sentral. Undang-Undang Nomor 46 Tahun 2009 tentang Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Terkait dengan hukum acara yang digunakan dalam pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi pada dasarnya dilakukan sesuai dengan hukum acara pidana yang berlaku, kecuali ditentukan lain dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 46 Tahun 2009. khususnya hukum acara tersebut antara lain mengatur; (a) penegasan pembagian tugas dan wewenang antara ketua dan wakil ketua pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi; (b) mengenai komposisi majelis hakim dalam pemeriksaan sidang pengadilan baik pada tingkat pertama, banding maupun kasasi; (c) jangka waktu penyelesaian pemeriksaan perkara tindak pidana korupsi pada setiap tingkatan pemeriksaan; (d) alat bukti yang dianjurkan di dalam persidangan, termasuk alat bukti yang diperoleh dari hasil penyadapan harus diperoleh secara sah berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan; dan (e) adanya kepaniteraan khusus untuk pengadilan tindak pidana korupsi

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Karimun Nomor 15 Tahun 2010 Tentang Kegiatan Pertambangan (Studi Kasus Pertambangan Granit oleh PT Kawasan Dinamika Harmonitama Tahun 2012

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    The research present describe the implementation of district regulation Karimun Regency Number 15, 2010 about mine resources (study case by Kawasan Dinamika Harmonitama Comapany in Karimun Regency). Karimun Regency one of Regency that has potency in granite, but until now this potency still needed controlling by government in manage of mines activity in Karimun Regency.The research use the methode are qualitative methodes that analyze problem research by describe the subject and object conditions based on real fact. This research use location in Karimun Regency and researcher collect data from books, government regulation, jurnal, mass media, website and deep interview with informan likes Karimun Head of Regency, Mines and Mineral Agency, staff Kawasan Dinamika Harmonitama Company and Sememal society in Meral District Karimun Regency.The conclution of this research are implementation of district regulation Karimun Regency Number 15, 2010 about mine activity by Kawasan Dinamika Harmonitama Regency are not effective. Its cause by some factor, are: communication actor between Karimun Regency government with Kawasan Dinamika Harmonitama Company, minim of quality and quantity by staff in Mines Mineral and Energy Agency of Karimun Regency, unwilingness factor from company to receive the protest from society about blasting activity of granite stones and also bureaucration structure of government that only Head of Regency has a authority to stopped the mine activity of Kawasan Dinamika Harmonita Company.Keywords: Implementation, District Regulation, and Mines

    Analisis Perbedaan Imbal Hasil Antara Perusahaan Manufaktur Dengan Pertambangan Yang Listing Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company in the field of automotive and mining are listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data collection techniques used in this research study documentation with data analysis techniques to determine the difference between the yield of a manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange using a different test. The results of this study indicate that the answer to the problem in this research that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mining listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Besides testing different test t test based on table Coefficients known that sig. (2-tailed) and mining stock returns of 0,053 automotive companies which means that the sig. (2-tailed)> 0.05, so it can be said that Ha is accepted, and Ho is rejected which means that there is a difference between the yields on the field of automotive manufacturing company with mines in Indonesian Stock Exchange listin

    Analisis Usaha Penangkar Pembibitan Kelapa Sawit di Inkubator Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau

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    This research have purposes to know the technical condition of oil palm seedlings in the Incubator Tenant In Wall Agribusiness Faculity of Agriculture Riau University and analyze income, and farm efficiency, the research is done at Incubator Agribusiness Agriculture Faculity Riau University. Sample is the descriptive qualitative and the analysist of farming Return Cost Ratio (RCR). The results of the research indicate that the condition of effort technical seedling the kinds of the palm breeding, topaz varietas, marihat varietas, and sain varietas by tenant in wall. Under categorized well and give aduantages and efficient

    The Consumer Acceptance of Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) Nugget by Soaked with Liquid Smoke

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    This research was intended to determaine the effect of using liquid smoke catfish onthe nugget towards consumer acceptance measured by organoleptic value andchemical value analysis. The method used in this study was experimental, the designwas completely random design with three treatment i.e K0 ( 500g fresh fish meat), K1(400g soaked catfish meat by liquid smoked), K2 (300g soaked catfish meat by liquidsmoked). The K2 treatment (300g soaked catfish meat by liquid smoked)was the besttreatments refers to organoleptic value (form, flavor, aroma, and texture),alsochemical value with the form criteria was browning yellow, the flavor criteria wassoftening smoke,the texture criteria is not too hard and the aroma criteria was not toosharp smoke smell with 54,46% water amount, 18,13% protein amount and the pHvalue 5,81

    Model design of an architectural grid-connected photovoltaic system

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    Renewable energy sources such as solar, thermal and wind are high energy sources that meet the growing demand for electrical energy worldwide. Renewable energy sources can be stand-alone power generators or multi-generations systems forming a microgrid system that can also be integrated into the main power grid. The integration of renewable energy sources into the main grid system mostly occurs at distribution levels and depends on the scale and location of the renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources with large-scale capacity can be integrated into the transmission system, while small-scale energy sources can be integrated directly into medium- and low-voltage distribution systems. Both sources have their characteristics, therefore strict planning and analysis is needed. Architecture of a small-scale photovoltaic (PV) system is designed to generate about 3 kW for local demand, such as an office building, with the implementation of microgrid system equipped with smart meters for energy monitoring, and a control scheme is proposed

    Minangkabau Traditional Women's Creativity in Traditional Ceramic ARTS in Galogandang Batusangkar

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    Galogandang women have the ability to create traditional ceramic art. Their creativity gave birth to a traditional ceramic form that had an impact on traditional women in relation to art. In this case, the presence of creative women in Galogandang gave birth to innovative traditional ceramics. Traditional ceramic art was created in the form of pottery such as belango, pot, tirih pot, mengu, kumbuak, pot sigulamine, rosewater container, borasan, teapot, cauldron, kawa holder, miniature traditional house, giriak pot, pancake place, bika pot, tenpat water, incense sticks, carano pottery, miniature legged pan, glass, piggy bank, ashtray and so on. The problem formulated in this research is to explain the creativity of Galogandang women in developing the ceramic crafts to demonstrate their independence. This study uses a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis. In the end, the position of traditional women in their relationship with art is one of the spearheads in cultivating traditional arts and at the same time preserving pottery culture in Galogandan

    Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Harga, dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kosmetik Oriflame

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    The research was attempted to analysis the influence of lifestyle, price and quality of the product on decision making upon the Oriflame cosmetics costumers in Sumbawa Region. The research involved primary and secondary data which quantitative method by using SPSS. The primary one was in  the form of questionnaires which were given to Oriflame's costumers in Sumbawa Region, while the secondary data were obtained from costumer  data  which have been collected by another party. by using purposive sampling, this research use 70 respondent. The result of the research showed that  the  variable of lifestyle has significant effect on purchase decision. The price variable has no significant effect on purchase decision, while variable quality of the product gave significant effect on costumers' decision. Whereas, in simultaneously, the variable of lifestyle, the cost, and quality of the product have significant effect on costumers' decision in purchasing the Oriflame Product in Sumbawa Region