8 research outputs found

    The Role of Trust as an Informal Mechanism in the Management Control System of Performance Effectiveness

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    Performance is a variable explaining the effectiveness of internal control systems that managed based on management accounting information and functions. There are some aspects of behavior that remain unexplained in understanding the effectiveness of the performance of organizations and individuals affected by the data and accounting functions. In addition, social mechanisms such as culture, honesty, group identification and trust play an important role in mitigating agency problems. This study aims to investigate what and how the role of trust in organizational performance is. It develops and tests a conceptual relation model between trust and performance through organizational commitment and job satisfaction. It also examines contextual factors in the form of cognitive orientation of the conceptual model that has been built. The data were collected by using questionnaire-based survey method for the employees based on the criteria of having direct supervisors and directly responsible for them, and a minimum work period of one year. They were analyzed using SEM PLS. It shows that organizational commitment mediates the positive relationship between trust and job satisfaction. The positive relationship between trust and performance is mediated by organizational commitment and job satisfaction. It also shows that cognitive orientation influences the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. This study contributes to the management accounting literature, that is, a conceptual relationship model of trust to performance in the realm of empirical researc

    Islamic Fintech: A Solution for Financial Problem

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    This research aims to examine the role of Islamic fintech in solving users’ financial problem. Furthermore, technology acceptance model (TAM) construct is used to explain individual acceptance on Islamic fintech. This research use self-administered survey including 185 Islamic fintech users spread all over Indonesia. This research provides empirical insights about user satisfaction on Islamic fintech product. It show that almost predictors have significant positive effect on user satisfaction. The TAM’s construct can predict and assess user perceptions on the use of new technologies or products. Furthermore, Islamic fintech makes it easy for users to solve their financial problems. This research proves that Islamic fintech product can be an option in solving financial problem without worrying about halal status

    The Role of Incentives, Emotional Connection, and Organizational Justice in Establishing an Effective Whistleblowing System: An Experimental Study

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    This study examines the role of incentives, emotional connection, and organizational justice in supporting whistleblowing system. This study used 3x2x2 between-subjects experimental design. The participants are 171 accounting and banking students from universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, who have an adequate understanding on the duties of a management accountant. The experimental data is processed using ANOVA to compare the mean between the experimental groups. The results indicate that the incentives can encourage individuals to report a fraud on conditions of high emotional relations and low organizational justice. Furthermore, when individuals have low emotional relations and high organizational justice, there is no difference between whistleblowing intention on non-anonymous reporting channels (without incentive) as well as anonymous reporting channel

    Does Corporate Social Performance (CSP) Matter After the Financial Crisis?

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    This study aims to examine whether corporate social performance (CSP) increase after the crisis period. This study also examined whether CSP in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) member better than non-member JII. The content analysis method was used, and CSP data was measured using the item developed by Michael Jantzi Research Associate (MJRA) Inc. MJRA made a comprehensive measurement for measuring CSP. It dimensions consist of community issues, workplace diversity, environmental performance, employee relations, international issues, business practices and products, and others. The samples on this study are manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange after the crisis period, 2009-2010. The result indicated that CSP in 2010 higher than in 2009. CSP in the member of JII also better than non-members of JII. This result indicated that CSP was relevant to the Jakarta Islamic Index member even after a crisis period


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    ABSTRACT Budget participation raises the problem of opportunistic behavior in the form of budgetary slack. Budget slack occurs when employees try to use information to overestimate the estimated resources needed or reduce the estimated income that can be achieved to make it easier for them to achieve cost efficiency and performance targets, so that they get better performance evaluation scores. In terms of accounting, organizations try to prevent or reduce slack behavior because it has consequences for the loss of opportunities for profits or increased costs. This study aims to conduct laboratory experiments to test the role of self-certification as a variable capable of mitigating budget slack behavior. The participants who will be used in this study are S1 and S2 students of YKPN College of Economics, Yogyakarta. The reason for choosing students as participants is because the assignments given in this experiment only require individual general cognitive abilities, not special abilities that require judgment and individual work experience. Research data collection was carried out using a 1 x 2 experimental design between subjects. The experiment will be carried out using a computer-assisted program. The assignment given was the assignment of "symbol matching" adopted from Nahartyo (2012). Budget slack variables are measured based on the variance between estimation and realization of the success of the task. Variable manipulation of self-certification against participants will be inserted in experimental case material. The hypothesis was tested using ANOVA statistical tools, by comparing the average variance between manipulation groups and control groups. Keywords: budgetary slack; self-certification; budget participation ABSTRAKPartisipasi anggaran memunculkan masalah perilaku oportunis berupa slack anggaran. Slack anggaran terjadi pada saat pegawai mencoba memanfaatkan informasi untuk melebihkan estimasi sumber daya yang dibutuhkan atau menurunkan estimasi pendapatan yang mampu dicapai agar memudahkan mereka mencapai efisiensi biaya dan target kinerja, sehingga mendapat skor evaluasi kinerja yang lebih baik. Dari sudut pandang akuntansi, organisasi mencoba untuk mencegah atau mengurangi perilaku slack karena memiliki konsekuensi terhadap hilangnya peluang keuntungan atau peningkatan biaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan eksperimen laboratorium untuk menguji peran sertifikasi diri (self-certification) sebagai variabel yang mampu memitigasi perilaku slack anggaran. Partisipan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa S1 dan S2 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YKPN, Yogyakarta. Alasan pemilihan mahasiswa sebagai partisipan adalah karena penugasan yang diberikan dalam eksperimen ini hanya membutuhkan kemampuan kognitif umum individu, bukan berupa kemampuan khusus yang membutuhkan judgment dan pengalaman kerja individu. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan menggunakan desain eksperimen 1 x 2 antar subjek. Eksperimen akan dilaksanakan menggunakan program berbantuan komputer. Penugasan yang diberikan adalah penugasan “pencocokan simbol” yang diadopsi dari Nahartyo (2012). Variabel slack anggaran diukur berdasarkan variansi antara estimasi dan realisasi keberhasilan tugas. Manipulasi variabel sertifikasi diri terhadap partisipan akan diselipkan dalam material kasus eksperimen. Hipotesis diuji menggunakan alat statistik ANOVA, dengan membandingkan rata-rata variansi antar grup manipulasi dan grup kontrol.  Kata kunci : slack anggaran; sertifikasi diri; penganggaran partisipati

    The role of community of inquiry and self-efficacy on accounting students’ satisfaction in online learning environment

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    The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework provides a solid guideline for researchers to investigate a quality of online learning. However, there are still very limited studies that explore the pattern of relationships between CoI framework and accounting students’ satisfaction in online learning. In the context of online learning, self-efficacy plays a role to determine the level of students’ confidence to get success in the learning process. Students with a high level of self-efficacy will not perceive a difficult task as an obstacle to be avoided, but rather as a challenge to develop abilities. This research aims to explore the relationship between CoI framework and accounting students’ satisfaction through online learning self-efficacy. Self-administered survey was conducted to 437 accounting students. Hypothesis was tested using SEM-PLS. Results showed that CoI framework were good predictors of accounting students’ satisfaction. Different from most studies, this research found that students were more influenced by social presence instead of teaching presence. Higher educational institutions needed to focus on how to improve social presence in the online learning environment. In addition, higher educational institutions needed to manage students' online learning self-efficacy instead of technology self-efficacy

    The role of community of inquiry and self-efficacy on accounting students’ satisfaction in online learning environment

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    The Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework provides a solid guideline for researchers to investigate a quality of online learning. However, there are still very limited studies that explore the pattern of relationships between CoI framework and accounting students’ satisfaction in online learning. In the context of online learning, self-efficacy plays a role to determine the level of students’ confidence to get success in the learning process. Students with a high level of self-efficacy will not perceive a difficult task as an obstacle to be avoided, but rather as a challenge to develop abilities. This research aims to explore the relationship between CoI framework and accounting students’ satisfaction through online learning self-efficacy. Self-administered survey was conducted to 437 accounting students. Hypothesis was tested using SEM-PLS. Results showed that CoI framework were good predictors of accounting students’ satisfaction. Different from most studies, this research found that students were more influenced by social presence instead of teaching presence. Higher educational institutions needed to focus on how to improve social presence in the online learning environment. In addition, higher educational institutions needed to manage students' online learning self-efficacy instead of technology self-efficacy

    Do Social & Psychological Factors Affect Investment Intention in Islamic Capital Markets?

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    This research aimed to predict social and psychological factors affecting individual investment decision in the Islamic capital market. Furthermore, the Theory of Planned Behavior Model (TPB) was used to explain irrational investor decisions affected by cognitive biases. We attempted to correct the pessimistic view of investors on the Islamic capital market using social & psychological perspectives. This study used a self-administered survey and obtained 82 investors and non-investors as respondents. The main criteria of individuals selected as respondents of the study were those who knew about the stock market and have heard the term Islamic capital market. This paper provided empirical insights on how the TPB model successfully explains the variance of change in investment intention. The results indicated that all predictors had a significant positive effect on individual investment intention. Individuals tend to exhibit a cognitive bias that lead to irrational decisions because individual’s attitude and PBC shape false perception of the usefulness of the Sharia capital market