120 research outputs found

    Synthesis and characterization of liposomes encapsulating silver nanoprisms obtained by millifluidic-based production for drug delivery

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    Silver nanoprisms (SNPs) have attracted significant attention due to their surface plasmon resonance behaviour, which is strongly dependent on their size and shape. The enhanced light absorption and scattering capacity of SNPs, make them a promising candidate system for non-invasive imaging and drug delivery in nanoparticle-assisted diagnostics and therapy. However, systemic administration of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) at high concentrations may result in toxic side-effects, arising from non-targeted bio-distribution. These drawbacks could be mitigated by employing liposomes as carriers for AgNPs. However, there is a lack of systematic studies on production and subsequent physico-chemical characterisation of liposomal systems encapsulating SNPs. The present study therefore investigated the synthesis of liposomes encapsulating SNPs (Lipo/SNPs) using a continuous-flow millimetre-scale reactor, whereby liposome formation was governed by a solvent exchange mechanism. An aqueous phase and an ethanolic lipid phase were conveyed through two separate inlet channels, and subsequently travelled through a serpentine-shaped channel where mixing between the two phases took place. The synthesis process was optimised by varying both liposome formulation and the operating fluidic parameters, including the ratio between inlet flow rates (or flow rate ratio) and the total flow rate. The obtained Lipo/SNPs were characterised for their size and electrostatic charge, using a dynamic light scattering apparatus. Liposome morphology and encapsulation efficiency of SNPs within liposomes were determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging. The synthesised negatively charged Lipo/SNP samples were found to have an average size of ∼150 nm (size dispersity < 0.3). The AgNPs encapsulation efficiency was equal to 77.48%, with mostly single SNPs encapsulated in liposomes. By using a multiangle TEM imaging approach, quasi-3D images were obtained, further confirming the encapsulation of nanoparticles within liposomes. Overall, the formulation and production technique developed in the present study has potential to contribute towards mitigating challenges associated with AgNP-mediated drug delivery and diagnostics

    Factors That Affect the False-Negative Outcomes of Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Thyroid Nodules

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    Background. The purpose of this study was to assess the factors that affect the false-negative outcomes of fine-needle aspiration biopsies (FNABs) in thyroid nodules. Methods. Thyroid nodules that underwent FNAB and surgery between August 2005 and January 2012 were analyzed. FNABs were taken from the suspicious nodules regardless of nodule size. Results. Nodules were analyzed in 2 different groups: Group 1 was the false-negatives (n=81) and Group 2 was the remaining true-positives, true-negatives, and false-positives (n=649). A cytopathologist attended in 559 (77%) of FNAB procedures. There was a positive correlation between the nodule size and false-negative rates, and the absence of an interpreting cytopathologist for the examination of the FNAB procedure was the most significant parameter with a 76-fold increased risk of false-negative results. Conclusion. The contribution of cytopathologists extends the time of the procedure, and this could be a difficult practice in centres with high patient turnovers. We currently request the contribution of a cytopathologist for selected patients whom should be followed up without surgery

    Liposomes Encapsulating Model Drugs and Silver Nanoparticles for Illumination Based Drug Release

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    Drug delivery systems include the delivery of the drug within the nanocarriers targeted to the diseased site, thereby the side effects caused by the interaction of the drugs with the untargeted regions are limited. One of the common nanocarriers employed is the liposomes, which are polymolecular aggregates of certain amphipathic molecules, formed in aqueous solution. The unique architecture of liposomes provides a useful platform for incorporation of hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic molecules within the core and/or the bilayer, which has opened the way for the usage of liposomes as nanocarrier systems in pharmaceutical applications. However, this type of therapy still needs improvement because of limitations in stability, encapsulation efficiency, the interaction between the nanocarrier and the cell, and also problems related to rapid clearance by reticuloendothelial system, which has lead researchers to produce novel ways. Photothermal triggered drug release is one of the novel drug delivery systems which has the potential in delivering higher amounts of drugs to the diseased site, aiming to deliver the encapsulated compound effectively while minimizing the toxicity. This type of therapy based on the phase transition of liposome layers as a result of local temperature increase following the exposure of light, and consequently the release of the encapsulated content. In this study, to develop a system that can serve the release of payload upon light exposure, the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) which have remarkable optical features, were encapsulated within the liposomes, and the drug release was tested upon illumination. The synthesis of thermosensitive liposomes loaded with model drugs (i.e. rhodamine) and AgNPs, as a novel photothermal drug delivery system was performed successfully in a continuous flow millireactor. Analytical techniques including dynamic light scattering (DLS), UV-Vis spectrophotometry or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to characterize the efficiency of the production, the encapsulation of the AgNPs and the drug release performance. Results showed that liposomes can be produced with the intended size in a controllable manner by changing millifluidic conditions. Also, the encapsulation of AgNPsin liposomes was confirmed with DLS results and TEM images. The association between liposomes and AgNPs revealed that it can be regarded as a mixture of incorporation and encapsulation. Drug release profiles characterized by fluorescence intensity in a plate reader or under a fluorescence microscope showed promising results. However, the system needed further modification to demonstrate the drug release assisted by the photothermal effect of AgNPs, such as to have the ability to release drugs on demand by operating as an opening and closing mechanism, or to function as a therapeutic system capable of real-time monitoring in addition to drug release on demand.<br/

    Türkiye'de Cari İşlemler Açıkları Sürdürülebilir mi? Zaman Serileri Perspektifinden Bir Bakış

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    Gelişmekte olan ve yükselen bir çok ülke ekonomik büyümelerini hızlandırmak için yurt dışı tasarruflara güvenmiştir. Buna paralel olarak dış borçta meydana gelen artışlar, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ortak fenomeni olmuş ve özellikle, yurt içi tasarruf arzının düşüklüğü cari işlem açıklarını yükselte gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın konusu, Türkiye'nin cari işlem açığının sürdürebilirliğini 1964-2003 dönemi yıllık verileriyle sınamaktır. Bu işlem Husted'm dinamik modeli çerçevesindedir ve burada hesaplamaya alman anahtar değişkenler, karşılıksız yurtdışı transferler ve yurt dışı faiz ödemelerini içeren ithalat ve ihracat verileridir. İthalat ve ihracat arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişki test edilmesinde ADF birim kök ve Engle-Granger iki aşamalı eşbütünleşme testleri kullanılmıştır. Bu test sonuçları göstermektedir ki, ithalat ve ihracat arasında uzun dönemli ilişki yoktur hipotezi reddedilememektedir. Bu bulgunun anlamı şudur: Türkiye'nin cari işlem açıkları sürdürülemezdir.Many developing and emerging countries have relied on foreign savings to accelerate economic growth. The accumulation of external debt has been a common phenomenon in developing countries, especially at the stage of development where the supply of domestic savings has been low and current account deficits have been high. The objective of this study is to examine the issue of Turkey's current account deficit sustainability in the period of 1964-2003 using yearly data. The examination is based on Husted's dynamic model, which taking into account the.evolution of the key variables such as exports, bilateral transfer and interest payments plus to imports. We have tested for a long-run relationship between export and analogous import measures with using some econometric tests that include Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) Unitroot Test and standard two stage Engle-Granger (E-G) Cointegration tests. In the result of tests, we have shown that the hypothesis of no long-run relationship between exports and imports cannot be rejected. The meaning of this finding is that, Turkey current account deficits are not sustainable


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    Hybrid nanoplatforms comprising organic nanocompartments encapsulating inorganic nanoparticles for enhanced drug delivery and bioimaging applications

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    Organic and inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) have attracted significant attention due to their unique physico-chemical properties, which have paved the way for their application in numerous fields including diagnostics and therapy. Recently, hybrid nanomaterials consisting of organic nanocompartments (e.g., liposomes, micelles, poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) NPs, dendrimers, or chitosan NPs) encapsulating inorganic NPs (quantum dots, or NPs made of gold, silver, silica, or magnetic materials) have been researched for usage in vivo as drug-delivery or theranostic agents. These classes of hybrid multi-particulate systems can enable or facilitate the use of inorganic NPs in biomedical applications. Notably, integration of inorganic NPs within organic nanocompartments results in improved NP stability, enhanced bioavailability, and reduced systemic toxicity. Moreover, these hybrid nanomaterials allow synergistic interactions between organic and inorganic NPs, leading to further improvements in therapeutic efficacy. Furthermore, these platforms can also serve as multifunctional agents capable of advanced bioimaging and targeted delivery of therapeutic agents, with great potential for clinical applications. By considering these advancements in the field of nanomedicine, this review aims to provide an overview of recent developments in the use of hybrid nanoparticulate systems that consist of organic nanocompartments encapsulating inorganic NPs for applications in drug delivery, bioimaging, and theranostics

    Thermal Study of Pd(II) Complexes Containing Bis-(Diphenylthiophosphenyl) Methane

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    The TG-DTG and DTA study of dipositive palladium(II) complexes of the general formula [Pt(L-L)(dppmS2)](ClO4)2, where dppmS2 = Ph2P(S)CH2P(S)Ph2 and L-L = dppm (Ph2PCH2PPh2), dppe (Ph 2PCH2CH2PPh2) and dppp (Ph 2PCH2CH2CH2PPh2), were studied by thermogravimetric analysis from ambient temperature to 1273 K in nitrogen atmosphere. The decomposition occurred in one stage for all complexes. The values of activation energy, E, frequency factor, A, reaction order, n, entropy change, ΔS≠, enthalpy change, ΔH ≠ and Gibss free energy, ΔG≠ of the thermal decomposition were calculated by means of Coats-Redfern (CR), MacCallum-Tanner (MC) and Horowitz-Metzger (HM) methods. The activation energy value obtained by CR, MC and HM methods were in good agreement with each other