Thermal Study of Pd(II) Complexes Containing Bis-(Diphenylthiophosphenyl) Methane


The TG-DTG and DTA study of dipositive palladium(II) complexes of the general formula [Pt(L-L)(dppmS2)](ClO4)2, where dppmS2 = Ph2P(S)CH2P(S)Ph2 and L-L = dppm (Ph2PCH2PPh2), dppe (Ph 2PCH2CH2PPh2) and dppp (Ph 2PCH2CH2CH2PPh2), were studied by thermogravimetric analysis from ambient temperature to 1273 K in nitrogen atmosphere. The decomposition occurred in one stage for all complexes. The values of activation energy, E, frequency factor, A, reaction order, n, entropy change, ΔS≠, enthalpy change, ΔH ≠ and Gibss free energy, ΔG≠ of the thermal decomposition were calculated by means of Coats-Redfern (CR), MacCallum-Tanner (MC) and Horowitz-Metzger (HM) methods. The activation energy value obtained by CR, MC and HM methods were in good agreement with each other

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