706 research outputs found

    Yüksek Dayanım Ve Şekil Değiştirme Özellikli Çeliklerin Kolon Kesitinde Donatı Olarak Kullanımı

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada yüksek dayanım ve şekildeğiştirme özellikli çeliklerin betonarme kolon kesitinde donatı olarak kullanımı analitik olarak incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında analitik olarak, yüksek dayanım ve süneklik özelliklerine sahip olan, “YSÇ” adı verilmiş betonarme çeliği kullanılarak analitik olarak tanımlanan betonarme kolonların, davranışı, ülkemizin inşaat mühendisliği yapılarında yaygın olarak kullanılan BÇIIIa betonarme çeliği ile üretilmiş elemanlar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. 1/3 ölçekli betonarme kolonların YSÇ ve BÇIIIa çelikleri ile üretilmiş olan kuramsal modelleri, COLA (Reinforced Concrete Column Analysis) programına tanımlanarak, bu program yardımıyla kesitlerin moment-eğrilik, yatay yük yerdeğiştirme ve enerji tüketme davranışları incelenmiş ve 2 farklı tip çeliğin kullanım durumunun, kesit davranışına etkileri karşılaştırılmıştır. Özellikle, “YSÇ” ile üretilen betonarme kolonlarda dayanım ve süneklik özellikleri ile birlikte, deprem performansı açısından önemli olan enerji tüketim kapasitesinin irdelenmesi amaçlanmış, analizler sonucunda YSÇ ve BÇIII çeliklerini içeren betonarme elemanlar, bu parametreler gözönünde bulundurularak karşılaştırılmıştır.One of the most important characteristics of a structure which is in earthquake regions is its ductility. A better ductile behavior can be achieved by constructing these structures with elements which have high energy absorption capacities during moderate and strong earthquakes. For reinforced concrete structures the deformation capability and strength of structural steel as reinforcement has an important contribution on the entire behavior of the reinforced concrete member. In this study, use of a type of steel as reinforcement in reinforced concrete members which features high deformability capacity and high yielding strength(≈540 MPa), is analyzed analytically. These studies contain section analysis for reinforced concrete members with high strength and BCIII steel generally used in building industry of Turkey. All the analytical studies are carried out with a software called COLA (Reinforced Concrete Column Analysis). It has been found that reinforced concrete columns reinforced with high strength steel reached bigger moment and lateral load carrying capacities in comparison with the ones which are reinforced with BCIII

    An Ethnographic Approach to Education: What Are You Doing in This Village?

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    This study describes the ethnographic approach used in educational research, as seen through the eyes of an ethnographer. This work is the product of research that investigates the transition of young children to pre-school, within the cultural processes of their everyday lives. The article describes the village setting and the processes in which I engaged in my role as participant observer for seven months, as well as the difficulties I encountered, and the strategies I developed. The practical experience I gained in the research provided me an important foundation for my ethnographic research methods. As a result, the products of this study emphasize that the ethnographic method doesn't necessarily relate to fixed rules; instead it usually occurs in three basic steps. These are: initial, activation, and acceptance. The content of these three phases was determined by the socio­cultural structure of the society in which I became a participant. In this study, the decisive role of the community's cultural structure in the research method and techniques is discussed in the framework of the three basic stages. Keywords: Qualitative Research; Ethnographic Approach; Educatio

    The effect of flow experience in new media usage on risk perception and online touristic purchase intention

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    Turizm ürününün kendine has özellikleri göz önüne alındığında sadece soyut bilgilerle ve vaatlerle değerlendirilmesi ve turistin bu soyut bilgilerle satın alma sürecini yönetmesi zorunluluğu turizm sektörünü bilgi endüstrisiyle bütünleştirmiştir. Yeni medyalar öncesi yalnızca niteliksel bilgileri taşıyan teknolojiler artık sosyal ve hedonik ihtiyaçları karşılayan bir sistem haline dönüşmüştür. Yeni medyalarla birlikte artık profesyonel içeriktense sosyal içerikleri tercih eden turistler turizm ürününün doğasında olan belirsizliği ve risk algısını azaltmak için sosyal bir onaya ihtiyaç duyarlar. Turistin sosyal onaya olan ihtiyacı onu yeni medyalarla daha yoğun bir akışa götürmektedir. Bu noktada yaşanılan akışın doğru yönetimi ve bu akış sürecinde sosyal içeriklere karşı servis edilen geribildirimler turistin satın alma niyetini pozitif şekilde etki edeceği düşünülebilir. Bu nedenle doktora tezinde bilgi yoğun bir endüstri haline dönüşen turizm sektöründe turistlerin satın alma niyetini birinci dereceden etkileyen risk algısı, yeni medya ve akış teorisi ekseninde ele alınmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Yeni medyalarda yaşanılan akışın artması turistik risk algısını azalttığı ve satın alma niyetini arttırdığı bulgularla sunulmuştur. Tüm bulgular çok geniş bir sahada yapılan taramalarla multidisipliner boyutta ele alınmış ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Multidisipliner literatür sahası farklı bakış açılarını yaratmış ve tartışma bölümünde vurgulandığı üzere birçok kavramın eleştirilmesini sağlamıştır.Considering specific properties of the tourism product, assessment only with abstract information and promises and tourist's requirement of managing purchase process with such abstract information have integrated tourism sector with information industry. Tourists who prefer social content over professional content in purchasing process with new media fall in need of social approval to reduce ambiguity that is inherent to the tourism product and the rick perception created by this kind of ambiguity. Tourists’ need for social approval steers them towards a more intensive flow with new media. It can be considered that correct management of the flow at this point and feedback served for social contents in this flow processes will put a positive effect on the purchase intent. Therefore, this doctoral thesis discusses and evaluates risk perception which directly affects tourists’ purchase intent in tourism sector that has turned into an information intensive industry, on the axis of new media and flow theory. It is asserted with findings that increased flow with new media reduces touristic risk perception and increases the purchase intent. All findings are considered in a multidisciplinary dimension and compared with wide scale surveys. The multidisciplinary literature area creates different perspectives and allows criticism of many concepts as emphasized in the discussions section

    Öteleme Dönüşümünün Dinamik Geometri Ortamında Öğrenimi

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    Dynamic learning environments provide a variety of opportunities for learners to explore mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study was to explore the nature of the growth of 4 prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ understanding of geometric translations in a technology mediated environment using GeoGebra as a pedagogical medium. Individual teaching experiment methods were used to examine the progress of prospective teachers’ understanding of geometric translations. The study design included three phases: (1) semistructured clinical interviews; (2) teaching episodes; and (3) a retrospective analysis of the semistructured clinical interviews and teaching episodes. The findings of the study indicated that the availability of the dynamic geometry software supported the teacher candidates’ understanding of geometric translations. Specifically, the dragging and measurement features of the program enabled teacher candidates to explore the properties of geometric translations, make conjectures, employ various strategies, and construct new understandings.Dinamik öğrenme ortamları, matematiksel kavramların keşfedilmesi ve incelenmesi açısından öğrencilere birçok fırsatlar tanımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, GeoGebra dinamik programının eğitimsel bir araç olarak kullanıldığı bir ortamda 4 ilköğretim matematik öğretmen adayının öteleme kavramının gelişiminin incelenmesidir. Bireysel öğretim deneyi metodu kullanılarak öğretmen adaylarının öteleme dönüşümü üzerine gelişimleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmuştur: (1) yarı-yapılandırılmış klinik görüşmeler; (2) öğretim deneyleri ve (3) geriye dönük yarı-yapılandırılmış klinik görüşmelerin ve öğretim deneylerinin analizi. Çalışmanın bulguları, dinamik geometri programının öğretmen adaylarının öteleme kavramının gelişimini desteklediğini göstermiştir. Özellikle, programın sürükleme ve ölçme özelliklerinin öğretmen adaylarının öteleme kavramının özelliklerini keşfetmelerine, matematiksel varsayımlarda bulunmalarına, çeşitli yöntemler kullanmalarına ve yeni bilgiler oluşturmalarına yardımcı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir

    Stress distribution of a novel bundle fiber post with curvedroots and oval canals

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    Objective The aim of this study was to compare the stress distribution of teeth with curved and straight roots with oval and round canals restored with the bundle and conventional post systems. Material and methods Six three-dimensional premolars were modeled with round and oval canals, and curved roots using the software. The bundle post and the round posts were modeled. All post models were placed on the canals. The models were subjected to 200 N oblique loading. The results were evaluated by von Mises stresses. Results This study demonstrated that the bundle post showed higher stress values compared to the conventional post. The stresses in the oval canal were higher than those in the round canal. The highest stress values were found in the curved roots. The stress distribution on the curved roots was observed in the middle and apical third of the canal. Conclusion The bundle post presented higher stress compared to conventional posts. Besides, a more uniform stress distribution was observed in the bundle groups. Clinical significance When a post was required in extremely irregular, wide canals and curved roots, the bundle post was the material of choice. Canal and root morphology influenced stress distribution.No sponso

    Tooth coronal index and a new staging system for dental age estimation in southern Turkish population

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    Dental age indicators should be evaluated in different populations. The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated age results of tooth coronal index (TCI) and to develop a new staging system using panoramic radiography for the southern Turkish population. The study group consisted of panoramic radiographs of 1000 individuals aged 11–77 years. The study group was divided into four subgroups according to age of patients: Group 1 (11–18 years of age), Group 2 (18–29 years), Group 3 (30–50 years), Group 4 (51–77 years). The mandibular first molar was measured. TCI and a new staging system were assessed in the southern Turkish population by two observers. The novel model includes six new parameters. Multiple regression models, intraclass correlation coefficient and Durbin-Watson analysis were used. The estimation error of TCI and the novel model were 14.25 and 11.04, respectively. The parameters of the novel model were more powerful than TCI’s. There was no significant difference in sex. For both methods, the estimated age in Group 3 (between 30–50 years) provides the highest accuracy in all age groups. The results showed that the novel age estimation model is more reliable in the southern Turkish population.No sponso

    The Place of Islam and Human in Nurettin Topçu’s Education Perspective

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    The subjects of this work consist of the books written by NurettinTopçu, especially the one named İslam ve İnsan (İslam and Human), as well as the works of other researchers on this topic. Document investigation method, which is a qualitative research method, was used in the collection of the data. Content analysis method was used in the analysis of collected data. The study included information on whether the books selected for this research deal with NurettinTopçu’s world of thought or his philosophical thoughts. Each book was analyzed individually by the researchers and suitable codes were used in the classification of the books on their philosophical dimensions. The results of the content analysis revealed that the works of NurettinTopçu act as a bridge between the traditional construct and the modern one. While his frustration with ethics is emphasized in these works, this is not static, but rather dynamic activism and rebellion; he clearly states that syllabi should include the essentials of topics such as religion, history, nation, and ethics. Keywords: nurettin topçu, education, islam and huma

    Maksiller premolar radiküler oluğu: “tehlikeli bölge”midir?

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    Objectives: To evaluate the presence of radicular groove and dentin thickness on the palatal aspect of the buccal root of maxillary first premolars using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: Images of 312 maxillary first premolars belonging to 187 patients (between 18-69 years, 94 females and 93 males) who were referred to the clinic were retrospectively reviewed. Root canal treatment, periapical lesion, and post-core were excluded. One and three-rooted premolars were also excluded. CBCT images were viewed on the axial plane to detect grooves. The concave area on the palatal aspect of the buccal root was recorded as a groove. Buccal and palatal dentin thicknesses were measured by two observers at the level of 3 mm below furcation. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: Buccal and palatal thicknesses were 1.28(±0.25) and 0.87(±0.13) mm, respectively. According to Student’s t-test, buccal dentin thickness was statistically higher than palatal dentin. The prevalence of groove was 82.05%. While palatal thickness without groove was 0.93(±0.14) mm, palatal thickness corresponding to groove was 0.82(±0.12) mm. One-way ANOVA showed palatal and buccal thickness in group 1 (18-35 years) was statistically lower than group 3 (>65 years). No statistical difference in thickness was observed between sex and left or right side. Conclusions: Palatal thickness related to groove can be considered a “danger zone” for post-core and endodontic treatment. Considering the high prevalence (82.05%) and thin dentin of the groove, more conservative canal and post space preparation and CBCT examination are recommended to avoid perforation.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı maksiller birinci premolardaki bukkal kökün palatinalinde bulunan oluğun prevalansının ve ayrıca bukkal ve palatinal dentin kalınlığının konik-ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi kullanarak (KIBT) incelenmesidir Yöntem: Çalışmaya, kliniğe başvuran 187 hastaya ait (18-69 yaş arası, 94 kadın ve 93 erkek) 312 premolar dişin KIBT görüntüsü dahil edildi. Kanal tedavili, post uygulanmış, tek veya üç köklü premolar dişler çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Kök oluğunu tespit edebilmek için KIBT görüntüleri aksiyel kesitte incelendi. Bukkal kökün palatinalindeki konkav alanlar oluk olarak kaydedildi. Bukkal ve palatinal dentin kalınlıkları iki gözlemci tarafından, furkasyonun 3 mm altından ölçüldü. İstatistiksel analiz yapıldı. Bulgular: Bukkal ve palatinal dentin kalınlıkları sırasıyla 1,28(±0,25) ve 0,87(±0,13) olarak bulundu. Student’s ttestine göre, bukkal dentin kalınlığı palatinaldeki dentin kalınlığına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede fazla bulundu. Bukkal oluk prevalansı %82,05 olarak kaydedildi. Oluk bulunmayan palatinal dentin kalınlığı 0,93(±0,14) mm iken oluk bulunan palatinal dentin kalınlığı 0,82(±0,12) mm olarak tespit edildi. Tek yönlü ANOVA testine göre, palatinal ve bukkal kalınlık grup 1(18-35 yaş)’de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede grup 3 (>65 yaş)’e göre daha inceydi. Cinsiyet ve sağ-sol arasında dentin kalınlığı açısından bir farklılık gözlenmedi. Sonuçlar: Kök oluğu bulunan bölgedeki dentin kalınlığı kanal tedavisi ve özellikle kök dentininde kayba sebep olan post uygulamaları açısından “tehlikeli bölge” olarak düşünülebilir. Kök oluğunun yüksek prevalansı ve kök oluğundaki ince dentin varlığı düşünüldüğünde, klinikte perforasyon oluşumu engellemek için, işlem öncesi üç boyutlu inceleme ve ayrıca daha konservatif kanal şekillendirmesi ve post boşluğu hazırlığı önerilir

    Debljina dentina u zoni opasnosti i morfologija kanala maksilarnih kutnjaka

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    Objectives: Dentin thickness in concave areas of the root creates risk for complications such as strip perforation during endodontic treatment. The study aims to examine dentin thickness of the danger (DZ) and safety zone (SZ), canal configuration, and the presence of isthmus in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars. Material and methods: Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images of 1251 teeth belonging to 642 patients were retrospectively reviewed. The dentin thicknesses at DZ and SZ in maxillary molars with one (MB) or two mesiobuccal canals (MB1, MB2) were measured at the 3 mm apical to the furcation level. Vertucci’s canal configurations and the isthmus rate were recorded. The Chi-square test andThe Student’s t-test were performed. Results: MB2 rate was higher in maxillary first molars (61.68%) than second molars (39.36%). Isthmus rates were 27.3% and 44.11% in first and second molars. DZ thickness was thinner than the dentin thickness in the SZ in both first and second molars with one or two mesial canals (p< 0.05). In teeth with single canal, the mean DZ thickness was 0.88mm. In teeth with two canals, the mean DZ thicknesses were 0.83mm and 0.80mm for MB1 and MB2 canals, respectively. Conclusion: MB2 rate was higher in the first molar (61.68%), and the isthmus rate was higher in the second molar (44.11%). DZ and SZ were thinner in MB2 than in MB1 at the maxillary molars with two mesial canals. The results indicated that more conservative preparation must be applied to the MB2 canal in the maxillary molars.No sponso

    Evaluation of the bone thickness of mandibular molars using cone beam computed tomography

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    Objective: To investigate buccal and lingual bone thicknesses and fenestration rate of mandibular first and second molars using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: A total of CBCT images of 41 patients were selected and overall 120 mandibular molars were investigated. The buccal and lingual alveolar bone widths were measured at apex of the roots. The prevalence of fenestration in mandibular molars was recorded. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: The buccal bone widths of mesial root of second molars were significantly lower than the lingual (p<0.05). The lingual bone widths of mesial and distal root of second molars were lower than the buccal (p<0.05). The lowest thickness of buccal and lingual bone was observed in mesial root of first molar and distal root of second molar. The prevalence of fenestration in mandibular first and second molars was 5% and 10%. Conclusion: The buccal bone widths were lower at the first molar than the second molar. All fenestrations in first molar were in buccal aspect, in second molar were in lingual aspect. Topographical proximity of the buccal side of first molar and the lingual side of second molar to bone plate create a risky region for endodontic treatment or spread of infection.No sponso