5,536 research outputs found

    Supply Chain Engagement Through Relationship Management?

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    Many studies carried out in relation to construction procurement methods have revealed evidence that there needs to be a change of culture and attitude in the construction industry, moving away from traditional adversarial relationships to cooperative and collaborative relationships. At the same time there is also increasing concern and discussion on alternative procurement methods, involving a movement away from traditional procurement systems. Relational contracting approaches, such as relationship management, are business strategies whereby client, commercial participants' and stakeholders' objectives are aligned. This paper reviews a range of relationship management project case studies undertaken between public and private organisations in Queensland, Australia and reports on the critical factors identified that influence the success of relationship management projects. The research takes place within the context of the supply chain and reflects attempts by a government agency to engage the supply chain through relationship management approaches. The advantages accruing from engagement include community benefit, added value and innovation. Relationship management is a system that provides a collaborative environment and a framework for all participants to adapt their behaviour to project objectives and allows for engagement of those subcontractors and suppliers 'down the supply chain'. It is about open communication, sharing resources and experiences, exposing the 'hidden' risks in the project for the benefit of all participants. The case studies suggest that leadership has a strong influence on the relationship management climate which needs to be facilitated and nurtured. Commitment and action by the senior management (and, so, parent organisations) can have a strong impact on the team and relationship management culture, indicating relationship management has a high chance of failure when there is inadequate support from top management. Like all relational contracting approaches, trust between relationship management partners is important. The authors conclude that without a positive approach to relationship management a sustainable industry and continuous improvement are not possible. So, the authors postulate that a 'sustainable supply chain' is essentially tautological without the existence of a clear relational vision that leads to both soft and hard infrastructure to assist and inform decision making and encourage relationship building. An example of this is discussed at the end of the paper

    Study of in vitro transcriptional binding effects and noise using constitutive promoters combined with UP element sequences in Escherichia coli

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    Background UP elements (upstream element) are DNA sequences upstream of a promoter that interact with the α-subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP) and can affect transcription by altering the binding RNAP to DNA. However, details of UP element and binding affinity effects on transcriptional strength are unclear. Results Here, we investigated the effects of UP element sequences on gene transcription, binding affinity, and gene expression noise. Addition of UP elements resulted in increased gene expression (maximum 95.7-fold increase) and reduced gene expression noise (8.51-fold reduction). Half UP element sequences at the proximal subsite has little effect on transcriptional strength despite increasing binding affinity by 2.28-fold. In vitro binding assays were used to determine dissociation constants (Kd) and in the in vitro system, the full range of gene expression occurs in a small range of dissociation constants (25 nM \u3c Kd \u3c 45 nM) indicating that transcriptional strength is highly sensitive to small changes in binding affinity. Conclusions These results demonstrate the utility of UP elements and provide mechanistic insight into the functional relationship between binding affinity and transcription. Given the centrality of gene expression via transcription to biology, additional insight into transcriptional mechanisms can foster both fundamental and applied research. In particular, knowledge of the DNA sequence-specific effects on expression strength can aid in promoter engineering for different organisms and for metabolic engineering to balance pathway fluxes

    Price Momentum and Idiosyncratic Volatility

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    We find that returns to momentum investing are higher among high idiosyncratic volatility (IVol) stocks, especially high IVol losers. Higher IVol stocks also experience quicker and larger reversals. The findings are consistent with momentum profits being attributable to underreaction to firm-specific information and with IVol limiting arbitrage of the momentum effect. We also find a positive time-series relation between momentum returns and aggregate IVol. Given the long-term rise in IVol, this result helps explain the persistence of momentum profits since Jegadeesh and Titman’s (1993) study

    Alliancing in Australia - No-Litigation Contracts: A Tautology?

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    A project alliance is a business strategy whereby client and commercial participants’ objectives are aligned. This paper takes an alliance project between public and private organizations in Queensland, Australia as a case study and reports the critical factors identified that influence the success of the alliance project. Alliancing is a system that provides a collaborative environment and a framework to adapt behavior to project objectives. It is about sharing resources and experiences, exposing the “hidden” risks. The case study suggests that leadership has a strong influence on the alliance climate. Commitment and action by the Project Alliance Board and, so, parent organizations have a strong impact on the team and alliance culture, indicating alliancing has a high chance of failure when there is inadequate support from top management. Like all relational contracting approaches, trust between alliance partners is important. This case study project takes a further step toward reinforcing the trust element by placing a No-Dispute clause in the alliance agreement. A review of the effects of the no-litigation clause upon the project team is presented. The writers conclude that without a positive approach to relationship management, a No-Dispute approach is impossible. Hence, they postulate that a “no-litigation” alliancing contract is essentially tautological, and go on to argue that a no-litigation contract cannot exist without the help of a clear relational vision, that leads to both soft and hard infrastructure to assist in decision making and relationship building

    Unprecedented spin localisation in a metal-metal bonded dirhenium complex

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    he molecular and electronic structure of edge-sharing bioctahedral [N(n-Bu)4]3[Re2(mnt)5] is reported here. Despite the short intermetal bond length of 2.6654(2) Ă… with computed bond order of 1.2, the unpaired electron is localised by the asymmetric ligand distribution, as demonstrated by its remarkable EPR spectrum
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