159 research outputs found

    Novel linear algebraic theory and one-hundred-million-atom electronic structure calculation on the K computer

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    A novel linear-algebraic algorithm, multiple Arnoldi method, was developed in an interdisciplinary study between physics and applied mathematics and realized one-hundred-million-atom (100-nm-scale) electronic state calculations on the K computer. The algorithms are Krylov-subspace solvers for generalized shifted linear equations and were implemented in our order-N calculation code ELSES (http://www.elses.jp/). Moreover, a method for calculating eigen states is presented as a theoretical extension.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Learning coefficients for hierarchical learning models in Bayesian Estimation

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    Recently, singular learning theory has been analyzed using algebraic geometry as its basis. It is essential to determine the normal crossing divisors of learning machine singularities through a blowing-up process to observe the behaviors of state probability functions in learning theory. In this paper, we investigate learning coefficients for multi-layered neural networks with linear units, especially when dealing with a large number of layers in Bayesian estimation. We make use of the valuable results obtained by Aoyagi(2023), which provide the main terms for Bayesian generalization error and the average stochastic complexity (free energy). These terms are widely employed in numerical experiments, such as in information criteria

    Foreshadowing of Performance Accuracy by Event-Related Potentials: Evidence from a Minimal-Conflict Task

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    Recent studies employing stimulus-response compatibility tasks suggest that an increase in the amplitude of the positive deflection of the response-locked event-related potential (ERP) foreshadows errors on forthcoming trials. However, no studies have tested the generalizability of error-foreshadowing positivity to tasks without stimulus-response interference.The present study adopted an alternating-response task, in which the participants responded to the pointing direction of an arrowhead (up or down). Although the arrowhead direction alternated for the majority of trials (95%), occasionally this pattern was broken by a repeated stimulus, termed a lure trial. We compared the matched-reaction-time correct-preceding ERP with the error-preceding ERP on lure-preceding trials. There was no evidence that errors are foreshadowed by the increase of a positive electroencephalogram (EEG) deflection. To the contrary, analyses of ERPs time-locked to electromyogram (EMG) onset on the five consecutive lure-preceding trials showed larger positive deflections on correct-preceding than error-preceding trials. The post-response negativity did not differ between correct-preceding and error-preceding trials.These results suggest that in minimal conflict tasks a decreased positivity may foreshadow incorrect performance several trials prior to the error, possibly reflecting the waning of task-related efforts. Therefore, error-foreshadowing brain signals may be task-specific

    A Preliminary Examination of Effect of Massage and Aroma Oil Massage in Foot Care Nursing

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    AbstractFoot care nursing is attracting attention as a medically effective treatment for the foot lesions caused by such problems as diabetes or aging. In this study, we experimentally examined how aromatherapy affects human brain functions during foot care nursing using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). 11 subjects received both foot care nursing massages and aroma oil massages. We analyzed the changes in their oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentrations based on their brain activity by t-tests, and the t-test results showed significant differences between two kinds of massages in both the somatosensory and prefrontal association areas. The oxy-Hb concentration in both massages with and without aroma oil also showed a tendency to decrease with time. Our questionnaire results showed that our subjects felt more comfortable and relaxed while receiving foot care nursing with aroma oils. These results suggest that aroma oil massages are an effective foot care nursing tool and that foot care nursing is a medically effective treatment

    Effect of ventilated workwear and working schedule on physiological and psychological responses of construction workers, no. 2: Actual investigation at an active construction site

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    Although the use of cooling garments to prevent heat disorders has been increasing, the effectiveness of such garments at construction sites (CSs) remains underexplored. We investigated the relationship between the thermal environment at a CS and the physiological and psychological responses of workers wearing/not wearing ventilated work wear (VWW). The study participants were rebar placers and form workers employed at an outdoor CS. The thermal environmental conditions and the physiological and psychological responses of the workers were measured. The overall, chest, and forearm skin temperatures of the workers not wearing VWW were significantly higher than those of workers wearing VWW. To clarify the effects of VWW and working schedules on body weight loss (BWL), the BWL rate was simulated based on the evaporation rate according to a regression formula of measured data in an artificial chamber. The BWL during the late shift was higher than that in the early shift, causing dehydration in the afternoon. To prevent this condition, more water intake is required during the late shift

    Embedded DRAM using c-axis-aligned crystalline In-Ga-Zn oxide FET with 1.8V-power-supply voltage

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    An embedded memory using c-axis aligned crystalline In-Ga-Zn oxide (CAAC-IGZO) FETs with an extremely low off-state current on the order of yoctoamperes (yA) (yocto- is a metric prefix denoting a factor of 10-24) is known as a potential next-generation memory [1][2]. A dynamic oxide semiconductor RAM (DOSRAM), where each memory cell is composed of one CAAC-IGZO FET and one capacitor, enables long data retention and long interval of refresh operations with an advantage of extremely low off-state current of the CAAC-IGZO FET. However, negative backgate voltage (Vbg) and word-line driving voltages of 0/3.3 V (VSSL/VDDH) had been required for an access transistor of the memory cell to satisfy high on-state current and low off-state current. This work shows that DOSRAM operates with 1.8 V-power supply voltage by using a novel driving method. Figure 1 shows Vg-Id performance of a CAAC-IGZO FET used as a cell transistor. The threshold voltage (Vth) of the CAAC-IGZO FET is controlled by changing a level of Vbg, whereas Vth of the Si FET is controlled by channel doping. Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a prototyped DOSRAM. The refresh rate in DOSRAM mainly depends on the leakage current of cell transistors. To reduce the refresh rate to once an hour, the off-state current of the cell transistors on a non-selected word line needs to be reduced to 200 zeptoamperes (zA) per FET (zepto- is a metric prefix denoting a factor of 10-21) or lower at 85C. The required Vbg is -7.0 V to achieve such an off-state current at Vg 0 V, for example. To obtain approx. 100 MHz-driving frequency, the required on-state current is at least several microamperes. The voltage level difference in the word line, VDDH VSSL, is a factor that determines the on-state current, and in this work is fixed to 3.3 V so that the combination of Vbg and the word line voltage is optimized. The application of negative voltage to the word line enables the leakage current of the cell transistor to be maintained low even when Vbg is increased. For example, whereas the existing driving method meets the above off-state current value with Vbg -7.0 V and the VSSL 0 V, the novel driving method meets the value with Vbg 0 V and VSSL -1.5 V. In the novel driving method, VDDH 1.8 V. There has been a report of a reduction in leakage current of a memory cell by application of negative voltage to a top gate in DRAM using Si CMOS [3]. In contrast to it, DOSRAM including CAAC-IGZO FETs with L 60 nm has a leakage current of 200 zA or lower, which is 7-digit lower than that of the DRAM using Si CMOS, and enables longer data retention. The evaluation results of the prototyped DOSRAM verify that a reduction in power-supply voltage from 3.3 V to 1.8 V is possible in terms of operation and data retention. This suggests a highly compatible and efficient configuration of an embedded DRAM and a logic circuit where signals can be transmitted with low VDD. References [1] S. H. Wu, et al., IEEE Symp. VLSI Tech., pp. 166-167, 2017. [2] T. Ishizu, et al., IEEE Symp. VLSI Cir., pp. 162-163, 2017. [3] F. Hamzaoglu et al., IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 150-157, Jan. 2015

    Simultaneous Three-Dimensional Analysis of Cervical Spine Kinematics in the Axial and Sagittal Views during a Simulated Frontal Impact: Differences between Tensed and Relaxed States

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    Study DesignProspective experimental study on humans.PurposeTo determine whether postural differences during a low-speed impact are observed in the sagittal and axial views, particularly in a relaxed state.Overview of Literature: Three-dimensional motion capture systems have been used to analyze posture and head-neck-torso kinematics in humans during a simulated low-speed impact, yet little research has focused on the axial view. Since a seatbelt asymmetrically stabilizes a drivers right shoulder and left lower waist into the seat, it potentially creates movement in the axial view.MethodsThree healthy adult men participated in the experimental series, which used a low-speed sled system. The acceleration pulse created a full sine shape with a maximum acceleration of 8.0 m/s2 at 500 ms, during which the kinematics were evaluated in relaxed and tensed states. The three-dimensional motion capture system used eight markers to record and analyze body movement and head-neck-torso kinematics in the sagittal and axial views during the low-speed impact. Head and trunk rotation angles were also calculated.ResultsLarger movements were observed in the relaxed than in the tensed state in the sagittal view. The cervical and thoracic spine flexed and extended, respectively, in the relaxed state. In the axial view, larger movements were also observed in the relaxed state than in the tensed state, and the left shoulder rotated.ConclusionsDuring simulated frontal impact, the rotation angle between the head and trunk was significantly larger in the relaxed state. Therefore, we recommend also observing movement in the axial view during impact tests

    End-to-End Joint Target and Non-Target Speakers ASR

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    This paper proposes a novel automatic speech recognition (ASR) system that can transcribe individual speaker's speech while identifying whether they are target or non-target speakers from multi-talker overlapped speech. Target-speaker ASR systems are a promising way to only transcribe a target speaker's speech by enrolling the target speaker's information. However, in conversational ASR applications, transcribing both the target speaker's speech and non-target speakers' ones is often required to understand interactive information. To naturally consider both target and non-target speakers in a single ASR model, our idea is to extend autoregressive modeling-based multi-talker ASR systems to utilize the enrollment speech of the target speaker. Our proposed ASR is performed by recursively generating both textual tokens and tokens that represent target or non-target speakers. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: Accepted at Interspeech 202
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