301 research outputs found

    Vacuum structure in 5D SO(10) GUT on S1/Z2

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    AbstractWe study the vacuum structure in 5D SO(10) grand unified theory (GUT) compactified on S1/Z2 orbifold, where SO(10) is broken into SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1)2 through the boundary conditions. Although a lot of people extended to 6D to avoid massless colored particle, we can show they obtain finite masses by the radiative corrections. In a supersymmetric case, the fermionic partner of the zero-mode can also acquire non-vanishing mass through the SUSY breaking effects, and the gauge coupling unification can be recovered by use of brane localized kinetic terms

    Studies on the Relationship between Pulmonary Tuberculous Cavities and Draining Bronchi, by Injecting Acrylic Resin

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。We have studied 83 tuberculosis lungs removed at operation or at autopsy, three-dimensionally, pathologically, and histologically by means of the plasticinjected casts, and further investigated the relationship between cavities and draining bronchi and have reached the following conclusions. 1). The 7th to 9th bronchi in each lobe are big enough to play the role of draining bronchi, thus it may be said that the caseated foci larger than a lobule are facing directly to these bronchi. This is why these foci are always threatened by the danger of cavitation. 2). It is extremely difficult for a cavity to be cut off from the trachea by connective tissues obstruction of its draining bronchus; indeed this kind of obstruction has not been found at all in our studies. 3). There is a parallel relation between the state of a cavity and the tuberculous lesion of its draining bronchus, but in many cases there is a difference in the extent of the disease. Accordingly it is necessary to keep in mind the state of the draining bronchus at the time of treatment of the cavity. 4). The modes of opening of a cavity into its draining bronchus are; (1) a cavity opening into the end of a bronchus at its top (pattern I), and (2) a cavity opening into the lateral wall of a bronchus. According to the different stages of the developing cavity, the patterns seem to alter as follows⟶pattern I⟶pattern II⟶pattern I. 5). A cavity, less than 1.5cm in diameter, has usually one draining bronchus, while a bigger cavity than the above has generally two or more bronchi, and a cavity larger than the above two kinds of cavities has several draining bronchi, but seldom more than four. The drainidg bronchi from megacavities are fewer in number but manytimes larger in size than those of the above cavities. This is apparently due to the fact that the other small draining bronchi were obliterated during the course of the development of the disease. 6) A cavitation is not necessarly limited to a single pulmonary segment, but the draining bronchus of a cavity, which is 1.5cm. in diameter, communicates with the two neighboring segments, especially those of megacavities sometimes communicate with many segments. The intersegmental partitions, which consist of connective tissue and branches of pulmonary veins, are not firm enough to check caseation and cavitation of the intersegmental connective tissue during the development and fusion of the tuberculous focus. 7). Morphological changes in draining bronchi such as stenosis, obstruction, partial dilatation, and single or multiple flexions are observable. Partial stenosis is distinctly observable at the opening of the bronchi into cavities, and in other parts, a partial stenosis and a partial dilatation of the draining bronchus occur alternatly and the extent of the lesions gradually decreases in degree towards the pulmonary hilum. The morphological changes of draining bronchi parallel the degree of the tuberculous lesion around the cavity or the caseated focus. 8). With pneumothorax the bronchi take the form of stratification roughly parallel to the axis of a lobe, and the bronchial bending and obstruction are not recognized. Even in highly collapsed lungs of perfect pneumothorax, bronchial obstruction is not recognizable, but only the shortening narrowing of bronchi. 9). One form of direct treatment of tuberculosis, the incision treatment, aims at cleaning the cavity and cicatrized healing by means of draining the contents of cavity through the body wall, and not through a draining bronchus. But unfortunately this treatment is not very through when we consider the relationship between a cavity and the bronchial tuberculous lesion. From this point of view resection seems to be the more thorough treatment, but indications for this treatment are limited to cases in the early stage, if we consider bronchial lesions and disseminated foci. Therefore, those caseated foci which seems to tend towards softening and dec

    Oseltamivir Carboxylate, the Active Metabolite of Oseltamivir Phosphate (Tamiflu), Detected in Sewage Discharge and River Water in Japan

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    inhibitor oseltamivir carboxylate (OC) and has been developed for the treatment and prevention of both A and B strains of influenza. The recent increase in OP resistance in influenza A virus (H1N1; commonlly called “swine flu”) has raised questions about the widespread use of Tamiflu in seasonal epidemics and the potential ecotoxicologic risk associated with its use in the event of a pandemic. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to develop an analytical method for quantitative determination of OC in sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent and receiving river water, and to investigate the occurrence of OC in STP effluent and river water in Japan during a seasonal flu outbreak. Me t h o d s: We developed an analytical method based on solid-phase extraction followed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Using this method, we analyzed samples from three sampling campaigns conducted during the 2008–2009 flu season in Kyoto City, Japan. Res u l t s: The highest concentration of OC detected in STP discharge was 293.3 ng/L from a conventional activated-sludge–based STP; however, we detected only 37.9 ng/L from an advanced STP with ozonation as a tertiary treatment. In the receiving river water samples, we detected 6.6–190.2 ng/L OC, during the peak of the flu season. Co n c l u s i o n: OC is present in STP effluent and river water only during the flu season. Ozonation as tertiary treatment in STP will substantially reduce the OC load in STP effluent during an influenza epidemic or pandemic. Key w o r d s: influenza, LC-MS/MS, oseltamivir carboxylate, river water, sewage discharge, Tamiflu. Environ Health Perspect 118:103–107 (2010). doi:10.1289/ehp.0900930 available vi

    Correct Effective Potential of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory on M^4\times S^1

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    We study an N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory defined on M4×S1M^4\times S^1. The vacuum expectation values for adjoint scalar field in vector multiplet, though important, has been overlooked in evaluating one-loop effective potential of the theory. We correctly take the vacuum expectation values into account in addition to the Wilson line phases to give an expression for the effective potential, and gauge symmetry breaking is discussed. In evaluating the potential, we employ the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism and introduce bare mass for gaugino in order to break supersymmetry. We also obtain masses for the scalars, the adjoint scalar, and the component gauge field for the S1S^1 direction in case of the SU(2) gauge group. We observe that large supersymmetry breaking gives larger mass for the scalar. This analysis is easily applied to the M4×S1/Z2M^4\times S^1/Z_2 case.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Influence of hydraulic retention time, sludge retention time, and ozonation on the removal of free and conjugated estrogens in Japanese activated sludge treatment plants

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    This study describes the occurrence, fate, and removal of free estrogens (estrone (E1), 17 beta-estradiol (E2), estriol (E3), 17 alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE2)) and their glucuronide and sulfate conjugates (estrone-3-sulphate (E1-3S), 17 beta-estradiol-3-sulfate (E2-3S), estriol-3-sulfate (E3-3S), estrone-3-glucuronide (E1-3G), 17 beta-estradiol-3-glucuronide (E2-3G), and estriol-3-glucuronide (E3-3G)) in 12 sewage treatment plants in Japan. Glucuronide conjugates were only rarely detected in sewage influents and entirely eliminated within the treatment plants. E1 was found at 69 ng/L, E2 at 108 ng/L, E1-3S at 18 ng/L, and E2-3S at 78 ng/L in the sewage influents. The average removal efficiency for E1, E2, and sulfate conjugates was 88, 92, and 93%, respectively, following activated sludge treatment. The removal of E1 and E2 was improved with increasing the sludge retention time (SRT), with the highest removal typically found from 12 days SRT onward. The removal of sulfate conjugates was also related to SRT with highest removals found from eight days SRT onward. No correlation was found between the hydraulic retention time and the removal of any of the estrogens. The ozone dosage of 4-7 mg/L reduced E3 and E2-3S and E3-3S to below detection levels. Overall ozonation reduced the estrogenicity of the effluents as expressed as estradiol equivalents from 8.4 to 0.7 ng/L. The results suggest adequate river basin management of estrogens in Japan could be accomplished by a mixture of activated sludge plants with long SRT and where necessary, the addition of tertiary ozonation

    Effective theoretical approach of Gauge-Higgs unification model and its phenomenological applications

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    We derive the low energy effective theory of Gauge-Higgs unification (GHU) models in the usual four dimensional framework. We find that the theories are described by only the zero-modes with a particular renormalization condition in which essential informations about GHU models are included. We call this condition ``Gauge-Higgs condition'' in this letter. In other wards, we can describe the low energy theory as the SM with this condition if GHU is a model as the UV completion of the Standard Model. This approach will be a powerful tool to construct realistic models for GHU and to investigate their low energy phenomena.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; Two paragraphs discussing the applicable scope of this approach are adde

    Structures of SMG1-UPFs Complexes: SMG1 Contributes to Regulate UPF2-Dependent Activation of UPF1 in NMD

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    SummarySMG1, a PI3K-related kinase, plays a critical role in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) in mammals. SMG1-mediated phosphorylation of the UPF1 helicase is an essential step during NMD initiation. Both SMG1 and UPF1 are presumably activated by UPF2, but this regulation is incompletely understood. Here we reveal that SMG1C (a complex containing SMG1, SMG8, and SMG9) contributes to regulate NMD by recruiting UPF1 and UPF2 to distinct sites in the vicinity of the kinase domain. UPF2 binds SMG1 in an UPF1-independent manner in vivo, and the SMG1C-UPF2 structure shows UPF2 recognizes the FRB domain, a region that regulates the related mTOR kinase. The molecular architectures of several SMG1C-UPFs complexes, obtained by combining electron microscopy with in vivo and in vitro interaction analyses, competition experiments, and mutations, suggest that UPF2 can be transferred to UPF1 within SMG1C, inducing UPF2-dependent conformational changes required to activate UPF1 within an SMG1C-UPF1-UPF2 complex