93 research outputs found

    Complications of hand-foot-mouth disease

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    Virological aspects of Epstein-Barr virus infections.

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is usually maintained in an asymptomatic and latent form by the host immune system, and primarily by EBV-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs). However, EBV has been linked to several refractory diseases such as EBV-associated hemophagocytic syndrome(EBV-AHS) and chronic active EBV infection (CAEBV). In these ectopic diseases, EBV infects T/NK cells, causing severe immunodeficiency with a very high EBV load. In recent years, the laboratory procedure to assess these types of EBV infections has been improved. In particular, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to quantify the EBV load, and the MHC: peptide tetramer assay has been used to quantitate EBV-specific CTLs; these tests have been employed for the management of the illnesses associated with EBV infection. Here, we have reviewed the recent progress in the clinical application of these assays. The pathogenesis of EBV-infected T/NK cells, and the host immune response to infection, including the roles carried out by innate immunity and inflammatory cytokines, are likely to be revealed in the future.</p

    A New Frontier in Film Studies: Applying Digital Humanities Methods to Indian Film Research <Article>

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    This paper proposes a framework for the use of the digital humanities (DH) methods in the analysis of Indian films, which has been subjected to bias from the use of the conventional qualitative methods that inevitably depend on the researchers’ subjectivity and sensibilities. To date, the DH methods have been employed primarily in literary studies, with notable results. We are confident that these methods can also be applied to Indian film studies as they can provide deep insights into the Indian culture and society. Although the DH methods are still in the introductory stage in many ways, this study was a preliminary attempt to elucidate them as new methods that can be used in film studies.This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K00231

    Inhibitory Effects of Edaravone, a Free Radical Scavenger, on Cytokine-induced Hyperpermeability of Human Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells:A Comparison with Dexamethasone and Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor

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    Lung hyperpermeability affects the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but therapeutic strategies for the control of microvascular permeability have not been established. We examined the effects of edaravone, dexamethasone, and N-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) on permeability changes in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (PMVEC) under a hypercytokinemic state. Human PMVEC were seeded in a Boyden chamber. After monolayer confluence was achieved, the culture media were replaced respectively by culture media containing edaravone, dexamethasone, and L-NMMA. After 24-h incubation, the monolayer was stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Fluorescein-labeled dextran was added. Then the trans-human PMVEC leak was measured. Expressions of vascular endothelial-cadherin (VE-cadherin) and zonula occludens-1 protein (ZO-1) were evaluated using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunofluorescence microscopy. The results showed that TNF-α+IL-1β markedly increased pulmonary microvascular permeability. Pretreatment with edaravone, dexamethasone, or L-NMMA attenuated the hyperpermeability and inhibited the cytokine-induced reduction of VE-cadherin expression on immunofluorescence staining. Edaravone and dexamethasone increased the expression of ZO-1 at both the mRNA and protein levels. Edaravone and dexamethasone inhibited the permeability changes of human PMVEC, at least partly through an enhancement of VE-cadherin. Collectively, these results suggest a potential therapeutic approach for intervention in patients with ARDS

    Risk assessment for hepatitis E virus infection from domestic pigs introduced into an experimental animal facility in a medical school

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    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is known to cause zoonotic infections from pigs, wild boars and deer. Domestic pigs have been used as an experimental animal model in medical research and training; however, the risks of HEV infection from pigs during animal experiments are largely unknown. Here, we retrospectively investigated the seroprevalence and detection rates of viral RNA in 73 domestic pigs (average 34.5 kg) introduced into an animal experimental facility in a medical school during 2012-2016. We detected anti-HEV immunoglobulin G antibodies in 24 of 73 plasma samples (32.9%), though none of the samples were positive for viral RNA. Plasma samples of 18 pigs were sequentially monitored and were classified into four patterns: sustained positive (5 pigs), sustained negative (5 pigs), conversion to positive (6 pigs) and conversion to negative (2 pigs). HEV genomes were detected in 2 of 4 liver samples from pigs that were transported from the same farm during 2016-2017. Two viral sequences of the overlapping open reading frame (ORF) 2/3 region (97 bp) were identical and phylogenetically fell into genotype 3. A 459-bp length of the ORF2 region of an amplified fragment from a pig transported in 2017 was clustered with the wbJYG1 isolate (subgenotype 3b) with 91.5% (420/459 bp) nucleotide identity. Based on our results, we suggest that domestic pigs introduced into animal facilities carry a potential risk of HEV infection to researchers, trainees and facility staff. Continuous surveillance and precautions are important to prevent HEV infection in animal facilities

    「自分でつかむ」という学習姿勢をはぐくむ講義展開 : 分娩における援助技術獲得の過程における試み(第1報)

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    援助技術とは,ただ手順の総合体ではなく,対象への理解に基づいた働きかけでなければならない。また,技術とは実施者の成長に応じて熟達,変化しなければ技術とは言えないという側面を持っている。しかし,近年若者の学習や自己の役割の自覚に関する変化の中で,学生の主体性や積極性の不足が問題とされる事が多い。本学において助産学を受講する学生の姿勢にも,同様の問題を感じ,学習効果を得るだけでなく,援助者としての成長を促すきっかけとなることを期待して,「助産技術学I」において平成16年度より新たな講義展開を試みた。「助産技術学I」は分娩における援助技術を学習する科目であり,これまで教員の講義・演習を中心とした科目であったが,新たな講義計画では,ビデオや資料を手がかりに,グループによる自己学習を中心に,教員はその理解の確認と修正を行ないながら,学生の気づきを促し,学生各々の変化やグループの形成過程を見守る方法をとった。結果として,誤った理解や学習不足の学生は見られず,技術修得の状況も良好であった。また,何よりも大きな変化は,学生の学習姿勢に積極性が見られるようになった点であった。その変化が,我々が意図した人間的な成長に繋がるのかは,まだ評価の段階では無いと思うが,学生は「自分でつかむ」という姿勢の一端は体験できたように思う。ここに,新たな講義展開の状況と,学生の変化を報告し,今後の課題を明らかにしたい。The assisting technique should not be a simple combination of procedures but should be an activity based on understanding of objects. In addition, the technique has an aspect that it cannot be called a technique unless a performer of a technique reaches proficiency and the technique changes with his or her growth. Consciousness of young people about learning in schools and their own role in the society is recently changing, and as a result, lack of independence and active inquiring of students frequently becomes a subject of discussion. We found the identical problem in students learning midwifery in our university as well. Since April 2004, we consequently attempted to develop a new teaching plan in the lesson "conduct of labor I " expecting not only to obtain a high teaching effect but also to give an impetus to the students so that they would become persons eager to assist human. In our new education plan, students learned the lesson by themselves mainly through group studies using videotapes or available data as introductory tools. Teachers remained to help students by pointing out information and points of view that were unnoticed by them, and watched changes in individual students and in the process of group formation, while ascertaining and correcting what understood by the students


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    目的:学生の学習への主体性促進を意図した看護学教員の教授活動を明らかにし,その特徴を考察する.方法:全国の看護系大学,短期大学,専門学校に所属し,授業を担当している教員995名を対象に,郵送法により質問紙を配布し,431名(回収率43.3%)から回答を得た.このうち,自由回答式質問に回答していた421名の記述を,Berelson,B.の方法論を参考にした看護教育学における内容分析を用いて分析した.結果:【学生の思考が発展するように発問・質問する】など32カテゴリが形成された.結論:学生の学習への主体性促進を意図した教員の教授活動を表す32カテゴリが明らかとなった.また,これら教授活動は《学生の理解促進と思考の発展を支援する》など10の特徴を示した.本研究の結果は,教員が自身の教授活動を客観的に評価し,学生の学習への主体性促進となる教授活動の継続や不十分な教授活動の改善を見出す資料となる.Objectives : The aims of this study were to clarify and investigate the features of the teaching activities of nursing faculty that promote autonomous learning in students. Methods : Questionnaires were distributed by post to 995nursing faculty members in charge of classes at nursing universities, junior colleges, and diploma programs across Japan. A total of 431responses were received (response rate: 43.3%), 10 of which were deemed invalid and subsequently excluded. The remaining 421, which contained responses to open-ended questions,were analyzed using content analysis for nursing education based on Berelson's methodology. Results : The teaching activities of nursing faculty that promote autonomous learning in students as indicated by respondents were aggregated into 32 categories, such as "Questioning the development of student thinking." Conclusions : A total of 32categories representing the teaching activities of nursing faculty that promote autonomous learning in students were clarified. These categories revealed 10common features,including "Supporting the promotion of understanding and development of thinking in students." The results of this study can serve as reference material for nursing faculty to objectively assess their own teaching activities and to continue to improve the promotion of autonomous learning in students.原