74 research outputs found

    Blended-Learning in der Biologielehrerausbildung

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    Das hier vorgestellte Projekt(1) beinhaltet die Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation eines länderübergreifenden Blended-Learning-Seminars aus der Biologiedidaktik. Die Untersuchungsgruppe umfasste Lehramtsstudierende der TU Dortmund und der Hacettepe Universität in Ankara. Als Lernumgebung wurde die in der Fachgruppe Biologie der TU Dortmund implementierte Open Source E-Learning Plattform Claroline (www.claroline.net) ausgewählt. Zum Seminarende beurteilten die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen das Konzept auf Basis ihrer gesammelten Erfahrungen. Präsenzsitzungen, individuelles Lernen sowie Aufgaben und Anwendungen schnitten dabei besser ab als Online-Phasen, Gruppenarbeiten, Diskussionen und Informationsaustausch. Items, die das Gesamtkonzept evaluierten, erzielten relativ hohe Wertungen. Trotz der vorsichtigen Bewertung, die einige Items erhielten, spricht das positive Gesamtbild für den Versuch, solche internationalen Unterrichtskonzepte weiterzuentwickeln

    A Research on Sustainability of Circassian Kitchen: Sakarya City Example

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    Yeme içme kavramı, ilkel toplumlardan bugüne kadar insanlık tarihinde her zaman çok önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Toplumlar zamanla yoğurdukları kültürel değerlerin ve çevresel faktörlerin etkisiyle kendi bölgelerine özgü mutfak kültürlerini geliştirmişlerdir. Bu kültürel değerlerden biri olan mutfak kültürü, milletlerin hala orada yaşayıp yaşamadığına bakılmaksızın insanların kökenlerinden doğar, ancak bölgesel kaynaklar, inanç ve bilgi, etnik köken, göç, tarım vb. faktörlere bağlı olarak şekillenir. Bu noktada göç kavramı ile karşı karşıya kalan milletlerin geleneksel yemeklerinde yaşanan değişimler tespit edilmek istenmiştir. Bu çalışmada diaspora milletlerden biri olan Çerkes mutfağının yaşadığı değişim temel alınarak 47 kişi ile görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler bilgisayar destekli veri analiz programlarından yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu veriler doğrultusunda geleneksel yemeklerin gençler tarafından devam ettirildiği, kültür aktarımında en büyük rolü annelerin üstlendiği, çocukların ise öğrenim gören kesimde oldukları ve mutfak kültürünün tanıtılması için çeşitli faaliyetlerin düzenlenmesi gerektiği sonuçları ortaya çıkmıştır.The concept of eating and drinking has always had a very important place in human history_x000D_ since primitive societies. Societies developed culinary cultures specific to their own regions_x000D_ with the effect of cultural values and environmental factors they knead over time. Culinary_x000D_ culture, one of these cultural values, arises from the origins of people regardless of whether_x000D_ the nations still live there, but regional sources, belief and knowledge, ethnicity, migration,_x000D_ agriculture, etc. It is shaped depending on the factors. At this point, the changes experienced_x000D_ in the traditional dishes of the nations facing the concept of immigration were aimed to be_x000D_ determined. In this study, interviews were conducted with 47 people based on the change_x000D_ experienced by one of the diaspora nations, the Circassian cuisine. The data obtained from_x000D_ the interviews were analyzed using computer aided data analysis programs. In line with_x000D_ these data, it is concluded that traditional meals are served by young people, mothers play_x000D_ the biggest role in cultural transfer, children are in the education sector and various_x000D_ activities should be organized to promote culinary culture.The concept of eating and drinking has always had a very important place in human history since primitive societies. Societies developed culinary cultures specific to their own regions with the effect of cultural values and environmental factors they knead over time. Culinary culture, one of these cultural values, arises from the origins of people regardless of whether the nations still live there, but regional sources, belief and knowledge, ethnicity, migration, agriculture, etc. It is shaped depending on the factors. At this point, the changes experienced in the traditional dishes of the nations facing the concept of immigration were aimed to be determined. In this study, interviews were conducted with 47 people based on the change experienced by one of the diaspora nations, the Circassian cuisine. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using computer aided data analysis programs. In line with these data, it is concluded that traditional meals are served by young people, mothers play the biggest role in cultural transfer, children are in the education sector and various activities should be organized to promote culinary culture

    Coupling socioeconomic factors and cultural practices in production of einkorn and emmer wheat species in Turkey

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    Wheat, a basic food source in Turkey and the world, provides calories, protein, and energy to many people. Wheat has evolved from primarily domesticated hulled wheats. Of them, einkorn (Triticum monococcumssp.monococcum) (EIW) and emmer (Triticum dicoccon) (EMW), with their cultural heritages from the past until the present, are popular ones, and they are still grown in patches across Turkey. In this study, the main material consists of the data obtained through a questionnaire with 53 emmer- and einkorn-related people-producers, sellers, etc., from five largely einkorn- and emmer-growing provinces (Bolu, Kastamonu, Karabuk, Sinop, and Samsun) in the western Black sea region. The main aim was to determine the valuation and usage of einkorn and emmer in the survey area. While 78.0% of the farmers were producing einkorn, 22.0% of them were producing emmer wheat. Most of the farmers (86.0%) did not sell or trade hulled wheat because of the difficulties in harvesting and processing. There is no perfect market to sell them and find the quality seed to produce again. Because of these, einkorn and emmer are being produced by the farmers as in subsistence farming (traditional type) and being valued by using traditional home consumption techniques. The popularity of einkorn and emmer wheats is increasing, and health concerns of the public are accelerating interest in them. Therefore, increased acreage should be devoted to these wheats in Turkey to meet predicted market deman

    High-Speed Rail (HSR) Users and Travel Characteristics in Turkey

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    To change the current road dominancy in the intercity passenger transportation, Turkey has been establishing High-Speed Rail (HSR) services as a competitive mode since 2009. A user survey was conducted at four stations of the currently serving HSR lines to obtain data on i) intercity mode choices of HSR users for different trip purposes, ii) alternative modes preferred in HSR corridors and iii) user perspectives on modal service attributes (i.e. travel time, cost, safety, etc.). A significant share of first-time HSR users showed the growing demand of HSR as a transportation mode in Turkey. There were many business or education related trips observed. In the short corridors (i.e. Ankara-Eskisehir), the modal shift was mainly from road transportation, while in Ankara-Istanbul corridor, shift from air to HSR was also observed. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    A Study on Teacher Competencies of Pre-service Science Teachers

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    In this research designed in survey model, teacher competencies of pre-service science teachers were examined under 4 headings including methodological, social, and personal competencies (Frey, 2008). As a data collection tool, a questionnaire consisting of a total of 226 items questioning the areas of competence was used. The sample of the study consisted of 602 pre-service teachers who continued their education in science, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics education programs. In general, it was determined that the perceptions of pre-service teachers about their professional competencies were high. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to determine the compatibility of the four-factor structure of teacher competencies with the sample data. Among the teacher competence areas, path analysis by Frey (2008) was performed to test the status of correlations in the sample. As a result of the path analysis, it was seen that the proposed theoretical model worked largely in the sample. Examining the relationships among the competence areas, it was determined that methodological competence had a very high effect on social competence and a moderate effect on personal competence. It was concluded that the competence related to the teaching process affected social competence at a low level and personal competence at a moderate level. In addition, a very high relationship was calculated between methodological competence and competence areas related to the teaching process.</p


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    Toll benzeri reseptörler (TLR), doğal immün sistemde görev alan patojen tanıyan reseptör (PRR) ailesi üyelerindendir. Pek çok hücre yüzeyinde ekspresse olurlar. Patojen ile iliskili moleküler yapıları (PAMP) tanıyarak doğal immün sistemi aktive ederler. Mezenkimal kök hücrelerde ekspresse olan TLR&#8217;in bu hücrelerin çesitli dokulara farklılasmasında önemli rolleri olduğu düsünülmektedir. Çalısmamızda difteri toksini ile Stafilokokal Enterotoksin B&#8217;nin (S.E.B) insan kemik iliği mezenkimal kök hücrelerinin (MKH) canlılığına ve TLR ekspresyonuna etkisini arastırmak amaçlanmıstır. Farklı konsantrasyonlarda hazırlanmıs toksinler ile 24 saat uyarılan MKH&#8217;lerin canlılıkları MTT testi ile incelenmistir. Difteri toksininin 25 &#956;g/ml konsantrasyonu ve S.E.B&#8217;nin 30 &#956;g/ml konsantrasyonu hücre canlılığını kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı bir sekilde azaltmıstır. Difteri toksini ve S.E.B ile uyarılan hücrelerde TLR ifadelenmesini arastırmak için özgül antikorlar kullanılmıs ve hücreler akıs sitometrisi yöntemi ile incelenmistir. Yapılan analizler sonucu difteri toksininin MKH&#8217;lerde TLR ifadelenmesine etkisi görülmemistir. S.E.B &#8216;nin 30 &#956;g/ml konsantrasyonu TLR-1 ifadelenmesini arttırırken, 3 &#956;g/ml ve 30 &#956;g/ml konsantrasyonu TLR-2 ve TLR-3 ifadelenmeisini arttırmıstır. S.E.B&#8217;nin diğer TLR&#8217;lerin ifadelenmesine etkisi görülmemistir. Literatürde S.E.B &#8216;nin MKH&#8217;lerdeki TLR&#8217;lere etkisini gösteren bir çalısma bulunmamaktadır. Bu yüzden çalısma sonunda elde edilen veriler S.E.B &#8216;nin MKH&#8217;lerde TLR&#8217;lerin bir ligantı olabileceğini düsündürmektedir.Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are members of pattern recognition receptors that recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP) as an important component of innate immune responses. TLR expression by various cells of the innate immune system has been well characterized. However, there is some controversial information pertaining TLR expression by bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Diphtheria toxin and Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) on TLR expression by human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs). MTT assay was used to determine viability of hBMSCs that were exposed to different concentrations of toxins for 24 hours. TLR expression was explored using TLR-specific antibodies by flow cytometry. Diphtheria toxin did not affect TLR expression at all. However, SEB changed TLR expression in a dose dependent fashion. For example, while 30 &#956;g/ml SEB increased expression of TLR-1, SEB at the concentrations of both 3 &#956;g/ml and 30 &#956;g/ml increased expression of both TLR-2 and TLR-3. SEB did not affect expression of the other TLRs. First of all, the results of this study have suggested that SEB could be involved in regulation of TLR-1, TLR-2, and TLR-3 expression by hBMSCs. Secondly, these findings indicate a novel discovery since no literature pertaining effects of SEB on TLR expression by hBMSCs. Therefore, further investigations are needed to make a final definitive conclusions about the regulatory roles of SEB on TLR expression particularly by hBMSCs

    In vitro investigation for molecular and immunological characterization of anti-vegf antibodies that were developed for cancer treatment

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    Vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktörü-A (VEGF-A) anjiyogenez aktivatörlerinin içinde en önemli olan büyüme faktörüdür. Bu çalışmada VEGF-A'ya karşı yeni geliştirilmiş üç adet monoklonal antikorun moleküler ve immünolojik karakterizasyonu in vitro yöntemler kullanılarak araştırıldı. Antikorlar 5D6.5, 1B4.2 ve 3B2.1 olarak adlandırıldı. Çalışmaların ilk basamağında yeni geliştirilen anti-VEGF-A antikorları hibridoma kültür süpernatanlarından afinite kromotografisi yöntemi kullanılarak saflaştırıldı. Saflaştırılan antikorların ELİSA, akım sitometri, hücre içi boyama ve Western blot yöntemlerindeki kullanılabilirlikleri test edildi. Karakterizasyonu yapılan antikorlardan 5D6.5 adı verilen antikor ELİSA ve Western blot çalışmalarında VEGF-A proteinine bağlanabilirken, akım sitometri ve immünofloresan boyamada VEGF-A proteinine bağlanamamıştır. 3B2.1 antikoru ise ELİSA, hücre içi boyama ve akım sitometri yönteminde VEGF-A proteinine bağlanabilmiştir. 1B4.2 adı verilen antikor ELİSA, hücre içi boyama ve akım sitometri yönteminde VEGF-A proteinine bağlanabilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bu antikorların VEGF-A ile ilgili olarak araştırma amaçlı yapılan in-vitro çalışmalarda kullanılabileceği anlaşılmıştır.Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) is the most important growth factor in angiogenesis activators. In this study molecular and immunological characterization of three newly developed monoclonal antibodies against VEGF-A were investigated by in vitro techniques. Antibodies were named as 5D6.5, 1B4.2 and 3B2.1. During the initial step of the research, newly developed anti-VEGF-A antibodies were purified from the hybridoma culture supernatants by using affinity chromatography method. Following the purification of antibodies their uses in different methods such as ELISA, flow cytometry, intracellular cell staining, and Western blot were tested. Among the characterized antibodies 5D6.5 named antibody, could bind VEGF-A protein in ELISA and Western blot studies but not in flow cytometry and intracellular cell staining techniques. Antibody 3B2.1 could bind VEGF-A protein in ELISA, intracellular cell staining and flow cytometry technique. Antibody named as 1B4.2 could bind VEGF-A protein in ELISA, intracellular cell staining and flow cytometry techniques. According to the results these antibodies can be used in vitro techniques in VEGF-A related research studies

    Anne Çocuk Sağlığı veBeslenmesi

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    Anne ve Çocuk Beslenmesi

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