194 research outputs found

    CAGE-TSSchip: promoter-based expression profiling using the 5'-leading label of capped transcripts

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    A novel approach that combines CAGE expression analysis with oligonucleotide array technology allows for the accurate and sensitive detection of promoter-based transcriptional activity

    Suppression of neutrophil recruitment in mice by geranium essential oil.

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    BACKGROUND: In aromatherapy, essential oils are used as anti-inflammatory remedies, but experimental studies on their action mechanisms are very limited. AIMS OF THE STUDY: To assess their anti-inflammatory activities, the effects of essential oils on neutrophil recruitment in mice were examined in vivo. METHOD: The effect of essential oils on leukocyte and neutrophil recruitment induced 6 h after intraperitoneal injection of casein in mice was examined. RESULTS: Leukocyte recruitment into the peritoneal cavity in mice was suppressed by intraperitoneal injections of geranium, lemongrass and spearmint oils at the dose of 5 microl/mouse, but was not by tea tree oil. This recruitment was inhibited dose-dependently by geranium oil. The suppression of leukocyte recruitment resulted from inhibition of neutrophil accumulation. CONCLUSION: Some essential oils used as anti-inflammatory remedies suppress neutrophil recruitment into the peritoneal cavity in mice

    Adenovirus-mediated transfection of caspase-8 sensitizes hepatocellular carcinoma to TRAIL- and chemotherapeutic agent-induced cell death

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    AbstractCaspase-8 belongs to the cysteine protease family and is known to be activated at the initial step in the cascade of TRAIL-induced apoptosis. The activation of procaspase-8 can be blocked by a relatively large amount of c-FLIP, which renders resistance to death receptor-mediated apoptosis in many types of cancer cells. To ask if extrinsic over-expression of caspase-8 contributes to the induction of apoptosis, we introduced the caspase-8 gene into HCC cells using an adenoviral (Adv) vector (Adv-Casp8). We demonstrated that Adv-Casp8 increased expression of active forms of caspase-8 in MOI-dependent manner. A large amount of Adv-Casp8 (MOI of 50) induced apoptosis significantly in HCC cells and resulted in downregulation of c-FLIP (in SK-Hep1, HLE, and HepG2 cells), XIAP, survivin, and Bcl-xL (in HLE cells) and dynamic release of cytochrome c and Smac from the mitochondria into the cytosol. On the other hand, a small amount of Adv-Casp8 (MOI of 10) causes a slight but detectable increase in the level of apoptosis with only a small effect on anti-apoptotic proteins and mitochondrial activation. However, small amounts of Adv-Casp8 augmented TRAIL- or chemotherapeutic agent-induced cell death (with an MOI of 10 or 20, respectively). These results suggest both that exogenous over-expression of caspase-8 by Adv-Casp8 may be essential for induction of HCC cell death and that the combination of Adv-Casp8 and TRAIL or chemotherapeutic agents could provide a useful strategy for treatment of HCC

    Dynamic structure of pharaonis phoborhodopsin (sensory rhodopsin II) and complex with a cognate truncated transducer as revealed by site-directed 13C solid-state NMR

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    AbstractWe have recorded 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of [3-13C]Ala, [1-13C]Val-labeled pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR or sensory rhodopsin II) incorporated into egg PC (phosphatidylcholine) bilayer, by means of site-directed high-resolution solid-state NMR techniques. Seven 13C NMR signals from transmembrane α-helices were resolved for [3-13C]Ala-ppR at almost the same positions as those of bacteriorhodopsin (bR), except for the suppressed peaks in the loop regions in spite of the presence of at least three Ala residues. In contrast, 13C NMR signals from the loops were visible from [1-13C]Val-ppR but their peak positions of the transmembrane α-helices are not always the same between ppR and bR. The motional frequency of the loop regions in ppR was estimated as 105 Hz in view of the suppressed peaks from [3-13C]Ala-ppR due to interference with proton decoupling frequency. We found that conformation and dynamics of ppR were appreciably altered by complex formation with a cognate truncated transducer pHtr II (1–159). In particular, the C-terminal α-helix protruding from the membrane surface is involved in the complex formation and subsequent fluctuation frequency is reduced by one order of magnitude

    Suppression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced neutrophil adherence responses by essential oils.

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    Background: In aromatherapy, essential oils are used as anti-inflammatory remedies, but experimental studies on their action mechanisms are very limited

    Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamic Theory of 4-Component Lead-Free Solder

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    We investigated non-equilibrium thermodynamic theories for 4-component lead-free solders based on classical thermodynamics using one-dimensional oscillator model to obtain their specific heat and the coefficient of linear thermal expansion. We analyzed In and Sn reactions in SnAgBiIn solder as a representative lead-free material and experimentally obtained an N c factor for expressing the state of non-equilibrium from the formation of metallic compounds. It was considered that the state of equilibrium did not occur experimentally, and that metallic compounds InSn 4 formed in some parts of the 2-component eutectic solder. We then built a theory as onedimensional oscillator model by approximating this N c factor, as a representation of the non-equilibrium behavior of high temperature lead-free solder. Using this model representing the non-equilibrium state, the correlation between specific heat and coefficient of linear thermal expansion was derived theoretically, which was found to be linear in mathematical studies. In fact, it was learned that experimental results of this correlation also tended to be linear. This suggested that the derived non-equilibrium theory was practically useful, moreover other thermodynamic characteristics could be analyzed by this non-equilibrium thermodynamic theory using one-dimensional oscillator model

    グンマケン ノ タブンカ キョウセイ オ フリカエッテ

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    Desafios e dificuldades na prática docente: relato de experiência das atividades vivenciadas no Estágio Supervisionado de Ensino em Ciências: Challenges in Teaching Practice: Experience Report about the Activities in the Supervised Internship of Science education

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    Resumo Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar a experiência adquirida no Estágio Supervisionado, por meio da observação e regência na disciplina de Ciências. O estágio foi realizado com turmas do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental em uma escola pública no município de Coari-Amazonas, Brasil. A pesquisa apresenta abordagem qualitativa, de cunho descritivo, tendo a observação como método de pesquisa. Por meio das vivências em sala de aula, detectou-se as dificuldades cotidianas do professor, como a indisciplina dos alunos e a falta de recursos didáticos, assim como os pontos positivos da profissão docente. Dessa forma, o estágio supervisionado propiciou reflexões sobre a importância de ensinar e as mudanças na postura acadêmica a fim de contribuir para a melhoria das relações entre aluno e professor. Challenges in Teaching Practice: Experience Report about the Activities in the Supervised Internship of Science education Abstract: This work aimed show the experience acquired in the Supervised Internship, through observation and conducting in the Science subject. The internship was conducted with classes from 6th to 9th grade of elementary school in a public school from Coari-Amazonas, Brazil. This report presents a qualitative, descriptive approach, with observation as the research method. Through classroom experiences, the daily difficulties of the teacher were detected, such as the students' lack of discipline and the lack of didactic resources and the positive points of the teaching profession. Thus, the internship allowed the graduate to have a new conception about the importance of teaching and to have reflections that result in changes of posture and may cooperate to improve the relationship between student and teacher. &nbsp