412 research outputs found

    The Predictive Power of Undergraduates’ Personality Traits and Self-Esteem Regarding Their Forgiveness

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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the undergraduates’ personality traits and self-esteem predict their forgiveness. The study was conducted using a descriptive research designed as a relational survey method. The study group consists of 323 undergraduates, of whom 250 (77.2 %) are female and 73 (22.5%) are male. The Adjective Based Personality Scale (ABPT), developed by Bacanlı, İlhan & Arslan (2009), “Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale”, developed by Rosenberg (1965) and adapted to Turkish by Çuhadaroğlu (1986), and “Heartland Forgiveness Scale”, developed by Thompson, Snyder & Hoffman (2005) and adapted to Turkish by Bugay & Demir (2010), were used for data collection procedure. The results indicate that the undergraduates’ five-factor personality traits and self-esteem are correlated with their forgiveness levels. In addition, the undergraduates’ personality traits of openness, neuroticism and extroversion predict their forgiveness levels. Keywords: Forgiveness, Self-Esteem, Personality, Trait

    University Students’ Early Maladaptive Schemas’ Prediction of Their Mindfulness Levels

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine whether university students’ early maladaptive schemas predict their mindfulness levels or not. Method: The study was carried out in the relational screening model. The study group consisted of 293 university students; 237 (80,9%) females and 56 (19,1%) males. “Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)”, developed by Brown and Ryan (2003) and adapted into Turkish by Özyeşil, Arslan, Kesici and Deniz (2011), and “Young Schema Scale-Short Form 3” developed by Young et al. (2003) and adapted into Turkish by Soygüt, Karaosmanoğlu and Çakır (2009) were used to gather the data for the study. Results: According to the results obtained from the study, it was found out that there is a significantly negative relation between the mindfulness and the schemas, except for the punitiveness and unrelenting standards. However, defectiveness and pessimism schemas were found to be the predictors of university students’ mindfulness levels. Conclusion: Preventing early maladaptive schemas from being triggered off is necessary in order to increase the mindfulness levels of the students. Parents need to avoid negative parent attitudes that trigger off the existence of early maladaptive schemas for the sake of this preventive study. The parents need to meet their children’s needs within realistic limits. Especially psychological needs need to be met moderately. The needs need to be met within realistic limits regularly and in a balanced way. Key words: Mindfulness, Early maladaptive schemas, Awareness and Schema Note: This study was presented as an oral presentation in the 2nd Eurasian Congress on Positive Psycholog

    Diagnosis of endometrial pathologies: transvaginal sonography versus hysteroscopy

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) constitutes 69% of all gynecological complaints in the peri- and postmenopausal age groups. The aim of present study was to compare the accuracy of transvaginal sonography and hysteroscopy in diagnosing intracavitary pathologies in women with abnormal uterine bleeding.Methods: A total of 303 premenopausal women with abnormal uterine bleeding who admitted to the gynecology outpatient clinic of the Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Research and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, between April 2010 and July 2015, and received hysteroscopy, were evaluated retrospectively. The collected data were assembled from the computerised database. All patients underwent pelvic examination, transvaginal ultrasonography, office hysteroscopy and hystopathologic evaluation. Patients with normal appearing uterine cavities on hysteroscopy additionally underwent full curettage. The pathology reports were considered to be the definitive diagnoses of patients. Transvaginal ultrasonography and office hysteroscopy findings were compared with the pathological reports and the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, accuracy values and likelihood ratios of office hysteroscopy and transvaginal ultrasonography were calculated for the detection of endometrial abnormalities.Results: Endometrial polyps were the most commonly identified pathology with a rate of 77.56%. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of transvaginal sonography for diagnosing endometrial pathologies were 77%, 32%, 75% and 32%, respectively. The same values for hysteroscopy were 93%, 44%, 88% and 48% respectively. Transvaginal sonography had a sensitivity of 20% with a specificity of 4% for submucous myomas. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of hysteroscopy for submucous myomas when compared to histopathology were 100% for all.Conclusions: The diagnostic accuracy of office hysteroscopy for focal lesions such as polyps or submucous myomas is higher than the accuracy of transvaginal ultrasonography. Due to its high diagnostic accuracy, lower complication rate and the ability to obtain direct biopsy specimens while providing simultaneous treatment, we believe that hysteroscopy will retain its place as the gold standard procedure for the investigation of endometrial pathologies

    Alpha-induced reactions for the astrophysical p-process: the case of 151Eu

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    The cross sections of 151Eu(alpha,gamma)155Tb and 151Eu(alpha,n)154Tb reactions have been measured with the activation method. Some aspects of the measurement are presented here to illustrate the requirements of experimental techniques needed to obtain nuclear data for the astrophysical p-process nucleosynthesis. Preliminary cross section results are also presented and compared with the predictions of statistical model calculations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Conference Series, proceeding of the Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics IV. conferenc

    Interactions of invasive pumpkinseed with a riverine endemic fish indicate trophic overlap but minimal consequences for somatic growth and condition

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    The North American invasive fish pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus has been associated with some detrimental ecological consequences in some parts of its invasive range. Here, we tested the trophic interactions of pumpkinseed with the endemic stream fish Aegean chub Squalius fellowesii ('chub') in a Mediterranean-type water course in SW Anatolia, Turkey, using a bulk stable isotope approach (d13C, d15N). Seven sampling sites were able to be grouped as chub in pumpkinseed presence (n=2) and absence (n=3), and pumpkinseed in chub absence (n=2). Across these groups, stable isotope metrics revealed that chub trophic (isotopic) niche size was similar in pumpkinseed presence/absence, but pumpkinseed had a larger niche in chub presence. In sites where they are co-habited, their niches showed some convergence, but with no apparent consequences for their growth or body condition, suggesting there were minimal ecological consequences of this sharing of food resources. These results suggest that the trophic consequences of this riverine invasion of pumpkinseed on this endemic chub was minimal