36 research outputs found

    System, individual and personality in psychology and education

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    In psychology and education the major concepts are "system", "human", "individual" and "personality". In conditions of modern society such qualities as system ones are nurtured along the course of life. How to separate these system properties consciously in course of nurturing and education? Understanding of social qualities of thins, understanding of the way how they occurs on basis of a certain historical method of manufacturing, composes the basis of knowledge transfer into conscious system qualities of schoolchildren and distinguishing of criteria of these new system qualities mastering. Real basis of a human personality is not determined by the sphere of genetic data, acquired knowledge, abilities, skills. including even professional, it lies is that system of activities that are realized by these knowledge and abilities. At research of personality one should be based on development of activities and those connections in which they are entering with each other. Adults, teachers are helping a child, schoolchild tp extend the sphere of his activity, not limiting by formation of skills, abilities and knowledge only; efforts of tutors are directed at the main thing - a schoolchild should be able to construct a system of substantial and connected activities determining his system qualities

    The impact of innovations in the production of biologically valuable food products on supply chain management in the regional economy

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    Abstract— The article shows a study of the role of supply chain management of innovative biologically valuable food products in the industrial development and economy of the region. The analysis of the process of updating the assortment of food products based on the introduction of innovative developments and production principles conducive to the release of a healthy diet product (innovative product) is presented. The main provisions of the concept of healthy food products, the category of “innovative food products” are analyzed. The article systematizes the definitions of the concept of “innovative product”. Based on the results of the study, features, functional properties and characteristic features of an innovative food product are determined. Based on the concept of “innovative food product”, the concepts of “new food product”, “improved food product”, and “modified food product” are formulated. A classification model of innovative food products is presented. Based on it, it is shown that the development, production and sale of an innovative food product two functions: economic and social. The study made it possible to formulate the main criteria that make it possible to attribute a food product to a group of innovative food products. The article describes the characteristics of an innovative food product, describes market and consumer properties. The author's definitions of concepts are given: “innovative food product”, “new food product”, “improved food product”, “modified food product”. A classification of innovative food products is proposed

    Regional investment policy: Analysis and assessment of the investment environment state

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    © the authors. The urgency of the problem studied in the paper is conditioned by the fact that stable functioning and development of economic entities, sectors of the economy, regions and the country cannot be carried out without investments. In the modern economy of the Russian Federation, whose conditions of existence can be called non-stationary, one of the problems is attracting investment resources into economic activity and overcoming the conditions for slowing and stopping the growth of the country's economy caused by external unfavorable economic circumstances. In connection with the foregoing, the policy of attracting and managing investments in the regions of the Russian Federation, with a view to ensuring conditions for overcoming the crisis phenomena and resuming the economic growth of the country and its subjects is of particular interest. The intensification of the state investment policy is a core prerequisite for the transition of the economy to sustainable growth. However, in economic market conditions the state is not able to solve this problem to the full. Therefore, the process of activating investment policy at the regional level is becoming topical. The purpose of the paper is to study the management and implementation of investment policy in the region on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan, the analysis and assessment of the investment environment's state. The leading method to research this problem is the statistical one, which is a method of quantitative analysis of a set of homogeneous facts that determine in the aggregate the transition of quantitative changes to qualitative ones. The paper presents the results of assessing the socio-economic development of the region, analyzes the indicators that allow characterizing the investment environment's state. The paper also presents the strategic priorities of the region's investment activities, analyzes the opportunities for their implementation in conditions of non-stationary state, and makes sound conclusions about the need to activate regional investment policies. The materials of the paper are of practical value for specialists dealing with the implementation of the investment policy of the region. © Authors. Terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) apply

    Factors affecting the results of analgesic therapy. Results of the Russian multicentre study of NOTE (NSAID: Open-label Trial of Efficacy)

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most popular medications for the treatment of pain in common musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA) and non-specific low back pain (LBP). However, the factors affecting the effectiveness of these drugs have not been determined fully. Aim: to identify factors affecting the effectiveness of NSAIDs in patients with OA and LBP. Materials and methods. An observational study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a 2-week course of NSAIDs in OA and LBP in real clinical practice. The study group consisted of 3604 patients with OA and LBP (60.6% women and 39.4% men, mean age 55.0±13.4 years). According to the study design, aceclofenac (Airtal) and other NSAIDs used in the ratio 1:1. The main criterion of effectiveness was the frequency of complete pain relief after 2 weeks of therapy. In addition, the decrease of pain and general health were determined on a 10-point numerical rating scale (NRS). We compared the frequency of complete pain relief in patients who had and did not have the studied factors. The value of the studied factors was determined using OR (95% CI). Results and discussion. Most patients received aceclofenac (54.9%), as well as diclofenac (2.0%), ketoprofen (1.9%), lornoxicam (2.2%), meloxicam (13.7%), naproxen (2.1%), nimesulide (5.8%), celecoxib (5.9%), ethicoxib (7.1%) and other NSAIDs (4.4%); 56.2% of patients received muscle relaxants, mainly tolperisone (74.7%), vitamin B (10.4%), and proton pump inhibitors (42.8%). Complete pain relief was achieved in 54.8% of patients. The pain decrease and general health improvement were (for NRS) 63.9±13.4% and 61.7±14.8%, respectively. The efficacy of aceclofenac was slightly higher than in the whole group: complete pain relief was in 59.9% of patients. Adverse events in aceclofenac use were observed in 2.3% of patients, other NSAIDs-from 2.4 to 14.1%. The frequency of complete pain relief was higher in men: OR 1,239 (95% CI 1.08-1.418; p=0.002), who had the first episode of pain - OR 3.341 (95% CI 2.873-3.875; p=0.000), a good" response " to NSAIDs in history - OR 1.656 (95% CI 1.385-1.980; p=0.000) and received NSAIDs in combination with muscle relaxants - OR 1.218 (95% CI 1.067-1.390; p=0.004). The effect of therapy is lower in patients 65 years and older-OR 0,378 (95% CI 0.324-0.442; p=0,000), with body mass index >30 kg/m² - OR 0.619 (95% CI 0.529-0.723; p=0.000), with severe pain (≥7 points NRS) - OR 0.662 (95% CI 0.580-0.756; p=0.002), with pain at rest, - OR 0.515 (95% CI 0.450-0,589; p=0.000), pain at night - OR 0.581 (95% CI 0.501-0.672; p=0.000) and the presence of stiffness - OR 0.501 (95% CI 0.438-0,573; p=0.000). Treatment results are significantly worse in the cases of combination of LBP and joint pain, as well as pain in the trochanter major and pes anserinus area (

    Резолюция Совета экспертов «Итоги многоцентрового рандомизированного двойного слепого плацебо-контролируемого исследования Артнео у пациентов с первичным остеоартритом коленного сустава II–III стадии

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    On August 31,2023 in V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology a meeting of the Expert Council was held at which the principal investigators and co-investigators of the ARTNEO-2021 protocol "Multicenter randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ARTNEO in patients with stage II-III primary knee osteoarthritis" was held. A consensus position was developed on the possibility and feasibility of using a combination of undenatured (native) type II collagen, methylsulfonylmethane, boswellic acids, vitamins C and D (ARTNEO complex) in clinical practice. Based on the results of the study, the use of the ARTNEO complex can be recommended as part of a complex therapy for patients with osteoarthritis as a course treatment with total duration up to 6 months. The results of the study can only be interpreted in relation to ARTNEO and cannot be transferred to preparations with a different composition.31 августа 2023 г. в ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой» состоялось заседание Совета экспертов с участием главных исследователей и соисследователей по протоколу Artneo-2021 «Многоцентровое рандомизированное двойное слепое плацебо-контролируемое исследование Артнео у пациентов с первичным остеоартритом коленного сустава II–III стадии». Разработана согласованная позиция в отношении возможности и целесообразности использования комбинации неденатурированного (нативного) коллагена II типа, метилсульфонилметана, босвеллиевых кислот, витаминов С и D (комплекс Артнео) в клинической практике. Основываясь на результатах исследования, в составе комплексной терапии пациентов с остеоартритом может быть рекомендовано применение комплекса Артнео общим курсом до 6 мес. Результаты исследования могут быть интерпретированы только по отношению к Артнео и не могут распространяться на композиции с иным составом

    Терапия остеоартрита коленных суставов с точки зрения доказательной медицины: ожидаемые краткосрочные, среднесрочные и долгосрочные результаты применения рецептурного кристаллического глюкозамина сульфата

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    The need for effective drugs for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA) is constantly growing. Current guidelines recommend the use of symptomatic slow acting drugs for osteoarthritis (SYSADOA) such as glucosamine (GCA) in this disease. Among various drugs containing GCA, high bioavailability and clinical efficacy have been shown only for prescription crystalline GCA sulfate (pGCAS) administration. Several meta-analyses and network meta-analyses have shown that efficacy of pGCAS 1500 mg once daily is superior to other GCA-based products (such as GCA hydrochloride with or without sodium sulfate) and the combination of GCA with chondroitin sulfate (CS) in terms of reducing the intensity of pain and improving the functional state. These studies confirmed the favorable safety profile of pGCAS, which was comparable to placebo in the incidence of adverse events. Pharmacoeconomic studies have also demonstrated greater cost-effectiveness of pGCAS compared to other GCA drugs.A group of Russian experts at a meeting of the advisory committee reviewed the evidence in favor of the use of pGCAS and evidence of its effectiveness in the treatment of knee OA in comparison with other products that include GCA, and the fixed combination of GCA with CS. Taking into account the results obtained, the use of pGCAS at a dose of 1500 mg once a day is recommended as a rational choice for the treatment of knee OA.Потребность в эффективных препаратах для терапии остеоартрита (ОА) коленных суставов (КС) постоянно растает. В современных руководствах рекомендуется применять при этом заболевании симптоматические средства замедленного действия (SYSADOA), такие как глюкозамин (ГКА). Среди различных лекарственных средств, содержащих ГКА, высокая биодоступность и клиническая эффективность доказаны только для рецептурного кристаллического ГКА сульфата (рГКАС). В нескольких метаанализах и сетевых метаанализах было показано, что рГКАС в дозе 1500 мг 1 раз в сутки превосходит по эффективности другие продукты на основе ГКА (такие как ГКА гидрохлорид с натрия сульфатом или без него) и комбинации ГКА с хондроитина сульфатом (ХС) с точки зрения снижения интенсивности боли и улучшения функционального состояния. В этих исследованиях был подтвержден благоприятный профиль безопасности рГКАС, который по частоте развития нежелательных явлений был сопоставим с плацебо. Фармакоэкономические исследования также продемонстрировали большую экономическую эффективность рГКАС по сравнению с другими лекарственными средствами ГКА.Группа российских экспертов на совещании консультативного комитета рассмотрела свидетельства в пользу применения рГКАС и доказательства его эффективности при лечении ОА КС в сравнении с другими продуктами, в состав которых входит ГКА, и фиксированной комбинации ГКА с ХС. С учетом полученных результатов использование рГКАС в дозе 1500 мг 1 раз в сутки рекомендовано в качестве рационального выбора для лечения ОА КС

    Allergy-Clinical characteristics of children with asthma in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The characteristic of allergy-clinical status of children with bronchial asthma. A clinical, functional, immunological, allergy screening, evaluating the degree of asthma control. Noted the possible impact of smoking on lung function of respondents. Correlation between the values of AST-test, the level of bronchial lability and speed performance of the airway.Дана характеристика клинико-аллергологического статуса детей с бронхиальной астмой. Проведено клиническое, функциональное, иммунологическое, аллергологическое обследование, дана оценка степени контроля над бронхиальной астмой. Отмечено возможное влияние курения на показатели функции внешнего дыхания респондентов. Выявлены корреляционные связи между значениями АСТ-теста, уровнем бронхиальной лабильности и скоростными показателями проходимости дыхательных путей

    The comparative responsiveness of Hospital Universitario Princesa Index and other composite indices for assessing rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Objective To evaluate the responsiveness in terms of correlation of the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) comparatively to the traditional composite indices used to assess disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to compare the performance of HUPI-based response criteria with that of the EULAR response criteria. Methods Secondary data analysis from the following studies: ACT-RAY (clinical trial), PROAR (early RA cohort) and EMECAR (pre-biologic era long term RA cohort). Responsiveness was evaluated by: 1) comparing change from baseline (Delta) of HUPI with Delta in other scores by calculating correlation coefficients; 2) calculating standardised effect sizes. The accuracy of response by HUPI and by EULAR criteria was analyzed using linear regressions in which the dependent variable was change in global assessment by physician (Delta GDA-Phy). Results Delta HUPI correlation with change in all other indices ranged from 0.387 to 0.791); HUPI's standardized effect size was larger than those from the other indices in each database used. In ACT-RAY, depending on visit, between 65 and 80% of patients were equally classified by HUPI and EULAR response criteria. However, HUPI criteria were slightly more stringent, with higher percentage of patients classified as non-responder, especially at early visits. HUPI response criteria showed a slightly higher accuracy than EULAR response criteria when using Delta GDA-Phy as gold standard. Conclusion HUPI shows good responsiveness in terms of correlation in each studied scenario (clinical trial, early RA cohort, and established RA cohort). Response criteria by HUPI seem more stringent than EULAR''s