228 research outputs found

    Topical use of consulting services in the issue of increasing information literacy employees

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    This article raises the question of what in modern conditions of development of technology, lack of personal knowledge and skills for enterprises is the starting point for access to consultants. The urgency of the use of consulting services. It is proved that consulting services are justifiable method of solving the existing problems of the enterpriseВ данной статье поднимается вопрос о том, что в современных условиях развития технологий, нехватка собственных и навыков для предприятий является отправной точкой для обращения к консультантам. Показана актуальность использования консалтинговых услуг. Доказано, что консалтинговые услуги являются оправданным методом решения существующих проблем предприяти

    Morphine Exacerbates HIV-1 Tat-Induced Cytokine Production in Astrocytes through Convergent Effects on [Ca2+]i, NF-κB Trafficking and Transcription

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    Astroglia are key cellular sites where opiate drug signals converge with the proinflammatory effects of HIV-1 Tat signals to exacerbate HIV encephalitis. Despite this understanding, the molecular sites of convergence driving opiate-accelerated neuropathogenesis have not been deciphered. We therefore explored potential points of interaction between the signaling pathways initiated by HIV-1 Tat and opioids in striatal astrocytes. Profiling studies screening 152 transcription factors indicated that the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) subunit, c-Rel, was a likely candidate for Tat or Tat plus opiate-induced increases in cytokine and chemokine production by astrocytes. Pretreatment with the NF-κB inhibitor parthenolide provided evidence that Tat±morphine-induced release of MCP-1, IL-6 and TNF-α by astrocytes is NF-κB dependent. The nuclear export inhibitor, leptomycin B, blocked the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of NF-κB; causing p65 (RelA) accumulation in the nucleus, and significantly attenuated cytokine production in Tat±morphine exposed astrocytes. Similarly, chelating intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) blocked Tat±morphine-evoked MCP-1 and IL-6 release, while artificially increasing the concentration of extracellular Ca2+ reversed this effect. Taken together, these results demonstrate that: 1) exposure to Tat±morphine is sufficient to activate NF-κB and cytokine production, 2) the release of MCP-1 and IL-6 by Tat±morphine are highly Ca2+-dependent, while TNF-α appears to be less affected by the changes in [Ca2+]i, and 3) in the presence of Tat, exposure to opiates augments Tat-induced NF-κB activation and cytokine release through a Ca2+-dependent pathway

    Effect of culture conditions on the growth of biomass Yarrowia lipolytica - producing protein feed

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    Fodder yeast is highly valuable protein-vitamin products. Protein digestibility by yeast and amino acid content, superior proteins of animal origin. Fodder yeast protein digested in animals by 95 %. The biological value of yeast protein is determined by the presence of a significant amount of essential amino acids. Moreover, yeast cells contain many vitamins microelement and a significant amount of fat, in which the predominant unsaturated fatty acid. Currently, fodder yeast successfully used in livestock and poultry, so the demand for them is increasing every year. For the production of fodder yeast using a yeast having the necessary technological properties: the ability of rapid growth in aerobic conditions to form protein, amino acids and vitamins, resistant crop production, the development of resistance to foreign microorganisms. Intensive education yeast biomass contributes to a number of conditions, including pH, temperature and aeration of the culture occupy an important place. The main criterion for comparison and selection of a culture medium for this is the speed of its growth and ability to assimilate all of the nutrients with high economic factor. It depends on the performance of the enterprise, energy consumption and other technical - economic performance. The effect of pH of the medium on the biomass accumulation of yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Found that at pH 5,2 - 5,5 observed maximum growth rate of the yeast cells. The effect of temperature on the accumulation of yeast biomass. The temperature of the culture medium determines the intensity of metabolism in cells. It was found that the optimal growth temperature of the culture Yarrowia lipolytica is 33 0C. The effect of aeration on the growth rate of yeast cells. Tro-established that the maximum increase of biomass was obtained with the aeration of 70 cm3 /cm3hrs

    Comprehensive approach in treatment of locally disseminated oropharyngeal cancer

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    The article contains information about current trends of treatment of the locally advanced oropharynx cancer. We analyzed the results of chemoradiation treatment, and surgery treatment of patients with rudimentary tumors after the chemoradiation therapy, taking into account the tumor margin, which gives capacity to perform an adequate operation with good oncological results


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the densitometric parameters of coronary arteries by volume MDCT coronary angiography for coronary artery stenosis and after percutaneous coronary stenting procedures. Volume MDCT coronary angiography was performed on 38 patients aged 47 to 75 years. The study was conducted on a 320-slice Aquilion One (Toshiba,Japan) computed tomographic machine, with prospective ECG-gating. The assessments of the results of stenting and coronary artery stenosis were determined density characteristics in Hounsfield units (HU) cross-sectional area of the vessel in the central departments, at a distance of5 mmproximal and distal to the stent or stenotic areas. In the absence of significant in-stent restenosis DI was >0,45, with a DI>< 0,8, with a DI< showed signs of significant in-stent restenosis. In the absence of significant stenosis of the vessel DI was >0,8, with a DI< 0,8 showed signs of significant stenosis or occlusion of the vessel. Thus, densitometric analysis with a volume MDCT coronary angiography can be used in the evaluation of coronary artery stenosis and in-stent restenosis for improving diagnostic informativity method. Volume scanning with prospective ECG-gating can significantly reduce the radiation exposure to the patient. Целью данного исследования являлся анализ денситометрических показателей коронарных артерий методом объемной многосрезовой компьютерно-томографической коронарографии (МСКТ-коронарографии) при стенозирующих и окклюзирующих поражениях коронарных артерий, а также после процедуры чрескожного коронарного стентирования. МСКТ-коронарография была выполнена 38 пациентам в возрасте от 47 до 75 лет. Исследование проводили на 320-срезовом компьютером томографе Aquilion One (Тошиба, Япония), в режиме объемного сканирования. При оценке результатов стентирования и стенозирующих поражений коронарных артерий были определены плотностные характеристики в единицах Хаунсфилда (ед. Х.) поперечного сечения сосуда в центральных отделах, на расстоянии5 ммпроксимальнее и дистальнее стентов либо зон стенозов и окклюзий. При отсутствии значимого внутристентового рестеноза значения денситометрического индекса (ДИ) были >0,45, при ДИ<0,45 выявлялись признаки значимого внутристентового рестеноза. Незначимый стеноз характеризовался значениями ДИ >0,8, при ДИ<0,8 были выявлены признаки значимого стеноза либо окклюзия сосуда. Таким образом, денситометрический анализ при объемной МСКТ-коронарографии может быть использован в оценке значимости стенозов коронарных артерий и внутристентовых рестенозов для повышения диагностической информативности метода. Объемное сканирование с проспективной ЭКГ-синхронизацией позволяет значительно снизить лучевую нагрузку на пациента.

    NGC 7468: a galaxy with an inner polar disk

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    We present our spectroscopic observations of the galaxy NGC 7468 performed at the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope using the UAGS long-slit spectrograph, the multipupil fiber spectrograph MPFS, and the scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (IFP). We found no significant deviations from the circular rotation of the galactic disk in the velocity field in the regions of brightness excess along the major axis of the galaxy (the putative polar ring). Thus, these features are either tidal structures or weakly developed spiral arms. However, we detected a gaseous disk at the center of the galaxy whose rotation plane is almost perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk. The central collision of NGC 7468 with a gas-rich dwarf galaxy and their subsequent merging seem to be responsible for the formation of this disk.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Astronomy Letters, 2004, vol 30., N 9, p. 58


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    The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Prokofyevich Fedorenko, a graduate of M.V. Lomonosov MITHT, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, the head of MITHT department for chemical industry economy (1951-1962), since 1953 to 1958 - the deputy director of MITHT for studies. N.P. Fedorenko is Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, member of the presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, academician-secretary of the Economy department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, one of the main founders and the first director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1963-1985). N.P. Fedorenko was the most talented organizer of the economic science. He made a large contribution to the chemicalization of the national economy, to the application of modern mathematical methods and computing hardware for economic research, to the planning, management and studying of the theoretical and methodological bases of optimum performance of economy.Статья посвящена 100-летию со дня рождения Николая Прокофьевича Федоренко, выпускника МИТХТ им. М.В. Ломоносова, участника Великой Отечественной войны, заведующего кафедрой экономики химической промышленности МИТХТ (1951-1962 гг.), с 1953 г. по 1958 г. - заместителя директора МИТХТ по учебной работе. Н.П. Федоренко - доктор экономических наук, профессор, академик АН СССР, член президиума АН СССР, академик-секретарь Отделения экономики АН СССР, один из главных основателей и первый директор ЦЭМИ АН СССР (1963-1985), талантливейший организатор экономической науки, внесший крупный вклад в разработку проблем химизации народного хозяйства, в применение современных математических методов и вычислительной техники для экономических исследований, в планирование, управление, изучение теоретических и методологических основ оптимального функционирования экономики

    Riistaeläinten populaatioiden dynamiikka Pohjois-Euroopassa: tiivistelmä : 7. kansainvälinen symposium. 24. – 28. Syyskuuta

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    We have studied Black Grouse population abundance and its dynamics in large regions of North-Europe and Urals’ taiga (Finland, Russian Karelia, Murmansk, Arhangel, Kirov and Komi regions and). The data is based on Winter Track Counts (WTC, Priklonski, 1973), where all grouse sightings are recorded. We also studied the longterm Black Grouse abundance changes in Russian and Belarus Natural Reserves (by “Chronical of Natural” Programme, including summer counts of forest grouses): Pinezhsky, Pechoro-Ilychskiy, National Park "Mechera", Nature Reserve "Kivach", "Bryansk Forest", Kostomuksha Nature Reserve Volzhsko-Kamsky National Nature Biosphere Reserve and Visimskiy State Nature Reserves. The highest and most stable abundances of Black Grouse were recorded from East Fennoscandia (Karelia – 3.6 birds per 10 km; Finland – 4.4, coefficient of variation – 12% and 27%, respectively), whereas in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Regions and Komi republic, e.g. the species abundance indices were 0.5, 2.5 and 1.1 birds per 10 km, respectively. The “Peak” and minimal abundance years do not concur in different regions of north-European taiga. In Komi in the period from 2001 to 2013, the number of the black grouse declined twice, in Arhangel in the period 30 years – decreased fivefold. In Tatarstan Republic (Volzhsko-Kamsky National Nature Biosphere Reserve) after 1980 abundance decreased rapidly and at last 10 tears – disappeared. In Central Siberia BG are small in numbers and rare. The data suggest Black Grouse abundance varies significantly across Northern Eurasia and among years. One may presume there are some factors acting in different directions: towards convergence and towards divergence of the trends.Peer reviewe

    2D Spectroscopy of Candidate Polar-Ring Galaxies: I. The Pair of Galaxies UGC 5600/09

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    Observations of the pair of galaxies VV 330 with the SCORPIO multimode instrument on the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope are presented. Large-scale velocity fields of the ionized gas in H-alfa and brightness distributions in continuum and H-alfa have been constructed for both galaxies with the help of a scanning Fabry Perot interferometer. Long-slit spectroscopy is used to study the stellar kinematics. Analysis of the data obtained has revealed a complex structure in each of the pair components. Three kinematic subsystems have been identified in UGC 5600: a stellar disk, an inner gas ring turned with respect to the disk through ~80degrees, and an outer gas disk. The stellar and outer gas disks are noncoplanar. Possible scenarios for the formation of the observed multicomponent kinematic galactic structure are considered, including the case where the large-scale velocity field of the gas is represented by the kinematic model of a disk with a warp. The velocity field in the second galaxy of the pair, UGC 5609, is more regular. A joint analysis of the data on the photometric structure and the velocity field has shown that this is probably a late-type spiral galaxy whose shape is distorted by the gravitational interaction, possibly, with UGC 5600.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Предикторы неблагоприятного течения сердечной недостаточности с сохраненной фракцией выброса левого желудочка у больных с синдромом обструктивного апноэ во сне

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     Aim. To study the relationship of obstructive respiratory disorders during sleep with subclinical development of right ventricular dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension, as well as with the risk of an adverse course of chronic heart failure (CHF) with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).Materials and methods. The study included 86 men with moderate and severe forms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) (with an apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) > 15 per hour). All patients had abdominal obesity and hypertension. Upon inclusion in the study, all patients underwent polysomnography and echocardiography according to the  standard protocol with an additional assessment of the fractional area  change in the right ventricular myocardium (ΔSRV) and the right ventricular  stroke work index (RVSWI). Also, the content of the N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide precursor (NT-proBNP) in the blood serum was  determined by enzyme immunoassay analysis. A six-minute walk test (6MWT) was performed after inclusion in the study and after 12 months of  follow-up. Depending on the course of CHF during the follow-up,  retrospectively, the patients were divided into 2 groups: with an unfavorable (n = 33) and favorable (n = 53) prognosis.Results. A significant relationship between AHI and ΔSRV, RVSWI, NT-proBNP, and 6MWT was revealed. Based on the results of one-way correlation analysis, it was found that ΔSRV (odds ratio (OR) 2.51; 95%  confidence interval (CI) 2.42–3.24; p = 0.0009), NT-proBNP (OR 1.92; 95% CI  1.32–2.78; p = 0.003), and AHI (OR 3.93; 95% CI 2.87–4.11; p = 0.018) were predictors of an adverse course of CHF. In a multivariate analysis, it was found that AHI was an independent predictor of an adverse course of CHF (OR 3.49; 95% CI 2.17–11.73; p = 0.0008), while the addition of NT-proBNP improved risk stratification of an adverse course of CHF (OR 4.66; 95% CI 3.87–13.11; p < 0.0001).Conclusion. The fractional area change in the right ventricular myocardium (ΔSRV) can be considered as a non-invasive marker for determining the  emerging right ventricular dysfunction and predicting adverse cardiovascular events in patients with preserved LVEF and OSAS. Moreover, the combined use of echocardiographic (ΔSRV) and laboratory (NT-proBNP) markers can improve risk stratification of CHF progression.   Цель. Изучить взаимосвязь обструктивных нарушений дыхания во сне с развитием дисфункции правого желудочка (ПЖ) и легочной гипертензии, а также с риском  неблагоприятного течения хронической сердечной  недостаточности (ХСН) с сохраненной фракцией выброса  левого желудочка (ФВ ЛЖ). Материалы и методы. В исследование включены 86  мужчин со среднетяжелой и тяжелой формами синдрома  обструктивного апноэ во сне (СОАС) (с индексом апноэ/ гипопноэ (ИАГ) более 15 в час). Все пациенты имели  абдоминальное ожирение и артериальную гипертензию.  При включении в исследование всем больным выполнено полисомнографическое исследование, а также  эхокардиография по стандартному протоколу с  дополнительной оценкой фракционного изменения  площади и индекса работы миокарда правого желудочка (ΔSПЖ и ИРМПЖ), определено содержание  предшественника мозгового натрийуретического пептида (NT-proBNP) в сыворотке крови методом  иммуноферментного анализа. Тест 6-минутной ходьбы (ТШХ) выполняли после включения в исследование и через  12 мес наблюдения. В зависимости от характера течения  ХСН за период наблюдения, ретроспективно, пациенты  были разделены на две группы: с неблагоприятным (n = 33) и благоприятным (n = 53) прогнозом.Результаты. Выявлена значимая взаимосвязь между ИАГ и  ΔSПЖ, ИРМПЖ, ТШХ, уровнем NT-proBNP. На основании результатов однофакторного корреляционного анализа  установлено, что ΔSПЖ (отношение шансов (ОШ) 2,51; 95%-й доверительный интервал (ДИ) 2,42–3,24; p = 0,0009), NT- proBNP 1,92; 95%-й ДИ 1,32–2,78; p = 0,003), ИАГ (ОШ 3,93; 95%-й ДИ 2,87–4,11; p = 0,018) были предикторами  неблагоприятного течения ХСН. При проведении  многофакторного анализа установлено, что независимым  предиктором неблагоприятного течения ХСН являлся ИАГ (ОШ 3,49; 95%-й ДИ 2,17–11,73; р = 0,0008), при этом  добавление NT-proBNP улучшало стратификацию риска  неблагоприятного течения ХСН (ОШ 4,66; 95%-й ДИ 3,87–13,11; р < 0,0001).Заключение. Фракционное изменение площади ПЖ ΔSПЖ  можно рассматривать в качестве неинвазивного маркера  для определения формирующейся правожелудочковой  дисфункции и прогнозирования неблагоприятных  сердечно-сосудистых событий у больных с сохраненной ФВ  ЛЖ и СОАС. При этом комбинированное использование  эхокардиографического (ΔSПЖ) и лабораторного (NT- proBNP) маркеров позволяет улучшить стратификацию риска прогрессирования ХСН.