336 research outputs found
Green Economy: Regional Priorities
The article is dedicated to transforming the economy of Russian regions to a green economy, which is an essential factor for the sustainable development. This is important not only for Russia but the whole world because our country has the great natural capital and provides important environmental services that support the planet biosphere. Based on the analysis of economic, social and ecological statistical data and Human Development Index (HDI) we have shown that the development of Russian Federal Districts is very unbalanced and each Russian region has its own way to new economic model. For instance, it is necessary to increase the well-being in the North Caucasus Federal District, it is important to reach higher life expectancy at birth in the Siberian and the Far Eastern Districts. It is necessary to move from the «brown» economy to a green one by using the human capital (building a knowledge economy), by applying Best Available Technologies (Techniques), by investing in efficiency of use of natural resources and by increasing energy efficiency. The transition to a green economy will help to achieve social equity and the development of human potential; it helps to move from the exploitation of non-renewable natural capital to renewable human capital. All these socio-economic measures should give decoupling effect, make risks lower, reduce the exploitation of natural capital, stop the environmental degradation and prevent the ecological crisis. Transition to the green economic model has to be accompanied by new economic development indicators, which take into account social and environmental factors.The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 14-06-00075
Aluminum resistance of malting barley
Background. Barley is the second cereal crop in Russia in terms of its importance and production volume. It is used for food, feed, and industrial purposes. The production of malting barley in Russia exceeds 1.5 million tons; each year the area under this crop increases by 10–15%, reaching 600,000– 800,000 hectares. Barleys suitable for brewing must have certain physicochemical and technological properties. The main requirements for raw materials are presented in GOST 5060-86 (state standard for malting barley). An important condition for obtaining sustainable harvests is the development and utilization of cultivars resistant to a set of edaphic stressors. The purpose of this work was searching for resistant cultivars for use in targeted breeding.Materials and methods. The material for the study included 161 spring barley cultivars for brewing from the collection of plant genetic resources held by VIR. The laboratory assessment of aluminum tolerance in barley accessions was carried out at the initial phases of plant growth and development, using the method of calculating root and shoot length indices. The tested malting barley was classified into five resistance groups.Results and conclusions. Cultivars resistant to Al3+ ions were identified among different ecogeographic groups of malting barleys. The trait had a wide range of variability in terms of both the root length index (0.17–0.95) and shoot length index (0.47–0.99). Accessions with high resistance to ionic (Al3+) stress can be used in barley breeding targeted at the development of high-yielding malting cultivars most adapted to harmful environmental factors
Efficiency of Developing Renewable Energy Market in Russia
The goal of this study is to systematize and provide a quantitative and qualitative assessment of potential positive economic and non-economic effects of the implementation of a new mechanism for supporting renewable energy in Russia. It should result in achieving the national medium-term objective to increase the share of renewable energy in the wholesale electricity and capacity market to 2.5 % by 2024. The introduction examines the mechanism for supporting the generators of renewable energy by capacity charge in the wholesale electricity and capacity market. It is assumed that the main positive effects from implementing this mechanism will be the replacement of hydrocarbon fuels burned for generating the electricity in traditional coal or gas power plants; improvement in the trade balance; multiplier effects from the development of RES in related industrial sectors, new value added and jobs in the sectors producing the generating and auxiliary equipment for generators; reduction of carbon dioxide emissions; decrease in average prices in the wholesale electricity market; reduction of expenditure on environmental activities and measures to protect the health in the territories with traditional power plants; additional scal charges. As a result, the quantification of these effects amounts to 47.77 billion rubles in 2024. The authors rely on the experience of foreign countries, expert estimates, forecasts by the Russian Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economic Development, research by the Russian Energy Agency, International Energy Agency, International Renewable Energy Agency, Community for Renewable Energy Policy in the 21st Century (REN21), statistics of Russian Federal State Statistics Service.The article has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research as part of the project 14–06–00075 “National Economic and Environmental Security: Threats, Effects, and Scenario for Interaction of Economy and Environment.
Моніторинг вартості застосування засобів для перитонеального діалізу у хворих на хронічну хворобу нирок
The results of monitoring of the cost of medicines used for peritoneal dialysis in patients with chronic kidney disease are given in this article. As of September 2015, according to the register of wholesale prices for medicines, the indexes of the cost of the permanent and automatic (intermittent, the cyclerassociated and tidal) peritoneal dialysis have been calculated. It has been found that the largest share in the cost of dialysis care is for a tidal peritoneal dialysis. Taking into account the significant costs of providing medical and pharmaceutical care to patients with the renal profile the problem of its availability in the national healthcare should be settled by the complex of directions. One of these directions is development and implementation of the mechanisms of drug reimbursement to provide dialysis care for patients at the expense of state and local budgets.В статье приведены результаты мониторинга стоимости применения средств для перитоне- ального диализа в лечении больных хронической болезнью почек. По состоянию на сентябрь 2015 года по данным реестра оптово-отпускных цен на лекарственные средства рассчитаны показатели стоимости проведения постоянного и автоматизированного (интермиттирую- щего, циклерассоциированного и приливного) перитонеального диализа. Установлено, что наибольшие затраты при оказании диализной помощи приходятся на приливной перитонеальный диализ. Учитывая значительные расходы на оказание медицинской и фармацевти- ческой помощи больным нефрологического профиля, проблема обеспечения ее доступности в отечественном здравоохранении должна решаться по комплексу направлений. Одним из указанных направлений является разработка и внедрение механизмов возмещения расходов на предоставление диализной помощи за счет государственного и местных бюджетов.У статті наведені результати моніторингу вартості застосування засобів для перитонеального діалізу в лікуванні хворих на хронічну хворобу нирок. Станом на вересень 2015 р. за даними реєстру оптово-відпускних цін на лікарські засоби розраховані показники вартості проведення постійного та автоматизованого ( інтермітуючого, циклерасоційованого і приливного) перитонеального діалізу. Встановлено, що найбільші витрати при наданні діалізної допомоги припадають на приливний перитонеальний діаліз. Враховуючи значні витрати на надання медичної та фармацевтичної допомоги хворим нефрологічного профілю, проблема забезпечення її доступності у вітчизняній охороні здоров’я має вирішуватись за комплексом напрямків. Одним із зазначених напрямків є розробка та упровадження механізмів відшкодування витрат центрам гемодіалізу за надані послуги з лікування хворих за рахунок державного і місцевих бюджетів
Фармакоепідеміологічні та фармакоекономічні дослідження застосування засобів для перитонеального діалізу у лікуванні хворих на хронічну хворобу нирок
In recent years, the number of people has increased who are on peritoneal dialysis (PD), and the age-specific structure of the patients has changed in the direction of increasing elderly patients. In 2013, in Ukraine the proportion of PD in the structure of dialysis therapy was 15.3%. The most number of the patients (43.8%) have been getting PD procedures within 1 to 3 years. The every third patient who receives PD is the villagers. In the structure of supply and availability of PD in the diverse population of regions of Ukraine there are significant differences resulted the organizational and financial nature’s problems. To justify the involvement of additional funding has intended the application of the PD cost per patient for one year. It is established that a significant divergence indicators value depend on the price of the means for PD, the appointment of which depends on the clinical condition of the patient. It is also determined that the least expensive medicine is the usage of the drug «Diavitek PD» (147,606.00 GRN per year), the most expensive is «Dianeal PD 4 with the content of glucose 1,36% m/v/13.6 mg/ml» (679 520, 50 GRN per year).За последнее время в Украине увеличилось количество больных с хронической болезнью почек (ХБП), находящихся на перитонеальном диализе (ПД). В структуре диализной терапии удельный вес применения ПД в 2013 году составлял 15,3%. Большинство больных ХБП (43,8%) получали сеансы ПД в течение от 1 до 3 лет. В структуре потребления средств для ПД в различных регионах Украины наблюдались существенные различия, которые в основном определялись различными уровнями расходов из местных бюджетов на предоставление диализной помощи. Для обеспечения принятия обоснованных решений в организации эффективной медицинской и фармацевтической помощи больным ХБП рассчитана стоимость применения средств для ПД на одного больного. Установлено, что значительное расхождение показателей стоимости зависит от цены на средство для ПД, назначение которого обусловлено особенностями клинического состояния больного. Установлено также, что наименее затратным является применение препарата «Диавитек ПД» (147606,00 грн в год), наиболее затратным является «Дианил ПД 4 с содержанием глюкозы 1,36% м / об / 13,6 мг / мл» (679520, 50 грн в год). За останні роки в Україні збільшилась кількість хворих на хронічну хворобу нирок (ХНН), які перебувають на перитонеальному діалізі (ПД). В структурі діалізної терапії питома вага застосування ПД в 2013 році складала 15,3%. Переважна кількість хворих на ХХН (43,8%) отримували сеанси ПД на протязі від 1 до 3 років. У структурі споживання засобів для ПД в різних регіонах України спостерігались суттєві відмінності, які переважно визначались різним рівнем видатків з місцевих бюджетів на надання діалізної допомоги. Задля забезпечення прийняття обґрунтованих управлінських рішень в організації ефективної медичної та фармацевтичної допомоги хворим на ХХН розрахована вартість застосування засобів для ПД на одного хворого. Встановлено, що значна розбіжність показників вартості залежить від ціни на засіб для ПД, призначення якого обумовлено особливостями клінічного стану хворого. Встановлено також, що найменш витратним є застосування препарату «Діавітек ПД» (147606,00 грн на рік), найбільш витратним є «Діаніл ПД 4 з вмістом глюкози 1,36 % м/об/13,6 мг/мл» (679520,50 грн на рік)
The nexus of soil radon and hydrogen dynamics and seismicity of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone
The comparison of kinematics and dynamic parameters of radon and molecular hydrogen concentration in subsoil
air on the stations network at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic proving ground with seismicity
of the northern flank of the Kuril-Kamchatka subduction zone was fulfilled in the period from July till August
2004. On the basis of correlation analysis of the regional seismicity and variations of radon flux density calculated
using the data of gas-discharge counters of STS-6 type and SSNTDs it was shown that the radon mass
transfer abnormal variations are conditioned by both regional seismicity in total and the subduction zone of proving
ground. The azimuths of «geodeformation waves» coming to the registration points are calculated during
clearly expressed anomaly beginnings, which coincide with directions to earthquake epicenters taking place at
the same time. The geochemical anomalies recorded are presumptively deformative by nature and can be conditioned
by processes of «quasi-viscous» flow of the lithosphere during rearrangement of tectonic stress fields of
the subduction zone. The short-term (predicted time Τ <14 days) precursor of the earthquakes swarm was revealed
in hydrogen dynamics on August, 4-5 (four earthquakes had M≥5.3 and epicentral distance about 130 km
from the Paratunka base station)
The Stellar Content of the Polar Rings in the Galaxies NGC 2685 and NGC 4650A
We present the results of stellar photometry of polar-ring galaxies NGC 2685
and NGC 4650A, using the archival data obtained with the Hubble Space
Telescope's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. Polar rings of these galaxies were
resolved into ~800 and ~430 stellar objects in the B, V and Ic bands,
considerable part of which are blue supergiants located in the young stellar
complexes. The stellar features in the CM-diagrams are best represented by
isochrones with metallicity Z = 0.008. The process of star formation in the
polar rings of both galaxies was continuous and the age of the youngest
detected stars is about 9 Myr for NGC 2685 and 6.5 Myr for NGC 4650A.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, AJ 2004 February, accepte
Charge ordering and interlayer phase coherence in quantum Hall superlattices
The possibility of the existence of states with a spontaneous interlayer
phase coherence in multilayer electron systems in a high perpendicular to the
layers magnetic field is investigated. It is shown that phase coherence can be
established in such systems only within individual pairs of adjacent layers,
while such coherence does not exist between layers of different pairs. The
conditions for stability of the state with interlayer phase coherence against
transition to a charge-ordered state are determined. It is shown that in the
system with the number of layers N\leq 10 these conditions are satisfied at any
value of the interlayer distance d. For N>10 there are two intervals of
stability: at sufficiently large and at sufficiently small d. For N\to \infty
the stability interval in the region of small d vanishesComment: 10 page
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