152 research outputs found
Lepidoptera (Insecta) of proposed specially protected natural area "Belokurikha nature park" (Northern Altai). First results
149 Lepidoptera species from 16 families were reported for the territory of the proposed protected area "Belokurikha Natural Park". This list is the primary data on the fauna of Lepidoptera in the region. Most of the species belongs to Euro-Siberian and Transpalaearctic groups
Spin polarized electric currents in semiconductor heterostructures induced by microwave radiation
We report on microwave (mw) radiation induced electric currents in
(Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mg)Te and InAs/(In,Ga)As quantum wells subjected to an external
in-plane magnetic field. The current generation is attributed to the
spin-dependent energy relaxation of electrons heated by mw radiation. The
relaxation produces equal and oppositely directed electron flows in the spin-up
and spin-down subbands yielding a pure spin current. The Zeeman splitting of
the subbands in the magnetic field leads to the conversion of the spin flow
into a spin-polarized electric current.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure
Spin-polarized electric currents in diluted magnetic semiconductor heterostructures induced by terahertz and microwave radiation
We report on the study of spin-polarized electric currents in diluted
magnetic semiconductor (DMS) quantum wells subjected to an in-plane external
magnetic field and illuminated by microwave or terahertz radiation. The effect
is studied in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells (QWs) and (In,Ga)As/InAlAs:Mn
QWs belonging to the well known II-VI and III-V DMS material systems, as well
as, in heterovalent AlSb/InAs/(Zn,Mn)Te QWs which represent a promising
combination of II-VI and III-V semiconductors. Experimental data and developed
theory demonstrate that the photocurrent originates from a spin-dependent
scattering of free carriers by static defects or phonons in the Drude
absorption of radiation and subsequent relaxation of carriers. We show that in
DMS structures the efficiency of the current generation is drastically enhanced
compared to non-magnetic semiconductors. The enhancement is caused by the
exchange interaction of carrier spins with localized spins of magnetic ions
resulting, on the one hand, in the giant Zeeman spin-splitting, and, on the
other hand, in the spin-dependent carrier scattering by localized Mn2+ ions
polarized by an external magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure
Searching for novel antagonists of adenosine A1 receptors among azolo [1,5-a] pyrimidine nitro derivatives
Ligands of adenosine A1Rs are potential candidates for the development of drugs for the treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, angina pectoris, hypertriglyceridemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, neuropathic pain, and heart failure. At the same time, there is a deficiency of drugs that can regulate the functions of A1 receptor
On the Possibility of the Detection of Extinct Radio Pulsars
We explore the possibilities for detecting pulsars that have ceased to
radiate in the radio band. We consider two models: the model with hindered
particle escape from the pulsar surface (first suggested by Ruderman and
Sutherland 1975) and the model with free particle escape (Arons 1981; Mestel
1999). In the model with hindered particle escape, the number of particles that
leave the pulsar magnetosphere is small and their radiation cannot be detected
with currently available instruments. At the same time, for the free particle
escape model, both the number of particles and the radiation intensity are high
enough for such pulsars to be detectable with the presently available receivers
such as GLAST and AGILE spacecrafts. It is also possible that extinct radio
pulsars can be among the unidentified EGRET sources.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure corrected version of the paper that was published
in Astronomy Letter
Влияние гипербарической оксигенации на антистафилококковую активность крови при экспериментальной резекции печени
Objective: to study the impact of liver resection (LR) and a hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) session and their combination on blood antistaphylococcal activity. Material and methods. Experiments were carried out on 77 outbred albino rats (females) exposed to LR (15—20% of the liver weight) and HBO at 3 ata as a 50-min session once daily, which was used in the operated rats in the first 3 days after LR. Serum bactericidal activity against opportunistic (No. 1726) and pathogenic (No. 209) S.aureus strains and the ability of neutrophils and monocytes to absorb S.aureus 209 were studied. Results. restoring the serum bactericidal activity against S.aureus 1726, HBO used after LR enhances its activity against pathogenic S.aureus 209. By decreasing the inhibitory effect of LR on the ability of the liver to enrich blood with the neutrophils that actively phagocy-tize the staphylococcus, HBO eliminates the retention of the monocytes actively phagocytizing S.aureus 209 in the operated organ, by concurrently increasing the count of these cells in the arterial blood. HBO stimulates the rate of uptake of S.aureus 209 by neutrophils in the operated organism when the blood passes through the vessels of the portal system with the partial retention of these cells in the liver portion left after its resection. By selectively suppressing the humoral component of blood antistaphylococcal defense, HBO in healthy unoperated animals stimulates the ability of the liver to enrich the blood with the monocytes that actively phagocytize the staphylococcus. At the same time the rate of uptake of S.aureus 209 by neutrophils is stimulated by hyperoxia. Conclusion. HBO regulates blood antistaphylococcal activity changes in response to LR by exerting a selective effect on the bactericidal activity of the blood against the staphylococcus in rats. Key words: liver, resection, hyperoxia, bactericidal activity, blood, staphylococcus.Цель работы — изучение влияния резекции печени (РП), курса гипербарической оксигенации (ГБО) и их сочетания на антистафилококковую активность крови. Материал и методы. Опыты проведены на 77 белых беспородных крысах (самках), подвергнутых РП (15—20% массы органа) и ГБО в режиме 3 ата, 50 мин, 1 сеанс в сутки, которую у оперированных крыс применяли в первые трое суток после РП. Исследовали бактерицидность сыворотки по отношению к условно-патогенному (№1726) и патогенному (№209) штаммам S.aureus и способность нейтрофилов и моноцитов поглощать S.aureus 209. Результаты. Применение ГБО после РП, не восстанавливая бактерицидные свойства сыворотки крови в отношении S.aureus №1726, повышает ее активность в отношении патогенного S.aureus 209. Уменьшая ингибирующее влияние РП на способность печени обогащать кровь нейтрофилами, активно фагоцитирующими стафилококк, ГБО устраняет ретенцию в оперированном органе активно фагоцитирующих S.aureus 209 моноцитов, одновременно увеличивая количество этих клеток в артериальной крови. В условиях ГБО стимулируется интенсивность поглощения нейтрофилами оперированного организма S.aureus 209 при прохождении крови по сосудам портальной системы с частичной задержкой этих клеток в оставшейся после резекции части печени. У здоровых неоперированных животных ГБО, избирательно тормозя гуморальной звено антистафилокковой защиты в крови, стимулирует способность печени обогащать кровь моноцитами, активно фагоцитирующими стафилококк. Одновременно в условиях гипероксии стимулируется интенсивность поглощения нейтрофи-лами S.aureus 209. Заключение. ГБО регулирует изменения антистафилококковой активности крови в ответ на РП, оказывая избирательное влияние на бактерицидные свойства крови здорового организма к стафилококку. Ключевые слова: печень, резекция, гипероксия, бактерицидность, кровь, стафилококк
The paper gives an overview of peri-operative chemotherapy in patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) as insufficient option, demonstrates a clinical need for the development of more efficacious and safe treatment and introduces a MAGNOLIA study proposed by the European Association of Urology Research Fund in a concept of MIBC immunotherapy. The MAGNOLIA trial conducted in 56 research centers of 10 countries assesses whether adjuvant immunotherapy with recMAGE-A3+AS15 vaccine is safe and effective and improves outcome of patients with MAGE-A3 positive MIBC after cystectomy. 60 of 273 patients have been enrolled. The trial has to be continued to elaborate a general peri-operative treatment strategy for MIBC.Представлены данные II фазы рандомизированного исследования MAGNOLIA, проводившегося в 56 исследовательских центрах в 10 странах. Целью исследования MAGNOLIA является изучение эффективности и безопасности применения вакцины (recMAGEA3+ AS15) у больных инвазивным раком мочевого пузыря (ИРМП). В исследовании приняли участие 342 пациента. На основании полученных данных сделан вывод: периоперационная химиотерапия не может быть рекомендована во всех случаях выявления ИРМП и требуется продолжение исследования для выработки общей стратегии химиотерапевтического воздействия при ИРМП
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