284 research outputs found

    Manager- und transaktionsspezifische Determinanten der Performance von Arbitrage CLOs

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Determinanten der Performance europäischer Arbitrage Collateralized Loan Obligations für das Jahr 2009. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Bedeutung der performanceabhängigen Vergütung des CLO-Managers, den Eigenschaften des CLO-Managers und der Transaktionscharakteristika als mögliche Einflussfaktoren der Rating Performance. Es wird gezeigt, dass Transaktionen, bei denen dem CLO-Manager eine Incentive Management Fee gewährt wird, mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit herabgestuft werden als Transaktionen ohne Incentive Fee. Dieser Befund bestätigt die Hypothese, dass durch die Incentive Fee Risikoanreize für CLO-Manager geschaffen werden. Des Weiteren wird ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Erfahrung bzw. der Größe eines CLO-Managers und der Rating Performance festgestellt. Der Einfluss des Managers auf die Performance einer CLO-Transaktion wird auch an den weiteren in der Studie herangezogenen managerspezifischen Charakteristika wie Typ und Unternehmenssitz bestätigt. Für die Transaktionscharakteristika wird hingegen im betrachteten Untersuchungszeitraum kein signifikanter Einfluss auf die Rating Performance nachgewiesen

    Fundamental Information in Technical Trading Strategies

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    Technical trading strategies assume that past changes in prices help predict future changes. This makes sense if the past price trend reflects fundamental information that has not yet been fully incorporated in the current price. However, if the past price trend only reflects temporary pricing pressures, the technical trading strategy is doomed to fail. We demonstrate that this failure can be avoided by using financial statements as additional sources of information. We implement a trading strategy that invests in stocks with high past returns and high operating cash flows. This combination strategy yields a 3-factor alpha of 15% per year, which is much higher than that of the pure momentum strategy that invests in stocks with high past returns without considering operating cash flows. The combination strategy outperforms the momentum strategy in almost all years. The outperformance can be traced back to a higher probability of picking outperforming stocks. These are stocks that yield high future cash flows and hardly ever delist due to poor performance. The combination strategy is easily implemented: the information used is publicly available, the stocks chosen are liquid, and even high transaction costs do not erode the outperformance

    A relação entre o nível voluntário de transparência e o custo de capital próprio das empresas brasileiras não-financeiras

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    O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é verificar empiricamente a existência de relação significativa entre o nível de disclosure voluntário de informações e custo de capital próprio de empresas brasileiras não financeiras. É esperado que um maior nível de disclosure esteja relacionado a um menor custo de capital próprio pela redução do risco percebido pelos investidores. A fim de medir o nível de disclosure voluntário das empresas foi utilizado um questionário desenvolvido para este fim. O custo de capital próprio foi obtido com base em informações publicamente disponíveis das empresas. Foi encontrada uma relação negativa e significante entre as variáveis de interesse, indicando que as empresas que mais divulgam informações voluntariamente conseguem captar capital próprio a uma taxa mais barata

    Liquidity and the 1987 stock market crash

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