1,620 research outputs found

    Capability of APSIM-Oryza to stimulate lowland rice-based farming systems under nitrogen treatments in a tropical climate

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    Rice is the most important crop in Asia and the staple food for most of the world’s population. Due to the overwhelming importance of this crop, modelling rice-based farming systems will provide valuable help to compare experimental research findings across regions, extrapolate field experimental data to wider environments, develop management recommendations and decision-support systems, explore effects of climate change and adaptation options, and prediction of crop yield. There is an increasing demand for the capability to simulate rice-based cropping systems, especially in Asia. Such a system capability will allow expanded investigation of nitrogen dynamics, crop sequencing, intercropping, crop residue management and soil and water management. Incorporation of the ORYZA2000 rice model(Bouman and van Laar, 2006) into APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM-Oryza) together with recent work on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in transitional flooded/non-flooded systems(Gaydon et al., 2009) has facilitated long-term simulation of lowland rice-based farming systems scenarios. However, the capability of APSIM-Oryza to simulate rice-based crop sequences involving other crops has undergone limited testing to this point and under a variety of crop management practices and cropping systems. In this paper, we detail testing of the APSIM-Oryza simulation model against an experimental dataset involving lowland rice-rice-soybean crop rotation in West Nusa Tenggara Province(NTB) Indonesi

    Bilangan Terhubung Titik Pelangi pada Graf Hasil Operasi Korona Graf Prisma (P_(m,2)) dan Graf Lintasan (P_3)

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    Rainbow vertex-connection number is the minimum k-coloring on the vertex graph G and is denoted by rvc(G). Besides, the rainbow-vertex connection number can be applied to some special graphs, such as prism graph and path graph. Graph operation is a method used to create a new graph by combining two graphs. Therefore, this research uses corona product operation to form rainbow-vertex connection number at the graph resulting from corona product operation of prism graph and path graph (Pm,2 P3) (P3 Pm,2). The results of this study obtain that the theorem of rainbow vertex-connection number at the graph resulting from corona product operation of prism graph and path graph (Pm,2 P3) (P3 Pm,2) for 3 = m = 7 are rvc (G) = 2m rvc (G) = 2


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    Suatu graf dikatakan terhubung pelangi jika terdapat lintasan antara dua titik yang setiap sisi-sisinya memiliki warna berbeda. Misalkan terdapat suatu graf G tak trivial dengan definisi warna c:E(G)->{1,2,3,...}, maka bilangan terhubung pelangi dari graf G yaitu minimum k dari pewarnaan-k  pelangi yang digunakan untuk mewarnai graf G dan dinotasikan dengan rc(G). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan bilangan terhubung pelangi pada graf salju (Sn_m). Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode studi literatur dengan prosedur sebagai berikut; menggambar graf salju, mencari pola bilangan terhubung pelangi, dan membuktikan teorema bilangan terhubung pelangi pada graf salju (Sn_m). Sehingga diperoleh rc(Sn_m)=m+1 untuk 3=11

    Entanglement fidelity for electron-electron interaction in strongly coupled semiclassical plasma and under external fields

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    This paper presents the effects of AB-flux field and electric field on electron-electron interaction, encircled by a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma. We found that weak external fields are required to perpetuate a low-energy elastic electron-electron interaction in a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma. The entanglement fidelity in the interaction process has been examined. We have used partial wave analysis to derive the entanglement fidelity. We found that for a weak electric field, the fidelity ratio for electron-electron interaction increase as projectile energy increase but remains constant or almost zero for a strong electric field. Our results provide an invaluable information on how the efficiency of entanglement fidelity for a low-energy elastic electron-electron interaction in a strongly coupled semiclassical plasma can be influenced by the presence of external fields
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