1,275 research outputs found

    Dakwah Islamiyah dan Proselytisme; Telaah Atas Etika Dakwah dalam Kemajemukan

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    This article focuses on proselytism which convert from one\u27s point of view to other point of view in religion contact, that covers two things; an attempt to convert person from religion to other and convert person from one sect to other. In modern era, Islam is missionary religion that obligates its worshipers to expand its missions where it has rules, ethics, and glorioushabit in preaching the religion. The main duty as preacher, he has to comprehend well his religion teaching with various approaches; normative theological, anthropologic, sociologic, philosophic, historical, cultural, and physiologic approach so that religion understanding will be optimal, consciously do the religion teaching, thus it will awaken and return to itspure potency which is purposed to get the happiness in the world and hereafte

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Politeknik Darussalam Palembang

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    Tulisan ilmiah ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui tentang sejauhmana persepsi mahasiswa terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang telah dirasakan, khususnya pada Politeknik Darussalam Palembang. Dalam penelitian ini responden yang menjadi sampel adalah mahasiswa yang aktif sebanyak seratus orang, dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian dan pengambilan data menggunakan metode purposive sampling, didapat hasil koefisien korelasi sebesar 89,3 persen, yang berarti bahwa delapan puluh sembilan persen lebih kualitas pelayanan memberikan kontribusi yang sangat kuat terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa dan selebihnya dipengaruhi oleh faktor diluar model

    Peranan Pendidikan Dalam Perubahan Masyarakat

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    Social classification is always happenned in the society calledby social stratification and determine someone\u27s social class. There is a strict or curt, then to determine someone\u27s social class depends on the parents or the child\u27s birth. And it happened in India where the society consists of levels or castes or in the kingdom state, for example if wants to be a king, he must be the king\u27s child. While in the opensociety such as a state that adheres to a democracy system, to determine someone\u27s social class with any ways, means that there is always a change for someone\u27s social class in a society, namely the bottom, to the middle or up or reverse by using an objective method, subjective and reputation. Then in this open society, the education role is very influential toward the social class change in the society. That is why the education is hoped to bring the society to a change, even their incomeresult or their position in the society, which is certainly give the cognitive and psychomotoric ability or education is able to produce an inteligent human beings also expert in his field. In other words, education is hoped to create humans development that is finally able to make a change in the society, even social class change or a change from the traditional society to the modern one

    Interpretation of Jihad in the Qur`an

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    There are a lot of meanings given by the experts about jihad. In board outline,jihad means the war against the enemies, the exertion of every capability andevery power as well as the upholding of the truth. In the contemporary context,jihad means an intensive effort of one or a group for the public purpose that couldimprove a certain realm in a certain region, such as the elimination of terrorismand the abolition of poverty in Indonesia. The context of jihad in the Qur`anverses even one verse does not point deliberately to the war with the exception ofa country is colonized or it is under attack. It neither points to the violence nor theterrorism. The research of this article is intended to strengthen the meaning ofjihad due to various sorts of terrorism that happen in Indonesia, as a result of theinquiry and the case trial in court conducted to the perpetrators, they areoccasionally influenced with jihad doctrine and revenge versus forgiveness. Inanother part, the psychological indications such as frustration, disappointment,injustice, anger versus empathy are the factors that lead to their violent acts too.Unfortunately, the terrorism is propagated in various regions that are made asthe basic training camps. The research of this article depicts the meaning of Jihadbased on the Qur`an. The data for completing this work is based on the classicmanuscripts and the contemporary viewpoints. The research of this work is alsointended to stress on the denial of terrorism in the Qur`an. In academic value, theresearch of this work is expected to be useful to develop the contemporaryperspectives of jihad

    Tingkat Kematian Anopheles Vagus Yang Terpapar Insektisida Permethrin 2% (W/w) Di Dalam Serat Benang Kelambu

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    . Various efforts to control mosquito-borne diseases have been done i.e the use of insecticide-treated nets (ITN). The aim of this study was to determine the insecticide permethrin in the nets to control Anopheles vagus mosquito that were widely distributed in the village of Tanjung Seleman, Muara Enim district based upon age and frequency of laundering. An experimental research using a complete randomized design was conducted in April-December 2010. Data regarding the effectiveness of permethrin against Anopheles, were collected through biossay test (WHO cone test) with contact method. Entomology bioassay data is the average of mosquito mortality for nets that given in 2006 was 66.5%, for the nets in 2007 the mortality rate reached 67.3%, and for mosquito nets in 2008 the mortality rate reached 67.5%. It shows that there were differences effect on mortality of An. vagus which exposed to mosquito net that has never been washed with the washing 1-3 times or more, while the mortality of mosquito that exposed to different age of nets shows no significantly difference. Percentage of An. vagus mortality that exposed by permethrin insectiside is still high

    Pendidikan Hostik Berbasis Life Skills : Kunci Sukses Menghadapi Pasar Tunggal ASEAN 2015

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    The competent human resourceis a thing that have prepared to arrogate a chance ofASEAN Community 2015.Renovation curriculum have done to produce a qualified graduates and marketable.However, practically there are thousands non-productive graduates and become object of advancement of era. The aim of this paper is to reactualization of education concept in order to qualify teaching and learning proccess that it is a exactly instrument to prepare availability the excellent human resource in various professions and skills. One of it is application of holistic education based life skills, that develops the whole student’s potentials and shows futuristic way to the graduates so they will have : 1) personal and interpersonal competence, 2) information and technology mastery competence, 3) productivity competence, 4) problem solving competence. Finally, The qualified education system that it can be reached by all level of societyhave seek so it will product the experts output who are prepared to arrogate a chance and to run against the other ASEAN countries

    Analisa Agregat terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton pada Pembangunan Jalan Isimu-paguyaman (Pavement Rigid)

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      Beton adalah suatu material bangunan yang diperoleh dari pencampuran agregat halus (pasir), agregat kasar (kerikil, split), air dan semen Portland dengan suatu takaran tertentu. Dalam perencanaan suatu beton dituntut adanya hasil perencanaan yang menghasilkan beton dengan kuat tekan yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Agregat kasar selalu memiliki porsi perbandingan campuran yang lebih banyak dibanding bahan lainnya, sehingga peranan agregat kasar diduga akan sangat menentukan karakteristik dari beton yang akan dibuat. Sejalan dengan berkembangnya teknologi beton yang digunakan oleh masyarakat maka perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang penggunaan agregat kasar dengan karakteristik tertentu agar dapat dihasilkan kuat tekan beton yang paling menguntungkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan beton yang didesain dengan rancangan metode SK SNI 03-2847-2002 dengan beton mutu f'cr 29,05 Mpa atau 350 kg/cm2, dan kuat tekan rencana ditargetkan mencapai 452,41 kg/cm2 atau f'cr 37,55 Mpa. Dengan menggunakan material batu pecah yang bergradasi seragam dan berukuran maksimum 50 mm yang diambil dari material pembangunan ruas jalan Isimu – Paguyaman. Berdasarkan pengujian di laboratorium menunjukan hasil nilai rata-rata kuat tekan beton adalah 168,67 kg/cm2  atau f'cr 14 Mpa. Itu artinya nilai kuat tekan yang diperoleh lebih rendah dari nilai kuat tekan rencana. Sehingga nilai rata-rata kuat tekan beton dianggap tidak memenuhi persyaratan mutu kekuatan beton.   Kata-kata kunci : gradasi, agregat kasar, kuat tekan beto

    Gereja dan Pengaruh Teknologi Informasi “Digital Ecclesiology”

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    Gereja sebagai komunitas beriman yang mengembara, yang berdimensi spasial sekaligus temporal tidak pernah sepi dari tantangan yang berasal dari konteks di mana ia ada dan berteologi. Kemajuan di bidang teknologi-informasi, pengaruh media sosial tak luput dari area di mana gereja juga harus berurusan dan mengambil peran sebagai garam dan terang. Dalam situasi seperti saat ini, gereja kembali diuji untuk tetap menjalankan fungsinya. Dari waktu ke waktu, oleh topangan rahmat Tuhan, gereja telah menunjukkan keteguhan eksistensi kontekstualisasinya sebagai perwujudan tugas dan panggilan: persekutuan, pelayanan dan kesaksian. Gagasan tentang gereja digital adalah sebuah tawaran kehidupan menggereja pada masa kini. Dunia virtual meskipun di satu sisi memiliki potensi untuk disalah gunakan untuk kepentingan-kepentingan tertentu; namun di sisi lain dapat menjadi peluang di mana gereja memiliki cara pandang baru dalam memandang realitas Allah yang transenden. Ketimbang melihat realitas pemanfaatan media sosial dengan segala ancamannya, sudah waktunya gereja memberikan manfaat baru bagi pembangunan komunikasi, komunitas dan pemuridan
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