344 research outputs found

    The Asymmetric Overnight Return Anomaly in the Chinese Stock Market

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    Traditional asset pricing theory suggests that to compensate for the uncertainty that investors bear, risky assets should generate considerably higher rates of return than the risk-free rate. However, the overnight return anomaly in the Chinese stock market, which refers to the anomaly that overnight return is significantly negative, contradicts the risk–return trade-off. We find that this anomaly is asymmetrical, as the overnight return is significantly negative after a negative daytime return, whereas the anomaly does not occur following a positive daytime return. We explain this anomaly from the perspective of investor attention. We show that the attention of individual investors behaves asymmetrically such that they draw more attention on negative daytime returns, and play an essential role in explaining the overnight return puzzle

    Study on flavour volatiles of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) green tea

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    The volatile components of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) tea produced by two different kinds of technological process separately namely: vacuum and water immersion were studied. It was shown by the sensory evaluation that the color of the soup and the extracted leaves of GABA tea were similar to that of the oolong tea, and the smell was similar to the aroma of cooked sweet red dates mixed with some of sour. In GABA tea, the contents of 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl phenol, methyl myristate, methyl laurate and methyl palmitate were higher than that of the normal green tea. The characteristic aroma constituents of the GABA tea made by vacuum treatment concluded methyl myristate, hexadecane, methyl laurate and methyl palmitate, while to the GABA tea made by water immersion, they were 2,6-bis (1,1-dimethylethyl) -4-methylphenol and 1-octanol.Keywords: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), GABA tea, volatile flavour compound

    Andragogical assumptions in the adult students’ learning process to improve reading skills

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    El presente estudio incluye temas relacionados con la andragogía aplicados en el sistema de educación adulta en las escuelas nocturnas costarricenses. Comprende todos los antecedentes y el propósito del estudio, demuestra la validez de la investigación y el contexto realista que los participantes del presente estudio encuentran en su organización académica. Además, contiene las teorías relevantes para el estudio andragógico y proporciona la razón por la que existe el problema de investigación en estudio. Términos como andragogía, adulto, aprendizaje de adultos se explican en detalle al utilizar otras literaturas importantes de reconocidos investigadores y educadores. Una vez aclarados y comprendidos estos términos, se convierte en una herramienta para lectores y futuros investigadores interesados ​​en el área. Además, la siguiente investigación conecta este estudio con el conocimiento existente. Finalmente, incluye la metodología significativa para los docentes que trabajan con estudiantes adultos. Además, muestra qué información se recopiló para respaldar el estudio e indica la naturaleza de esta investigación cualitativa. Asimismo, muestra el análisis de los datos obtenidos. En consecuencia, como conclusiones y recomendaciones, se cubre supuestos críticos para ayudar a futuros investigadores y maestros en el proceso de aprendizaje y enseñanza de adultos.The present study includes andragogy related topics applied in the adult teaching system in Costa Rican night schools. It comprises all background information and the purpose of the study, demonstrates the validity of the research and the realistic context the participants of the current study encounter in their academic organization. Also, contains the theories relevant to the Andragogical study and provides the reason the research problem under study exists. Terms such as andragogy, adult, adult learning were explained in detail using other important works from well-known investigators and educators. After these terms are clarified and understood, it becomes a tool for readers and future investigators interested in the area. Additionally, it connects this study to existing knowledge. Decisively, it includes the significant methodology for teachers working with adult students. Also, it shows which information was gathered to back up the study and indicates the nature of this qualitative research. Lastly, it shows the analysis of the obtained data. Accordingly, as conclusions and recommendations, it covers critical assumptions to help future investigators and teachers in the adult learning and teaching process

    Optimal Caching Policy of Stochastic Updating Information in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    To increase the speed of information retrieval, one message may have multiple replicas in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN). In this paper, we adopt a discrete time model and focus on the caching policy of stochastic updating information. In particular, the source creates new version in every time slot with certain probability. New version is usually more useful than the older one. We use a utility function to denote the availability of different versions. To constrain the number of replicas, we propose a probabilistic management policy and nodes to discard information with certain probability determined by the version of the information. Our objective is to find the best value of the probability to maximize the total utility value. Because new version is created with certain probability, nodes other than the source may not know whether the information stored in them is the latest version. Therefore, they can make decisions only according to the local state and decisions based on the local state can be seen as local-policy. We also explore the global-policy, that is, nodes understand the real state. We prove that the optimal policies in both cases conform to the threshold form. Simulations based on both synthetic and real motion traces show the accuracy of our theoretical model. Surprisingly, numerical results show that local-policy is better than the global-policy in some cases

    Enseñanza remota de emergencia del inglés como lengua extranjera durante el COVID-19: perspectivas desde una universidad en China

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    Given the circumstances of the global pandemic, universities around China and across the globe have suspended face to face (F2F) classes and transitioned to emergency remote teaching (ERT). University students in China have been the first to go through the whole semester's ERT including College English, a compulsory language course for almost all the first- and second-year students of non-English majors. This article adopted a mixed-methods design, a survey followed by a qualitative visual method, gathered data on students' experience about ERT of College English and presented an investigation into detailed interactive process of the classes. The data analysis on the learners' engagement and the feedback from the learners provided a summary of the key threads of ERT classes. This study demonstrated that students held an extrinsic goal orientation, which did not differ from their face-to-face learning experience. ERT granted students more opportunities for interaction with their instructor and peers, while collaboration among students were limited. The research results can be connected to the larger fabric of global language teaching in crisis context, provide empirical lessons to educators, and help instructors with their future decision-making about technology-supported activities.Dadas las circunstancias de la pandemia mundial, las universidades de China y de todo el mundo han suspendido las clases presenciales (F2F) y han pasado a la enseñanza remota de emergencia (ERT). Los estudiantes universitarios en China han sido los primeros en pasar por el ERT de todo el semestre, incluido el inglés universitario, un curso de idioma obligatorio para casi todos los estudiantes de primer y segundo año de especializaciones no inglesas. Este artículo adoptó un diseño de métodos mixtos, una encuesta seguida de un método visual cualitativo, recopiló datos sobre la experiencia de los estudiantes sobre ERT de inglés universitario y presentó una investigación sobre el proceso interactivo detallado de las clases. El análisis de datos sobre el compromiso de los alumnos y los comentarios de los alumnos proporcionaron un resumen de los hilos clave de las clases de ERT. Este estudio demostró que los estudiantes tenían una orientación de metas extrínseca, que no difería de su experiencia de aprendizaje cara a cara. ERT otorgó a los estudiantes más oportunidades de interacción con su instructor y compañeros, mientras que la colaboración entre los estudiantes fue limitada. Los resultados de la investigación se pueden conectar con el tejido más amplio de la enseñanza de idiomas global en un contexto de crisis, proporcionar lecciones empíricas a los educadores y ayudar a los instructores con su futura toma de decisiones sobre actividades apoyadas por la tecnología.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    YOLO-FaceV2: A Scale and Occlusion Aware Face Detector

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    In recent years, face detection algorithms based on deep learning have made great progress. These algorithms can be generally divided into two categories, i.e. two-stage detector like Faster R-CNN and one-stage detector like YOLO. Because of the better balance between accuracy and speed, one-stage detectors have been widely used in many applications. In this paper, we propose a real-time face detector based on the one-stage detector YOLOv5, named YOLO-FaceV2. We design a Receptive Field Enhancement module called RFE to enhance receptive field of small face, and use NWD Loss to make up for the sensitivity of IoU to the location deviation of tiny objects. For face occlusion, we present an attention module named SEAM and introduce Repulsion Loss to solve it. Moreover, we use a weight function Slide to solve the imbalance between easy and hard samples and use the information of the effective receptive field to design the anchor. The experimental results on WiderFace dataset show that our face detector outperforms YOLO and its variants can be find in all easy, medium and hard subsets. Source code in https://github.com/Krasjet-Yu/YOLO-FaceV

    YouTube and its impact on the listening skill of the 4-a students at new hope bilingual school during the III Quarter 2022

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    El presente estudio proporciona información sobre la aplicación reconocida mundialmente como YouTube. El mismo muestra qué tan eficaz o poco eficaz es la plataforma para propósitos educativos. Por esta razón, el objetivo de esta investigación es probar qué tan útil YouTube puede ser para estudiantes de diez años en el ambiente de aprendizaje. Además, la habilidad de interés en esta investigación es la habilidad de escucha. Como parte del proceso de investigación, se utiliza diferentes técnicas para recolectar los resultados principales del impacto que tiene YouTube en niños a una edad temprana. También, contiene información relacionada a estudios previamente realizados en otros países para comparar los resultados obtenidos. Por último, según las conclusiones, demuestra como una aplicación accesible puede ser utilizada como una herramienta educativa y de aprendizaje para los estudiantes en las escuelas.The present study provides information related to the YouTube platform. It shows how effective or ineffective it is for educational purposes. For this reason, the goal is to demonstrate how useful YouTube can be for ten-year-old students in a learning environment. Besides, the skill of interest in this research is the listening skill. As part of the research process, different techniques are used to recollect the main results of the impact YouTube has on kids at a young age. Also, it contains information related to previous studies done in different countries to compare the results gotten. Lastly, according to the conclusions, it demonstrates how an app that many people have access to, can be used as a learning and educational tool for students at schools

    Repetitive nerve stimulation on survival in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    ObjectiveNo previous studies investigated the association between decrement of low-frequency repetitive nerve stimulation (LF-RNS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) survival. We aim to study the relationship between decrement and survival in ALS.MethodsSporadic ALS patients diagnosed at the Department of Neurology, the First Medical Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 2018 to December 2019 were enrolled in this study. Experienced neurologists followed up the participants regularly every 6 months until January 2022. A decremental response of 10% or greater at least in one muscle was considered positive. According to the decrement, the participants were divided into LF-RNS (+) and LF-RNS (−) groups.ResultsOne hundred and eighty-one sporadic ALS patients were recruited in our study, including 100 males and 81 females. Among them, 10 cases (5.5%) were lost to follow-up, 99 cases (54.7%) died, and 72 patients (39.8%) were still alive at the last follow-up. The median survival time of all ALS patients in this study was 42.0 months. There was no significant difference of median survival in LF-RNS(+) group and LF-RNS(−) group (p = 0.159, Kaplan–Meier method). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, age of onset, diagnostic delay, and ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) score were associated with ALS survival, but the decrement was not correlated with ALS survival (p = 0.238).ConclusionThe decrement in accessory and ulnar nerves was not associated with the survival of ALS. The decrement of LF-RNS could not be an electrophysiological marker to predict ALS survival
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