11 research outputs found

    Modeles d'adaptation et caracteres associes des cultivars d'Orge pour les conditions du nord de L'Espagne

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    Preliminares de la publicación : Portada, Resúmenes, Índice (Obra completa: 127 Pags.). Tesis presentada y públicamente defendida en el I.A.M.Z. para la obtención del diploma de Altos Estudios del C.I.H.E.A.M. (Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos).[ES] La adaptación de la cebada a la mitad norte de España está condicionada por la variabilidad climática existente en esta zona. La fecha de espigado es un carácter de gran importancia para el ajuste del ciclo del cultivo a las condiciones ambientales, por lo que es evidente el interés de la determinación de los caracteres que puedan tener un efecto sobre ella. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de identificar los caracteres y los modos de adaptación posibles que puedan contribuir a un rendimiento elevado y estable en las condiciones de la región.[FR] Le probleme d'adaptation de l'orge aux conditions du nord de l'Espagne vient du fait de la variabilité climatique existante dans cette zone. La déterrnination des caracteres ayant un effet sur la date d' épiaison semble etre importante dans ce genre de situation vue l'importance que représente ce caractere dans l'ajustement du cycle de la plante aux conditions ambiantes. Le but de ce travail a été d'identifier, dans une collection diverse de 3 2 cultivars d' orge, les caracteres et les modes d 'adaptation possibles contribuant a un rendement élevé et stable dans les conditions de la zone d' étude.[EN] Barley growth and adaptation in Northern Spain are strongly affected by the climatic variations in the region. It has been postulated that heading date is a major factor of adaptation to adjust the growth cycle to the particular environmental conditions. Thus, the identification of factors determining heading date is a matter of great concern for barley breeding programmes. The objective of this study was the identification of those factors, and of the possible modes and patterns of adaptation contributing to large and stable barley yields in the region.Peer reviewe

    Adaptación del trigo duro al ambiente mediterráneo: rendimiento, calidad y paramétros morfofisiológicos de selección para resistencia a la sequía

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    El trigo duro se cultiva en muchas regiones del mundo. Su importancia reside en ser una fuente principal para la alimentacion tanto humana como animal. En España, la superficie dedicada al trigo duro ha crecido de forma espectacular en los ultimos años, pasando de 109.400 Ha en 1998 a 874192 Ha en 2000. En el area Mediterranea, el rendimiento del trigo se caracteriza por importantes fluctuaciones del rendimiento, debido normalmente a la duracion, frecuencia e intensidad de estreses impredecibles de tipo abiotico(sequia, frio y calor). Sin embargo, estas condiciones pueden favorecer una buena calidad tecnologica del grano. El material vegetal utilizado en este estudio ha consistido en 10 genotipos de trigo duro (Triticum durum Desf), incluyendo 4 variedades comerciales españolas y 6 lineas avanzadas de la Durum Core Collection de ICARDA. Estos genotipos se han estudiado durante los años 1998,99 y 2000 en dos ambientes (secano y regadio) de la provincia de Granada y en Jerez de la Frontera (bajo condiciones de secano). Los caracteres estudiados han sido el rendimiento y sus componentes; el contenido en proteina; los parametros de calidad tecnologica mas importantes; el crecimiento del grano; y varios criterios morofisiológicos de interes para la mejora del trigo duro para resistencia a la sequia. Para analizar los resultados se han utilizado diversas aproximaciones estadisticas, incluyendo AMMI, analisis por componentes principales, metodos univariantes parametricos (varianza de Shukla) y no-parametricos (metodo de ketata de la consistencia del comportamiento) y analisis por coeficientes de sendero. Los resultados indican que la relacion entre el rendimiento en grano y el contenido en proteina fue negativa, ajustandose mejor a una ecuacion asintótica, en lugar de a la conocida regresion lineas. Los ambientes de secano permitieron la obtencion de buenos valores para la mayoria de los parametros de calidadTesis Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Biología Vegeta

    Activity of two natural additives in improving the stability of virgin olive oil quality during storage

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    The activity of natural additives against the deterioration of virgin olive oil (VOO) in relation to storage time and conditions was examined. Thus, carotenoids and phenols previously extracted from carrot and olive mill wastewater, respectively, were added at 200 and 400 ppm to VOO and stored in clear and amber glass bottles at room temperatures during 120 days. The results showed that enriched VOO was largely influenced by the storage time, which resulted in a significant accumulation of hydrolysis and oxidation products. Storage conditions also affected considerably the enriched VOO. Dark glass bottles offered better protection against oxidative deterioration. The impact of both extracts on the oxidation status of examined VOO was significant and concentration-dependent. The natural additives markedly delayed the formation of hydroperoxides and conjugated dienes and trienes. Results from principal component analysis (PCA) showed that most of the variation was captured by the PC1 (89% of the total variance) which grouped samples in four categories according to storage times, each being divided into two clusters linked to storage conditions. Findings from this study revealed that natural additives could minimize VOO deterioration caused by storage time and conditions (light)

    Influence of ripening index and water regime on the yield and quality of “Moroccan Picholine” virgin olive oil

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    The purpose of this work is to evidence the effects of ripening index and water regime on the quantity and quality indices of “Moroccan Picholine” virgin olive oil (VOO) produced in northern Morocco. Olive trees were subjected to full irrigation and rainfed conditions, and olive fruits were collected at different ripening times. Results showed that the extracted volume of VOO increased during ripening, and decreased when full irrigation was applied. In regard to VOO quality, the statistical analysis revealed the predominant effect of ripening index on the majority of the considered parameters, except total phenols content that was strongly influenced by water regime. At more advanced stages of maturity, lower values of peroxide value, K232, carotenoids, chlorophylls and total phenols were registered while more free fatty acids were accumulated. Moreover, full irrigation reduced total phenols and increased free fatty acids, even if a great amount of pigment content was scored. Correlation studies showed significant relationships between pigments content and oxidation indices (peroxide value and K232)

    Reproductive phenology of some local almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] genotypes from northern Morocco

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    Almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] is the most important nut crop among the rosaceous family in terms of both cultivated acreage and production in Morocco. Along with the modern production system (commercial cultivars), the traditional one accounts for about 6 million seedling trees. This genetic diversity represents a potential source of germplasm, both for selecting new cultivars and for use as parents in breeding programs. Unfortunately, this important genetic pool is not well characterized. In this work, we investigated some key phenological events of almond from twelve local genotypes. These genotypes were first visited during 2014 season in their native population. Then, they were selected because of its appreciated kernel by the local population as well as its regularity of production. Selected Genotypes were marked in triplicate in their native population. During 2015 season, these genotypes were visited periodically and their reproductive phenology was assessed according to the general BBCH scale and reported as Julian days. Phenological observations are the following: Initial blooming date (BBCH61), full blooming date (BBCH65), final blooming date (BBCH69), blooming duration, and ripening date (BBCH89). LSD’s test demonstrated a wide genetic diversity between genotypes as regards to their reproductive phenology. Blooming date and Ripening date in our genotypes were earlier as compared to commercial cultivars.  From these results, it could be concluded that these local genotypes might be considered as potential candidates to be used in breeding programs in order to improve some phenological traits for future releases

    Genotypic and Environmental Variations in Kernel Color Indices in the Main Almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) Cultivars Grown in North-Eastern Morocco

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    Color indices are important quality traits that define the consumer visual acceptance and agroindustrial preferences. Little is known regarding these properties in the commercial almond cultivars grown in Morocco. This work aimed at investigating kernel color indices in five cultivars, namely, “Fournat de Brézenaud,” “Tuono,” “Ferragnès,” “Ferraduel,” and “Marcona.” Color indices consisted in the following: brightness (L∗), redness index (a∗), yellowness index (b∗), chroma (C∗), hue (H∗), and metric saturation (S∗). Measurements were performed over three consecutive growing seasons (2016–2018) across five different sites from northern (Aknoul, Bni Hadifa, and Tahar Souk) and eastern (Rislane and Sidi Bouhria) Morocco. All factors (cultivar, growing season, and site) affected significantly studied color properties; however, genotype was the main variability source. Wide variabilities were found among cultivars. “Marcona” showed the highest L∗, while “Ferragnès” and “Ferraduel” displayed greater scores of a∗, b∗, C∗, and S∗. Sidi Bouhria presented the lowest L∗ but higher a∗, H∗, and S∗. Moreover, Bni Hadifa displayed higher L∗, b∗, and C∗. 2016 (drier growing season) had the highest values of most indices. Principal component analyses (PCA) discriminate all factors through the first three components: PC1 (61%, genetic component) and PC2 (30%) and PC3 (7%) which were of environmental nature since they separate sites and growing seasons, respectively. Despite environmental effects, we suggested a possible discrimination among the studied cultivars based on their kernel color indices. Drought conditions during fruit development seemed to improve kernel quality via synthesis of pigments resulting in higher a∗ and b∗

    Genetic Advance and Grain Yield Stability of Moroccan Durum Wheats Grown under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions

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    The development of high-yielding durum wheat genotypes requires the knowledge of the genetic variation for grain yield and its components. This study was performed to determine genetic gain and to evaluate the genotype × environment effect for grain yield and related traits in Moroccan durum wheat. A historical series of varieties developed during the last three decades was grown under two water regimes (rainfed and irrigated) during three growing seasons. Traits evaluated in the present work included grain yield, spikes per m2, kernels per spike, spikelets per spike, kernels per spikelet, spike length, kernel weight, plant height, harvest index, and fertile tillering. Results from ANOVA analyses revealed that grain yield and related traits were controlled to a large extent by water regime and growing season. Grain yield advance per year was estimated in 78 kg ha−1 under irrigated conditions, with no significant change under rainfed ones. Overall, the results indicated that most of the yield components changed by breeding activities during the last three decades. AMMI and joint regression analyses revealed that intermediate varieties have a wide adaptation, and old varieties were specifically acclimated to water-limit environments, while modern varieties were performed only under favorable conditions

    Protein and lysine contente, grain yield, and other technological traits in durum wheat under Mediterranean conditions

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    A major problem for durum wheat production in the Mediterranean region is yield fluctuation. This fluctuation is a result of year-to-year variation in precipitation and heat stress during grain growth, which is typical of the Mediterranean climate. Both yield stability and good quality are needed in adapted durum wheat ideotypes. Ten durum wheat cultivars differing in drought resistance were grown during 1998, under both rainfed and irrigated conditions, at three sites in southern Spain. The main traits studied were protein and lysine content, grain yield, test weight, SDS sedimentation, semolina color, and grain vitreousness. Results show a high influence of site on all traits. Only test weight (TW), SDS sedimentation, grain vitreousness, and protein per kernel appeared to be determined also by cultivar effect. Vitreousness was positively correlated with TW (r ) 0.48**) and semolina color (r ) 0.46**). An inverse relationship was found between grain yield and protein content. Regression of cultivar mean values of protein content and grain yield showed a negative correlation (r ) -0.72***), probably due to dilution of protein by non-nitrogen compounds and reduced starch accumulation in the grain under drought conditions. Lysine content was negatively associated with protein content (r ) -0.86***), indicating the difficulty of a simultaneous breeding for both characteristics

    On the natural variability of kernel oil content in almond [Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb]: An Overview

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    Sweet almonds are widely grown in both northern and southern hemispheres owing to their economic and nutritional values. Almonds consumption is linked to numerous health-promoting properties. From pomological and biochemical points of view, lipids are the major fraction in almond kernels. The majority of almond compositional research has been focused on chemical composition especially the lipidic fraction. Along with its nutritional value, almond fat has many cosmetic and medicinal uses, which arise from kernel lipids biochemical richness including several essential fatty acids and antioxidants such as tocopherols. The increase of almond production globally encourages almond oil production, which in turn push scientists and growers to select higher oil yielding genotypes and cultivars and to assess oil plasticity under various environments. Genotypic and environmental variations of almond oil have not reviewed before, hence the originality of this review. Peer reviewed literature published in English for almond oil variability confirmed the genotypic dominance in the expression of this parameter with a heritability value of 0.57. Environmental conditions under which almonds are grown account for important variations in kernel oil content. The main environmental factors studied in the literature encompass climatic conditions along with soil moisture. It has been widely reported that moderate water deficit enhances oil accumulation for various commercial cultivars. An inverted effect is observed when soil water deficit become more pronounced. Almond oil content expression is the result of genotypic and environmental variations. Almond oil production must take into account these variations