20 research outputs found

    Mechanical and Electrical Properties of a CFETR CSMC Conductor under Transverse Mechanical Loadings

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    The central solenoid model coil (CSMC) project of the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor was launched in 2014 to verify the technological feasibility of a large-scale superconducting magnet at the Institute of Plasma and Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. The short twist pitch design recommended by CEA is chosen for the CSMC Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductors. In order to better understand the evolution of transport properties and coupling losses related to the effect of electromagnetic load cycles, the mechanical and electrical properties were measured and investigated employing a special cryogenic press facility for the transverse mechanical loadings. The results show that the transverse compression (dy) versus applied load force (Fy ) is different from first to subsequent loading cycles. This mechanical behavior can be interpreted by the combination of strands bending between the crossovers and strands deformation at the crossovers. The fitting relations of dy versus Fy are also presented. The evolution of interstrand contact resistance (Rc) in the cabling stages with cyclic history and pressure effects are discussed. In addition, a fitting relation of Rc versus Fy is presented based on a combination of strand's microsliding and copper matrix resistivity. A clear correlation between intrapetal resistance Rc and coupling loss is also found

    Le pluralisme politique à l’épreuve de la vie privée : entre normes et pratiques

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    L’espace des relations interpersonnelles et privées, en tant qu’espace de politisation et d’expression des choix politiques, est peu connu. C’est à une meilleure connaissance du « citoyen privé » et de la « politisation intime » que cet article veut contribuer, en étudiant les ressemblances et les divergences idéologiques au sein du cercle des proches. Présentant les résultats d’une enquête quantitative et représentative de la population française inédite, « Famille, amour et politique », réalisée par le CEVIPOF, il examine la filiation, la conjugalité, et l’amitié et montre les interactions et les transactions qui opèrent entre le système des normes et le système des affects des individus. La famille apparaît plus hétérogame politiquement tandis que le couple et le cercle des amis sont plus homogames. Toutefois, c’est le niveau de politisation des individus qui est en dernière instance le plus déterminant. Une affiliation politique affirmée, et tout particulièrement à gauche, ainsi qu’un intérêt marqué pour la politique, renforcent toujours l’homogamie politique au sein du cercle des proches, dans les principes comme dans les faits. Plus largement, l’article ouvre une réflexion sur l’espace de la vie privée en tant que terrain d’expérience des conditions de la pluralité démocratique.Little is known of the role played by private interpersonal relationships in politicization and the expression of political choices. This article aims to improve our understanding of “private citizens” and “personal politicization” through a study of ideological similarities and divergences within family and friendship circles. The analysis, based on findings from an unprecedented quantitative representative French population survey by the CEVIPOF (Center for the study of French political life) entitled “Famille, amour et politique” [Family, love and politics], examines filiation, conjugality and friendship, showing the interactions and transactions that take place between the system of norms and the system of individual feelings. Families appear more heterogamous politically, while couples and friendship circles are more homogamous. However, individuals’ level of politicization is ultimately the most determinant factor. Having a strong political affiliation, particularly on the left of the political spectrum, and a strong interest in politics always strengthens intra-circle political homogamy in terms of both principles and actions. At a more general level, the article reflects on the sphere of private life as a field for the development of conditions of democratic pluralism

    The DEMO magnet system – Status and future challenges

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    We present the pre-concept design of the European DEMO Magnet System, which has successfully passed the DEMO plant-level gate review in 2020. The main design input parameters originate from the so-called DEMO 2018 baseline, which was produced using the PROCESS systems code. It defines a major and minor radius of 9.1 m and 2.9 m, respectively, an on-axis magnetic field of 5.3 T resulting in a peak field on the toroidal field (TF) conductor of 12.0 T. Four variants, all based on low-temperature superconductors (LTS), have been designed for the 16 TF coils. Two of these concepts were selected to be further pursued during the Concept Design Phase (CDP): the first having many similarities to the ITER TF coil concept and the second being the most innovative one, based on react-and-wind (RW) Nb3Sn technology and winding the coils in layers. Two variants for the five Central Solenoid (CS) modules have been investigated: an LTS-only concept resembling to the ITER CS and a hybrid configuration, in which the innermost layers are made of high-temperature superconductors (HTS), which allows either to increase the magnetic flux or to reduce the outer radius of the CS coil. Issues related to fatigue lifetime which emerged in mechanical analyses will be addressed further in the CDP. Both variants proposed for the six poloidal field coils present a lower level of risk for future development. All magnet and conductor design studies included thermal-hydraulic and mechanical analyses, and were accompanied by experimental tests on both LTS and HTS prototype samples (i.e. DC and AC measurements, stability tests, quench evolution etc.). In addition, magnet structures and auxiliary systems, e.g. cryogenics and feeders, were designed at pre-concept level. Important lessons learnt during this first phase of the project were fed into the planning of the CDP. Key aspects to be addressed concern the demonstration and validation of critical technologies (e.g. industrial manufacturing of RW Nb3Sn and HTS long conductors, insulation of penetrations and joints), as well as the detailed design of the overall Magnet System and mechanical structures

    Overview of Progress on the EU DEMO Reactor Magnet System Design

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    The DEMO reactor is expected to be the first application of fusion for electricity generation in the near future. To this aim, conceptual design activities are progressing in Europe (EU) under the lead of the EUROfusion Consortium in order to drive on the development of the major tokamak systems. In 2014, the activities carried out by the magnet system project team were focused on the toroidal field (TF) magnet system design and demonstrated major achievements in terms of concept proposals and of consolidated evaluations against design criteria. Several magnet system R&D activities were conducted in parallel, together with broad investigations on high temperature superconductor (HTS) technologies. In this paper, we present the outcomes of the work conducted in two areas in the 2014 magnet work program: 1) the EU inductive reactor (called DEMO1) 2014 configuration (power plant operating under inductive regime) was the basis of conceptual design activities, including further optimizations; and 2) the HTS R&D activities building upon the consolidated knowledge acquired over the past years

    Overview of verification tests on AC loss, contact resistance and mechanical properties of ITER conductors with transverse loading up to 30 000 cycles

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    The ITER magnet system uses cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) technology with individual strands twisted in several stages resulting in a rope-type cable, which is inserted into a stainless steel conduit. The combination of high current (up to 68 kA) and background magnetic field (up to 13 T) results in large transverse Lorentz forces exerted on the conductors during magnet system operation. The high transverse forces, accompanied with the cyclic nature of the load, have a strong influence on the conductor properties. The Twente Cryogenic Cable Press is used to simulate the effect of the Lorentz forces on a conductor comparable to the ITER magnet operating conditions. An overview is presented of the AC coupling and hysteresis loss, mechanical deformation characteristics and inter-strand contact resistance measurement results obtained on full-size ITER CICCs measured in the Twente Cryogenic Cable Press. The aim of this work is to characterize conductors' electromagnetic and mechanical properties during cycling of the load up to 30 000 cycles. The evolution of the magnetization (AC coupling loss time constant nτ), mechanical properties and inter-strand resistance R c between selected strands is presented along with loading history. The R c between first triplet strands is also measured as a function of applied load. It is shown that transverse load cycling has a strong influence on the CICC properties. An overview of the results for eight toroidal field conductors, two central solenoid conductors, three poloidal field conductors of different types (PF1&6, PF4, PF5), one main bus-bar and one correction coil conductor is presented

    Bending of CORC (R) cables and wires: finite element parametric study and experimental validation

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    A conductor on round core (CORC®) cable is composed of several layers of helically wound high-temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes on a round core with the winding direction reversed in each successive layer. The cable is flexible but the flexibility is limited by the critical strain value causing breakage of the HTS layer when this strain level is exceeded. The cables for magnets in fusion reactors experience large mechanical and electromagnetic loads. These loads arise from the cabling, coil manufacturing, cooling, and magnet operation. In order to optimize the manufacture and operating conditions, the mechanical behavior of CORC® cables must be understood for the different relevant loading conditions. The cable configuration with many contact interactions between tapes and the non-linear behavior of the materials during the production and operating conditions makes the modeling challenging. Detailed finite element (FE) modeling is required to account for these complexities. The FE modeling allows an accurate calculation of the stress-strain state (SSS) of the cable components under various loads and avoids time-consuming large-scale experimental optimization studies. This work presents a detailed FE modeling of the 3D SSS in a CORC® wire under bending load. The elastic-plastic properties of the individual tape composite materials and its temperature dependence are taken into account. The FE model is experimentally validated by a multilayer CORC® bending test performed by Advanced Conductor Technologies LLC. A critical intrinsic tensile strain value of 0.45% is taken as the threshold where the individual tape performance becomes irreversibly degraded. The proposed FE model describes the bending test of the CORC® wire adequately and thus can be used to study other types of loads. A parametric study is ongoing with dependent variables to pursue a further optimization of CORC® cables and wires for various applications

    AC loss and contact resistance in REBCO CORC (R), Roebel, and stacked tape cables

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    Many high-temperature superconductor (HTS) applications require superconducting cables with high currents while operating in an alternating magnetic field. HTS cables should be composed of numerous superconducting tapes to achieve the required current capacity. Alternating current and magnetic fields cause AC losses in such cables and can provoke conductor instability. AC losses and contact resistances were measured of several cable designs based on commercially available REBCO tapes at the University of Twente. The AC loss was measured under identical conditions for eight REBCO conductors manufactured according to three types of cabling methods-CORC (R) (Conductor on Round Core), Roebel, and stacked tape, including a full-size REBCO CICC (cable in conduit conductor). The measurements were done at T = 4.2 K without transport current in a sinusoidal AC magnetic field of 0.4 T amplitude and frequencies from 5 to 55 mHz. The AC loss was measured simultaneously by calibrated gas flow calorimeter utilizing the helium boil-off method and by the magnetization method using pick-up coils. Also, the AC loss of two CORC (R) conductors and a Roebel cable was measured at 77 K. Each conductor was measured with and without background field of 1 T. The measured AC coupling loss in the CORC (R) and Roebel conductors is negligible at 4.2 K for the applied conditions while at 77 K coupling loss was observed for all conductors. The absence of coupling loss at 4.2 K can be explained by shielding of the conductor interior; this is confirmed with measurement and calculation of the penetration field of CORC (R) and Roebel cables. The inter-tape contact resistance was measured for CORC (R) and stacked tape samples at 4.2 and 77 K. It was demonstrated that a short heat treatment of CORC (R) conductor with solder-coated tapes activates tape-to-tape soldering and decreases the contact resistance. The reduction of contact resistance by two orders in magnitude to tens of nOm is comparable with the interstrand contact resistance in ITER Nb3Sn type conductors