43 research outputs found


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    科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書研究種目: 基盤研究(C)研究期間: 1998~1999課題番号: 10671295研究代表者: 鈴木 文夫(滋賀医科大学・医学部・講師)研究分担者: 牧浦 弥恵子(滋賀医科大学・医学部・助手


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    目的:A村の特定健康診査受診者の非肥満者を対象とした健診結果の実態及び血糖と生活習慣の関連を明らかにする. 方法:A村の平成29年度特定健康診査受診者のうち,血圧や血糖等の服薬をしていない非肥満者533人を研究対象者とした.非肥満者533人を高血糖の有無による2群に分け,生活習慣との関連を分析した. 結果:健診結果では,非肥満者は,LDLコレステロールの平均値が特定健診受診者全体よりも高かった. 生活習慣では,非肥満者において高血糖群の方が定期的な運動をしている割合及び遅い時間の夕食をとっていない割合が有意に高く,生活習慣が良好な割合が高かった. 結論:非肥満者のうち高血糖の住民は,生活習慣には留意していると考えられた.今後は,詳細な生活習慣を確認し,その結果とともに健診結果に基づく指導が重要である.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual conditions of specific health checkups for non-obese individuals in A Village and the relationship between blood glucose and lifestyle habits. Method: The research participants were the 533 non-obese people who were not taking medication among of the all people who received a specific health checkup in A Village in 2017. We divided the 533 participants into two groups based on the presence or absence of hyperglycemia, and the relationship between blood glucose and lifestyle habits was analyzed. Results: Average LDL cholesterol was higher in the participants than in the recipients of specific health checkups overall. In terms of lifestyle habits, the proportion of participants in the hyperglycemic group who exercised regularly and those who did not eat dinner late at night was significantly higher than the non-hyperglycemic group, and the proportion of favorable lifestyle habits was higher. Conclusion: Non-obese people with hyperglycemia were considered to be aware of healthy lifestyle habits. It will be important for medical professional to ask more detailed questions about lifestyle during health checkups and to provide health guidance based on the results of blood test data.原

    Tissue-Restricted Expression of Nrf2 and Its Target Genes in Zebrafish with Gene-Specific Variations in the Induction Profiles

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    The Keap1-Nrf2 system serves as a defense mechanism against oxidative stress and electrophilic toxicants by inducing more than one hundred cytoprotective proteins, including antioxidants and phase 2 detoxifying enzymes. Since induction profiles of Nrf2 target genes have been studied exclusively in cultured cells, and not in animal models, their tissue-specificity has not been well characterized. In this paper, we examined and compared the tissue-specific expression of several Nrf2 target genes in zebrafish larvae by whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH). Seven zebrafish genes (gstp1, mgst3b, prdx1, frrs1c, fthl, gclc and hmox1a) suitable for WISH analysis were selected from candidates for Nrf2 targets identified by microarray analysis. Tissue-restricted induction was observed in the nose, gill, and/or liver for all seven genes in response to Nrf2-activating compounds, diethylmaleate (DEM) and sulforaphane. The Nrf2 gene itself was dominantly expressed in these three tissues, implying that tissue-restricted induction of Nrf2 target genes is defined by tissue-specific expression of Nrf2. Interestingly, the induction of frrs1c and gclc in liver and nose, respectively, was quite low and that of hmox1a was restricted in the liver. These results indicate the existence of gene-specific variations in the tissue specificity, which can be controlled by factors other than Nrf2

    シンシンショウ ト シンダン サ レテ イタ TOLOSA - HUNT ショウコウグン ノ 15 サイ ジョシ

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    Tolosa-Hunt症候群(THS)は先行する片側眼窩部痛と眼球運動障害を生じ,病態は海綿静脈洞の非特異的炎症性肉芽腫病変と推測されている.発症は年間100万人あたり1人前後で,40歳台の成人に多く小児例は稀である.今回,1カ月続く右眼をえぐられる様な頭痛を主訴とした15歳のTHSを報告する.発症後,各種頭痛薬で改善がなく,各種検査を施行し異常がないため心身症に伴う反復する片頭痛と診断された.当院で脳MRIを施行し右内頸動脈の狭窄を認めTHSと確定診断した.プレドニゾロン(PSL)1?mg/kg/dayを朝1回開始し,翌日頭痛は改善した.以降,半年かけてPSLを漸減し再発はない.Tolosa-Hunt syndrome(THS)is characterized by periorbital pain accompanying opthalmoplegia. The pathogenesis is considered to involve non-specific granulomatous inflammation in the cavernous sinus, and the frequency is around one case per year per million people. Symptoms usually develop in adulthood, and pediatric cases are rare. We report herein a case of THS in a 15-year-old girl whose headache was diagnosed as psychosomatic disease in the early stage of the clinical course. Her chief compliant was headache with strong pain in the right eye, continuing for 1 month. Although several medications were trialed to alleviate headaches, no improvement was achieved. Various physical examinations proved uninformative. Headache was therefore tentatively diagnosed as psychosomatic disease associated with migraine. Brain magnetic resonance imaging in our university hospital revealed strangulation of the internal carotid artery, and headache was diagnosed as confirmed THS. Oral administration of prednisolone was started at 1 mg/kg/day, given once in the morning. Headache improved from the next day. Oral therapy with prednisolone was tapered over the course of 6 months and headache did not recur

    テレビ ニュース オ チュウシン ト シタ CAI システム ノ カイハツ

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    「テレビニュースを中心とした日本語学習用コースウェアの開発-学習内容の選択と整理-」に続いて、テレビニュースを聞けるようになるための聴解学習用CAIコースウェアを、授業設計の視点に立って開発した。実際のテレビニュースを録画したものを利用し、コースウェアの中で映像として提示した。また、単語や例文、練習問題を音声情報として、CRT画面 上の文字と同時に提示した。テレビニュースの視聴、やさしく直したニュースの聴解、単語の学習と記憶、表現の学習と練習、構文の練習を組み合わせ、数レッスンの学習によってテレビニュースが聞いてわかるようになることをめざした。Based on "Development of Course-ware for Japanese-Language Learning on Television News: Selection and Organization of Learning Items," this study continues to develop a CAI system in this area. Television news broadcasts are presented by video, and vocabulary, example sentences, and exercises are presented on computer display together with audio presentation. The material consists of one shot of a television news broadcast, simplified news recorded by an instructor, vocabulary learning, expression learning, and structure learning. This material is designed to practice listening comprehension of television news through the completion of several lessons


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