201 research outputs found

    Diagnostic accuracy of multidetector computed tomography scan in mediastinal masses assuming histopathological findings as gold standard

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    Purpose: Aim of the study was to: 1) present MDCT characteristics of different mediastinal mass lesions, 2) estimate proportion of benign and malignant mediastinal mass lesions based on MDCT findings, and 3) find out the diagnostic accuracy with sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of MDCT in mediastinal mass lesions assuming histopathology as gold standard. Material and methods: This study was an analysis of 60 patients who underwent MDCT scan for characterisation of mediastinal mass lesion, and subsequently imaging findings were verified with pathological diagnosis. Results: Out of 60 patients 65% were malignant and 35% were benign. Metastatic carcinoma was the leading diagnosis. Sensitivity of MDCT in this study came out to be 94%, specificity is 90%, with a positive predictive value of 94% and negative predictive value of 90% with diagnostic accuracy of 93%. Conclusions: Mediastinal mass lesion can be accurately diagnosed with MDCT which is a non-invasive and easily available modality requiring clinical data for accurate diagnosis and management. Co-relation of MDCT findings with other imaging findings is complex and requires adequate clinical data for optimum diagnostic confidence

    Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of ofloxacin following single intramuscular and subcutaneous administration in goats

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    Comparative disposition kinetics of ofloxacin following intramuscular (i.m.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) administration was studied in goats @ 10 mg/kg. Ofloxacin was determined by HPLC method and kinetic parameters using a software. Appreciable plasma concentrations were observed within 2.5 min of drug administration and peaked at 1 h. t1/2ka and t1/2β values were 13.59 and 78.41 min after i.m. administration while 17.89 and 103.59 min after s.c. administration and the corresponding bioavailability values were 75.43±5.00 and 102.07±7.00 %. Ofloxacin may be adiministered to goat @10 mg/kg at 12 h interval by s.c. route

    Effectiveness of Structured Antenatal Physiotherapy Module During Third Trimester of Pregnencey in Primigravida Women- Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Pregnancy is a unique and exciting time in a woman's life that highlights her extraordinary ability to create and nurture and connects her to the future. A pregnant lady has an obligation to protect the health of her unborn child. The growing fetus depends only on the health of the mother for all of its needs.Data from the World Health Organization's Global Health Observatory indicate that, in 2015, complications from pregnancy and delivery claimed the lives of about 830 women every day. A woman in a developing country has a roughly 33-fold increased risk of maternal deaths than a woman in a developed country.[3

    Pancytopenia and transient synovitis of hip joint in a SARS CoV-2 positive pregnant female: a case report

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    Pregnant women are at an increased risk for severe COVID-19 illness. Apart from the typical clinical manifestations, atypical presenting features of COVID-19 are also being found. We report the case of a 20 years old COVID positive antenatal patient with pancytopenia. The patient presented with scar tenderness and was taken up for emergency caesarean section at a platelet count of 5860 per microlitre. She was managed with intraoperative and postoperative transfusion of blood products. She developed chronic persistent hip pain and was diagnosed to have transient synovitis of the hip joint, which was managed conservatively. COVID-19 is a new disease with evolving clinical presentation. Pancytopenia and synovitis of hip are a rare manifestation of COVID-19 and has never been reported in a pregnant woman with COVID-19

    Studies on the effect of Zinc levels , and methods of boron application on growth, yield and protein content of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    ABSTRACT A field experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of zinc levels and methods of application of boron on the growth, yield and protein content of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during the winter (Rabi) season in two consecutiv

    Utjecaj jednokratne intravenske primjene ofloksacina na kinetiku raspodjele meloksikama u koza.

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of ofloxacin (10 mg/kg) on the pharmacokinetics of meloxicam (0.5 mg/kg) in goats, when administered concurrently by intravenous route. Meloxicam concentration in plasma was measured using HPLC assay. The pharmacokinetics of meloxicam were best described by the two-compartment open model. Following concurrent administration of meloxicam and ofloxacin, the mean plasma level of meloxicam was only found to be significantly higher (P<0.05) at 15 min compared to its alone administration. Statistical analysis of data revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in PK parameters between the two treatments, except K21. Therefore, the results of the present study suggest that concurrent administration of ofl oxacin and meloxicam in goats does not require any adjustment in dosage regimens. Based on PK determinants, meloxicam may be administered by i.v. route at 0.86 and 0.65 mg/kg, as loading and maintenance doses respectively, and is to be repeated at 8 h intervals.Istražen je učinak ofloksacina (10 mg/kg) na farmakokinetiku meloksikama (0,5 mg/kg) u koza pod uvjetima istodobne intravenske primjene. Koncentracija meloksikama u plazmi utvrđena je visokotlačnom tekućinskom kromatografijom. Kao najbolji model za opis njegove farmakokinetike korišten je otvoreni model s dvama odjeljcima. Istodobnom primjenom meloksikama i ofloksacina, srednja razina meloksikama u plazmi bila je statistički značajno viša (P<0,05) samo 15 minuta u usporedbi s primjenom samog meloksikama. Statistička analiza podataka pokazala je da između dva načina primjene ne postoje značajne razlike farmakokinetičkih pokazatelja, osim za K21. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da kod koza doziranje ofloksacina i meloksikama prilikom njihove istovremene primjene ne treba mijenjati. Na temelju farmakokinetičkih pokazatelja, meloksikam se može primijeniti intravenski u početnoj dozi od 0,86 mg/kg, te u dozi za održavanje od 0,65 mg/ kg, uz ponavljanje u vremenskim razmacima od 8 sati

    Acute myocardial infarction in an 18 year old South Indian girl with familial hypercholesterolemia: a case report

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia is a single gene disorder with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. Here we report an 18 year old South Indian girl who presented with myocardial infarction. She had xanthomas and an elevated serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Her mother and maternal uncle had died at a young age due to myocardial infarction. Her only sibling, 15 year old younger sister also had xanthomas and an elevated LDL-C. This report is to emphasise the need to clinically recognize xanthomas and its association with elevated LDL-C, premature atherosclerosis and familial inheritance. Early diagnosis and early initiation of treatment will save the affected individual and the other family members

    A comparative study of efficacy of micro-needling alone versus micro-needling with autologous platelet rich plasma in facial atrophic acne scars

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    Abstract— Post acne scarring is a consequence of abnormal resolution or wound healing following the damage that occurs in the sebaceous follicle during acne inflammation. The present study was undertaken to compare the improvement in facial atrophic acne scars by micro-needling alone and combination of micro-needling with autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP). A prospective, observer blinded, comparative interventional study was conducted on 50 patients of facial atrophic acne scars fulfilling inclusion criteria. They were randomly divided into two group of 25 each i.e. group 'A' (micro-needling alone) and group 'B' (micro-needling with PRP). Three sessions on monthly interval were conducted and Final follow up was done at 4th month. They were evaluated by Goodman and Baron’s quantitative and qualitative grading scale, for clinical improvement and for patient's satisfaction. Although qualitative and quantitative improvement was observed in both the groups but the improvement in group 'B' was more than 'A' on Goodman and Baron’s quantitative and qualitative grading scale, however it was not statistically significant. On clinical improvement and on patient satisfaction, group 'B' had better results than group 'A' which was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was concluded that Micro-needling with autologous PRP is simple, safe and cost-effective procedure for facial atrophic acne scars. Micro-needling when combined with autologous PRP provides better overall clinical improvement. It is suggested that PRP should be considered as an adjuvant therapeutic option along with micro-needling in the management of atrophic acne scars

    Trends of steroid modified tinea at tertiary care hospital in India

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    Abstract—Dermatophytes are the common fungal agents implicated in superficial skin infections worldwide, commonly known as tinea. They include species of Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Infections of this organism have dramatically increased in last one decade by misuse of topical corticosteroids cream alone or in combination with topical antibacterial and antifungal agents. So this study was conducted with the aim to study about culprits (prescribers) and various offending agents. This study was conducted on 1239 consecutive patients of tinea between ages 1-70 years. Tinea was diagnosed by detailed history and clinical examination. Detailed inquiry was made for topical steroid use by recall method or relevant prescriptions. It was found that out of 1239, 1000 (80.7%) patients were using topical corticosteroid in any form. Most common age group was 21-30 years (38.3%). Pharmacist appeared as chief culprit (50.4%) and Clobetasol was major offending agent (34.8%). Majority (55.3%) of patients applied these formulations for 4 week or more. Study concluded that use of topical corticosteroids in tinea has become menace because of unethical manufacture, sales, prescription and end misuse by patient