727 research outputs found

    Marketing Management

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    Marketing management is define as it a business discipline which focuses on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firm\u27s marketing resources and activities Globalization has led firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making international marketing highly significant and an integral part of a firm\u27s marketing strategy. Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term. In part, this is because the role of a marketing manager can vary significantly based on a business\u27s size, corporate culture , and industry context. This study wil expand onissues and debates common to many of the approaches and wil conclude with demonstratingthe ability to explain a chosen research approach. This paper has a significant contribution byclarifying how to ensure research quality, which is crucial to pursue auditable data col ectionand analysis and consequently to generate reliable knowledge in particular to case study research

    Study on Design and Simulation of Temperature Control System

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    Temperature control system is a complicated process which maintains the temperature in a particular defined area to a certain maxima or minima level. In recent times, we are witnessing a rapid growth in industries at global level which has led to globalization and industrialization which further has led the necessary use of the temperature control system and its application in these industries at day-to-day level in manufacturing and maintenance with the increase in the greenhouse effect and depletion of ozone layer. Many factories always maintain a certain area or say a section of operation in their infrastructure that must maintain a range of temperature for process to work successfully. The laboratories of research uncertainly sometimes lack in the use of temperature control system which has further necessitated the use of large chambers of different sizes to perform specific temperature related re-search work which further led to the increase in the cost of re-search work. In certain spe-cific areas there are lot of electronic activities happening or some machinery function like in the server rooms or the area where production plant is, so basically these places work constantly for 24hrs and during the whole day the temperature has to be monitored precisely and frequently so that it can be ensured that the temperature do not instantly rise or fall below the marked temperature which may lead to the acceleration of wearing and tearing of whole system. Living rooms, hospitals, malls, aircrafts etc., are also one of the most important places where monitoring of temperature is required so as to ensure that the thermal comfort is ensured, and thermal comfort here means that the state of mind which feels satisfied with the temperature in the present environment. This is im-portant because if there will be any dissatisfaction with the thermal environment then it can cause the body to be too warm or too by unwanted heating and unwanted cooling of the equipment may further lead to the functional disbalance

    Acute Immunomodulatory Effects of Fentanyl and its Three New Analogues in Swiss Albino Mice

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    Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid analgesic. However, due to its several limitations, new analogues are being synthesised for better pain management. We have earlier reported the synthesis and bio-efficacy of fentanyl and its eight new analogues (1-8) in mice. Among eight analogues tested, N-(1-(2-phenoxyethyl)-4-piperidinyl)propionanilide (2), N-isopropyl-3-(4-(N-phenylpropionamido)piperidin-1-yl)propanamide (5), and N-t-butyl-3-(4-(N-phenylpropionamido)piperidin-1-yl)propanamide (6) were found to be more effective and less toxic compared to fentanyl. Therapeutic efficacy of fentanyl and its analogues are known to be compromised due to many adverse effects, including alterations in the immune system. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to assess the acute effect of fentanyl and its three analogues (2, 5, and 6) on plasma levels of different pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 (IL-10) at different time points. Mice were intraperitoneally treated with 0.50 LD50 of the compounds and cytokines were measured 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, and 24 h post-exposure. Compared to control, none of the treatments produced any change in TNF-α and IL-1β levels. However, IL-6 levels were significantly elevated between 1 h to 2 h post-exposure in fentanyl and analogue 2 treated groups. Further, IL-10 levels were found to be significantly increased in fentanyl, analogue 2, and 6 treated groups at 1 h and 2 h post-exposure. Pre-treatment of naltrexone (opioid receptor antagonist) blocked the effects of fentanyl, confirming that its effects were opioid receptor- dependent. However, effect of naltrexone on analogue 2 and 6 was not conclusively evidenced, indicating that immunomodulatory changes caused by the analogues could have some additional implications as well. The present study reveals undesirable effects of fentanyl and its new analogues on cytokines homeostasis, thereby limiting their use in pain management

    PLA Microparticles for Pulmonary Delivery of AntiTB drugs: Biodistribution study

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    A dry powder inhalable (DPI) microparticles comprising anti-tuberculosis drugs incorporated in biodegradable polymers was developed for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (P. Muttil _et al_. 2007). Poly L-lactic acid (PLA) microparticles incorporating a high payload of rifabutin and isoniazid were fabricated by spray drying (Buchi 190). Microparticles were composed of PLA and the drugs (rifabutin and isoniazid) at a 2:1:1 weight ratio. Microparticles of desired high encapsulation efficiency and sustained release characteristics were produced having a diameter range of 2-10 µm (Malvern Mastersizer 2000). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out to study drug polymer interaction. The time course of tissue biodistribution following a single inhalation dose of microparticles was evaluated. 
Thirty-two BALB/c mice were divided into groups of four and administered the DPI using an in-house (nose only) apparatus (Kaur _et al_. 2008; Verma _et al_. 2008). A validated HPLC method was used for determination of rifabutin and isoniazid in the lungs (target organ), liver and kidneys (major sites of toxicity) at different time-points after inhalation. A comparison was made with mice receiving free drugs (intravenous) at equivalent doses. Deposition of microparticles in lungs of mice following aerosolization was also evaluated. Pharmacokinetic parameters in different organs were calculated using WinNonlin software version 5.2. Area under the concentration-time curve observed (AUC~obs~), C~max~, half-life (t~½~) and clearance (CL) in lungs following inhalation /intravenous administration were:
*Rifabutin*: AUC~obs~-96h= 1697.39 ±154.67 (187.63 ±23.93) µg/ml^-1^hr^-1^; C~max~ = 33.42±3.80 (4.17±0.31) µg.ml^-1^; t~½~= 78.08±9.42 (34.00 ±3.31) and Cl= 1.16±.22 (0.68 ±0.45) ml.h^-1^.
*Isoniazid*: AUC~obs~-24h= 566.31±123.96 (99.85 ±14.24) µg/ml^-1^hr^-1^; Cmax= 24.02±1.71 (8.16±0.93) µg.ml^-1^; t~½~= 25.88±12.16 (6.45±3.24) h; and Cl= 5.47±1.30 (0.96±0.14) ml.h^-1^.
The relative bioavailability of both drugs incorporated in microparticles was significantly higher compared with free drugs. Peak levels of isoniazid and rifabutin in lungs (target organ) were much higher than those in the liver and kidney of mice in case of inhalation as compared to intravenous administration. Inhalation of microparticles resulted in targeting both drugs to the lungs, with the effect being more pronounced in the case of rifabutin than isoniazid. High and prolonged drug concentrations and increased AUC values (~9-fold and ~6 fold increase of rifabutin and isoniazid in case of lungs) with respect to free drugs were observed. Significant decrease in drug concentration was found in the liver and kidneys. Drug levels were maintained above the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in organs through out the study after administration of encapsulated drugs. Based on favorable biodistribution kinetics, these microparticles hold great potential in reducing dosing frequency and toxicity of antituberculosis drugs.


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    Background: Appendicitis is the commonest abdominal surgical emergency in the world which may lead to complications like appendicular abscess or mass, gangrene, perforation and peritonitis. Present research aimed to evaluate the wellbeing and the effectiveness of laparoscopy for managing complicated appendicitis. Material and methods: Present study was carried out on 50 patients at tertiary care institution of Chhattisgarh in Central India for the period of 2 year. This study is including patients of complicated appendicitis undergoing laparoscopic management. Parameters studied included Age, Gender, WBC count, wound infection and hospital stay. Results: There was increase of total leucocytic count in most of the patients; Mean WBCs was 12.71±5.37. 33 patients had pus free IPF collection and perforated appendicitis (PA), 11 patients had turbid free IPF collection with AA (highly inflamed appendix), 2 case was mucocele of the appendix, 2 cases of appendicular abscess (3.3%) and 2 cases of gangrenous appendix. Conclusion: Management of complicated appendicitis laparoscopically is practicable, secure and can present a small occurrence of infectious impediments, fewer post-operative pain, fast revival and improved cosmesis on the cost of extended operating time than Open Appendectom


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    Objective: This study is to enhance the solubility and sustained release of ciprofloxacin (CPX) drug by amplifying the adhesive capability of formulation by forming throat paint for the Streptococcal pharyngitis, a sore throat infection. Methods: Solid dispersion was prepared by solvent evaporation technique, in which three different ratios of Polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000) were selected, and the best ratio of solid dispersion was selected after characterization including Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) with evaluation parameters including % yield, drug content, and drug solubility. In the case of throat paint, out of six different formulations, the best formulation was selected through viscosity, in vitro mucoadhesion, in situ release study, and spreadability parameters. Results: The DSC and SEM data proved that solid dispersion has a different moiety than its ingredients but it is quite a stable form. Formulation MD-2 was selected as the best formulation which able to increase the solubility of the drug by more than 3.5 folds, at the same time it shows the highest rate of drug dissolution of 13.951 μg/ml with % yield (97.199±0.167%) and drug content (96.425%). Throat paint was formed by fusion and trituration process and out of all six formulations F3 was selected as the best formulation on the basis of Viscosity (11932 Centi poise), Spreadability (17.621), Mucoadhesion (3937.481 dyne/cm2), and drug release (90.336±0.6%). Conclusion: Solid dispersion was successfully prepared with 3.5 times of solubility enhancement capability in comparison with pure CPX drug. The throat paint releases the drug (≥3 h) in a sustained manner with high mucoadhesive force

    Biochemical response of earthworm, Eisenia fetida to heavy metals toxicity

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    Soil heavy metal pollution is widespread and has severe adverse effects on soil organisms. Earthworms are the major soil organisms which perform several beneficial ecological functions butare vulnerable to damage from heavy metal pollution of soil. The present study was conducted to evaluate the potential toxicity of arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) on the biochemical response of the earthworm, Eisenia fetida. Following exposure to various sub-lethal concentrations ofAs (34, 68, 102 and 136 mg/kg) and Cr(26, 51, 77 and 102 mg/kg ) for 28 days, the levels of several biochemical markers, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content were assessed. The results showed that both heavy metals significantly (p<0.05)  impacted the antioxidant enzyme activities and MDA content during the entire exposure period. Compared with the control, SOD, CAT, POD and GST activities increased significantly (p<0.05) by (6.21-23.23, 6.32-18.6, 15.87-34.18 and 0.84-5.45% respectively) at14th day, but after prolonged exposure, these activities were significantly (p<0.05) decreased (9.58-38.13, 10.09-30.03, 19.05-53.16 and 2.26-9.36% respectively) at 28th day. The contents of MDA showed significant (p<0.05) increase (17.84-45.59%) in all exposure groups for entire exposure period. Therefore, it can be concluded that antioxidants play a direct role in the adaptive response of E. fetida for survival in heavy metal contaminated soil. This adaptive antioxidant response can be used as an important biomarker to assess the toxicity of heavy metals in the soil ecosystems

    Malrotation with Distal Duodenal Necrosis in a Neonate

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    Malrotation with midgut volvulus often results in gangrene of midgut with relative sparing of duodenum. An extremely unusual case of Malrotation with isolated necrosis of distal duodenum is described with brief review of literature. Isolated duodenal necrosis in association with malrotation is very rare; it increases the complexity of surgery and prolongs hospital stay
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