38 research outputs found

    Regeneration and Preliminary Characterization of Asian and African Okra (Abelmoschus spp.) Germplasm

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    The morphological variability of 56 okra (Abelmoschus spp.) Accessions was evaluated over two years (2008 and 2009). Ten (10) agromorphological characters were evaluated in the Sadoré station in Niger. The hierarchical ascendant classification (CAH) and the discriminant factor analysis (AFD) revealed four groups (GI, GII, GIII and GIV). The accessions in groups I and IV have high values of Lfm, Dfm, Height, and Nloc, Nepi and cons by low values. However, Flo or Fruct values are relatively higher in accessions of group III and IV than in accessions of group I. Similarly, accessions of group II have higher values in Flo and Fruct than group II. However, accessions of group II are much later in terms of which accessions in group I, which, in turn, have lower values in Flo and Fruct, so these are compared to those of Group II. The results show that the most discriminating variables that make it possible to describe Variability among the groups identified are the diameter of mature fruits (Dfm), Plant height (Height) and branch of plant number (Nbrch). The characters analyzed can thus constitute basic criteria to differentiate accessions from other regions of West Africa and serve for a study of variability between the remains of okra accessions collected in Niger. Opportunities for improvement can also be considered to identify varieties that have a high adaptive potential due to climate change

    Diversité et dynamique des Salmonella

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    Objectif: Au Niger, l’agriculture maraîchère réalisée dans les zones urbaines et péri-urbaines utilise les eaux usées souvent très souillées par la matière fécale humaine et animale pour l’irrigation. Cette étude a évalué la prévalence et la diversité des Salmonella isolées de la laitue dans différents sites maraichers du Niger.Méthodologie et résultats: Des prélèvements des échantillons de laitue (Lactuca sativa L.) ont été réalisés dans des jardins maraîchers à travers toutes les régions du Niger. L’analyse microbiologique a été faite selon la norme ISO 6579:2002. La production des laitues a pour principale source d’arrosage, les eaux des caniveaux (41,67%). Les échantillons de laitue ont montré une forte prévalence de Salmonella dans certaines régions allant jusqu’à 56%. Les Salmonella isolées sont dominées par le sérogroupe B (34,43%), suivi des Salmonella spp (18,85%) et du Sérogroupe C (13,11%). Les souches ont montré une résistance : l’ampicilline (69,70%), l’amoxicilline (27,97%) ; l’amoxicilline + acide clavulanique (19,17%), la colistine (29,85%), la céfixime (50,75%) et la ceftazidime (27,97%)).Conclusion et application de la recherche: La laitue cultivée dans les zones urbaines et péri-urbaines investiguées est non appropriée à la consommation. La prévalence des Salmonella isolées dans la laitue est très élevée, ce qui entraine un très grand risque de contamination. Des mesures adéquates doivent être mises en oeuvre pour limiter ou réduire la contamination de la laitue et éviter la prolifération des maladies infectieuses.Mots clés: Maraîchers, laitue, Salmonella, prévalence, diversité, NigerEnglish Title: Diversity and dynamics of Salmonella isolated from lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) vegetable crops in NigerEnglish AbstractObjective: In Niger, vegetable farming in urban areas uses wastewater heavily soiled by human and animal fecal matter for irrigation. In this study the prevalence and diversity of Salmonella isolated from lettuce at different Niger sites was evaluatedMethodology and results: Samples of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) were taken from vegetable fields in all regions of Niger. The microbiological analysis was carried out according to ISO 6579: 2002. The main source of water for lettuce production is gutter water (41.67%).The lettuce samples that were analyzed, showed a high prevalence of Salmonella in some areas up to 56%. Isolated and analyzed Salmonella show low biochemical diversity and are dominated by serogroup B (34.43%), followed by Salmonella spp (18.85%) and Serogroup C (13.11%). The strains showed resistance to ampicillin (69.70%), amoxicillin (27.97%), amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (19.17%), colistin (29.85%), cefixime (50.75%) and ceftazidime (27.97%)).Conclusion and application of research: Lettuce grown in urban and peri-urban areas investigated is not suitable for consumption. The prevalence of Salmonella isolated in lettuce is very high, which leads to a very high risk of contamination. Adequate measures should be implemented to limit or reduce lettuce contamination and to prevent the proliferation of infectious diseases.Keywords: Maraichers, lettuce, Salmonella, prevalence, diversity, Nige

    Caracterisation Agro-Morphologique Des Accessions D’arachide (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Pour La Teneur En Huile

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    In Niger, groundnut [Arachis hypogaea (L.)] is a leguminous crop cultivated in large area. Its seeds are used by oil industries. Groundnut oil is well appreciated by consumers notably in rural areas. The aim of this study was to select the accessions and taxa with high oil content and identify the oil content related traits. Thus, 20 accessions (9 local and 11 improved) belonging to 5 taxa types (FST, VUL, PRU, HYR, and HYB) were planted in randomized block design with three replications. Fifteen traits were investigated in field while oil content was quantified in laboratory. An analysis of variance was performed on all measured traits. Discriminant factorial analysis (AFD) was performed on taxon types, correlation between oil content and other traits was determined. Analysis revealed high and significant correlation between oil content and seed size. In the study, groundnut accessions ICG 8352 and ICG 9991 (oil content 52.8%) and taxon Fastigiata (oil content 48.52%) recorded highest oil content. Seed size and taxon type in groundnut could be criteria to select genotypes for oil industries

    Prévalence Et Diversité De Salmonella En Afrique : Analyse Qualitative Et Quantitative

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    International trade, new agricultural, animal production and food practices have facilitated the spread and transmission of food-borne pathogens; including Salmonella. Salmonella is a ubiquitous bacterium responsible for a variety of diseases in humans, animals. It has a large diversity and contains more than 2579 serotypes. However, very little work describing the diversity, structure and populations dynamics of Salmonella in different hosts is available in Niger. In order to describe the general context of Salmonella diversity in Africa, an analysis of the available literature on this subject was carried out. A total of 131 publications were identified. From those publications, twenty five (25) were eligible. The LOGIT estimation model was used for serotype analysis to standardize the distribution of data and minimize sample sizes. It appears from our analysis that the prevalence of Salmonella is high regardless of the host and host germ. The major serotypes found in humans in Africa are S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and S. Typhi. In poultry, the predominant serotype is S. Hadar on the other side S. Typhimurium predominates in North Africa. Thus, the results of these review analyzes constitute one of the steps in the process of understanding trends in the distribution of Salmonella in Africa. These results are presented as an outline of the implementation of a successful 251 model for the continuation of our studies on the diversity of Salmonella in Niger

    Nutrients composition of calyces and seeds of three Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) ecotypes from Niger

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    The chemical composition of calyces and seeds of three ecotypes of Roselle from Niger was compared. The results indicate that calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg) and protein contents in calyces are significantly different (P<0.005) among ecotypes. The highest concentrations of K, Na, Mg and protein in calyces were recorded for ecotype E7 (35.66, 3.40, 6.01 and 101 mg/g d.w., respectively). Ecotype E9 had the highest Ca content in calyces (34.41 mg/g d.w.); while E3 and E7 had similar and lower contents. The protein content in calyces for E9 (52 mg/g d.w.) was approximately halved compared to those of E3 and E7. For all ecotypes, the concentrations of Ca, K, Mn, Na and Fe in the calyces were higher compared to those in the seeds. In contrast, P content was higher in seeds. The highest K, Na, Mg and P concentrations in seeds were registered for E7 and the lowest ones for E9. Ecotypes E3 and E9 recorded higher and similar Cu, Fe and Mn contents in calyces and in seeds compared to E7. The highest Zn concentrations in seeds were obtained for E3 and E7.Keywords: Niger, Roselle, seeds, calyces, protein, composition, micronutrients, macronutrientsAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(26), pp. 4174-417

    Socio-Economic Values and Ecological Importance of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del. in Sahelian Agrosystems in western Niger

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    Balanites aegyptiaca contributes strongly to the resilience of Sahelian populations. All the organs of B. aegyptiaca are used either for food, medicinal purposes or for other services. However, very few studies on the socioeconomic importance of B. aegyptiaca have been conducted in Niger. The main objective of this study was to valorize the knowledge of the populations on the uses of B. aegyptiaca in the Sudan-Sahelian agrosystems of Niger. The study was conducted in the Dosso region. The region was chosen based on its two main agro-climatic zones, characterized by the scarcity of the species in the south and its abundance in the north. A survey was carried out in February 2021 to assess the diversity of uses. The findings revealed that the uses of B. aegyptiaca products are very diversified and varied considerably accross agro-ecological zones. The types of use varied significantly among ethnic groups. The Hausa possessed 88.26% of the use, the Zarma 14.47%, the Peulh 2.63%, the Songhai 1.32%, and Touareg 1.32%. All parts of B. aegyptiaca are used in traditional pharmacopoeia to threat various human and animal illnesses. 68.00% of respondents reported the interaction between Balanites and crops as very beneficial. B. aegyptiaca is prone to a variety of threats. Hence, 97.30% of respondents acknowledged the existence of several diseases and/or insect pests that affect Balanites' organs. Given the importance of this species in the region, more research is required to quantify its contribution to rural household food security and resilience

    Amelioration Du Rendement Du Mil Par L’association Avec Le Niebe En Zone Sahelienne

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    In Niger, agricultural production is based mainly on the association and rotation grains / legumes with generally low yields. To improve these yields, seeding effects and cowpea genotypes in combination with millet were studied in 2014 and 2015 in the Sahel region of Niger. The experimental device is a split plot design with three replications. cowpea genotypes were large plots, and two seeding (1: 1 and 1: 2, millet and cowpea) in small plots. In addition, four parcels of pure millet grown in the past two years have been used as control. Analysis of variance revealed that for cowpea, biomass yield, seed, weight of hundred seeds and seed harvest index were significantly affected by the genotypes for two years. However, there is no significant effect on the density and cowpea genotypes on grain yields of millet. In 2014, the biomass yield millet density 2 was lower than the density of one. The density 2 increased yields of cowpea and millet slightly diminish those

    Réponse au Di-Ammonium Phosphate des Rendements en Feuilles, en Calices et en Graines des Écotypes d’oseille de Guinée (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) au Niger

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    Au Sahel, l’oseille est cultivée pour ses feuilles, ses graines et ses calices qui constituent une source de revenu pour les producteurs. Les essais ont été conduits dans les stations de recherche de l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRAN) de Tara/Gaya et Tarna/Maradi au Niger au cours des saisons de pluies 2015 et 2016 pour étudier l’effet de fertlisation minérale sur les écotypes d’oseille. Le dispositif expérimental était un split plot en blocs randomisés à quatre répétitions. Deux facteurs ont été étudiés : les écotypes d’oseille avec six niveaux (E1, E4, E5, E6, E7 et E8) et la fertilisation sous forme de Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) apportée à 3 différentes doses (0kg/ha, 25kg/ha et 50 kg/ha). A la récolte, les rendements en feuilles, calices et graines ont été évalués dans un carré de rendement de 10m2. Cette étude a montré que l’apport de fertilisation minérale (DAP) a permis d’augmenter les rendements en feuilles de 50%, en calices de 45% et en graines 30% sur le site de Tara/Gaya au cours de deux années expérimentations. Cependant, sur Tarna/Maradi, cette augmentation a été de 20% comparée aux témoins. La dose optimale de DAP qui améliore les rendements en feuilles et en calices au niveau des deux sites est de 50kg/ha. Pour les rendements en graines, elle est de 25kg/ha. Les rendements enregistrés sur le site de Tara/Gaya étaient supérieurs à ceux de Tarna/Maradi au cours des deux années d’expérimentation. Enfin, les rendements ont été plus élevés en 2015 au niveau des deux sites. In the Sahel, sorrel is grown for its leaves, seeds and calyxes which provide a source of income for producers. The trials were conducted in the research stations of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRAN) of Tara/Gaya and Tarna/Maradi in Niger during the 2015 and 2016 rainy seasons to study the effect of mineral fertilization on the sorrel ecotypes. The experimental device was a split plot in randomized blocks with four repetitions. Two factors were studied: the sorrel ecotypes with six levels (E1, E4, E5, E6, E7 and E8) and the fertilization in the form of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) provided at 3 different doses (0kg/ha, 25kg/ha and 50kg/ha). At harvest, yields of leaves, calices and seeds were evaluated in a yield square of 10m2. This study showed that the mineral fertilization supplement (DAP) allowed increasing leaf yields of 50%, 45% calyx and 30% seeds at the Tara/Gaya site during two years of experimentation. . However, on Tarna/Maradi, this increase was 20% compared to the witnesses. The optimal dose of DAP that improves leaf and calyx yields at both sites is 50kg/ha. For seed yields, it is 25kg / ha. The yields recorded at the Tara/Gaya site were higher than at Tarna/Maradi during the two years of experimentation. Lastly, yields were higher in 2015 at both sites

    Diversité Floristique de la Végétation de la Zone Centrale de l’Habitat des Girafes du Niger, Afrique de l’Ouest

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    La présente étude analyse la flore et la végétation en lien avec les variables environnementales de la zone centrale de l’habitat de la girafe. Les relevés floristiques ont été réalisés dans 60 placettes de 1000 m² et 94 de 2500 m² à l’aide de la méthode de Braun-Blanquet. Au total 103 espèces végétales ont été recensées. Ces espèces sont reparties en 84 genres dans 43 familles botaniques dont la plus importante est celle des Fabaceae (24 %), suivis par les Poaceae (10 %) les Malvaceae (7 %) et les Combretaceae (6 %). La Classification Hiérarchiques Ascendante a permis de distinguer quatre groupements végétaux au seuil de 74,76 % de similarité. Les variables environnementales comme la géomorphologie, la végétation, la texture du sol, l’altitude ont un effet significatif sur la distribution des espèces et la structuration de la végétation. On note aussi une prédominance des Thérophytes et des espèces à large distribution telles que les Paléotropicales et les Pantropicales dans la zone. Ces résultats révèlent le degré d’exploitation de la végétation de la zone par les populations locales et l’aridité du climat sahélien. This study analyzes the flora and vegetation in relation to the environmental variables of the central zone of the giraffe habitat. Floristic surveys were carried out in 60 plots of 1000 m² and 94 of 2500 m² using the Braun-Blanquet method. A total of 103 plant species have been recorded. These species are divided into 84 genera in 43 botanical families, the most important of which is Fabaceae (9 %), followed by Poaceae Malvaceae (7 %) and Combretaceae (6 %). The Ascending Hierarchical Classification made it possible to distinguish four plant groups at the threshold of 74.76% similarity. Environmental variables such as geomorphology, vegetation, soil texture, and altitude have a significant effect on the distribution of species and the structuring of vegetation. We also note a predominance of Therophytes and widely distributed species such as Paleotropicals and Pantropicals in the zone. These results reveal the degree of exploitation of the vegetation in the area by local populations and the aridity of the Sahelian climate