26 research outputs found

    Mod adaptasi pengurus Malaysia dalam syarikat multinasional asing dan impak ke atas strategi pembangunan sumber manusia

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    This paper will focused on locals (Malaysian) managers’ adaptation to organizational culture in foreign multinational corporation (MNC) operated in Malaysia. Theory about adaptation suggested that the successful in adaptation or acculturation are assimilation or integration. Many research indicated foreign workers especially expatriates managers’ working abroad tend to chose integration mode rather then assimilation when they adapted to the culture. This research showed the same pattern of adaptation mode when majority or 88 percent of Malaysian managers’ chose integration mode when they adapted to foreign MNC organizational culture compare to only 7% assimilation, 2% separation and 2% marginalization. This research also showed that local managers have an ability in adaptation to MNC organizational culture from any country. Their ability of adaptation should be concern by foreign company operated in Malaysia to plan their HRD strategy

    Perspekif orientalisme tentang Islam di Borneo

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    Orientalis Barat yang menulis tentang Islam di Borneo boleh dibahagikan kepada dua kelompok iaitu pertama, pengembara, padri atau jurnalis seperti Horace St. John dan Snouck Hurgronje. Sebahagian daripada mereka boleh bertutur dan menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu. Snouck Hogranje merupakan antara penulis yang berpengaruh sehingga menyumbang kepada pembentukan banyak polisi kerajaan Belanda di Indonesia. Kelompok kedua ialah daripada tokoh-tokoh imperialis yang terdiri daripada pentadbir atau pegawai kolonial seperti Stamford Raffles, Spenser St. John dan Hugh Low yang membuat polisi tetapi mereka juga kadang-kadang membuat catatan dan menulis buku-buku yang menjadi rujukan pengembara yang lain. James Brooke misalnya menjadikan karya Raffles sebagai panduan memahami sifat-sifat orang Melayu dan keadaan di Nusantara. Terdapat orientalis yang membuat penelitian dan penghuraian secara objektif mengenai masyarakat di Borneo. Begitu juga terdapat banyak penghuraian tentang pemerintahan, sistem sosio-budaya, tentang masyarakat Melayu-Islam dan tentang Islam itu sendiri dibuat secara yang tidak objektif, berat sebelah, prejudis, mempunyai sikap permusuhan dengan tujuan untuk memburuk-burukkan agama Islam dan penduduk peribumi. Antara perspektif yang paling menonjol tentang Islam di Borneo ialah penggunaan istilah ”mohammadenism” bagi merujuk kepada agama Islam. Konsep ini turut digunakan dalam persidangan-persidangan resmi kerajaan penjajah seperti ”Council Negeri” Sarawak. Bertolak daripada premis ini, tulisan ini akan mengupas pandangan bersifat orientalisme tentang Islam di Borneo berdasarkan sumber-sumber bersifat sejarah

    Penyeliaan klinikal sebagai moderator antara hubungan kemahiran klinikal dengan eksperimentasi latihan perubatan siswazah (housemanship)

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    This research was conducted in the Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor. The study aimed to identify the level of second year trainee doctor in clinical skills of learning usages and experimentation learning achievements while in housemanship. Moreover, researchers will also identify whether the clinical supervision react as a moderator or non-moderator. The data collection showed the researchers have 125 number of questionnaire returned. Researchers have made a pilot study and receiving the alpha cronbach value of realibility is highest. Additional, researchers used the descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (pearson correlation and regression of hierarchical reporting) for data analyses. Findings showed the level of clinical skills used and the level of experimentation learning achievements is high. The correlation analyse showed there are positive correlation between the clinical skills used and the level of experimentation learning achievements. However, based on regression analysis of hierarchical reporting, the relationship is not influenced by a clinical supervision moderator. Based on the results achieved, first hypothesis is accepted but the second hypothesis was rejected

    The supervision impact towards medical learning in experimentation evolution through the clinical knowledge and skills application

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    "This research conducted at Hospital Pakar Sultanah Fatimah, Johor. The purpose of this research is identifying the level of clinical skill and trainee doctor achievement in medical learning experimentation. Besides that, researcher will identify either the clinical supervision as a moderator or non-moderator. The data collected shown the researcher getting 98 of questionnaire returned. The researcher have been done do pilot study and the alpha cronbach finding is high. Next, the researcher analyse output through descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and percentage) and inferential statistic (pearson correlation and hierarchical regression. The output shown the level of clinical skills and knowledge used and the achievement of experimentation learning is high. The correlation analysis shown there are low positive correlation between clinical skills use with experimentation learning achievement. However, based on output the relationship is not influences by the supervision clinical moderator. The output shown the first hypothesis is accepted and second hypothesis was rejected

    Job Satisfaction and Commitment in The Era of Decentralization: Case Study of Family Planning Design

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    Implementation of law number 22 in the year of 1999 on regional autonomy has changed the management of government of Indonesia, both on the national scale and on a regional one. One of thegovernment institutions that got its impact is Family Planning Program. This program has implications, not only to advisor’s attitudes and work behaviors, such as job performance and working motivation but also to government commitment on the reception and implementation of this program namely formation of family planning institutions at theregional level.One of the attitudes indicated by the advisor in the form of complaints related to salary wages and operating costs are not considered balance with the workload that causes themotivation and performance of work decrease. Other phenomena are to turn over the workers in the family planning and other government institutions. Accumulation of these could be the cue of advisors’ weak commitment towards their institutions. Implications: This study can provide an understanding of job satisfaction and increase the extension's commitment in performing its duties

    Comparing the relationship between perceived characteristics of innovation (PCI) and adoption of computer based training among trainer and trainees

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the factors associated with the adoption of innovation perceived by trainer and trainees namely “perceived characteristics of innovation (PCI)” in using CBT and also to compare this relationship among trainer and trainees.The data were collected by using a set of questionnaire.The questionnaire has been designed by adopting the instruments of Perceived Characteristic of Innovation (PCI) and Adoption Questionnaire.Then, the collected data have been analyzed by using Pearson’s Correlation, regression and Z-Fisher.The finding shows that there is positive relationship between PCI and adoption, and there is a significant different in relation on compatibility factor and the adoption level on computer based training between trainers and trainees

    Effect of leader-member exchange, psychological empowerment, workplace spirituality towards transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior among nurses

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    Transformational leadership, leader-member exchange (LMX), workplace spirituality and psychological empowerment have been given the credit of bringing success to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in an organization. Thusly, this research will investigate the role of transformational leadership on OCB especially within the context of Malaysia’s nurses. Furthermore, it is expected that the efficient role of transformational leadership relies on LMX on interaction to OCB. Additionally, the presence of workplace spirituality as a moderator among subordinate may affect relationship between LMX and OCB. Lastly, the effect of psychological empowerment as a moderator between transformational leadership and OCB also will be studied. The research method will be conducted as a cross-sectional study which the data will be collected by using questionnairebased survey. Transformational leadership will be measured by adapted from Multiple Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) by Bass (1985), OCB from Organ (1988), LMX adapted from LMX-7 by Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995), workplace spirituality from Milliman et al., (2003) and psychological empowerment will be adapted from Spreitzer (1995). The total population of this research is 5084 and a minimum sample size is 1396. The hospitals will be divided into five zone clusters. The fishbowl technique and systematic sampling design will be applied. The data will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

    Developing items using by pilot test, confirmatory factor analysis statistical in literacy for communication and supervision clinical elements provider

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    This research about the communication and supervision developments as an element in the future set of questionnaire. The set of questionnaire aspect need regarding medical learning of trainee doctor. The selected of two elements based on previous research, the theory and model support the importance of both. The researcher also use several of set a questionnaire from previous of research as adaptation process to create the elements and further the strength by validity testing via experts of study. A number of samples selected as respondents are 222 from 250 number of population. Referring on research objective achievement, the number of items has been changed after validity test. For the reliability test, all items after validity test selected are accepted. The confirmatory factor analysis has been shown that two items from communication elements and two items from supervision have been rejected. The final decision numbers of items in communication elements are eight, while in supervision are 12 items

    Critical review: assessing and seeking the intricacy or discrepancy of ulrich model transforming paradigm in organization human resource

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    "Human Resource (HR) transformation need to enlargement the influence in an organisation. Nonetheless, regard the admonition; change determinations that focus completely on improving human resource (HR) are bounce to fail. Dave Ulrich is the human resource founder and has qualified with evolving the human resource business mate, model and other dominant ideas in books including ""HR Champions"" and ""The HR Value Proposition"". Besides, Ulrich explains the six competencies HR be required to develop to accept the challenges of the worldwide economic crisis, globalisation, technological innovations and other change. His argument about Human resources rises to the people employed by an organization. Quantity the value of human resources verifies difficult due to lack of standard and traditional measures such as those related with permanent and liquid assets. For example, human resource cannot depreciate like physical resources, nor do they reflect the net value of an organization as financial resources accomplish. Human resources are just as important as physical and financial resources. Regrettably, organizational leaders and managers frequently overlook this actuality since human resources not used to reflect the organisation’s achievement.

    A model of doctor-patient communication and information seeking a study among trainee or junior doctors in Malaysian hospital

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the doctors-patients communication style and their information seeking practiced among doctors under training or junior doctors in Malaysian hospital. Two types of communication styles evaluated are doctor centered and patient centered communication. Meanwhile, elements of information seeking practice evaluated are exploration of the reason for encounter, history taking, concrete solutions, structuring the interview, interpersonal skills and communicative skills. These six elements were categorized into interview skills and process skills. This information seeking skills have been derived from meta-analysis conducted by Stewart and Roter (1989). We combined the doctors-patients communication style and information seeking practice to develop a model based on four quadrants namely doctors-interview, doctors-process, patient-interview and patient-process. The subjects for this research are doctors under training or junior doctors in Malaysia. This explorative research distributed a set of questionnaires in order to collect data for analysis. The result show that the doctors under training or junior doctors tend to practice doctor-centered styles compare to patient-centered. Meanwhile, most of them demonstrate all the information seeking practice at a high level. Based on four quadrants developed by researcher, research shows that the doctors mostly categorized in doctor-centered communication style and interview information-seeking skills. We suggested that doctors should be more patient-oriented rather than doctor oriented. We also suggested the model that we developed can be used as a model of communication pattern of the doctors and can be used for future research