35 research outputs found

    İleri Glikasyon Son Ürünlerinin Gebelik Üzerine Etkisi

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    İleri glikasyon son ürünleri, çok çeşitli yapısal ve fonksiyonel özelliklere sahip, herhangi bir canlı organizmada oluşan ve enzimatik olmayan bileşiklerdir. İleri glikasyon son ürünleri reseptöre veya doğrudan hücre dışı matrikse bağlanır ve hücre dışı moleküllerin istenilen şekilde çalışmamasına yol açar. İleri glikasyon son ürünleri ve reseptör etkileşimleri inflamasyon, oksidatif stres, vasküler hiperpermeabilite ile sonuçlanarak vaskülatürde homeostatik bozulmaya neden olur. Oksidatif bozukluklar ve inflamasyon; gestasyonel diyabet, preeklemsi, erken doğum, erken membran rüptürü ve tekrarlayan gebelik kaybı gibi olumsuz gebelik sonuçları ile ilişkilidir. Literatüre bakıldığında inflamasyon fetal membranları zayıflatarak erken rüptüre ve erken doğuma sebep olabilmektedir. İleri glikasyon son ürünleri düzeyinin yüksek olması ve bozulmuş metabolik durumun gebelikte preeklemsinin fizyopatolojisine etki ettiği gestasyonel diabetes mellitus ve tekrarlayan gebelik kayıpları ile ilişkilendirildiği belirtilmektedir. Çalışmalar, gebelik ve AGE’lerin düzeyi arasında güçlü bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. AGE’ler ve gebelik arasındaki nedensel ilişkiyi bulmak için daha iyi tasarlanmış çalışmalar yapılması literatür açısından önem taşımaktadır

    Urban Landscapes

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    The issue focuses on philosophies and designs that shape our cities on a broader scale; exploring different approaches between architecture, built environment, and nature; from material to medicinal plants, from plant scale to urban and social sciences. The issue examines the natural and built environment in Istanbul through the relationship between urban planning, urban space, architecture, and landscape architecture. It focuses on designs made in different parts of Istanbul between natural areas and built areas in the city. The urban landscape is an effective and important design process that includes the interaction of architecture, city planning, and landscape architecture disciplines and creates the living environment of people within and between buildings. It has a complementary and important effect in the process of providing and maintaining the physical, physiological, psychological, and social needs of its users. It covers structural design and furniture location selection and design as well as planting. The special issue on Urban Landscape covers this concept; It has a content setup that starts from the upper scale and shrinks towards the building scale.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Resting-state EEG alpha/theta power ratio discriminates early-onset Alzheimer's disease from healthy controls

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    © 2021 International Federation of Clinical NeurophysiologyObjectives: The present study aims to compare early-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD) patients with healthy controls (HC), and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD) patients using resting-state delta, theta, alpha, and beta oscillations and provide a cut-off score of alpha/theta ratio to discriminate individuals with EOAD and young HC. Methods: Forty-seven individuals with EOAD, 51 individuals with LOAD, and demographically-matched 49 young and 51 older controls were included in the study. Spectral-power analysis using Fast-Fourier Transformation (FFT) is performed on resting-state electroencephalography (EEG) data. Delta, theta, alpha, and beta oscillations compared between groups and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was conducted. Results: Compared to healthy controls individuals with EOAD showed an increase in slow frequency bands and a decrease in fast frequency bands. Frontal alpha/theta power ratio is the best discriminating value between EOAD and young HC with the sensitivity and specificity greater than 80% with area under the curve (AUC) 0.881. Conclusions: EOAD display more widespread and severe electrophysiological abnormalities than LOAD and HC which may reflect more pronounced pathological burden and cholinergic deficits in EOAD. Additionally, the alpha/theta ratio can discriminate EOAD and young HC successfully. Significance: This study is the first to report that resting-state EEG power can be a promising marker for diagnostic accuracy between EOAD and healthy controls

    Sudden Death Due To Rupture Of Dissection Of The Aorta: Three Cases

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    Acute aorta dissection is an urgent condition that presented with chest pain, back or abdominalpain and usually resulted with death. We presented three autopsy performed cases thatdetermined cardiac tamponade developed secondary to aortic dissection. Three of them weremale and their ages were 36, 49 and 62 years. Death was occurred after back and epigastric painin two patients while other patient was found dead in home. All of them did not have any diseasein history. Death rates could be reduced under to %50 with intervention on time so the possibilityof aorta dissection must not be forgotten in cases with abdomen, thorax or back pain onadmission