12 research outputs found

    Affective-semiotic fields and the dialogical analysis of values and interpersonal relations in socio-educational contexts

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    The chapter deals with the contributions of the dialogical perspective in psychology to the promotion of human development processes in socio-educational contexts, highlighting the axioms of Dialogical psychology, and the theories promoting the importance of the affective-semiotic fields in the actions of personal/professional development of social-educators who work in the Brazilian System of Socio-Educational Service. The first part of the chapter contextualizes the reader about the dialogical perspective in psychology, presenting its epistemological foundations, its history as a field of study and its future tendencies. The second part critically reflects upon the previously mentioned concepts, from investigations on the promotion of human development within the Brazilian System of Socio-Educational Service that works with adolescents who have been charged with infractions by the Juvenile Justice System. The analysis focuses on meanings/senses expressed by social-educators regarding the interpersonal relationships established with the adolescents. The values, subjective positionings, and meanings built in this professional relationship were used as empirical indicators for analyzing socio-educational interventions. The chapter closes with a synthesis of the main contributions of the dialogical approach to Developmental psychology, from a semiotic-cultural perspective. We highlight the relevance of affective-semiotic fields as an instrument for analyzing interventions in these specific contexts for proposing conceptual alternatives, which can be extended to other applicable areas in psychology and education.Faculdade de Educação (FE

    Direitos humanos e democracia na educação infantil: atuação do psicólogo escolar em uma associação pró-educação Human rights and democracy in children's education: the role of the school psychologist at a pro-education association

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    A educação em/para os Direitos Humanos demanda a discussĂŁo do papel da escola na formação para a cidadania. Essa formação deve considerar a necessidade do ideal de democracia estar em todos os nĂ­veis do contexto escolar, da proposta pedagĂłgica Ă  organização polĂ­tico-administrativa. Nesta pesquisa utilizamos o conhecimento adquirido por uma experiĂȘncia de atuação em psicologia escolar em uma instituição de Educação Infantil de BrasĂ­lia que Ă© uma associação de pais, professores e funcionĂĄrios. O objetivo foi discutir como o psicĂłlogo escolar participava da implementação da noção de democracia no cotidiano da escola e auxiliava a construção da coerĂȘncia entre o projeto polĂ­tico pedagĂłgico e as prĂĄticas educacionais voltadas para a criança. A anĂĄlise dessa experiĂȘncia mostrou a importĂąncia da psicologia na construção de uma educação para a democracia que trabalhe junto aos educandos nĂŁo apenas o conhecimento de seus direitos, mas a aprendizagem e o desenvolvimento de prĂĄticas cidadĂŁs.<br>The issue of Human Rights education demands a discussion about the role of the school in developing student citizenship. This process should consider the need for the ideal of democracy to be in every level of the school context; from the pedagogical proposal to its administrative and political organization. In this research we used the knowledge obtained through an experience with school psychology at a children's education institution in BrasĂ­lia that is an association of parents, teachers and employees. The goal is to discuss how the school psychologist participated in implementing the notion of democracy into the school's routine, helped building coherence between the political and pedagogical project, in addition to the educational practices involving the children. The analysis showed how important psychology is in developing a democratic education that focuses not only on teaching the students their rights, but also on learning and developing practices of citizenship

    RelaçÔes de gĂȘnero e ruralidade nos projetos vitais e noçÔes de si de jovens mulheres

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    Resumo O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa com 48 jovens mulheres do meio rural do Rio Grande do Sul, focando aspectos do protejo vital e marcadores identitĂĄrios presentes na construção dos mesmos. A aproximação metodolĂłgica consistiu de uma combinação entre entrevistas narrativas de carĂĄter biogrĂĄfico e uma proposta de fotocomposição, ambas com roteiro de produção semiestruturada. Os resultados indicam que as relaçÔes comunitĂĄrias de ruralidade e de gĂȘnero sĂŁo importantes marcos dos projetos vitais dessas jovens, que pendem entre leituras tradicionais dos papĂ©is de gĂȘnero e possibilidades subversivas do feminino, em um processo narrativo dialĂłgico